1,278 research outputs found

    Regulation and resistance : migrant and refugee women's negotiation of sexual and reproductive health

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    The way in which women construct and experience their sexual and reproductive health is dependent on the cultural, historical and political context in which they are embedded. Research conducted in the West has primarily explored sexual and reproductive health from the perspectives of White, middle-class, educated women, with less research considering the beliefs and practices of women with other intersecting identities; including adult migrant and refugee women from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Increasing our knowledge of constructions and practices surrounding sexual and reproductive health is important in understanding the conditions that shape a woman’s embodied experience, particularly within the context of migrant and refugee diaspora. It is also of growing importance due to migrant and refugee women’s underutilisation of sexual and reproductive healthcare services. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis was to explore how recent migrant and refugee women negotiate discourses and practices in relation to their sexual and reproductive health, when transitioning from countries where cultural constructions and practices associated with sexuality and reproduction may differ from those of their new countries of residence, Australia or Canada. Aspects of women’s sexual and reproductive health covered in this thesis are: menarche and menstruation, sexuality prior to marriage, sexual agency within marriage and women’s fertility and fertility control. In this study 78 individual interviews and 15 focus groups (with a total of 82 participants) were conducted with women who had migrated from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, and South America. A material-discursive-intrapsychic theoretical framework was adopted, situated within a critical realist epistemological paradigm. Intersectionality was also drawn on to consider how categories of difference, such as gender, culture and religion intersect to shape women’s lives, practices and discourses. Constructions and experiences of sexual and reproductive health were analysed using thematic-decomposition. Across each of the cultural groups who took part in this study, cultural and religious discourse intersected to regulate women through their sexual and reproductive bodies. Regulation began at the beginning of the reproductive life cycle, where a discourse of shame, secrecy and silence prohibited women from learning about their reproductive bodies at menarche, contributing to women’s negative attitudes towards menstruation. It continued through adulthood, with a virginity imperative serving to inhibit young women from exploring themselves as sexual beings prior to marriage. Cultural and religious discourse and practice shaped the way women entered into marital relationships and the manner in which women could express themselves sexually. It also strongly influenced women’s fertility practices and autonomy in relation to contraceptive choices. While patriarchal cultural and religious discourse did effectively regulate many participants’ sexual rights, subjectivity and agency, other women gave accounts that suggested they were challenging or resisting these hegemonic discourses to negotiate their own meanings and practices in relation to sexual and reproductive health. Women’s experiences were not static or monolithic, but complex and fluid, demonstrating heterogeneity in cultural and religious discourse and practices associated with women’s sexual and reproductive bodies, both across, and within, the cultural groups interviewed. The findings of this thesis provide insight into the everyday lived experiences of migrant and refugee women’s sexual and reproductive health across significant aspects of their sexual and reproductive life-course. The broader implications of these findings suggest that migrant and refugee women need access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and healthcare services that reflect their complex sexual and reproductive health needs. Implications of these findings for future research are also examined

    Integrated microgyroscope

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    SalCon Technology Corporation is developing a prototype electrostatically suspended micromechanical gyroscope in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program under Contracts 19282, and 19585 from NASA Langley Research Center. This paper presents the results of the Phase 1 feasibility study and the plans for fabrication in the upcoming Phase 2 program

    Development of magnetostrictive active members for control of space structures

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    The goal of this Phase 2 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) project was to determine the technical feasibility of developing magnetostrictive active members for use as truss elements in space structures. Active members control elastic vibrations of truss-based space structures and integrate the functions of truss structure element, actively controlled actuator, and sensor. The active members must control structural motion to the sub-micron level and, for many proposed space applications, work at cryogenic temperatures. Under this program both room temperature and cryogenic temperature magnetostrictive active members were designed, fabricated, and tested. The results of these performance tests indicated that room temperature magnetostrictive actuators feature higher strain, stiffness, and force capability with lower amplifier requirements than similarly sized piezoelectric or electrostrictive active members, at the cost of higher mass. Two different cryogenic temperature magnetostrictive materials were tested at liquid nitrogen temperatures, both with larger strain capability than the room temperature magnetostrictive materials. The cryogenic active member development included the design and fabrication of a cryostat that allows operation of the cryogenic active member in a space structure testbed

    A five year outbreak of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus phage type 53,85 in a regional neonatal unit

