3,853 research outputs found

    Algas marinas bentónicas de Punta del Hidalgo, Tenerife (Islas Canarias)

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    Se presenta el catálogo de las algas marinas bentónicas de Punta del Hidalgo (Tenerife) en el que se relacionan 210 especies: 8 Cyanophyta, 126 Rhodophyta, 42 Phaephytay 34 Chlorophyta. Se incluyen comentarios ecológicos para cada especie.210 species of seaweeds are reported from Punta del Hidalgo (Tenerife): 8 Cyanophyta, 126 Rhodophyta, 42 Phacphyta and 34 Chlorophyta. For each species data concemig ecological conditions are given

    A new species of Dudresnaya (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Canary Islands.

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    A deep-water species of Dudresnaya, D. multiramosa Afonso-Carrillo, Sansón et Reyes sp. nov., is described from the Canary Islands. Gametophytes are terete and radially branched up to six orders, young branches are annulate but become non-annulate at maturity, hexagonal crystals are lacking in axial cells, rhizoids reach 60 um in diameter, inner cells of cortical fascicles are tri- to pentachotomously branched, and outer cortical cells are ellipsoid / moniliform. Spermatangia are borne singly or in pairs on terminal or subterminal cortical cells of monoecious gametophytes. Carpogonial and auxiliary-cell fila ments lack a thick mucilage coat, vegetative laterals or rhizoids. Generative auxiliary cells are smaller and distinguishable by shape from adjacent cells of the auxiliary-cell filament prior to diploidization. Cystocarps consist of up to 12 rounded gonimolobes and are dis tinctly cleft around the auxiliary-cell filament. Tetrasporophytes are unknown. The new species is mainly distinguished by the cell shapes and pattern of branching of the cortical fascicles and by the multilobed cystocarps. It differs from all other Dudresnaya species by its autapomorphic characters. The western Atlantic D. bermudensis Setchell, D. georgiana Searles and D. puertoricensis Searles et Ballantine, the Hawaiian D. littleri Abbott and the eastern Pacific D. colombiana Taylor are postulated to be most closely related to D. multi-ramosa as these are the only other members to display moniliform cortical fascicles among the seventeen described species of the genus

    Structure of male conceptacles of Lithophyllum lobatum (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta)

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    The anatomical study has shown that male conceptacles of Lithophyllum lobatum Lemoine possess the more significant features reported in others species of Lithophyllum: (1) conceptacle roof formed by overgrowth of filaments surrounding the fertile area and (2) simple spermatangia occurring only on the conceptacle floor. Moreover some additional particularities of conceptacle roof structure are described: (1) a monostromatic layer of horizontally elongated cells directly originated from the proximal filaments that surround the fertile area (2) short vertical filaments formed from the monostromatic layer and (3) superficial cells radially oriented surrounding the pore.Anatómicamente, los conceptáculos masculinos de Lithophyllum lobatum Lemoine presentan los caracteres más significativos descritos en otras especies de Lithophyllum: (1) techo del conceptáculo formado por crecimiento de los filamentos que rodean el área fértil y (2) espermatangios simples situados sólo en el piso del conceptáculo. Además, son descritas algunas particularidades adicionales de la estructura del techo del conceptáculo: (1) una capa monostromática de células elongadas originadas directamente de los filamentos proximales que rodean el área fértil; (2) filamentos verticales cortos formados a partir de la capa monoscromática y (3) células superficiales orientadas radialmente rodeando el poro

