714 research outputs found

    Investment in Human Capital of a Powerful Interest Group: The Case of the Medical Profession in Britain, France, Sweden and the United States from 1890 to 1970

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    This paper presents a new agenda for analyzing the consequences from investments in human capital by suggesting that sociological research should focus on particular sectors of society, that performances other than economic growth and productivity should be considered, and that the role of the state influences the impact which investments in human capital have on system performance. The research assesses the impact which investments in doctors and medical specialists have on social effectiveness (measured as reductions in mortality) and social efficiency (the level of health achieved relative to the cost per capita) in Britain, France, Sweden and the United States during the period between 1890 and 1970. In addition to evaluating the impact of investments in human capital on social efficiency and social effectiveness, the paper contributes to the literature on the state by developing measures for assessing the contribution of state structure on system performance. As hypothesized, investments in human capital are socially effective but not socially efficient. When the state intervenes in the delivery of medical care, it has a multiplier effect on the impact of human capital on social effectiveness.Dieses Papier stellt einen neuen Anlauf zur Analyse der Konsequenzen von Investitionen in Humankapital dar, indem es vorschlägt, sich in der Forschung auf spezifische Gesellschaftsbereiche zu konzentrieren, daß Leistungsmaße jenseits ökonomischen Wachstums und ökonomischer Produktivität Berücksichtigung finden. Auch der intervenierende Einfluß des Staates auf die Wirkungen, welche Investitionen in Humankapital auf die Leistungsfähigkeiten des Systems haben, sollte berücksichtigt werden. Die in diesem Aufsatz dargestellte Forschung schätzt die Wirkungen ab, welche Investitionen in Ärzte und medizinische Spezialisten auf die soziale Effektivität (gemessen als Verminderung von Sterblichkeit) und soziale Effizienz (das Gesundheitsniveau im Verhältnis zu den Gesundheitskosten per Einwohner) in Großbritannien, Frankreich, Schweden und den Vereinigten Staaten während des Zeitraums von 1890 bis 1970 hatten. Über diese Evaluation hinaus ist der Aufsatz ein Beitrag zur staatstheoretischen Literatur, indem er Maße entwickelt, mit denen die Wirkung staatlicher Strukturen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit spezifischer Systeme abgeschätzt werden können. Investitionen in Humankapital erweisen sich als sozial effektiv aber nicht effizient. Immer dann, wenn der Staat in das System medizinischer Dienstleistungen eingreift, hat dies einen Multiplikationseffekt hinsichtlich des Einflusses von Humankapital auf soziale Effektivität.1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Framework 2.1 Human Capital and Social Effectiveness 2.2 Human Capital and Social Efficiency 2.3 Physicians-, the State, and Social Performances 3. Research Design, Data, and Methodology 3.1 The Dependent Variables: Social Effectiveness and Social Efficiency 3.2 The Independent Variables 3.3 Data 3.4 Data Analytic Techniques 4. Findings 4.1 Trends in Mortality and Social Efficiency 4.2 Human Capital Investment and Social Effectiveness 4.3 Human Capital Investment and Social Efficiency 5. Discussion Appendix: Data Sources Bibliograph

    Investment in Human Capital of a Powerful Interest Group: The Case of the Medical Profession in Britain, France, Sweden and the United States from 1890 to 1970

