50 research outputs found

    AFRP20: New P-Wavespeed Model for the African Mantle Reveals Two Whole-Mantle Plumes Below East Africa and Neoproterozoic Modification of the Tanzania Craton

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    Africa’s Cenozoic tectonism is often attributed to mantle plumes, particularly below East Africa, but their morphology, number, location, and impact on the African lithosphere are debated. The broad slow wavespeed African Superplume, ubiquitous in large-scale tomographic models, originates below South Africa, reaching the surface somewhere below East Africa. However, whether the diverse East African mantle geochemistry is best reconciled with one heterogeneous upwelling, or current tomographic models lack the resolution to image multiple distinct plumes, remains enigmatic. S-wavespeed tomographic images of Africa are legion, but higher-frequency P-wavespeed whole-mantle models possessing complementary diagnostic capabilities are comparatively lacking. This hinders attempts to disentangle the effects of Cenozoic hotspot tectonism and Pan African (and older) tectonic events on the East African lithosphere. Here we develop a continental-scale P-wave tomographic model capable of resolving structure from upper-to-lower mantle depths using a recently-developed technique to extract absolute arrival-times from noisy, temporary African seismograph deployments. Shallow-mantle wavespeeds are δVP ≈–4% below Ethiopia, but less anomalous (δVP ≥–2%) below other volcanic provinces. The heterogeneous African Superplume reaches the upper mantle below the Kenyan plateau. Below Ethiopia/Afar we image a second sub-vertical slow wavespeed anomaly rooted near the core-mantle boundary outside the African LLVP, meaning multiple disparately sourced whole-mantle plumes may influence East African magmatism. In contrast to other African cratons, wavespeeds below Tanzania are only fast to 90–135km depth. When interpreted alongside Lower Eocene on-craton kimberlites, our results support pervasive metasomatic lithospheric modification caused by subduction during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny.A. B. and S. C. are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Grant number NE/R010862/1 from PI Cottaar in Cambridge. A. B. was previously funded by the NERC Doctoral Training Partnership: Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet - Grant number NE/L002515/1 at Imperial College. I. B is funded by Natural Environment Research Council Grant number NE/S014136/1

    Population genetics of abnormal haemoglobins in Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    Les fréquences géniques des hémoglobines A (HbA), HbS et HbC, ont été étudiées au Burkina-Faso (BF) ainsi que dans une région avoisinante du Niger : Ayorou. La fréquence d'HbS est plus élevée dans le Sahel (Nord du BF et Ayorou) que dans la zone de savane. L'inverse est trouvé pour HbC. Les résultats essentiels de ce travail sont : (a) la confirmation d'un pic de la fréquence génique de HbC dans le centre du BF (plateau Mossi); (b) une corrélation négative entre les fréquences de HbS et HbC. Cavalli-Sforza et Bodmer ont observé que cette corrélation atteint une intensité significativement différente de celle qui est attendue, par suite de la relation allélique entre HbS et HbC; (c) la comparaison de ces résultats avec les données rassemblées par Livingstone montre une modification de la valeur sélective des différents génotypes au cours des dernières années. Les individus AS ont une valeur sélective plus basse et les AA et SS en ont une plus haute. Nos données sont favorables à l'hypothèse du relâchement partiel de la sélection dans cette région. (Résumé d'auteur

    Hysteresis and precession of a swirling jet normal to a wall

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    Interaction of a swirling jet with a no-slip surface has striking features of fundamental and practical interest. Different flow states and transitions among them occur at the same conditions in combustors, vortex tubes, and tornadoes. The jet axis can undergo precession and bending in combustors; this precession enhances large-scale mixing and reduces emissions of NOx. To explore the mechanisms of these phenomena, we address conically similar swirling jets normal to a wall. In addition to the Serrin model of tornadolike flows, a new model is developed where the flow is singularity free on the axis. New analytical and numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations explain occurrence of multiple states and show that hysteresis is a common feature of wall-normal vortices or swirling jets no matter where sources of motion are located. Then we study the jet stability with the aid of a new approach accounting for deceleration and nonparallelism of the base flow. An appropriate transformation of variables reduces the stability problem for this strongly nonparallel flow to a set of ordinary differential equations. A particular flow whose stability is studied in detail is a half-line vortex normal to a rigid plane-a model of a tornado and of a swirling jet issuing from a nozzle in in a combustor. Helical counter-rotating disturbances appear to be first growing as Reynolds number increases. Disturbance frequency changes its sign along the neutral curve while the wave number remains positive. Short disturbance waves propagate downstream and long waves propagate upstream. This helical instability causes bending of the vortex axis and its precession-the effects observed in technological flows and in tornadoes.V. Shtern, J. M

