189 research outputs found

    Non-invasive Spatial Mapping of Frequencies in Atrial Fibrillation: Correlation With Contact Mapping

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    Introduction: Regional differences in activation rates may contribute to the electrical substrates that maintain atrial fibrillation (AF), and estimating them non-invasively may help guide ablation or select anti-arrhythmic medications. We tested whether non-invasive assessment of regional AF rate accurately represents intracardiac recordings. Methods: In 47 patients with AF (27 persistent, age 63 ± 13 years) we performed 57-lead non-invasive Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) in AF, simultaneously with 64-pole intracardiac signals of both atria. ECGI was reconstructed by Tikhonov regularization. We constructed personalized 3D AF rate distribution maps by Dominant Frequency (DF) analysis from intracardiac and non-invasive recordings. Results: Raw intracardiac and non-invasive DF differed substantially, by 0.54 Hz [0.13 - 1.37] across bi-atrial regions (R2 = 0.11). Filtering by high spectral organization reduced this difference to 0.10 Hz (cycle length difference of 1 - 11 ms) [0.03 - 0.42] for patient-level comparisons (R2 = 0.62), and 0.19 Hz [0.03 - 0.59] and 0.20 Hz [0.04 - 0.61] for median and highest DF, respectively. Non-invasive and highest DF predicted acute ablation success (p = 0.04). Conclusion: Non-invasive estimation of atrial activation rates is feasible and, when filtered by high spectral organization, provide a moderate estimate of intracardiac recording rates in AF. Non-invasive technology could be an effective tool to identify patients who may respond to AF ablation for personalized therapy

    Increased Medial Temporal Tau Positron Emission Tomography Uptake in the Absence of Amyloid-β Positivity

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    IMPORTANCE: An increased tau positron emission tomography (PET) signal in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) has been observed in older individuals in the absence of amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology. Little is known about the longitudinal course of this condition, and its association with Alzheimer disease (AD) remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To study the pathologic and clinical course of older individuals with PET-evidenced MTL tau deposition (TMTL+) in the absence of Aβ pathology (A-), and the association of this condition with the AD continuum. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A multicentric, observational, longitudinal cohort study was conducted using pooled data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), Harvard Aging Brain Study (HABS), and the AVID-A05 study, collected between July 2, 2015, and August 23, 2021. Participants in the ADNI, HABS, and AVID-A05 studies (N = 1093) with varying degrees of cognitive performance were deemed eligible if they had available tau PET, Aβ PET, and magnetic resonance imaging scans at baseline. Of these, 128 participants did not meet inclusion criteria based on Aβ PET and tau PET biomarker profiles (A+ TMTL-). EXPOSURES: Tau and Aβ PET, magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, and cognitive assessments. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Cross-sectional and longitudinal measures for tau and Aβ PET, cortical atrophy, cognitive scores, and core AD cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers (Aβ42/40 and tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 p-tau181 available in a subset). RESULTS: Among the 965 individuals included in the study, 503 were women (52.1%) and the mean (SD) age was 73.9 (8.1) years. A total of 51% of A- individuals and 78% of A+ participants had increased tau PET signal in the entorhinal cortex (TMTL+) compared with healthy younger (aged <39 years) controls. Compared with A- TMTL-, A- TMTL+ participants showed statistically significant, albeit moderate, longitudinal (mean [SD], 1.83 [0.84] years) tau PET increases that were largely limited to the temporal lobe, whereas those with A+ TMTL+ showed faster and more cortically widespread tau PET increases. In contrast to participants with A+ TMTL+, those with A- TMTL+ did not show any noticeable Aβ accumulation over follow-up (mean [SD], 2.36 [0.76] years). Complementary cerebrospinal fluid analysis confirmed longitudinal p-tau181 increases in A- TMTL+ in the absence of increased Aβ accumulation. Participants with A- TMTL+ had accelerated MTL atrophy, whereas those with A+ TMTL+ showed accelerated atrophy in widespread temporoparietal brain regions. Increased MTL tau PET uptake in A- individuals was associated with cognitive decline, but at a significantly slower rate compared with A+ TMTL+. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this study, individuals with A- TMTL+ exhibited progressive tau accumulation and neurodegeneration, but these processes were comparably slow, remained largely restricted to the MTL, were associated with only subtle changes in global cognitive performance, and were not accompanied by detectable accumulation of Aβ biomarkers. These data suggest that individuals with A- TMTL+ are not on a pathologic trajectory toward AD

