134 research outputs found

    Sustainable development city-beach in Alicante

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    [EN] Tourism development in recent decades has involved a large urban development in coastal areas, with different anthropogenic structural interventions on the coast such as the construction of commercial buildings and marinas, which has led to intense erosion and large imbalances in the last century. This situation also affects the city of Alicante, with the area between the port of Alicante and the Huertas Cape, one of the most depressed areas of the city, due to various actions carried out since the 70s, for anthropic example fillers for building marinas, jetties and broken in poor condition because they are made of sandstone, and a bad connection between the two parts of the city. In this work the creation of a new promenade that communicates both zones is proposed, creating new beaches eliminating anthro- pogenic fillings and the remains of breakwaters along the coast, the union of diverse marine area in one marina, and the insertion of an artificial reef multipurpose. With all this it is to improve the attraction of the area, and increase the mobility of the city on the coast.Aragonés, L.; García-Barba, J.; Villacampa, Y.; López, I.; Gómez Martín, ME.; Pagán, J. (2017). Sustainable development city-beach in Alicante. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 12(4):704-712. doi:10.2495/SDP-V12-N4-704-712S70471212

    The significance of cheese sampling in the determination of histamine concentration: Distribution pattern of histamine in ripened cheeses

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    Cheeses are becoming a major safety and public health concern: cheeses available in supermarkets occasionally contain high histamine concentrations that can have negative effects on consumer health. In this study, we have attempted to assess the histamine distribution pattern in ripened cheeses, with the purpose of establishing a correct cheese sampling strategy for the quantification of histamine. To this aim, histamine was determined in four distinct areas of twelve long-ripened hard cheeses: the external and internal rind, along with the outer and inner core of the wedge. The concentrations measured were remarkably different: histamine accumulated in the central core, whereas the lowest amount was found in the peripheral rind. To explain this heterogenous distribution, histamine producers were determined in the four areas by identifying the hdc sequences obtained from cheese samples. Non-starter bacteria were identified as main histamine producers; however, these microbiota were homogeneously distributed throughout the wedge. Nevertheless, the analysis of psychochemical properties of the different areas revealed an observable trend: histamine tended to accumulate in the saltier, more humid, and less oxidized areas in a wedge. Overall, this study highlights the significance of a correct sampling strategy when histamine is quantified in cheese

    Shear-wave velocity structure from MASW and SPAC methods. The case of Adra town, SE Spain

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    The damage distribution in the town of Adra (south-eastern Spain) during the 1993 and 1994 Adra earthquakes, magnitude Mw 5.0 and maximum intensity degree of VII (European Macroseismic Scale), was mainly concentrated in the southeast sector, where low-diagenetic (soft) sediments outcrop. As new urbanizations are planned in that sector, a soil classification based on the shallow shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure is needed. For the purpose of earthquake disaster mitigation, the Spatial Autocorrelation (SPAC) and the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) methods were used to propose integrated 2D Vs models for the seismic response characterization of shallow geology. Joint inversion of H/V spectral ratios of ambient noise, interpreted under the Diffuse Field Approach, and dispersion curves derived from the SPAC method allowed to obtain more constrained models. Both, SPAC and MASW methods provided similar results for the surveyed geological formations. From these models, a classification of the geological formations has been carried out in terms of Vs30 values and Eurocode 8 (EC8, 1998) classes. Lower Vs30 values in the 180-360 m/s range were found in the southeastern sector of the town, where soft sediments outcrop and some building damage was reported from the 1993-1994 earthquakes. The highest Vs30 values above 800 m/s appear at the northern sector, where the hardest rocks outcrop and no building damage was reported. The combination of the well-suited Vs database prepared for different geological formations with the 1:5,000 scale geological mapping was a step to obtain a detailed soil microzonation map of Adra. It gives a new predictive insight into the building damage distribution, which will contribute to the appropriate urban planning of the future growth of the town

    Aphasia in a patient with acute hepatic encephalopathy associated with multifocal cortical brain lesions (Letter)

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    La encefalopatía hepática aguda (EHA) se caracteriza típicamente por una amplia gama de manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas incluyendo alteraciones del comportamiento, estado de ánimo o cognitivas asociadas a asterixis y diferentes grados de alteración del nivel de consciencia que pueden progresar a estupor o coma en algunos casos1. Esta situación puede ser debida a una insuficiencia hepática aguda, cirrosis, hipertensión portal o la presencia de una derivación porto-sistémica2,3. La resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral en EHA puede mostrar alteraciones de se nal en diferentes áreas cerebrales debido a edema vasogénico y citotóxico relacionado con el efecto tóxico del amonio en el cerebro. Estas alteraciones pueden desaparecer después de la resolución de la encefalopatía o pueden progresar a necrosis laminar cortical en los casos con evolución desfavorable. Las presentaciones con manifestaciones focales son muy poco frecuentes en la EHA y pueden derivar en errores diagnósticos

    Usefulness of manufactured tomato extracts in the diagnosis of tomato sensitization: Comparison with the prick-prick method

