593 research outputs found

    Damping rates and frequency corrections of Kepler LEGACY stars

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    Linear damping rates and modal frequency corrections of radial oscillation modes in selected LEGACY main-sequence stars are estimated by means of a nonadiabatic stability analysis. The selected stellar sample covers stars observed by Kepler with a large range of surface temperatures and surface gravities. A nonlocal, time-dependent convection model is perturbed to assess stability against pulsation modes. The mixing-length parameter is calibrated to the surface-convection-zone depth of a stellar model obtained from fitting adiabatic frequencies to the LEGACY observations, and two of the nonlocal convection parameters are calibrated to the corresponding LEGACY linewidth measurements. The remaining nonlocal convection parameters in the 1D calculations are calibrated so as to reproduce profiles of turbulent pressure and of the anisotropy of the turbulent velocity field of corresponding 3D hydrodynamical simulations. The atmospheric structure in the 1D stability analysis adopts a temperature-optical-depth relation derived from 3D hydrodynamical simulations. Despite the small number of parameters to adjust, we find good agreement with detailed shapes of both turbulent pressure profiles and anisotropy profiles with depth, and with damping rates as a function of frequency. Furthermore, we find the absolute modal frequency corrections, relative to a standard adiabatic pulsation calculation, to increase with surface temperature and surface gravity.Comment: accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS); 15 pages, 8 figure

    K2P2^2 −- A photometry pipeline for the K2 mission

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    With the loss of a second reaction wheel, resulting in the inability to point continuously and stably at the same field of view, the NASA Kepler satellite recently entered a new mode of observation known as the K2 mission. The data from this redesigned mission present a specific challenge; the targets systematically drift in position on a ~6 hour time scale, inducing a significant instrumental signal in the photometric time series --- this greatly impacts the ability to detect planetary signals and perform asteroseismic analysis. Here we detail our version of a reduction pipeline for K2 target pixel data, which automatically: defines masks for all targets in a given frame; extracts the target's flux- and position time series; corrects the time series based on the apparent movement on the CCD (either in 1D or 2D) combined with the correction of instrumental and/or planetary signals via the KASOC filter (Handberg & Lund 2014), thus rendering the time series ready for asteroseismic analysis; computes power spectra for all targets, and identifies potential contaminations between targets. From a test of our pipeline on a sample of targets from the K2 campaign 0, the recovery of data for multiple targets increases the amount of potential light curves by a factor ≄10{\geq}10. Our pipeline could be applied to the upcoming TESS (Ricker et al. 2014) and PLATO 2.0 (Rauer et al. 2013) missions.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Apj

    Why should we correct reported pulsation frequencies for stellar line-of-sight Doppler velocity shifts?

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    In the age of Kepler and Corot, extended observations have provided estimates of stellar pulsation frequencies that have achieved new levels of precision, regularly exceeding fractional levels of a few parts in 10410^{4}. These high levels of precision now in principle exceed the point where one can ignore the Doppler shift of pulsation frequencies caused by the motion of a star relative to the observer. We present a correction for these Doppler shifts and use previously published pulsation frequencies to demonstrate the significance of the effect. We suggest that reported pulsation frequencies should be routinely corrected for stellar line-of-sight velocity Doppler shifts, or if a line-of-sight velocity estimate is not available, the frame of reference in which the frequencies are reported should be clearly stated.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Impact of coccidial infection on vaccine- and vvIBDV in lymphoid tissues of SPF chickens as detected by RT-PCR

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed at investigating a potential effect caused by coccidia on the immune response to vaccine- and very virulent infectious bursal disase virus (vvIBDV) in SPF chickens. METHODS: Two groups of three weeks old SPF chickens were vaccinated prior to inoculation with coccidia and challenge with virulent IBDV, all within a period of eight days. Two control groups were similarly treated, except that challenge with field virus was omitted in one group while inoculation with coccidia was omitted in the other group. Clinical signs, lesions in the intestines caused by coccidia, lesions in the bursa of Fabricius caused by IBDV, IBDV-antibody titres, and virus detection by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were compared among the groups. Lymphoid tissues and swab samples were analysed by general RT-PCR, and positive results were identified by strain specific duplex (DPX) RT-PCR. RESULTS: In the tripple-infected groups, vaccine strain IBDV was detected in spleen and thymus tissues, and no field virus was detected in bursa samples, contrary to the double-infected groups. CONCLUSION: The results suggest an enhancing effect on the immune response caused by subclinical coccidiosis and vvIBDV acting in concert

    Super-Nyquist asteroseismology of solar-like oscillators with Kepler and K2 - expanding the asteroseismic cohort at the base of the red-giant branch