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    Das Papier untersucht die Genese und Institutionalisierung der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft als Organisation für die Vertragsforschung im außeruniversitären Forschungssystem der Bundesrepublik. In der Folge interorganisatorischer Domänenkonf likte wurde die Gesellschaft in der Mitte der fünfziger Jahre zunächst aus der Forschungsfinanzierung des Bundes ausgeschlossen. Im Interesse ihrer Überlebenssicherung nutzte sie die Gelegenheit, mit Unterstützung vor allem durch das Land Baden-Württemberg in der industriellen Vertragsforschung tätig zu werden, drohte mit diesem Konzept aber an Schwellenproblemen zu scheitern. Militärische Forschungsmittel ermöglichten es der Gesellschaft, diese Schwellenprobleme zu überwinden und ein moderates, aber stabiles Wachstum der zivilen Vertragsforschung herbeizuführen. An diese Entwicklung knüpfte die Reform der Gesellschaft durch die Bundesregierung und ihr Ausbau zur Trägerorganisation in der angewandten Forschung am Anfang der siebziger Jahre lediglich an. Das "Modell Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft" beruht auf institutionellen Strukturen, die sich in einem Prozeß von situativ ineinandergreifenden Verkettungen und einer daraus resultierenden pfad-abhängigen Wachstumsdynamik der Vertragsforschung herausgebildet haben.This paper examines the genesis and institutionalization of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) as an organization for contract-research in the West-German research system outside the universities. As a result of interorganizational conf licts of domain in the midf ifties, the FhG was for the time being excluded from state-funding. The society survived by taking the chance of conducting contract-research subsidized mainly by Baden-Württemberg. The concept of contractresearch, however, was on the brink of failure due to threshold-problems. Military research funds made it possible for the FhG to cross these threshold-problems and to induce a moderate but stable growth of civilian contract-research. The reformation of the society by the federal government and its extension to the mainly responsible institution in the field of applied research during the early seventies only picked up this development. The "Modell Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft" is based on institutional structures which emerged in a process of situative "lock-ins" leading to a pathdependend increase of contract-research

    Lunar lander conceptual design

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    A conceptual design is presented of a Lunar Lander, which can be the primary vehicle to transport the equipment necessary to establish a surface lunar base, the crew that will man the base, and the raw materials which the Lunar Station will process. A Lunar Lander will be needed to operate in the regime between the lunar surface and low lunar orbit (LLO), up to 200 km. This lander is intended for the establishment and operation of a manned surface base on the moon and for the support of the Lunar Space Station. The lander will be able to fulfill the requirements of 3 basic missions: A mission dedicated to delivering maximum payload for setting up the initial lunar base; Multiple missions between LLO and lunar surface dedicated to crew rotation; and Multiple missions dedicated to cargo shipments within the regime of lunar surface and LLO. A complete set of structural specifications is given

    Association between co-authorship network and scientific productivity and impact indicators in academic medical research centers: A case study in Iran

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to examine the co-authorship networks in three successful Iranian academic research centers, in order to find the association between the scientific productivity and impact indicators with network features in a case study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched for English articles of the three research centers. We drew co-authorship maps of each center and calculated social network measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The collaboration networks in centers shared many structural features, including a "star-like" pattern of relations. Centers with more successful scientific profile showed denser and more cooperative networks. Key figures in each center were interviewed for their understandings of the reasons for the emergence of these patterns.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Star shape network structure and dependency on a single big member is a common feature observed in our case study. Scientific output measures correlate with the network structure of research centers. Network analysis seems a useful method to explore the subtle scientific contexts in research organizations.</p

    New apparatus for DTA at 2000 bar: thermodynamic studies on Au, Ag, Al and HTSC oxides

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    A new DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) device was designed and installed in a Hot Isostatic Pressure (HIP) furnace in order to perform high-pressure thermodynamic investigations up to 2 kbar and 1200C. Thermal analysis can be carried out in inert or oxidising atmosphere up to p(O2) = 400 bar. The calibration of the DTA apparatus under pressure was successfully performed using the melting temperature (Tm) of pure metals (Au, Ag and Al) as standard calibration references. The thermal properties of these metals have been studied under pressure. The values of DV (volume variation between liquid and solid at Tm), ROsm (density of the solid at Tm) and ALPHAm (linear thermal expansion coefficient at Tm) have been extracted. A very good agreement was found with the existing literature and new data were added. This HP-DTA apparatus is very useful for studying the thermodynamics of those systems where one or more volatile elements are present, such as high TC superconducting oxides. DTA measurements have been performed on Bi,Pb(2223) tapes up to 2 kbar under reduced oxygen partial pressure (p(O2) = 0.07 bar). The reaction leading to the formation of the 2223 phase was found to occur at higher temperatures when applying pressure: the reaction DTA peak shifted by 49C at 2 kbar compared to the reaction at 1 bar. This temperature shift is due to the higher stability of the Pb-rich precursor phases under pressure, as the high isostatic pressure prevents Pb from evaporating.Comment: 6 figures, 3 tables, Thermodynamics, Thermal property, Bi-2223, fundamental valu