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    We identified a 5-year outbreak of a methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) strain, affecting 202 babies on a neonatal unit, by routine weekly phage typing all S. aureus isolates. Multiple staged control measures including strict emphasis on hand hygiene, environmental and staff surveillance sampling, and application of topical hexachlorophane powder failed to end the outbreak. S. aureus PT 53,85 (SA5385) was found on opened packs of StomahesiveŽ, used as a neonatal skin protectant. Only following the implementation of aseptic handling of StomahesiveŽ, and the use of topical mupirocin for staff nasal carriers of SA5385, and for babies colonized or infected with S. aureus, did the isolation rate of SA5385 decline. DNA fingerprinting indicated that [gt-or-equal, slanted]95% of SA5385 isolates were clonal. In vitro death rates of SA5385 on StomahesiveŽ with human serum were significantly lower than on StomahesiveŽ alone (P = 0¡04), and on cotton sheet with serum (P = 0¡04), highlighting the potential of this material as a survival niche. Phage typing remains a valuable, inexpensive and simple method for monitoring nosocomial MSSA infection

    Evolution of a clade of acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1, lineage 1 via acquisition of carbapenem- and aminoglycoside-resistance genes and dispersion of ISAba1

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    Š 2019 The Authors. Resistance to carbapenem and aminoglycoside antibiotics is a critical problem in Acinetobacter baumannii, particularly when genes conferring resistance are acquired by multiply or extensively resistant members of successful globally distributed clonal complexes, such as global clone 1 (GC1). Here, we investigate the evolution of an expanding clade of lineage 1 of the GC1 complex via repeated acquisition of carbapenem-and aminoglycoside-resistance genes. Lineage 1 arose in the late 1970s and the Tn6168/OCL3 clade arose in the late 1990s from an ancestor that had already acquired resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. Between 2000 and 2002, two distinct subclades have emerged, and they are distinguishable via the presence of an integrated phage genome in subclade 1 and AbaR4 (carrying the oxa23 carbapenem-resistance gene in Tn2006) at a specific chromosomal location in subclade 2. Part or all of the original resistance gene cluster in the chromosomally located AbaR3 has been lost from some isolates, but plasmids carrying alternate resistance genes have been gained. In one group in subclade 2, the chromosomally located AbGRI3, carrying the armA aminoglycoside-resistance gene, has been acquired from a GC2 isolate and incorporated via homologous recombination. ISAba1 entered the common ancestor of this clade as part of the cephalosporin-resistance transposon Tn6168 and has dispersed differently in each subclade. Members of subclade 1 share an ISAba1 in one specific position in the chromosome and in subclade 2 two different ISAba1 locations are shared. Further shared ISAba1 locations distinguish further divisions, potentially providing simple markers for epidemiological studies

    Beyond the individual in the evolution of language

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    This thesis concerns the evolution of language. A proliferation of theoretical models have been presented in recent years purporting to offer evolutionary accounts for various aspects of modern languages. These models rely heavily on abstract mechanistic models of the production and reception of language by modern humans, drawn from various approaches in linguistics which aim at such models. A very basic and ubiquitous assumption is that expressions have meaning in virtue of being associated with internal representations, and that therefore the evolution of language can be modelled on the basis of individuals trying to produce external manifestations of these internal “meanings”. I examine the role of this assumption in language evolution theorising, and review evidence from neuroscience and first language acquisition relevant to the validity of this assumption. The chaotic nature of the relationship between “meaning” and the brain undermines the supposition that the evolution of language was driven by spontaneous association between internal structures and external forms. I then turn to the philosophical basis of language evolution theorising, adopting a Wittgensteinian perspective on the cognitive interpretation of linguistic theories. I argue that the theoretical apparatus of such approaches is embedded in language games whose complicated rules relate to linguistic behaviour (and idealisations of that behaviour) but not to neural organisation. The reinterpretation of such descriptions of language as descriptions of the internal structures of language users is rejected as a grammatical confusion: if the rules for constructing linguistic theory descriptions do not mention neural structures, then theoretical descriptions of the linguistic abilities of an individual say nothing non-trivial about their internal brain structure. I do not deny that it would, in principle, be possible to reduce linguistic theories (reinterpreted as mechanistic descriptions) to neural structures, but claim that this possibility is guaranteed only by leaving the practice of re-describing physical brain descriptions entirely unconstrained. Thus the idea that we can reasonably infer the behaviour of humans and prehumans in more primitive communicative environments by manipulation of the models of linguistic theories is unfounded: we have no idea how such a manipulation would translate into statements about neural organisation, and so no idea how plausible such statements about earlier neural organisation (and the resultant behaviours) are. As such, cognitive interpretations of linguistic theories provide no better ground for statements about behaviour during earlier stages in the evolution of language than guessing. Rejecting internal-mechanism based accounts as unfounded leaves the evolution of language unexplained. In the latter parts of this thesis, I offer a more neutral approach which is sensitive to the limited possibilities available for making predictions about human (and pre-human) behaviour at earlier stages in the evolution of language. Rather than focusing on the individual and imputed internal language machinery, the account considers the communicative affordances available to individuals. The shifts in what individuals can learn to do in interaction with others, that result in turn from the learning of interactive practices by others, form the basis of this account. General trends in the development of communicative affordances are used to account for generalisations over attested semantic change, and to suggest how certain aspects of modern language use developed without simply assuming that it is “natural” for humans to (spontaneously) behave in these ways. The model is used in an account of the evolution and common structure of colour terms across different languages