    Módulo experimental para el diseño de sistemas solares pasivos

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    El presente trabajo consiste en desarrollar y ejecutar un proyecto que tenga la incorporación de criterios constructivos Bioambientales cuyo objetivo general es evaluar el ahorro energético en función de la envolvente y la aplicación de una metodología de cálculo para un diseño solar pasivo, para lo cual se desarrolló una programación de mediciones sistemáticas de las temperaturas superficiales, temperaturas del aire, flujos de calor y energías consumidas para mantener el grado de confort en el interior del módulo. En el análisis de este trabajo se buscó relacionando el valor “G" del balance térmico de la envolvente con la energía consumida y las temperaturas exteriores colocando los valores obtenidos en una función lineal que nos permita cuantificar el ahorro energético. Y de esta forma se puede confeccionar o estipular la relación costo - beneficio.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Crecimiento y supervivencia de las paralarvas del pulpo Octopus vulgaris con diferentes dietas durante el primer mes de vida

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    Octopus vulgaris paralarvae survival and growth during first month of live were analysed using three different enrichm ent diet types. No significant differences were observed in both paralarvae growth and survival between diets. However, significant mortality differences were observed. Diet based on Artemia salina with Ori-green supplement give the best survival p ercentage (13,11%) comparing with diets using A. salina with Isochrisys galbana (0,78%) or Multigain (1,73%) supplement

    Retinoblastoma Loss Modulates DNA Damage Response Favoring Tumor Progression

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    Senescence is one of the main barriers against tumor progression. Oncogenic signals in primary cells result in oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), crucial for protection against cancer development. It has been described in premalignant lesions that OIS requires DNA damage response (DDR) activation, safeguard of the integrity of the genome. Here we demonstrate how the cellular mechanisms involved in oncogenic transformation in a model of glioma uncouple OIS and DDR. We use this tumor type as a paradigm of oncogenic transformation. In human gliomas most of the genetic alterations that have been previously identified result in abnormal activation of cell growth signaling pathways and deregulation of cell cycle, features recapitulated in our model by oncogenic Ras expression and retinoblastoma (Rb) inactivation respectively. In this scenario, the absence of pRb confers a proliferative advantage and activates DDR to a greater extent in a DNA lesion-independent fashion than cells that express only HRasV12. Moreover, Rb loss inactivates the stress kinase DDR-associated p38MAPK by specific Wip1-dependent dephosphorylation. Thus, Rb loss acts as a switch mediating the transition between premalignant lesions and cancer through DDR modulation. These findings may have important implications for the understanding the biology of gliomas and anticipate a new target, Wip1 phosphatase, for novel therapeutic strategies

    Common Promoter Elements in Odorant and Vomeronasal Receptor Genes

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    In mammals, odorants and pheromones are detected by hundreds of odorant receptors (ORs) and vomeronasal receptors (V1Rs and V2Rs) expressed by sensory neurons that are respectively located in the main olfactory epithelium and in the vomeronasal organ. Even though these two olfactory systems are functionally and anatomically separate, their sensory neurons show a common mechanism of receptor gene regulation: each neuron expresses a single receptor gene from a single allele. The mechanisms underlying OR and VR gene expression remain unclear. Here we investigated if OR and V1R genes share common sequences in their promoter regions

    Characterization of Spermatogonial Stem Cells Lacking Intercellular Bridges and Genetic Replacement of a Mutation in Spermatogonial Stem Cells

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    Stem cells have a potential of gene therapy for regenerative medicine. Among various stem cells, spermatogonial stem cells have a unique characteristic in which neighboring cells can be connected by intercellular bridges. However, the roles of intercellular bridges for stem cell self-renewal, differentiation, and proliferation remain to be elucidated. Here, we show not only the characteristics of testis-expressed gene 14 (TEX14) null spermatogonial stem cells lacking intercellular bridges but also a trial application of genetic correction of a mutation in spermatogonial stem cells as a model for future gene therapy. In TEX14 null testes, some genes important for undifferentiated spermatogonia as well as some differentiation-related genes were activated. TEX14 null spermatogonial stem cells, surprisingly, could form chain-like structures even though they do not form stable intercellular bridges. TEX14 null spermatogonial stem cells in culture possessed both characteristics of undifferentiated and differentiated spermatogonia. Long-term culture of TEX14 null spermatogonial stem cells could not be established likely secondary to up-regulation of CDK4 inhibitors and down-regulation of cyclin E. These results suggest that intercellular bridges are essential for both maintenance of spermatogonial stem cells and their proliferation. Lastly, a mutation in Tex14+/− spermatogonial stem cells was successfully replaced by homologous recombination in vitro. Our study provides a therapeutic potential of spermatogonial stem cells for reproductive medicine if they can be cultured long-term

