2,027 research outputs found

    A Kinetic Alfven wave cascade subject to collisionless damping cannot reach electron scales in the solar wind at 1 AU

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    (Abridged) Turbulence in the solar wind is believed to generate an energy cascade that is supported primarily by Alfv\'en waves or Alfv\'enic fluctuations at MHD scales and by kinetic Alfv\'en waves (KAWs) at kinetic scales kρi1k_\perp \rho_i\gtrsim 1. Linear Landau damping of KAWs increases with increasing wavenumber and at some point the damping becomes so strong that the energy cascade is completely dissipated. A model of the energy cascade process that includes the effects of linear collisionless damping of KAWs and the associated compounding of this damping throughout the cascade process is used to determine the wavenumber where the energy cascade terminates. It is found that this wavenumber occurs approximately when γ/ω0.25|\gamma/\omega|\simeq 0.25, where ω(k)\omega(k) and γ(k)\gamma(k) are, respectively, the real frequency and damping rate of KAWs and the ratio γ/ω\gamma/\omega is evaluated in the limit as the propagation angle approaches 90 degrees relative to the direction of the mean magnetic field.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Exploring the effect of current sheet thickness on the high‐frequency Fourier spectrum breakpoint of the solar wind

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    The magnetic power spectrum of the solar wind at 1 AU exhibits a breakpoint at a frequency of about 0.1–1 Hz, with the spectrum being steeper above the breakpoint than below the breakpoint. Because magnetic discontinuities contain much of the Fourier power in the solar wind, it is suspected that current sheet thicknesses (i.e., discontinuity thicknesses) may play a role in determining the frequency of this breakpoint. Using time series measurements of the solar wind magnetic field from the Wind spacecraft, the effect of current sheet thicknesses on the breakpoint is investigated by time stretching the solar wind time series at the locations of current sheets, effectively thickening the current sheets in the time series. This localized time stretching significantly affects the magnetic power spectral density of the solar wind in the vicinity of the high‐frequency breakpoint: a substantial fraction of the Fourier power at the breakpoint frequency is contained in current sheets that occupy a small fraction of the spatial volume of the solar wind. It is concluded that current sheet thickness appears to play a role in determining the frequency fB of the high‐frequency breakpoint of the magnetic power spectrum of the solar wind. This analysis of solar wind data is aided by comparisons with power spectra generated from artificial time series.Key PointsCurrent‐sheet thicknesses affect the high‐frequency breakpoint frequency of the solar windSolar‐wind current sheets contain substantial magnetic Fourier powerThere are outstanding questions about the solar‐wind current sheet origins and physicsPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144299/1/jgra52192_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144299/2/jgra52192.pd

    Analysis of the RET protooncogene in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A and in familial medullary thyroid carcinoma: Clinical-pathological findings in asymptomatic carriers

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    El 25% de los carcinomas medulares de tiroides son hereditarios. Se presentan en forma de familiar (CMTF 5%) o como neoplasia endocrina múltiple (MEN) tipo 2A (17%) o 2B (3%), y comparten la herencia, autosómica dominante, de una mutación germinal en el protooncogen RET en uno de 12 codones conocidos. Estudiamos 7 familias (5 CMTF y 2 MEN 2A) con el objeto de detectar la mutación familiar e identificar a los portadores asintomáticos. Seis de las siete mutaciones (4 CMTF y 2 MEN 2A) fueron en el codón más frecuente, el 634, y una familia con CMTF presentó una mutación germinal novel: una transición T>C en el codón 630, resultando el cambio C630A. De los 57 individuos estudiados, 25 (43.85 %) fueron portadores de la mutación, 7 de éstos (28%) eran portadores asintomáticos de los cuales 5 eran niños, con una edad X–=11±3.2 años y fueron tiroidectomizados. Presentaron hiperplasia de células C y focos de microcarcinoma en ambos lóbulos tiroideos aun cuando la calcitonina basal o estimulada con pentagastrina fueron normales. En conclusión, describimos una mutación germinal novel en el protooncogen RET: C630A y el hallazgo de enfermedad de la célula C en los portadores asintomáticos, que enfatiza la importancia de la tiroidectomía profiláctica tan pronto como se confirma el diagnóstico molecular.Twenty five percent of the medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is hereditary and 5% is familiar (FMTC), or considered as multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A (17%) or 2B (3%). These diseases are the result of the autosomic dominant inheritance of a mutation in the RET protooncogene, in one out of 12 different known codons. We analyzed 7 families (2 MEN 2A and 5 FMTC). Six mutations were detected in the most frequent codon, 634 (2 MEN 2A y 4 FMTC) and one family with FMTC presented a novel mutation: a transition T>C at codon 630, resulting a C630A change. Among 57 individuals studied, 25 (43.85%) presented the mutation. Seven (28%) were asymptomatic carriers, including 5 children aged 11±3.2 years. The children underwent total thyroidectomy. The histopathologic examination showed C cells hyperplasia and microcarcinoma focus in both lobes, even in the presence of normal, basal or pentagastrine stimulated, calcitonine levels. In conclusion, we describe a germline novel mutation in the RET protooncogene: C630A; and the corresponding findings of C-cell disease in gene mutated carriers that emphasize the importance of prophylactic thyroidectomy as soon as the molecular diagnosis is confirmed.Fil: Belli, Susana Haydee. Instituto Alexander Fleming; Argentina. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Carlos Durand; ArgentinaFil: Storani, María E.. Hospital de San Isidro; ArgentinaFil: Dourisboure, Ricardo J.. Hospital de San Isidro; ArgentinaFil: Podesta, Ernesto Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Solano, Angela Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; Argentin