    Officiality and strategic ambiguity in language policy: exploring migrant experiences in Andorra and Luxembourg

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    This article examines de jure language officialization policies in Andorra and Luxembourg, and addresses how these are discursively reproduced, sustained or challenged by members of resident migrant communities in the two countries. Although the two countries bear similarities in their small size, extensive multilingualism and the pride of place accorded to the ‘small’ languages of Catalan and Luxembourgish respectively, they have adopted different strategies as regards according official status to the languages spoken there. We start by undertaking a close reading of language policy documents and highlight the ways that they are informed by ‘strategic ambiguity’, wherein certain key elements are deliberately left open to interpretation via a range of textual strategies. We then conduct a thematic analysis of individual speaker testimonies to understand how this strategic ambiguity impacts on the ways that speakers negotiate fluid multilingual practices while also having to navigate rigid monolingual regimes. In given contexts, these hierarchies privilege Catalan in Andorra and Luxembourgish in Luxembourg, particularly in relation to the regimentation of migrants' linguistic behaviour. In this way, the paper provides insights into the complex ideological fields in which small languages are situated and demonstrates the ways in which language policy is intertwined with issues of power and dominance

    Managing the premenstrual body : a body mapping study of women's negotiation of premenstrual food cravings and exercise

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    Background: Women’s eating behaviours and exercise patterns have been found to fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, manifested by premenstrual food cravings and reduced exercise. However, the meaning and consequences of premenstrual changes in eating and exercise behaviours remains underexplored. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how women who feel negatively about their premenstrual bodies construct and experience premenstrual changes to eating and exercise practices, which disrupt their usual patterns of body management. Methods: Four hundred and sixty women aged 18–45 completed an online survey in response to a Facebook advertisement targeted at women who feel negatively about their bodies during the premenstrual phase of the cycle. Participants reported moderate premenstrual distress, high body shame and high risk of disordered eating attitudes using standardised measures. Sixteen women reporting rich accounts of premenstrual body dissatisfaction were invited to participate in body-mapping, involving visually illustrating experiences on a life-sized outline of the body, followed by a telephone interview. Thematic analysis was used to explore qualitative survey, interview, and body mapping data. Results and discussion: Results found that outside of the premenstrual phase these women engaged in restrictive eating and intensive exercise behaviours, which were disrupted by premenstrual cravings, hunger, fatigue, pain and feeling physically uncomfortable. For a minority of the women, this facilitated self-care in reducing the strict management of their bodies during the premenstrual phase. Others experienced feelings of guilt, shame, self-disgust and pushed their bodies physically through increased exercise. Conclusions: These findings emphasise the need to acknowledge changes in body management across the menstrual cycle, with implications for women’s mental health and feelings about the self. Internalisation of pressures placed on women to manage their bodies through restrictive eating behaviours and rigorous exercise plays a role in women’s premenstrual body dissatisfaction and distress. Plain English summary: The current study aimed to explore how women who feel negatively about their premenstrual bodies construct and experience premenstrual changes to eating and exercise practices. Outside of the premenstrual phase these women engaged in restrictive eating and intensive exercise behaviours which were disrupted by premenstrual cravings, hunger, fatigue, pain and feeling physically uncomfortable. Some women allowed themselves to take a premenstrual break from their usual strict eating and exercise behaviours, whereas others felt guilt, shame, self-disgust and physically pushed their bodies through increased exercise. These findings emphasise that changes to eating and exercise behaviours across the menstrual cycle and pressures placed on women to manage their eating and exercise behaviours have implications for women’s premenstrual distress and body dissatisfaction
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