637 research outputs found

    Bridging gap between standard and differential polynomial approximation: The case of bin-packing

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is mainly to prove the following theorem: for every polynomial time algorithm running in time T(n) and guaranteeing standard-approximation ratio ϱ for bin-packing, there exists an algorithm running in time O(nT(n)) and achieving differential-approximation ratio 2 − ϱ for BP. This theorem has two main impacts. The first one is “operational”, deriving a polynomial time differential-approximation schema for bin-packing. The second one is structural, establishing a kind of reduction (to our knowledge not existing until now) between standard approximation and differential one

    Investigation of the Mechanical Performance of Compliant Thermal Barriers

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    Compliant thermal barriers play a pivotal role in the thermal protection systems of advanced aerospace vehicles. Both the thermal properties and mechanical performance of these barriers are critical in determining their successful implementation. Due to the custom nature of many thermal barriers, designers of advanced spacecraft have little guidance as to the design, selection, and implementation of these elements. As part of an effort to develop a more fundamental understanding of the interrelationship between thermal barrier design and performance, mechanical testing of thermal barriers was conducted. Two different types of thermal barriers with several core insulation density levels ranging from 62 to 141 kg/cu m were investigated. Room-temperature compression tests were conducted on samples to determine load performance and assess thermal barrier resiliency. Results showed that the loading behavior of these thermal barriers was similar to other porous, low-density, compliant materials, such as elastomeric foams. Additionally, the insulation density level had a significant non-linear impact on the stiffness and peak loads of the thermal barriers. In contrast, neither the thermal barrier type nor the level of insulation density significantly influenced the room-temperature resiliency of the samples

    Study of decagonal approximant and γ-brass-type compounds in Al-Cr-Fe thin films

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    This paper reports the preparation conditions and structure characteristics of Al-Cr-Fe very thin films (10-30 nm) obtained by the flash evaporation technique. The films are either amorphous or crystallized, depending on the thickness of the sample and temperature of the substrate. Annealing of amorphous films leads to crystallization of intermetallic phases that are all linked with quasicrystals. In particular, we have identified by transmission electron microscopy the following structures: body-centered-cubic (bcc) γ-brass phase, monoclinic λ-Al13(Cr,Fe)4 phase, and orthorhombic O1-phase, all of them already observed in this system, together with four new structures, i.e., a face-centered-cubic (fcc) γ-brass phase (superstructure of the bcc phase), monoclinic λ′-phase (related to the λ-phase) and two orthorhombic phases (1/1/; 1/1) and (1/0; 2/1) approximants of the decagonal phase). In this study, we point out the occurrence of twin defects of the λ-Al13(Cr,Fe)4 phase. Films prepared directly in the crystalline state comprise the O1 approximant. Electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements show that all films are not oxidized except for the presence of a native oxide layer that forms in ambient atmosphere with a thickness that cannot exceed 0.3 nm. Optical properties were investigated and show that films need to be large enough (>30 nm) to reproduce the properties of bulk alloys. Finally, contact angle wetting measurements reveal that the presence of such films on a substrate, even at very low thickness, considerably decreases the wetting behavior by wate

    Advanced Ceramic Wafer Seals Demonstrated at 2000 deg. F

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    Durable, high-temperature sliding seals are required in advanced hypersonic engines and around movable control surfaces on future vehicles. These seals must operate at temperatures of 2000 to 2500 F, limit hot gas flow, remain resilient for multiple cycles, and resist scrubbing damage against rough surfaces. Current seal designs do not meet these demanding requirements, so the NASA Glenn Research Center is developing advanced seals and preload devices to overcome these shortfalls. An advanced ceramic wafer seal design and two silicon nitride compression spring designs were evaluated in a series of compression, scrub, and flow tests

    Numerical representation of internal waves propagation

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    Similar to surface waves propagating at the interface of two fluid of different densities (like air and water), internal waves in the oceanic interior travel along surfaces separating waters of different densities (e.g. at the thermocline). Due to their key role in the global distribution of (physical) diapycnal mixing and mass transport, proper representation of internal wave dynamics in numerical models should be considered a priority since global climate models are now configured with increasingly higher horizontal/vertical resolution. However, in most state-of-the-art oceanic models, important terms involved in the propagation of internal waves (namely the horizontal pressure gradient and horizontal divergence in the continuity equation) are generally discretized using very basic numerics (i.e. second-order approximations) in space and time. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of higher-order approximations in terms of the discrete dispersion relation (in the linear theory) on staggered and nonstaggered computational grids. A fourth-order scheme discretized on a C-grid to approximate both pressure gradient and horizontal divergence terms provides clear improvements but, unlike nonstaggered grids, prevents the use of monotonic or non- oscillatory schemes. Since our study suggests that better numerics is required, second and fourth order direct space-time algorithms are designed, thus paving the way toward the use of efficient high-order discretizations of internal gravity waves in oceanic models, while maintaining good sta- bility properties (those schemes are stable for Courant numbers smaller than 1). Finally, important results obtained at a theoretical level are illustrated at a discrete level using two-dimensional (x,z) idealized experiments

    Expression and pharmacological characterization of the human μ-opioid receptor in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris

