282 research outputs found

    The Radius of Metric Subregularity

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    There is a basic paradigm, called here the radius of well-posedness, which quantifies the "distance" from a given well-posed problem to the set of ill-posed problems of the same kind. In variational analysis, well-posedness is often understood as a regularity property, which is usually employed to measure the effect of perturbations and approximations of a problem on its solutions. In this paper we focus on evaluating the radius of the property of metric subregularity which, in contrast to its siblings, metric regularity, strong regularity and strong subregularity, exhibits a more complicated behavior under various perturbations. We consider three kinds of perturbations: by Lipschitz continuous functions, by semismooth functions, and by smooth functions, obtaining different expressions/bounds for the radius of subregularity, which involve generalized derivatives of set-valued mappings. We also obtain different expressions when using either Frobenius or Euclidean norm to measure the radius. As an application, we evaluate the radius of subregularity of a general constraint system. Examples illustrate the theoretical findings.Comment: 20 page

    Piecewise smooth systems near a co-dimension 2 discontinuity manifold: can one say what should happen?

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    We consider a piecewise smooth system in the neighborhood of a co-dimension 2 discontinuity manifold ÎŁ\Sigma. Within the class of Filippov solutions, if ÎŁ\Sigma is attractive, one should expect solution trajectories to slide on ÎŁ\Sigma. It is well known, however, that the classical Filippov convexification methodology is ambiguous on ÎŁ\Sigma. The situation is further complicated by the possibility that, regardless of how sliding on ÎŁ\Sigma is taking place, during sliding motion a trajectory encounters so-called generic first order exit points, where ÎŁ\Sigma ceases to be attractive. In this work, we attempt to understand what behavior one should expect of a solution trajectory near ÎŁ\Sigma when ÎŁ\Sigma is attractive, what to expect when ÎŁ\Sigma ceases to be attractive (at least, at generic exit points), and finally we also contrast and compare the behavior of some regularizations proposed in the literature. Through analysis and experiments we will confirm some known facts, and provide some important insight: (i) when ÎŁ\Sigma is attractive, a solution trajectory indeed does remain near ÎŁ\Sigma, viz. sliding on ÎŁ\Sigma is an appropriate idealization (of course, in general, one cannot predict which sliding vector field should be selected); (ii) when ÎŁ\Sigma loses attractivity (at first order exit conditions), a typical solution trajectory leaves a neighborhood of ÎŁ\Sigma; (iii) there is no obvious way to regularize the system so that the regularized trajectory will remain near ÎŁ\Sigma as long as ÎŁ\Sigma is attractive, and so that it will be leaving (a neighborhood of) ÎŁ\Sigma when ÎŁ\Sigma looses attractivity. We reach the above conclusions by considering exclusively the given piecewise smooth system, without superimposing any assumption on what kind of dynamics near ÎŁ\Sigma (or sliding motion on ÎŁ\Sigma) should have been taking place.Comment: 19 figure

    Variational Analysis Down Under Open Problem Session

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We state the problems discussed in the open problem session at Variational Analysis Down Under conference held in honour of Prof. Asen Dontchev on 19–21 February 2018 at Federation University Australia

    A pointwise Lipschitz selection theorem

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    We prove that any correspondence (multi-function) mapping a metric space into a Banach space that satisfies a certain pointwise Lipschitz condition, always has a continuous selection that is pointwise Lipschitz on a dense set of its domain. We apply our selection theorem to demonstrate a slight improvement to a well-known version of the classical Bartle-Graves Theorem: Any continuous linear surjection between infinite dimensional Banach spaces has a positively homogeneous continuous right inverse that is pointwise Lipschitz on a dense meager set of its domain. An example devised by Aharoni and Lindenstrauss shows that our pointwise Lipschitz selection theorem is in some sense optimal: It is impossible to improve our pointwise Lipschitz selection theorem to one that yields a selection that is pointwise Lipschitz on the whole of its domain in general.The Claude Leon Foundationhttps://link.springer.com/journal/112282020-03-01hj2019Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Second order optimality conditions and their role in PDE control

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    If f : Rn R is twice continuously differentiable, f’(u) = 0 and f’’(u) is positive definite, then u is a local minimizer of f. This paper surveys the extension of this well known second order suffcient optimality condition to the case f : U R, where U is an infinite-dimensional linear normed space. The reader will be guided from the case of finite-dimensions via a brief discussion of the calculus of variations and the optimal control of ordinary differential equations to the control of nonlinear partial differential equations, where U is a function space. In particular, the following questions will be addressed: Is the extension to infinite dimensions straightforward or will unexpected difficulties occur? How second order sufficient optimality conditions must be modified, if simple inequality constraints are imposed on u? Why do we need second order conditions and how can they be applied? If they are important, are we able to check if they are fulfilled order sufficient optimality condition to the case f : U R, where U is an infinite-dimensional linear normed space. The reader will be guided from the case of finite-dimensions via a brief discussion of the calculus of variations and the optimal control of ordinary differential equations to the control of nonlinear partial differential equations, where U is a function space. In particular, the following questions will be addressed: Is the extension to infinite dimensions straightforward or will unexpected difficulties occur? How second order sufficient optimality conditions must be modified, if simple inequality constraints are imposed on u? Why do we need second order conditions and how can they be applied? If they are important, are we able to check if they are fulfilled? It turns out that infinite dimensions cause new difficulties that do not occur in finite dimensions. We will be faced with the surprising fact that the space, where f’’(u) exists can be useless to ensure positive definiteness of the quadratic form v f’’(u)v2. In this context, the famous two-norm discrepancy, its consequences, and techniques for overcoming this difficulty are explained. To keep the presentation simple, the theory is developed for problems in function spaces with simple box constraints of the form a = u = ß. The theory of second order conditions in the control of partial differential equations is presented exemplarily for the nonlinear heat equation. Different types of critical cones are introduced, where the positivity of f’’(u) must be required. Their form depends on whether a so-called Tikhonov regularization term is part of the functional f or not. In this context, the paper contains also new results that lead to quadratic growth conditions in the strong sense. As a first application of second-order sufficient conditions, the stability of optimal solutions with respect to perturbations of the data of the control problem is discussed. Second, their use in analyzing the discretization of control problems by finite elements is studied. A survey on further related topics, open questions, and relevant literature concludes the paper.The first author was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under project MTM2011-22711, the second author by DFG in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 910, project B6
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