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    We consider the prospects for detecting solar-like oscillations in the "super-Nyquist" regime of long-cadence (LC) Kepler photometry, i.e., above the associated Nyquist frequency of approximately 283 {\mu}Hz. Targets of interest are cool, evolved subgiants and stars lying at the base of the red-giant branch. These stars would ordinarily be studied using the short-cadence (SC) data, since the associated SC Nyquist frequency lies well above the frequencies of the detectable oscillations. However, the number of available SC target slots is quite limited. This imposes a severe restriction on the size of the ensemble available for SC asteroseismic study.We find that archival Kepler LC data from the nominal Mission may be utilized for asteroseismic studies of targets whose dominant oscillation frequencies lie as high as approximately 500 {\mu}Hz, i.e., about 1.75- times the LC Nyquist frequency. The frequency detection threshold for the shorter-duration science campaigns of the re-purposed Kepler Mission, K2, is lower. The maximum threshold will probably lie somewhere between approximately 400 and 450 {\mu}Hz. The potential to exploit the archival Kepler and K2 LC data in this manner opens the door to increasing significantly the number of subgiant and low-luminosity red-giant targets amenable to asteroseismic analysis, overcoming target limitations imposed by the small number of SC slots.We estimate that around 400 such targets are now available for study in the Kepler LC archive. That number could potentially be a lot higher for K2, since there will be a new target list for each of its campaigns.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 11 pages, 7 figures; reference list update

    NGC 6819: testing the asteroseismic mass scale, mass loss, and evidence for products of non-standard evolution

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    We present an extensive peakbagging effort on Kepler data of ∌\sim50 red giant stars in the open star cluster NGC 6819. By employing sophisticated pre-processing of the time series and Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques we extracted individual frequencies, heights and linewidths for hundreds of oscillation modes. We show that the "average" asteroseismic parameter ÎŽÎœ02\delta\nu_{02}, derived from these, can be used to distinguish the stellar evolutionary state between the red giant branch (RGB) stars and red clump (RC) stars. Masses and radii are estimated using asteroseismic scaling relations, both empirically corrected to obtain self-consistency as well as agreement with independent measures of distance, and using updated theoretical corrections. Remarkable agreement is found, allowing the evolutionary state of the giants to be determined exclusively from the empirical correction to the scaling relations. We find a mean mass of the RGB stars and RC stars in NGC 6819 to be 1.61±0.02 M⊙1.61\pm0.02\,\textrm{M}_\odot and 1.64±0.02 M⊙1.64{\pm}0.02\,\textrm{M}_\odot, respectively. The difference ΔM=−0.03±0.01 M⊙\Delta M=-0.03\pm0.01\,\textrm{M}_\odot is almost insensitive to systematics, suggesting very little RGB mass loss, if any. Stars that are outliers relative to the ensemble reveal overmassive members that likely evolved via mass-transfer in a blue straggler phase. We suggest that KIC 4937011, a low-mass Li-rich giant, is a cluster member in the RC phase that experienced very high mass-loss during its evolution. Such over- and undermassive stars need to be considered when studying field giants, since the true age of such stars cannot be known and there is currently no way to distinguish them from normal stars.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    EPIC 201585823, a rare triple-mode RR Lyrae star discovered in K2 mission data

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    We have discovered a new, rare triple-mode RR Lyr star, EPIC 201585823, in the Kepler K2 mission Campaign 1 data. This star pulsates primarily in the fundamental and first-overtone radial modes, and, in addition, a third non-radial mode. The ratio of the period of the non-radial mode to that of the first-overtone radial mode, 0.616 285, is remarkably similar to that seen in 11 other triple-mode RR Lyr stars, and in 260 RRc stars observed in the Galactic bulge. This systematic character promises new constraints on RR Lyr star models. We detected subharmonics of the non-radial mode frequency, which are a signature of period doubling of this oscillation; we note that this phenomenon is ubiquitous in RRc and RRd stars observed from space, and from ground with sufficient precision. The non-radial mode and subharmonic frequencies are not constant in frequency or in amplitude. The amplitude spectrum of EPIC 201585823 is dominated by many combination frequencies among the three interacting pulsation mode frequencies. Inspection of the phase relationships of the combination frequencies in a phasor plot explains the ‘upward’ shape of the light curve. We also found that raw data with custom masks encompassing all pixels with significant signal for the star, but without correction for pointing changes, is best for frequency analysis of this star, and, by implication, other RR Lyr stars observed by the K2 mission. We compare several pipeline reductions of the K2 mission data for this star

    Oscillation mode linewidths and heights of 23 main-sequence stars observed by Kepler

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    Solar-like oscillations have been observed by Kepler and CoRoT in many solar-type stars, thereby providing a way to probe the stars using asteroseismology. We provide the mode linewidths and mode heights of the oscillations of various stars as a function of frequency and of effective temperature. We used a time series of nearly two years of data for each star. The 23 stars observed belong to the simple or F-like category. The power spectra of the 23 main-sequence stars were analysed using both maximum likelihood estimators and Bayesian estimators, providing individual mode characteristics such as frequencies, linewidths, and mode heights. We study the source of systematic errors in the mode linewidths and mode heights, and we present a way to correct these errors with respect to a common reference fit. Using the correction, we could explain all sources of systematic errors, which could be reduced to less than ±\pm15% for mode linewidths and heights, and less than ±\pm5% for amplitude, when compared to the reference fit. The effect of a different estimated stellar background and a different estimated splitting will provide frequency-dependent systematic errors that might affect the comparison with theoretical mode linewidth and mode height, therefore affecting the understanding of the physical nature of these parameters. All other sources of relative systematic errors are less dependent upon frequency. We also provide the dependence of the so-called linewidth dip, in the middle of the observed frequency range, as a function of effective temperature. We show that the depth of the dip decreases with increasing effective temperature. The dependence of the dip on effective temperature may imply that the mixing length parameter α\alpha or the convective flux may increase with effective temperature.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 38 pages, 35 figures, 26 table
