908 research outputs found

    Induced hyperlipaemia and immune challenge in locusts

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    Injections of immunogens, such as β-1,3-glucan or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), bring about a marked hyperlipaemia with associated changes in lipophorins and apolipophorin-III in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria. These changes are similar to those observed after injection of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). The possibility that endogenous AKH is released as part of the response to these immunogens is investigated using passive immunisation against AKH-I, and measurement of AKH-I titre in the haemolymph after injection of immunogens. The data presented show that, despite the similarity of the changes brought about by the presence of immunogens in the haemolymph to those brought about by AKH, there is no release of endogenous AKH after injection of laminarin or LPS. A direct effect of the immunogens on release of neutral lipids by the fat body cannot be demonstrated in vitro, and the mechanism by which hyperlipaemia is induced during immune challenge remains uncertain

    Changes in lipophorins are related to the activation of phenoloxidase in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria in response to injection of immunogens

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    In Locusta migratoria, activation of phenoloxidase in the haemolymph in response to injection of laminarin is age-dependent: being absent in fifth instar nymphs and newly emerged adults, and only becoming evident four days after the final moult. This pattern of change in phenoloxidase activation correlates with the pattern of change in the concentration of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III) in the haemolymph. Injection of a conspecific adipokinetic hormone (Lom-AKH-I) has no effect on the phenoloxidase response in nymphs or newly emerged adults but, in adults older than four days, co-injection of the hormone with laminarin prolongs the activation of phenoloxidase in the haemolymph: a similar enhancement of the response to laminarin is observed in locusts that have been starved for 48 h but not injected with AKH-I. During most of the fifth stadium, injection of laminarin results in a decrease in the level of prophenoloxidase in the haemolymph; an effect that is not observed in adults of any age. Marked changes in the concentration of apoLp-III, and the formation of LDLp in the haemolymph, are observed after injection of laminarin (or LPS) and these are remarkably similar, at least qualitatively, to those that occur after injection of AKH-I. The involvement of lipophorins in the activation of locust prophenoloxidase in response to immunogens is discussed

    Interactions between the endocrine and immune systems in locusts

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    The prophenoloxidase cascade in the haemolymph of mature adult Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R & F) is activated in response to injection of laminarin, a -1,3 glucan. Co-injection of adipokinetic hormone-I (Lom-AKH-I) and laminarin prolongs the activation of the enzyme in a dose-dependent manner. However, injections of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) do not activate prophenoloxidase unless AKH is co-injected, when there is a dose-dependent increase in the level of phenoloxidase that persists in the haemolymph for several hours. Even when AKH is co-injected, the highest levels of phenoloxidase activity are always greater after injection of laminarin than after LPS, and these two immunogens must activate the prophenoloxidase cascade by quite distinct pathways. In the present study, interactions between the endocrine and immune systems were examined with respect to activation of prophenoloxidase and the formation of nodules: injection of LPS induces nodule formation in adult locusts. With LPS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nodules form exclusively in dense accumulations in the anterior portion of the abdomen on either side of the dorsal blood vessel associated with the dorsal diaphragm. However, with LPS from Escherichia coli, fewer nodules are formed but with a similar distribution, except that occasionally some nodules are aligned additionally on either side of the ventral nerve cord. Co-injection of Lom-AKH-I with LPS from either bacteria stimulates greater numbers of nodules to be formed. This effect of coinjection of AKH on nodule formation is seen at low doses of hormone with only 0.3 or 0.4 pmol of Lom-AKH-1, respectively, increasing the number of nodules by 50%. Injections of octopamine or 5-hydroxytryptamine do not mimic either of the actions of Lom-AKH-I described here. Co-injection of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, reduces nodule formation in response to injections of LPS but has no effect on the activation of phenoloxidase. Co-injection of an inhibitor of eicosanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, with LPS influences nodule formation (with or without AKH) in different ways according to the dose of dexamethasone used, but does not affect activation of prophenoloxidase. Eicosanoid synthesis is important for nodule formation, but not for the activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade in locust haemolymph

    Genetic relationships among strains of Salmonella enteritidis in a national epidemic in Switzerland

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    A collection of Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated in Switzerland (1965-90) was characterized. The phage type and plasmid profile of isolates were compared with the copy number and insertion loci of the DNA insertion element IS200. Three clonal lines of S. enteritidis were identified by IS200 profile; the various phage types were subtypes reproducibly associated with one of these lines. All human and poultry isolates contained a 38 Mda plasmid which hybridized with a mouse virulence-associated gene probe. In S. enteritidis, the IS200 profile is a race-specific molecular marker of the chromosome, and may be particularly applicable for studying the epidemiology of less common serovar

    Investigating TMS–EEG indices of long-interval intracortical inhibition at different interstimulus intervals

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    Available online 8 August 2016Abstract not availableGeorge M. Opie, Nigel C. Rogasch, Mitchell R. Goldsworthy, Michael C. Ridding, John G. Semmle