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    AbstractThe human μ-opioid receptor cDNA from which the 32 amino-terminal codons were substituted by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae α-mating factor signal sequence has been expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris using the host promoter of the alcohol oxidase-1 gene. Cell membranes exhibited specific and saturable binding of the opioid antagonist [3H]diprenorphine (Kd = 0.2 nM and Bmax = 400 fmol/mg protein or 800 sites/cell). Competition studies with non-selective, and μ-, δ- and κ-selective opioid agonists and antagonists revealed a typical μ-opioid receptor binding profile, suggesting proper folding of the protein in yeast membranes

    Improved Seals for High Temperature Airframe Applications

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    Current thermal barrier seals, such as those used on the Space Shuttle, are insufficient to fully meet the demands of future hypersonic vehicles and reentry spacecraft. Previous investigations have demonstrated limited usage temperatures, as evidenced by a decreased ability to maintain sealing effectiveness at high temperatures (i.e., inadequate resiliency). In order to improve resiliency at elevated temperatures, Rene 41 (Allvac) was substituted for Inconel X-750 (Special Metals Corp.) as the spring tube material in the existing seal design. A seal construction incorporating the Rene 41 spring tube was fabricated and tested against the baseline Inconel X-750 spring tube seal. Although resiliency improvements were not as dramatic as in previous tests with the spring tubes alone, seals incorporating the Rene 41 spring tube exhibited an average 20 percent resiliency enhancement up to 1750 F when compared to seals containing the Inconel spring tube. In addition, the seals with the Rene 41 spring tubes showed less reduction in resiliency as temperatures increased above 1200 F. Results also indicated the Saffil (Saffil Ltd.) insulation in the core of the seal contributed more to resiliency than previously thought. Leakage data did not demonstrate an improvement with the seal containing the Rene 41 spring tube. However, based upon resiliency results, one could reasonably expect the Rene 41 version of the seal to track gap openings over a wider range. Therefore it would exhibit lower leakage than the Inconel X-750 version as the seal gap opens during a typical mission

    Performance Evaluations of Ceramic Wafer Seals

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    Future hypersonic vehicles will require high temperature, dynamic seals in advanced ramjet/scramjet engines and on the vehicle airframe to seal the perimeters of movable panels, flaps, and doors. Seal temperatures in these locations can exceed 2000 F, especially when the seals are in contact with hot ceramic matrix composite sealing surfaces. NASA Glenn Research Center is developing advanced ceramic wafer seals to meet the needs of these applications. High temperature scrub tests performed between silicon nitride wafers and carbon-silicon carbide rub surfaces revealed high friction forces and evidence of material transfer from the rub surfaces to the wafer seals. Stickage between adjacent wafers was also observed after testing. Several design changes to the wafer seals were evaluated as possible solutions to these concerns. Wafers with recessed sides were evaluated as a potential means of reducing friction between adjacent wafers. Alternative wafer materials are also being considered as a means of reducing friction between the seals and their sealing surfaces and because the baseline silicon nitride wafer material (AS800) is no longer commercially available

    An Evaluation of High Temperature Airframe Seals for Advanced Hypersonic Vehicles

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    High temperature seals are required for advanced hypersonic airframe applications. In this study, both spring tube thermal barriers and innovative wafer seal systems were evaluated under relevant hypersonic test conditions (temperatures, pressures, etc.) via high temperature compression testing and room temperature flow assessments. Thermal barriers composed of a Rene 41 spring tube filled with Saffil insulation and overbraided with a Nextel 312 sheath showed acceptable performance at 1500 F in both short term and longer term compression testing. Nextel 440 thermal barriers with Rene 41 spring tubes and Saffil insulation demonstrated good compression performance up to 1750 F. A silicon nitride wafer seal/compression spring system displayed excellent load performance at temperatures as high as 2200 F and exhibited room temperature leakage values that were only 1/3 those for the spring tube rope seals. For all seal candidates evaluated, no significant degradation in leakage resistance was noted after high temperature compression testing. In addition to these tests, a superalloy seal suitable for dynamic seal applications was optimized through finite element techniques

    Design Study of Wafer Seals for Future Hypersonic Vehicles

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    Future hypersonic vehicles require high temperature, dynamic seals in advanced hypersonic engines and on the vehicle airframe to seal the perimeters of movable panels, flaps, and doors. Current seals do not meet the demanding requirements of these applications, so NASA Glenn Research Center is developing improved designs to overcome these shortfalls. An advanced ceramic wafer seal design has shown promise in meeting these needs. Results from a design of experiments study performed on this seal revealed that several installation variables played a role in determining the amount of leakage past the seals. Lower leakage rates were achieved by using a tighter groove width around the seals, a higher seal preload, a tighter wafer height tolerance, and a looser groove length. During flow testing, a seal activating pressure acting behind the wafers combined with simulated vibrations to seat the seals more effectively against the sealing surface and produce lower leakage rates. A seal geometry study revealed comparable leakage for full-scale wafers with 0.125 and 0.25 in. thicknesses. For applications in which lower part counts are desired, fewer 0.25-in.-thick wafers may be able to be used in place of 0.125-in.-thick wafers while achieving similar performance. Tests performed on wafers with a rounded edge (0.5 in. radius) in contact with the sealing surface resulted in flow rates twice as high as those for wafers with a flat edge. Half-size wafers had leakage rates approximately three times higher than those for full-size wafers