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    156 Viviendas Industrializadas en Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    In 2004, VISESA announced a Grant for Research on Industrialized Housing Structures that was awarded to the Pich-Aguilera team. Their survey identified a series of energy-related, social and economic aspects in modern construction that could be optimized by system industrialization. * System assessed in the survey: – Facade cladding. – Frame (columns and beams). – Three-dimensional aspects (horizontal/vertical surfaces, standard rooms, modules). – Composite construction in frame, cladding and modules.* Analysis of construction contracting, associations and companies. * Comparative analysis of industrialized and traditional construction. Taking the theoretical data and conclusions of the survey funded by the grant as a basis, and in light of the industrialization strategy laid down in the Basque Country Regional Government’s Housing Guidelines and VISESA’s Strategic and Management Plans, concrete manufacturers in the Basque Country and surrounding autonomous communities were contacted to determine the industrial feasibility of a specific construction project. With these findings in hand, the research grant was extended to include a specific architectural design: 156 housing units on lot RC.33 in Sector 6 at Zabalgana, Vitoria-Gasteiz, whose main characteristics are: – G+8+penthouse, doubling the height of isostatic concrete buildings erected in Spain to date. – Industrialized structure and enclosures (3-storey columns, isostatic portal frames stiffened with steel tie rods and slab topping). – Curved steel roof and steel joints between columns (high strength bolts). – Industrialized construction system (process), not only as the sum of elements, but minimizing material and energy consumption, raising the guarantee of final finish quality and improving working conditions and site safety. The construction design (PICH-AGUILERA and structure by BOMA) was concluded with construction solutions NOT dependent upon specific patents; the works were awarded to the joint venture formed by CONSTRUCCIONES SUKIA and NORTEN PH. Construction will be completed in mid-2009. A comparative study was also conducted (by PICH in conjunction with IMAT) of two developments in the same sector. The scope was as follows: comparative analysis of two residential buildings, one industrialized and the other built with traditional construction systems, using real site data. The preliminary results are discussed in this article. The final conclusions will be drawn after the works are completed. Concrete industrialization (linear or three-dimensional) is one of a number of possible alternatives (composite and steel construction). Other parts of the process can also be industrialized (formwork for instance). Residential building structures can and should, in the author’s opinion, adopt the pattern used in commercial building (today’s industrial bays are made of steel or precast concrete), for this is technically possible. Work site visits have been organized for groups of ten architects and engineers; to date nearly 600 have visited the development.Durante el año 2004, VISESA convocó una Beca de Investigación sobre Estructuras Industrializadas en Edificios de Vivienda Colectiva. Fue desarrollada por el equipo Pich-Aguilera y se concluyeron una serie de desajustes actuales en el sector (en concreto en los campos energético, social y económico) que podrían solucionarse con sistemas industrializados. * Analisis de sistemas valorados en la Beca: – Paneles de fachada. – Sistema entramado (esqueleto de pilares y jácenas). – Sistema tridimensional (paramentos, cajas o módulos). – Sistema mixto (esqueleto, placas y módulos). * Análisis de posibilidades de contratación, asociaciones y empresas valorados en la Beca. * Análisis comparativo realizado en la Beca entre una obra industrializada y otra tradicional. Una vez completada la fase de la Beca de Investigación y disponibles los datos teóricos y las conclusiones, a la vista también de la línea estratégica de industrialización indicada en el Plan Director de Vivienda del Gobierno Vasco y en los Planes Estratégicos y de Gestión de VISESA se contacta con los industriales de hormigón de la CAPV y CA limítrofes para contrastar la viabilidad industrial para acometer un proyecto edificatorio concreto. Tras realizar este contraste se amplía la Beca de Investigación a la Redacción de un Proyecto arquitectónico concreto: 156 VVSS en Parcela RC.33 del Sector 6 de Zabalgana. Vitoria- Gasteiz cuyas principales características son: – B+8+Ático, lo cual supone duplicar la altura hasta ahora conseguida en España con sistemas isostáticos de hormigón. – Estructura y cerramientos industrializados (pilares de 3 plantas, pórticos isostáticos rigidizados con tirantes metálicos y capa de compresor por forjado. – Cubierta metálica curvada y uniones entre pilares con elementos metálicos (tornillos alta resistencia). – Se industrializa el sistema constructivo (proceso), no sólo como suma de elementos, con minimización de consumo de material y energía, incremento de garantías sobre acabado final, mejora en condiciones de trabajo y seguridad en la obra. Se cierra el proyecto de ejecución (PICHAGUILERA y estructura de BOMA) con soluciones constructivas NO vinculadas a patentes concretas y se adjudica la obra a la unión de las empresas CONSTRUCCIONES SUKIA y NORTEN PH. La obra finalizará a mediados de 2009. Se plantea simultáneamente un estudio comparativo (Colaboración PICH-IMAT) entre dos promociones del mismo sector con el siguiente alcance: análisis comparativo con datos reales de obra entre un edificio de viviendas industrializadas y otro con sistemas constructivos tradicionales. Se dispone ya de los primeros resultados que se recogen en el artículo, estando a la espera de cerrar todas las conclusiones una vez disponibles los datos definitivos tras finalizar la obra. La industrialización en hormigón no es la única vía sino una más (en hormigón -lineal, tridimensional, mixto- y en acero). Además hay otras soluciones de industrializar partes del proceso (ej. encofrados). Las estructuras industrializadas en edificación residencial estoy convencido de que pueden y deben seguir un camino similar al de la edificación industrial (naves industriales hoy son de acero o de hormigón prefabricado), técnicamente es posible. Se han organizado visitas técnicas a la obra por grupos de 10 personas habiendo visitado la promoción casi 600 personas