    Experience of developing Twitter-based communities of practice in higher education

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    This article presents the results of a case study of the use of a microblogging tool by a university academic to increase their knowledge and experience of social media for educational purposes. The academic had the role of digital steward in a university and attempted to use microblogging (Twitter) to increase professional contacts within the framework of a community of practice. Several types of data were collected and analysed. These included the structure of the network arising from the links formed with others by microblogging, the similarity of stated interests between the academic and others in the network, and the contents of postings such as their external references. It was found that a personal network had been established, with some of the characteristics of a community of practice. The activity demonstrated the utility of social media in supporting the professional development of academic staff using technology

    Skin flora: Differences Between People Affected by Albinism and Those with Normally Pigmented Skin in Northern Tanzania - Cross Sectional Study.

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    Skin flora varies from one site of the body to another. Individual's health, age and gender determine the type and the density of skin flora. A 1  cm² of the skin on the sternum was rubbed with sterile cotton swab socked in 0.9% normal saline and plated on blood agar. This was cultured at 35 °C. The bacteria were identified by culturing on MacConkey agar, coagulase test, catalase test and gram staining. Swabs were obtained from 66 individuals affected by albinism and 31 individuals with normal skin pigmentation. Those with normal skin were either relatives or staying with the individuals affected by albinism who were recruited for the study. The mean age of the 97 recruited individuals was 30.6 (SD ± 14.9) years. The mean of the colony forming units was 1580.5 per cm2. Those affected by albinism had a significantly higher mean colony forming units (1680  CFU per cm²) as compared with 453.5  CFU per cm² in those with normally pigmented skin (p = 0.023). The skin type and the severity of sun- damaged skin was significantly associated with a higher number of colony forming units (p = 0.038). Individuals affected by albinism have a higher number of colony forming units which is associated with sun- damaged skin

    Advanced Analysis Techniques for Intra-cardiac Flow Evaluation from 4D Flow MRI

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    Time-resolved 3D velocity-encoded MR imaging with velocity encoding in three directions (4D Flow) has emerged as a novel MR acquisition technique providing detailed information on flow in the cardiovascular system. In contrast to other clinically available imaging techniques such as echo-Doppler, 4D Flow MRI provides the 3D Flow velocity field within a volumetric region of interest over the cardiac cycle. This work reviews the most recent advances in the development and application of dedicated image analysis techniques for the assessment of intra-cardiac flow features from 4D Flow MRI.Novel image analysis techniques have been developed for extraction of relevant intra-cardiac flow features from 4D Flow MRI, which have been successfully applied in various patient cohorts and volunteer studies. Disturbed flow patterns have been linked with valvular abnormalities and ventricular dysfunction. Recent technical advances have resulted in reduced scan times and improvements in image quality, increasing the potential clinical applicability of 4D Flow MRI.4D Flow MRI provides unique capabilities for 3D visualization and quantification of intra-cardiac blood flow. Contemporary knowledge on 4D Flow MRI shows promise for further exploration of the potential use of the technique in research and clinical applications

    Assessment of New Hub-and-spoke and Point-to-point Airline Network Configurations

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    This paper aims to provide new measures of airline network configuration with a view to analyse effectively the complexity of modern carriers' network design. It studies network configurations in the airline sector by taking into account both spatial and temporal dimensions. The spatial dimension is measured by using both the Gini index and the Freeman index, which originate from social science research. The temporal dimension is measured by the connectivity ratio, i.e. the share of indirect connections over the total number of connections. According to these indicators, the configuration of the largest full-service carriers and the largest low-cost carriers in Europe is investigated. The results show that the temporal dimension provides a clear distinction between full-service carriers and low-cost carriers; while the spatial dimension appears useful when identifying the peculiarities within groups