    Response Functions to Critical Shocks in Social Sciences: An Empirical and Numerical Study

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    We show that, provided one focuses on properly selected episodes, one can apply to the social sciences the same observational strategy that has proved successful in natural sciences such as astrophysics or geodynamics. For instance, in order to probe the cohesion of a policy, one can, in different countries, study the reactions to some huge and sudden exogenous shocks, which we call Dirac shocks. This approach naturally leads to the notion of structural (as opposed or complementary to temporal) forecast. Although structural predictions are by far the most common way to test theories in the natural sciences, they have been much less used in the social sciences. The Dirac shock approach opens the way to testing structural predictions in the social sciences. The examples reported here suggest that critical events are able to reveal pre-existing ``cracks'' because they probe the social cohesion which is an indicator and predictor of future evolution of the system, and in some cases foreshadows a bifurcation. We complement our empirical work with numerical simulations of the response function (``damage spreading'') to Dirac shocks in the Sznajd model of consensus build-up. We quantify the slow relaxation of the difference between perturbed and unperturbed systems, the conditions under which the consensus is modified by the shock and the large variability from one realization to another

    Immunodepletion in xenotransplantation

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    Xenograft transplantation is perhaps the most immunologically difficult problem in transplantation today. An overwhelming hyperacute rejection reaction (HAR) occurs within minutes of organ implantation. Preformed antibodies are thought to initiate this process. We used a pig-to-dog renal xenograft transplant model and investigated methods of decreasing the severity of hyperacute rejection. Female pigs weighing 15-20 kg were used as donors. Recipients were mongrel dogs weighing 15-25 kg. Experimental dogs were all given a number of treatments of IgG depletion using an antibody removal system (Dupont-Excorim). This machine immunoadsorbs plasma against a column containing immobilized staphylococcal protein A, which is known to bind the IgG Fc receptor. An 84% reduction in the IgG levels and a 71% reduction in IgM levels was achieved. Postoperative assessment was made of urine output, time to onset of HAR, and histopathological examination of the rejected kidneys. Although cross-matches between donor lymphocytes and recipient sera remained strongly positive in the treated dogs, there was a two- to fourfold reduction in the titers. The time to onset of HAR was prolonged in the experimental group, and the urine output was increased slightly. The histopathologic changes in the experimental group generally showed signs of HAR, but of less intensity than in the nonimmunodepleted control group. © 1990 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Progress towards an accurate determination of the Boltzmann constant by Doppler spectroscopy

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    In this paper, we present significant progress performed on an experiment dedicated to the determination of the Boltzmann constant, k, by accurately measuring the Doppler absorption profile of a line in a gas of ammonia at thermal equilibrium. This optical method based on the first principles of statistical mechanics is an alternative to the acoustical method which has led to the unique determination of k published by the CODATA with a relative accuracy of 1.7 ppm. We report on the first measurement of the Boltzmann constant by laser spectroscopy with a statistical uncertainty below 10 ppm, more specifically 6.4 ppm. This progress results from improvements in the detection method and in the statistical treatment of the data. In addition, we have recorded the hyperfine structure of the probed saQ(6,3) rovibrational line of ammonia by saturation spectroscopy and thus determine very precisely the induced 4.36 (2) ppm broadening of the absorption linewidth. We also show that, in our well chosen experimental conditions, saturation effects have a negligible impact on the linewidth. Finally, we draw the route to future developments for an absolute determination of with an accuracy of a few ppm.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    What really matters about teacher education at Cathedrals Group Universities: volume 2 the case studies

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    The case studies show insight into the extent that there is a shared understanding between schools, students and staff members in some of England’s oldest providers of teacher education in England. Is there something particular about that provision? Could it be described as distinctively, implicitly or explicitly Christian? Is there a sense of shared thinking about the answers to these questions in the provision of teacher education and the students, university tutors and school staff members who partner with these universities to educate the next generation of teachers? This document provides five answers to those questions. The answers are snapshots of the perception of teacher education at these universities, at a time when teacher education has become a major purpose of schools, and universities have found themselves being questioned and challenged about their role in the development of new teachers

    Kinetic Turbulence

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    The weak collisionality typical of turbulence in many diffuse astrophysical plasmas invalidates an MHD description of the turbulent dynamics, motivating the development of a more comprehensive theory of kinetic turbulence. In particular, a kinetic approach is essential for the investigation of the physical mechanisms responsible for the dissipation of astrophysical turbulence and the resulting heating of the plasma. This chapter reviews the limitations of MHD turbulence theory and explains how kinetic considerations may be incorporated to obtain a kinetic theory for astrophysical plasma turbulence. Key questions about the nature of kinetic turbulence that drive current research efforts are identified. A comprehensive model of the kinetic turbulent cascade is presented, with a detailed discussion of each component of the model and a review of supporting and conflicting theoretical, numerical, and observational evidence.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, 99 references, Chapter 6 in A. Lazarian et al. (eds.), Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 407, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2015