    156 Viviendas Industrializadas en Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    To draw the water for to see the Alhambra

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    A Alhambra e a paisagem cultural que a constitui, com seus fascinantes patrimônios herdados, têm maravilhado a turistas e visitantes, desde sua construção, que buscam captar suas belezas por meio das mais diversas representações artísticas, entre elas o desenho. O correto emprego dos materiais, como a demonstrar verdade e sinceridade em sua construção, torna-se um exemplo de permanente contemporaneidade, graças a sua misteriosa simplicidade. Dentre eles, pode-se destacar a água, estruturante da paisagem, origem dos assentamentos humanos na colina de Sabika e elemento simbólico para os fundadores e, talvez, o mais enigmático e importante material que constitui a paisagem cultural da Alhambra. Entender a água, matéria sutil e poderosa, estreitamente ligada ao “Espaço Alhambra”, será o mesmo que compreender a essência de seus lugares. Por isso, para “ver” uma de suas ferramentas mais simples e eficazes empregadas pelo arquiteto seria o desenho a mão. O simples movimento do lápis por uma folha em branco radiografando a realidade do líquido, transcrevendo sua mensagem, trazendo à luz sua materialidade e seu modo de se relacionar com o contexto, torna-se uma aventura fascinante. “Ver a água com as mãos” seria, desse modo, decifrar os códigos que tornaram possível a paisagem da Alhambra e sua arquitetura. Percebe-se um caminho traçado para a água e seus espaços, onde a palavra aparece somente como um complemento específico de indicação, ou como elemento-chave para se entender algum aspecto concreto. Busca-se escutar a voz da água, compreender sua linguagem e transformar seu modo de ver. Neste olhar, mais do que nunca líquido, intenta-se despertar e provocar no leitor a alegria de continuar observando.La Alhambra y el paisaje cultural que preside, fascinantes patrimonios heredados, han maravillado desde su construcción a viajeros y visitantes que han tratado de captar su belleza mediante representaciones artísticas diversas, entre ellas el dibujo. El sabio uso de los materiales, siempre mostrando su sinceridad y verdad constructivas, es ejemplo de contemporaneidad permanente gracias a su misteriosa sencillez. De entre ellos, el agua, estructurante del paisaje, origen del asentamiento humano en la colina de la Sabika y elemento simbólico para los fundadores, es quizás el más enigmático e importante de las materias que construyen el paisaje cultural alhambreño. Entender el agua, materia sutil y poderosa, ligada indisolublemente al “Espacio Alhambra”, será por tanto comprender la esencia de sus lugares. Para ello, para “ver”, una de las herramientas más sencillas y eficaces del arquitecto es el dibujo a mano. El simple discurrir del lápiz por una hoja en blanco radiografiando la realidad del líquido, transcribiendo su mensaje, sacando a la luz su materialidad y su modo de relacionarse con el entorno, nos parece una aventura fascinante. “Ver el agua con las manos” sería, por tanto, descifrar los códigos que han hecho posible el paisaje de la Alhambra y su arquitectura. Se muestra a continuación un viaje dibujado al agua y sus espacios donde la palabra aparece tan sólo como complemento preciso a modo de indicación o clave para entender algún aspecto concreto. Hemos tratado de escuchar la voz el agua, comprender su lenguaje y trasladar su modo de ver. Nuestra mirada, más