    Hysteresis and precession of a swirling jet normal to a wall

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    Interaction of a swirling jet with a no-slip surface has striking features of fundamental and practical interest. Different flow states and transitions among them occur at the same conditions in combustors, vortex tubes, and tornadoes. The jet axis can undergo precession and bending in combustors; this precession enhances large-scale mixing and reduces emissions of NOx. To explore the mechanisms of these phenomena, we address conically similar swirling jets normal to a wall. In addition to the Serrin model of tornadolike flows, a new model is developed where the flow is singularity free on the axis. New analytical and numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations explain occurrence of multiple states and show that hysteresis is a common feature of wall-normal vortices or swirling jets no matter where sources of motion are located. Then we study the jet stability with the aid of a new approach accounting for deceleration and nonparallelism of the base flow. An appropriate transformation of variables reduces the stability problem for this strongly nonparallel flow to a set of ordinary differential equations. A particular flow whose stability is studied in detail is a half-line vortex normal to a rigid plane-a model of a tornado and of a swirling jet issuing from a nozzle in in a combustor. Helical counter-rotating disturbances appear to be first growing as Reynolds number increases. Disturbance frequency changes its sign along the neutral curve while the wave number remains positive. Short disturbance waves propagate downstream and long waves propagate upstream. This helical instability causes bending of the vortex axis and its precession-the effects observed in technological flows and in tornadoes.V. Shtern, J. M

    Improving Network-on-Chip-based Turbo Decoder Architectures

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    In this work novel results concerning Networkon- Chip-based turbo decoder architectures are presented. Stemming from previous publications, this work concentrates first on improving the throughput by exploiting adaptive-bandwidth-reduction techniques. This technique shows in the best case an improvement of more than 60 Mb/s. Moreover, it is known that double-binary turbo decoders require higher area than binary ones. This characteristic has the negative effect of increasing the data width of the network nodes. Thus, the second contribution of this work is to reduce the network complexity to support doublebinary codes, by exploiting bit-level and pseudo-floatingpoint representation of the extrinsic information. These two techniques allow for an area reduction of up to more than the 40 % with a performance degradation of about 0.2 d

    Inhibition of Bacterial and Fungal Biofilm Formation by 675 Extracts from Microalgae and Cyanobacteria

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    Bacterial biofilms are complex biological systems that are difficult to eradicate at a medical, industrial, or environmental level. Biofilms confer bacteria protection against external factors and antimicrobial treatments. Taking into account that about 80% of human infections are caused by bacterial biofilms, the eradication of these structures is a great priority. Biofilms are resistant to old-generation antibiotics, which has led to the search for new antimicrobials from different sources, including deep oceans/seas. In this study, 675 extracts obtained from 225 cyanobacteria and microalgae species (11 phyla and 6 samples belonging to unknown group) were obtained from different culture collections: The Blue Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology Culture Collection (LEGE-CC), the Coimbra Collection of Algae (ACOI) from Portugal, and the Roscoff Culture Collection (RCC) from France. The largest number of samples was made up of the microalgae phylum Chlorophyta (270) followed by Cyanobacteria (261). To obtain a large range of new bioactive compounds, a method involving three consecutive extractions (hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol) was used. The antibiofilm activity of extracts was determined against seven different bacterial species and two Candida strains in terms of minimal biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC). The highest biofilm inhibition rates (%) were achieved against Candida albicans and Enterobacter cloacae. Charophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanobacteria were the most effective against all microorganisms. In particular, extracts of Cercozoa phylum presented the lowest MBIC50 and MBIC90 values for all the strains except C. albicans

    Birth, growth and computation of pi to ten trillion digits

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    Fenn-i topografya

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    Eserin Baş Tarafındaki İlave 63 Sayfada "Hata - Sevab Cedveli" Vardır. Sonraki İlave 2 Sayfada Mütercimin Mukaddimesi Vardır. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Mührü Vardır. Serlevha Mihrabiyelidir

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    Eserin Baş Tarafındaki İlave Sayfalarda Eserin "Fihrist"İ İle "Hata - Sevab Cedveli" Vardır. Eser Mehmed Refet'in Marifetiyle Tab Ve Temsil Olunmuştur. Ön Ve Arka Cildler Bezemelidir. Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Darülmuallimîn Kütübhanesi" Mühürleri Vardır. Serlevha Mihrabiyelidir. Arka Kapak Bezemelidir