1,438 research outputs found

    A Dimension-Adaptive Multi-Index Monte Carlo Method Applied to a Model of a Heat Exchanger

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    We present an adaptive version of the Multi-Index Monte Carlo method, introduced by Haji-Ali, Nobile and Tempone (2016), for simulating PDEs with coefficients that are random fields. A classical technique for sampling from these random fields is the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion. Our adaptive algorithm is based on the adaptive algorithm used in sparse grid cubature as introduced by Gerstner and Griebel (2003), and automatically chooses the number of terms needed in this expansion, as well as the required spatial discretizations of the PDE model. We apply the method to a simplified model of a heat exchanger with random insulator material, where the stochastic characteristics are modeled as a lognormal random field, and we show consistent computational savings

    An Improved Slant Path Attenuation Prediction Method in Tropical Climates

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    An improved method for predicting slant path attenuation in tropical climates is presented in this paper. The proposed approach is based on rain intensity data R_0.01 (mm/h) from 37 tropical and equatorial stations; and is validated by using the measurement data from a few localities in tropical climates. The new method seems to accurately predict the slant path attenuation in tropical localities, and the comparative tests seem to show significant improvement in terms of the RMS of the relative error variable compared to the RMS obtained with the SAM, Crane, and ITU-R prediction models

    Challenges for Malaria Elimination in Zanzibar: Pyrethroid Resistance in Malaria Vectors and Poor Performance of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets.

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    Long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and indoor residual house spraying (IRS) are the main interventions for the control of malaria vectors in Zanzibar. The aim of the present study was to assess the susceptibility status of malaria vectors against the insecticides used for LLINs and IRS and to determine the durability and efficacy of LLINs on the island. Mosquitoes were sampled from Pemba and Unguja islands in 2010--2011 for use in WHO susceptibility tests. One hundred and fifty LLINs were collected from households on Unguja, their physical state was recorded and then tested for efficacy as well as total insecticide content. Species identification revealed that over 90% of the Anopheles gambiae complex was An. arabiensis with a small number of An. gambiae s.s. and An. merus being present. Susceptibility tests showed that An. arabiensis on Pemba was resistant to the pyrethroids used for LLINs and IRS. Mosquitoes from Unguja Island, however, were fully susceptible to all pyrethroids tested. A physical examination of 150 LLINs showed that two thirds were damaged after only three years in use. All used nets had a significantly lower (p < 0.001) mean permethrin concentration of 791.6 mg/m2 compared with 944.2 mg/m2 for new ones. Their efficacy decreased significantly against both susceptible An. gambiae s.s. colony mosquitoes and wild-type mosquitoes from Pemba after just six washes (p < 0.001). The sustainability of the gains achieved in malaria control in Zanzibar is seriously threatened by the resistance of malaria vectors to pyrethroids and the short-lived efficacy of LLINs. This study has revealed that even in relatively well-resourced and logistically manageable places like Zanzibar, malaria elimination is going to be difficult to achieve with the current control measures

    Recent developments in optical fibre based optoelectronic oscillators

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    The paper reports recent progress on new types of low noise and high spectral purity optoelectronic oscillators operating at optical wavelengths around 1550nm and radio frequencies (RF) up to 40GHz with RF linewidths <1kHz

    Absence of relationships between selected human factors and natural infectivity of Plasmodium falciparum to mosquitoes in an area of high transmission

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    The effects of sex, age of the human host, patency of asexual and sexual stages and seasonality on infectiousness of Plasmodium falciparum to mosquitoes were investigated in a rural village in southern Tanzania between 1992 and 1994. Villagers from randomized subgroups of households were surveyed for malaria parasites. Gametocyte and trophozoite prevalences were age dependent and fluctuated without any clear pattern of seasonality. A sample of 107 participants, selected to include an excess of gametocyte carriers, slept under bednets with holes cut into the sides for 3 weeks. A total of 3837 Anopheles gambiae s.l. and 5403 A. funestus recovered from these bednets, was examined for all oocysts 5-7 days after feeding or for oocysts less than 17·5 ”n in diameter 2-3 days after feeding. Additional blood slides from participants were taken twice weekly. The 5-7 day oocyst rates were 12·1% in A. gambiae s.l. and 10·9% in A. funestus and 2-3 day rates were 3·6 and 4·9%, respectively. The higher rates using the former method were attributed to previous infection. There were strong correlations in the levels of infection in both vectors when they fed on the same hosts. However, patent gametocytaemia was only weakly associated with the development of oocysts in the mosquito. Infectiousness was not related to host age, sex, or the seaso

    Exploring Effective ICT Integration Strategies in Education: A Case of Two Public Primary Schools in Mombasa, Kenya

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    Purpose: The contemporary education landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, largely driven by the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This paper explores the experiences of educators as they incorporate ICT into teaching and learning. Methodology: The study was conducted in Mombasa City, Kenya, and utilized qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and classroom observations, in a case study design involving two urban primary schools. The research meticulously documented the experiences of 16 participants. Findings: The findings of the study highlight several advantages of using ICT in teaching and learning, including easy access to information, interactive and personalized learning opportunities, as well as collaboration. However, the data also revealed significant challenges faced by educators, such as unstable electricity, inadequate ICT gadgets, internet fluctuation, and a lack of skills to integrate ICT into teaching. Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy, and Practice: Educators consistently stressed the importance of continuous support and professional development to enhance their ICT integration skills. Furthermore, the research emphasized several promising recommendations, including the installation of alternative sources of electricity, sourcing for additional ICT devices, supervising learners while using ICT gadgets, and conducting professional development initiatives tailored to the creation of a collaborative community of practice (COP), which have the potential to effectively address these challenges. To fully leverage the potential of ICT for enriching the learning experience, equipping students with essential digital skills, and preparing them for a digital-centric world, educational institutions, and policymakers must prioritize investments in technological infrastructure and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration among educators

    Proliferation of anomalous symmetries in colloidal monolayers subjected to quasiperiodic light fields

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    Quasicrystals provide a fascinating class of materials with intriguing properties. Despite a strong potential for numerous technical applications, the conditions under which quasicrystals form are still poorly understood. Currently, it is not clear why most quasicrystals hold 5- or 10-fold symmetry but no single example with 7 or 9-fold symmetry has ever been observed. Here we report on geometrical constraints which impede the formation of quasicrystals with certain symmetries in a colloidal model system. Experimentally, colloidal quasicrystals are created by subjecting micron-sized particles to two-dimensional quasiperiodic potential landscapes created by n=5 or seven laser beams. Our results clearly demonstrate that quasicrystalline order is much easier established for n = 5 compared to n = 7. With increasing laser intensity we observe that the colloids first adopt quasiperiodic order at local areas which then laterally grow until an extended quasicrystalline layer forms. As nucleation sites where quasiperiodicity originates, we identify highly symmetric motifs in the laser pattern. We find that their density strongly varies with n and surprisingly is smallest exactly for those quasicrystalline symmetries which have never been observed in atomic systems. Since such high symmetry motifs also exist in atomic quasicrystals where they act as preferential adsorption sites, this suggests that it is indeed the deficiency of such motifs which accounts for the absence of materials with e.g. 7-fold symmetry