que nunca líquida, intentará descubrir y sugerir en el lector la alegría de seguir mirando.The Alhambra and its cultural landscape, fascinating heritage, has interested travellers and visitors from its construction. They have tried expressing its beauty in drawings, engraves and other artistic representations. Materials are used with such wisdom that the Alhambra is an example of permanent contemporaneity thanks to its mysterious simplicity. Among materials, the water, which has structured the landscape and was a symbolic element for Arabs, is the most enigmatic material that builts the cultural landscape of the Alhambra. We would like to understand such a subtle and powerful matter as water as something belonging to the “Space Alhambra”, in order to understand the essence of its spaces. Thus, for “seeing”, architect has one of the most simple but powerful tools: hand drawing. The way that the pencil flows through the white paper emerging the message of water and lighting its materiality is an amazing experience. “Seeing the water with our hands” will be as decoding the way that the landscape of the Alhambra and its architecture has been created. In the following article we show a drawing travel through water and its spaces. Written texts appear just as a complement and give precise clues to understand specific aspects of the liquid. We have tried to listen the voice of water, understand its language. Our “liquid” way of looking tries suggesting to the reader the happiness of seeing forward

    Phytotoxic halimanes isolated from Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pad.) Pers.

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    From the EtOH extract of the medicinal native plant, Baccharis salicifolia, two novel halimane-type diterpenoids, salicifolic acid (1) and 5-hydroxy-6-hydro-salicifolic acid (2) together with the known compounds sakuranetin (3), apigenin (4) and scopoletin (5) were bioguided isolated against Panicum miliaceum (monocotyledonous). The structures of 1 and 2 were established by extensive spectroscopic analyses. The effective concentration for 50% inhibition of germination (ECg 50) and the root (ECr 50) and shoot (ECs 50) elongations was determined for 1-5 against P. miliaceum and Raphanus sativus (dicotyledonous). Compound 2 was the most active in the inhibition of germination of P. miliaceum (ECg 50 = 1 mM), followed by 1, 5 and 3, although 1 was the most effective in regulating the growth of P. miliaceum seedlings, with a ECr 50 and ECs 50 values of 1.8 and 6.6 mM, respectively. Compounds 1 and 3 were the only samples capable of inhibiting the germination of R. sativus, while seedling development was affected by 1, 2, and 3 with different effectiveness.Fil: del Corral, Soledad. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cuffini, Silvia Lucia. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasil. Provincia de Córdoba. Ministerio de Ciencia y Técnica. Centro de Excelencia en Productos y Procesos de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cardoso, Simone G.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Bortoluzzi, Adailton J.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Palacios, Sara Maria. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas; Argentina. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales y Sustentabilidad José Sanchez Labrador S. J. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales y Sustentabilidad José Sanchez Labrador S. J.; Argentin