    Dos especies nuevas de Crassulaceae del sur de Jalisco, México

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    Based on collections from the southern part of the state of Jalisco, Echeveria rulfiana and Villadia ramirezii are described as new species. The former is assigned to series Gibbiflorae and compared with E. marianae, E. novogaliciana, and E. nayaritensis, from which it differs mainly by its caulescent habit and oblanceolate and canaliculate leaves. The latter is related with V. platystyla and can be distinguished by possesing smaller flowers arranged in loose cymes. Both species are narrow endemic elements of southern Jalisco and their conservation statuses are discussed.Con base en colectas procedentes del sur del estado de Jalisco, se describen Echeveria rulfiana y Villadia ramirezii como especies nuevas para la ciencia. La primera se asigna a la serie Gibbiflorae y se compara con E. marianae, E. novogaliciana y E. nayaritensis, de las que se distingue principalmente por la presencia de tallo y por sus hojas oblongas y acanaladas. V. ramirezii parece estar estrechamente relacionada con V. platystyla y se puede separar, entre otros caracteres, por poseer inflorescencias más laxas y flores de menor tamaño. Se discute el estado de conservación de ambas especies, que parecen representar estrechos endemismos en el sur de Jalisco

    Morfología y distribución de la rodófita alóctona Neosiphonia harveyi, y comentarios sobre otras algas marinas probablemente introducidas en las Islas Canarias

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    El hábito, la morfología vegetativa y reproductora, y la distribución regional se describen en plantas de Neosiphonia harveyi (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) de las islas Canarias. Las plantas examinadas son similares en morfología a las plantas del Atlántico occidental, aunque son fértiles durante todo el año como en las poblaciones europeas. En las Canarias, esta especie (que tiene su centro de diversidad y origen en Japón y es considerada como no nativa de las aguas europeas) fue observada por primera vez en 1990, y hasta este momento, ha sido solamente identificada creciendo en el sublitoral somero sobre los cascos, los pantalanes, las boyas y las cuerdas de los barcos en interior de muelles recreativos y pesqueros, de El Hierro, La Palma, Tenerife y Fuerteventura. Se comentan otras algas marinas al parecer también introducidas en las Canarias, y se sugiere la navegación marina como la vía de introducción de especies foráneas en los puertos de Canarias.Habit, vegetative and reproductive morphology, and regional distribution are described in plants of Neosiphonia harveyi (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Canary Islands. The plants examined are similar in morphology to plants from the western Atlantic, although they are fertile throughout the year as in European populations. In the Canary Islands, this species (which has its centre of diversity and origin in Japan and it is regarded as an alien in European waters) was observed for the first time in 1990, and until now, it has been only identified growing in the shallow sublittoral on ships' hulls, floating moorings, buoys and ropes in recreational and fishing harbours, from El Hierro, La Palma, Tenerife and Fuerteventura. Other seaweeds apparently also introduced in Canaries are commented, and the marine navigation is suggested as via of introduction of foreign species in the Canary Islands harbours

    An endophytic Streblonema (Phaeophyta) associated with galls in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyta) from the Canary Islands

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    Galls observed in Fucus spiralis are wart-like protrusions 1-7 mm in diameter, restricted to the midrib of mature plants. Gall structure consists of a radial and unorganized growth of the cortical tissue as a result of the cells enlargement and division. Plants of F. spiralis bearing galls were always collected with Streblonema sp. filaments growing between host cells. But the relation between the occurrence of galls in Fucus and the presence of endophytic filaments of Streblonema remain uncertain in the absence of experimental evidence.Se observaron agallas verrucosas de 1-7 mm de diámetro en el engrosamiento central de plantas de Fucus spiralis. Las agallas presentan una estructura radial no organizada, debido a la elongación y división de las células corticales. Todas las plantas de Fucus spiralis con agallas presentaron filamentos de Streblonema sp., creciendo entre las células del hospedante. Sin embargo, en ausencia de evidencias experimentales, la relación entre la existencia de agallas y la presencia de filamentos endofíticos de Streblonema es incierta

    Determining the Role of Fe-Doping on Promoting the Thermochemical Energy Storage Performance of (Mn1-xFex)(3)O-4 Spinels