    The Mitochondrial Genome Is a “Genetic Sanctuary” during the Oncogenic Process

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    Since Otto Warburg linked mitochondrial physiology and oncogenesis in the 1930s, a number of studies have focused on the analysis of the genetic basis for the presence of aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells. However, little or no evidence exists today to indicate that mtDNA mutations are directly responsible for the initiation of tumor onset. Based on a model of gliomagenesis in the mouse, we aimed to explore whether or not mtDNA mutations are associated with the initiation of tumor formation, maintenance and aggressiveness. We reproduced the different molecular events that lead from tumor initiation to progression in the mouse glioma. In human gliomas, most of the genetic alterations that have been previously identified result in the aberrant activation of different signaling pathways and deregulation of the cell cycle. Our data indicates that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, leading to increased nuclear DNA (nDNA) mutagenesis, but maintaining the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. In addition, mutational stability has been observed in entire mtDNA of human gliomas; this is in full agreement with the results obtained in the cancer mouse model. We use this model as a paradigm of oncogenic transformation due to the fact that mutations commonly found in gliomas appear to be the most common molecular alterations leading to tumor development in most types of human cancer. Our results indicate that the mtDNA genome is kept by the cell as a “genetic sanctuary” during tumor development in the mouse and humans. This is compatible with the hypothesis that the mtDNA molecule plays an essential role in the control of the cellular adaptive survival response to tumor-induced oxidative stress. The integrity of mtDNA seems to be a necessary element for responding to the increased ROS production associated with the oncogenic process

    Altered Development of NKT Cells, γδ T Cells, CD8 T Cells and NK Cells in a PLZF Deficient Patient

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    In mice, the transcription factor, PLZF, controls the development of effector functions in invariant NKT cells and a subset of NKT cell-like, γδ T cells. Here, we show that in human lymphocytes, in addition to invariant NKT cells, PLZF was also expressed in a large percentage of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, PLZF was also found to be expressed in all γδ T cells and in all NK cells. Importantly, we show that in a donor lacking functional PLZF, all of these various lymphocyte populations were altered. Therefore, in contrast to mice, PLZF appears to control the development and/or function of a wide variety of human lymphocytes that represent more than 10% of the total PBMCs. Interestingly, the PLZF-expressing CD8+ T cell population was found to be expanded in the peripheral blood of patients with metastatic melanoma but was greatly diminished in patients with autoimmune disease

    Vaccinia-Related Kinase 1 Is Required for the Maintenance of Undifferentiated Spermatogonia in Mouse Male Germ Cells

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    Vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) is a crucial protein kinase for mitotic regulation. VRK1 is known to play a role in germ cell development, and its deficiency results in sterility. Here we describe that VRK1 is essential for the maintenance of spermatogonial stem cells. To determine whether VRK1 plays a role in these cells, we assessed the population size of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Flow cytometry analyses showed that the number of undifferentiated spermatogonia was markedly reduced in VRK1-deficient testes. VRK1 was highly expressed in spermatogonial populations, and approximately 66% of undifferentiated spermatogonia that were sorted as an Ep-CAM+/c-kit−/alpha-6-integrin+ population showed a positive signal for VRK1. Undifferentiated stem cells expressing Plzf and Oct4 but not c-kit also expressed VRK1, suggesting that VRK1 is an intrinsic factor for the maintenance of spermatogonial stem cells. Microarray analyses of the global testicular transcriptome and quantitative RT-PCR of VRK1-deficient testes revealed significantly reduced expression levels of undifferentiated spermatogonial marker genes in early postnatal mice. Together, these results suggest that VRK1 is required for the proliferation and differentiation of undifferentiated spermatogonia, which are essential for spermatogenic cell maintenance