    Diversification, efficiency and productivity in catch share fisheries

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    This study investigates the relationship between diversification, technical efficiency (TE), and productivity in the US Gulf of Mexico commercial red snapper fishery. We estimated a vessel-level input-oriented stochastic distance frontier simultaneously with a technical inefficiency effects model using a 20-year unbalanced panel (1997–2016). The panel documented the fishing activities of 1,255 fishing vessels, 10 years before and after the adoption of the red snapper catch share program in 2007. Our study points to the desirability of diversification in catch share fisheries. It shows that red snapper fishers who diversified their fishing portfolio tended to be more productive and technically efficient. The study found evidence that diversification resulted in cost savings from catching multiple species (diversification economies), and that the productivity of the fleet increased (diversification efficiencies). The analysis also showed that the TE of the fleet increased in the catch share period. The average TE rose from 0.78 in the command and control period to 0.85 in the catch share period. Higher TE scores were associated with higher levels of diversification. Our results suggest that policies that encourage diversification such as reducing quota ownership caps, adjusting quota carryover provisions, and providing governmental assistance to increase participation in other fisheries deserve further attention.Este estudio investiga la relación entre la diversificación, la eficiencia técnica (TE) y la productividad en la pesquería comercial de pargo rojo del Golfo de México de los EE. UU. Estimamos una frontera de distancia estocástica orientada a la entrada a nivel del buque simultáneamente con un modelo de efectos de ineficiencia técnica utilizando un panel desequilibrado de 20 años (1997-2016). El panel documentó las actividades pesqueras de 1.255 embarcaciones pesqueras, 10 años antes y después de la adopción del programa de captura compartida de huachinango en 2007. Nuestro estudio apunta a la conveniencia de diversificar las pesquerías de captura compartida. Muestra que los pescadores de huachinango que diversificaron su cartera de pesca tendieron a ser más productivos y técnicamente eficientes. El estudio encontró evidencia de que la diversificación resultó en ahorros de costos al capturar múltiples especies (economías de diversificación), y que la productividad de la flota aumentó (eficiencias de diversificación). El análisis también mostró que el TE de la flota aumentó en el período de cuota de captura. El TE medio aumentó de 0,78 en el período de mando y control a 0,85 en el período de captura compartida. Los puntajes más altos de TE se asociaron con niveles más altos de diversificación. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las políticas que fomentan la diversificación, como la reducción de los límites máximos de propiedad de cuotas, el ajuste de las disposiciones de transferencia de cuotas y la prestación de asistencia gubernamental para aumentar la participación en otras pesquerías, merecen más atención. Los puntajes más altos de TE se asociaron con niveles más altos de diversificación. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las políticas que fomentan la diversificación, como la reducción de los límites máximos de propiedad de cuotas, el ajuste de las disposiciones de transferencia de cuotas y la prestación de asistencia gubernamental para aumentar la participación en otras pesquerías, merecen más atención. Los puntajes más altos de TE se asociaron con niveles más altos de diversificación. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las políticas que fomentan la diversificación, como la reducción de los límites máximos de propiedad de cuotas, el ajuste de las disposiciones de transferencia de cuotas y la prestación de asistencia gubernamental para aumentar la participación en otras pesquerías, merecen más atención

    The case of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery

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    This study investigates changes in the total factor productivity (TFP) and identifies the main sources of TFP growth following the adoption of an individual fishing quota (IFQ) program in the Gulf of Mexico red snapper commercial fishery. Utilizing an unbalanced panel of 722 vertical line vessels Malmquist indices were derived from an output-oriented stochastic distance frontier. The analysis shows that the IFQ program had a positive impact on the productivity of the fleet and that most of the productivity gains were due to improvements in technical efficiency. The study also finds that changes in technical efficiency were time variant suggesting that the exit of the less efficient vessels and easing of command and control regulations such as trip limits and short fishing seasons were responsible for most of these gains. Changes in the exploitable biomass of red snapper were found to have a moderate impact on productivity growth whereas the impact of technological progress was minima