    Transient macroscopic chemistry in the DSMC method

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    In the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method, a combination of statistical and deterministic procedures applied to a finite number of `simulator' particles are used to model rarefied gas-kinetic processes. Traditionally, chemical reactions are modelled using information from specific colliding particle pairs. In the Macroscopic Chemistry Method (MCM), the reactions are decoupled from the specific particle pairs selected for collisions. Information from all of the particles within a cell is used to determine a reaction rate coefficient for that cell. MCM has previously been applied to steady flow DSMC simulations. Here we show how MCM can be used to model chemical kinetics in DSMC simulations of unsteady flow. Results are compared with a collision-based chemistry procedure for two binary reactions in a 1-D unsteady shock-expansion tube simulation and during the unsteady development of 2-D flow through a cavity. For the shock tube simulation, close agreement is demonstrated between the two methods for instantaneous, ensemble-averaged profiles of temperature and species mole fractions. For the cavity flow, a high degree of thermal non-equilibrium is present and non-equilibrium reaction rate correction factors are employed in MCM. Very close agreement is demonstrated for ensemble averaged mole fraction contours predicted by the particle and macroscopic methods at three different flow-times. A comparison of the accumulated number of net reactions per cell shows that both methods compute identical numbers of reaction events. For the 2-D flow, MCM required similar CPU and memory resources to the particle chemistry method. The Macroscopic Chemistry Method is applicable to any general DSMC code using any viscosity or non-reacting collision models and any non-reacting energy exchange models. MCM can be used to implement any reaction rate formulations, whether these be from experimental or theoretical studies. ©2009 American Institute of Physic

    Adding to the Family of Copper Complexes Featuring Borohydride Ligands Based on 2-Mercaptopyridyl Units

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    Borohydride ligands featuring multiple pendant donor functionalities have been prevalent in the chemical literature for many decades now. More recent times has seen their development into new families of so-called soft scorpionates, for example, those featuring sulfur based donors. Despite all of these developments, those ligands containing just one pendant group are rare. This article explores one ligand family based on the 2-mercaptopyridine heterocycle. The coordination chemistry of the monosubstituted ligand, [H3B(mp)]− (mp = 2-mercaptopyridyl), has been explored. Reaction of Na[BH3(mp)] with one equivalent of Cu(I)Cl in the presence of either triphenylphosphine or tricyclohexylphosphine co-ligands leads to the formation of [Cu{H3B(mp)}(PR3)] (R = Ph, 1; Cy, 2), respectively. Structural characterization confirms a κ3-S,H,H coordination mode for the borohydride-based ligand within 1 and 2, involving a dihydroborate bridging interaction (BH2Cu) with the copper centers

    An Electronic Calendar for Organizing Assessments in a Large Faculty

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    Using data from an electronic unit of study outline system, the University of Sydney's Faculty of Science built an assessment calendar to organize assessment schedules and help first-year students transition to university life. The calendar helps students organize and understand their assessments using their preferred computers or mobile calendar applications. The calendar also helps staff in a large faculty compare and rationalize assessment dates and ensure that a variety of assessment modes are used, irrespective of a student's course choices

    First year science: when information skills are someone else's business

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    The University of Sydney requires all graduates to possess information skills as part of their graduate attributes (http://www.itl.usyd.edu.au/graduateAttributes/policy.htm). This can only be achieved through a close working relationship between the faculties and the library; it’s always someone else’s business as well as our own. Within first year science, information skills development is challenged by: • lack of compulsory units of study • absence of a foundation unit • separate curricula for each school within the faculty • immediate commencement of subject-based learning • assumed knowledge of some skills • inadequate time spent on skills development. The Library provides integrated information skills sessions in some first year science units, but the 3000 plus student cohort may receive this content multiple times or not at all, depending on which units they choose. A creative solution was required to systematically engage with the cohort in the priority areas of academic honesty and evaluation of scholarly or non-scholarly research. Library staff partnered with concerned academic staff to implement a coordinated information skills program across first year science. Pre-existing iResearch learning objects (http://sydney.edu.au/library/elearning/index.html) were incorporated into a range of units with large enrolments, and were also trialled in conjunction with the University’s new ePortfolio system. Four schools in the Faculty of Science made the Plagiarism and Academic Honesty and Scholarly versus Non-Scholarly learning objects compulsory components of their first year assessment program. Because of large numbers of enrolments and overlap between first year science units, virtually every student completed the required online information skills content. We added certificates of completion to the learning objects as evidence of graduate attribute development. Partnerships with unit of study coordinators were essential to complete the project. The use of online learning technology was particularly effective for a large cohort, facilitating the development of information skills outside of the traditional face-to-face classroom context. The end result was a sustainable, low-cost information skills model for first year science. This model could be applied to other faculties and universities, effectively streamlining and sharing the development of information skills
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