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    Mn oxides are promising materials for thermochemical heat store, but slow reoxidation of Mn3O4 to Mn2O3 limits efficiency. In contrast, (Mn1-xFex)(3)O-4 oxides show an enhanced transformation rate, but fundamental understanding of the role played by Fe cations is lacking. Here, nanoscale characterization of Fe-doped Mn oxides is performed to elucidate how Fe incorporation influences solid-state transformations. X-ray diffraction reveals the presence of two distinct spinel phases, cubic jacobsite and tetragonal hausmannite for samples with more than 10% of Fe. Chemical mapping exposes wide variation of Fe content between grains, but an even distribution within crystallites. Due to the similarities of spinels structures, high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy cannot discriminate unambiguously between them, but Fe-enriched crystallites likely correspond to jacobsite. In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy confirms that increasing Fe content up to 20% boosts the reoxidation rate, leading to the transformation of Mn2+ in the spinel phase to Mn3+ in bixbyite. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure shows that Fe-O length is larger than Mn-O, but both electron energy loss spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure indicate that iron is always present as Fe3+ in octahedral sites. These structural modifications may facilitate ionic diffusion during bixbyite formation.The authors thank the financial support from "Ramon Areces" Foundation (project SOLARKITE), Comunidad de Madrid and European Structural Funds (project ACES2030 P2018/EMT-4319), and University of Cadiz and European Structural Funds (project FEDER-UCA18-107139). A.J.C. thanks the financial support by Juan de la Cierva Formacion Program (MICINN), grant FJCI-2017-33967. The authors acknowledge ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron facility for granting beamtime at CLAESS (experiment 2016021666-2) and Electron Microscopy division located in the Servicios Centrales de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (SC-ICYT) of the University of Cadiz. Assistance of Dr. Laura Simonelli during the XAS measurements in ALBA is fully appreciated

    An efficient triose phosphate synthesis and distribution in wheat provides tolerance to higher field temperature

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    High temperatures in the field hinder bread wheat high yield production, mainly because of the adverse effects of heat over photosynthesis. The Yaqui Valley, the main wheat producer region in Mexico, is a zone prone to have temperatures over 30 °C. The aim of this work was to test the flag leaf photosynthetic performance in ten bread wheat genotypes grown under high temperatures in the field. The study took place during two seasons (2019-2020 and 2020-2021). In each season, control seeds were sown in December, while heat-stressed were sown in late January to subject wheat to heat stress (HS) during the grain filling stage. HS reduced Grain yield from 20 to 58 % in the first season. HS did not reduce chlorophyll content and light-dependent reactions were unaffected in any of the tested genotypes. Rubisco, chloroplast fructose 1,6-biphosphatase (FBPase), and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activities were measured spectrophotometrically. Rubisco activity did not decrease under HS in any of the genotypes. FBPase activity was reduced by HS indicating that triose phosphate flux to starch synthesis was reduced, while SPS was not affected, and thus, sucrose synthesis was maintained. HS reduced aerial biomass in the ten chosen genotypes. Genotypes SOKWB.1, SOKWB.3, and BORLAUG100 maintained their yield under HS, pointing to a potential success in their introduction in this region for breeding heat-tolerant bread wheat

    Oropouche infection a neglected arbovirus in patients with acute febrile illness from the Peruvian coast

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of infection caused by the Oropouche virus (OROV) in 496 patients with acute febrile disease (AFI), whose samples were obtained for the analysis of endemic arboviruses in a previous investigation carried out in 2016. Results: OROV was detected in 26.4% (131/496) of serum samples from patients with AFI. Co-infections with Dengue virus (7.3%), Zika virus (1.8%) and Chikungunya (0.2%) were observed. The most common clinical symptoms reported among the patients with OROV infections were headache 85.5% (112/131), myalgia 80.9% (106/131), arthralgia 72.5% (95/131) and loss of appetite 67.9% (89/131). Headache and myalgia were predominant in all age groups. Both OROV infections and co-infections were more frequent in May, June and July corresponding to the dry season of the region.Revisión por pare