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Commercial available skin prick test with fruits can be negative in sensitized or allergic patients due to a reduction in biological activity during the manufacturing process. Prick-prick tests with fresh foods are often preferred, but they are a non-standardized procedure. The usefulness of freeze-dried extracts of Canary Islands tomatoes, comparing the wheal sizes induced by prick test with the prick-prick method in the diagnosis of tomato sensitization has been analyzed.</p> <p>The objective of the study was to assess the potential diagnostic of freeze-dried extracts of Canary Islands tomatoes, comparing the wheal sizes induced by prick test with the prick-prick method.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two groups of patients were analyzed: Group I: 26 individuals reporting clinical symptoms induced by tomato contact or ingestion. Group II: 71 control individuals with no symptoms induced by tomato: 12 of them were previously skin prick test positive to a tomato extract, 39 were atopic and 20 were non-atopic. All individuals underwent prick-prick with fresh ripe peel Canary tomatoes and skin prick tested with freeze-dried peel and pulp extracts obtained from peel and pulp of Canary tomatoes at 10 mg/ml. Wheal sizes and prick test positivity (≥ 7 mm<sup>2</sup>) were compared between groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In group I, 21 (81%) out of 26 patients were prick-prick positive. Twenty patients (77%) had positive skin prick test to peel extracts and 12 (46%) to pulp extracts. Prick-prick induced a mean wheal size of 43.81 ± 40.19 mm<sup>2 </sup>compared with 44.25 ± 36.68 mm<sup>2 </sup>induced by the peel extract (Not significant), and 17.79 ± 9.39 mm<sup>2 </sup>induced by the pulp extract (p < 0.01).</p> <p>In group II, 13 (18%) out of 71 control patients were prick-prick positive. Twelve patients (all of them previously positive to peel extract) had positive skin prick test to peel and 3 to pulp. Prick-prick induced a mean wheal size of 28.88 ± 13.12 mm<sup>2 </sup>compared with 33.17 ± 17.55 mm<sup>2 </sup>induced by peel extract (Not significant), and 13.33 ± 4.80 mm<sup>2 </sup>induced by pulp extract (p < 0.05 with peel extract and prick-prick).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Canary peel tomato extract seems to be as efficient as prick-prick tests with ripe tomatoes to diagnose patients sensitized to tomato. The wheal sizes induced by prick-prick and peel extracts were very similar and showed a high correlation coefficient.</p

    Antimicrobial residue assessment in 5, 357 commercialized meat samples from the Spain-France cross-border area: A new approach for effective monitoring

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    Although antimicrobials are valuable allies in animal production, their extended use has led to unexpected threats associated with the emergence and propagation of antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, when withdrawal periods in food-producing animals are not observed, antimicrobial residues can access the food chain, causing direct toxicity, allergies, and/or intestinal microbiota dysbiosis in consumers. Given that Spain and France are the largest meat producers in the EU and also count among the top consumers of meat, our study''s aim was to investigate the presence of antimicrobials in commercialized meat purchased in the Spain-France cross-border area (POCTEFA region). 5, 357 meat samples were collected from different animal species and a variety of different retailer types in Spain (Zaragoza, Bilbao, and Logroño) as well as in France (Toulouse and Perpignan). Meat samples were analysed by a screening method (Explorer®+QuinoScan®), yielding 194 positive samples, which were further evaluated by UPLC-QTOF (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time of Flight) for confirmation. Chromatographic analyses found antimicrobial residues in 30 samples, although only 5 of them (0.093% of initial samples) were non-compliant according to the current legislation. Further studies suggested that this mismatch between screening and confirmatory analyses might be due to the presence of biologically active metabolites derived from degradation of antimicrobials that were not identified by the targeted UPLC-QTOF method, but which might play a decisive role in the inhibition of the biological Explorer® test. Although chromatographic techniques detect the marker compounds determined by European and national regulations, and although they are the methods selected for official control of antimicrobials in food, certain unknown metabolites might escape their monitoring. This thus suggests that biological tests are the most adequate ones in terms of ideal consumer health protection

    EASL-ERN position paper on liver involvement in patients with Fontan-type circulation

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    Fontan-type surgery is the final step in the sequential palliative surgical treatment of infants born with a univentricular heart. The resulting long-term haemodynamic changes promote liver damage, leading to Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD), in virtually all patients with Fontan circulation. Owing to the lack of a uniform definition of FALD and the competitive risk of other complications developed by Fontan patients, the impact of FALD on the prognosis of these patients is currently debatable. However, based on the increasing number of adult Fontan patients and recent research interest, the European Association for The Study of the Liver and the European Reference Network on Rare Liver Diseases thought a position paper timely. The aims of the current paper are: (1) to provide a clear definition and description of FALD, including clinical, analytical, radiological, haemodynamic, and histological features; (2) to facilitate guidance for staging the liver disease; and (3) to provide evidence- and experience-based recommendations for the management of different clinical scenarios.</p

    Anticoagulant therapy for splanchnic vein thrombosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Robust evidence on the optimal management of splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is lacking. We conducted an individual-patient meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anticoagulation for SVT. Medline, Embase, and clincaltrials.gov were searched up to June 2021 for prospective cohorts or randomized clinical trials including patients with SVT. Data from individual datasets were merged, and any discrepancy with published data was resolved by contacting study authors. Three studies of a total of 1635 patients were included. Eighty-five percent of patients received anticoagulation for a median duration of 316 days (range, 1-730 days). Overall, incidence rates for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE), major bleeding, and mortality were 5.3 per 100 patient-years (p-y; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.1-5.5), 4.4 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 4.2-4.6), and 13.0 per 100 p-y (95% CI, 12.4-13.6), respectively. The incidence rates of all outcomes were lower during anticoagulation and higher after treatment discontinuation or when anticoagulation was not administered. In multivariable analysis, anticoagulant treatment appeared to be associated with a lower risk of recurrent VTE (hazard ratio [HR], 0.42; 95% CI, 0.27-0.64), major bleeding (HR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.30-0.74), and mortality (HR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.31). Results were consistent in patients with cirrhosis, solid cancers, myeloproliferative neoplasms, unprovoked SVT, and SVT associated with transient or persistent nonmalignant risk factors. In patients with SVT, the risk of recurrent VTE and major bleeding is substantial. Anticoagulant treatment is associated with reduced risk of both outcomes. © 2022 by The American Society of Hematology