    Experiencing the possibility of near death on a daily basis: A phenomenological study of patients with chronic heart failure

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    Background: Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a syndrome that greatly impacts people’s lives. Due to the poor prognosis of CHF, together with the frequent exacerbations of symptoms, death is a topic that is very present in the lives of patients with CHF. Objective: To explore thoughts about death experienced by patients with chronic heart failure in their daily lives. Methods: A hermeneutic phenomenological study was carried out. Conversational interviews were conducted with 20 outpatients with chronic heart failure. Analysis of the responses was based on the method proposed by van Manen. Results: From the analysis, four main themes emerged: (1) Feeling afraid of the possibility of dying; (2) Acceptance of the possibility of death; (3) Desiring death for relief from suffering; and (4) Striving to continue living to enjoy family. Conclusions: This study presents, as a novel finding, that people with CHF experience the possibility of near death on a daily basis. This experience, which they must encounter on their own, makes them afraid. In addition, some of them, in view of the discomfort they are living, wish to die, with some even considering committing suicide

    Utility of a thematic network in primary health care: a controlled interventional study in a rural area

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    BACKGROUND: UniNet is an Internet-based thematic network for a virtual community of users (VCU). It supports a virtual multidisciplinary community for physicians, focused on the improvement of clinical practice. This is a study of the effects of a thematic network such as UniNet on primary care medicine in a rural area, specifically as a platform of communication between specialists at the hospital and doctors in the rural area. METHODS: In order to study the effects of a thematic network such as UniNet on primary care medicine in a rural area, we designed an interventional study that included a control group. The measurements included the number of patient displacements due to disease, number of patient hospital stays and the number of prescriptions of drugs of low therapeutic utility and generic drug prescriptions by doctors. These data were analysed and compared with those of the control center. RESULTS: Our study showed positive changes in medical practice, reflected in the improvement of the evaluated parameters in the rural health area where the interventional study was carried out, compared with the control area. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of UniNet as a potential medium to improve the quality of medical care in rural areas. CONCLUSION: The rural doctors had an effective, useful, user-friendly and cheap source of medical information that may have contributed to the improvement observed in the medical quality indices

    The XMM-Newton survey in the H-ATLAS field

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    Wide-area X-ray and far-infrared surveys are a fundamental tool to investigate the link between AGN growth and star formation, especially in the low-redshift universe (z ≲ 1). The Herschel Terahertz Large Area survey (H-ATLAS) has covered 550 deg2 in five far-infrared and sub-mm bands, 16 deg2 of which have been presented in the Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) catalogue. Here we introduce the XMM-Newton observations in the H-ATLAS SDP area, covering 7.1 deg2 with flux limits of 2 × 10-15, 6 × 10-15, and 9 × 10-15 erg s-1 cm-2 in the 0.5−2, 0.5−8, and 2−8 keV bands, respectively. We present the source detection and the catalogue, which includes 1700, 1582, and 814 sources detected by EMLDetect in the 0.5−8, 0.5−2, and 2−8 keV bands, respectively; the number of unique sources is 1816. We extract spectra and derive fluxes from power-law fits for 398 sources with more than 40 counts in the 0.5−8 keV band. We compare the best-fit fluxes with those in the catalogue, which are obtained assuming a common photon index of Γ = 1.7; we find no bulk difference between the fluxes and a moderate dispersion of s = 0.33 dex. Using the fluxes from the spectral fits wherever possible, we derive the 2−10 keV Log N−Log S, which is consistent with a Euclidean distribution. Finally, we release the computer code for the tools developed for this project.P.R. acknowledges a grant from the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology in the framework of the programme Support of Postdoctoral Researchers. A.D.M. acknowledges financial support from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (ST/I001573/I). F.J.C. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant AYA2012-31447.Peer Reviewe