50 research outputs found

    Higher education segregation in Spain: Gender constructs and social background

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    The waning influence of ascriptive factors on occupational status has been related to the expansion of higher education systems and economic modernisation. The theory of Effectively Maintained Inequality observes that the horizontal stratification of university degrees is a strategy of social differentiation used mainly by the most advantaged social class to access the occupations that are better valued in the labour market. This article verifies the effectively maintained inequality theory by means of a statistical analysis of selected degrees, differentiated by gender and social class, carried out in a Spanish university during the period of expansion and consolidation of the higher education system. The results confirm the theory, but they are partially conditioned by the vertical stratification that alters the composition by gender of the contingent of students of less advantaged social class, in which women present a greater tendency to choose degrees that are less valued by the market

    Social mobility from a comparative perspective between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This chapter presents a review of the analysis of social mobility in the international sphere (Europe and Latin America), with a particular focus on the partner countries of the INCASI network. To date, few studies have linked nations whose economic and social aspects are so dissimilar. As is usual in the specialized literature, the relationship between social origin and class destination is addressed. This is done by noting the comparisons made across the geographical areas. We review the analyses that have been made of the evolution of social fluidity as well as the distance between social classes within each country and the comparisons made between them. We compare the main theories that have inspired the study of social mobility to date: modernization theory, which predicts an increase in relative mobility rates, and invariance theory, which postulates the constancy of social fluidity. Special attention is devoted to the role played by the family, the state and the market in late industrialized countries. We study the difficulties for social change, i.e. upward mobility from one class to another, as well as the likelihood of reproduction in comparative terms. To do so, we link these mechanisms with the AMOSIT model. The advances in methodology, techniques, theory and data processing are highlighted

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadya-senpe.com) del año 2018. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2018. Resultados: se registraron 278 pacientes (54, 7% mujeres), 23 niños y 255 adultos, procedentes de 45 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 5, 95 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2018. El diagnóstico más frecuente en adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” (22, 0%), seguido de “otros”. En niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto con la enterocolitis necrotizante, con cuatro casos (17, 4%). El primer motivo de indicación fue síndrome de intestino corto tanto en niños (60, 9%) como en adultos (35, 7%). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en niños (81, 0%) como en adultos (41, 1%). Finalizaron 75 episodios, la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (52, 0%) y el paso a vía oral (33, 3%). Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores en el registro de pacientes que reciben NPD se mantiene estable, así como las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD. Aim: To communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group (www.nadya-senpe.  com) for the year 2018. Material and methods: Descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018.  Results: There were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7% women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was “palliative cancer” (22.0%), followed by “others”. In children it was Hirschsprung’s disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4%). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9%) and adults (35.7%). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0%) and adults (41.1%). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0%) and change to oral feeding (33.3%). Conclusions: The number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN

    Respiratory costs of woody tissues in a Quercus pyrenaica coppice

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    Long-term coppicing leads to the development of massive root systems. A disproportionate carbon investment in root maintenance has been pointed as a cause of the widespread decline of abandoned coppices. We aimed at assessing how coppicing has influenced root and shoot development and related carbon loss ascribed to maintenance of woody tissues in Quercus pyrenaica. For this goal, results from published studies on root dynamics, woody biomass and respired CO2 fluxes in an abandoned Q. pyrenaica coppice were integrated and extended to quantify overall respiratory expenditures of above- and below-ground woody organs. Internal and external CO2 fluxes together with soil CO2 efflux were monitored in eight stems from one clone across a growing season. Stems and roots were later harvested to quantify the functional biomass and scale up root and stem respiration (RR and RS, respectively) to the clone and stand levels. Below- and above-ground biomass was roughly equal. However, the root-to-shoot ratio of respiration (RR/RS) was generally below one. Relatively higher RS suggests enhanced metabolic activity aboveground during the growing season, and highlights an unexpected but substantial contribution of RS to respiratory carbon losses. Moreover, soil and stem CO2 efflux to the atmosphere in Q. pyrenaica fell in the upper range of reported rates for various forest stands distributed worldwide. We conclude that both RS and RR represent an important carbon sink in this Q. pyrenaica abandoned coppice. Comparatively high energetic costs in maintaining multiple stems per tree and centennial root systems might constrain aboveground performance and contribute to coppice stagnation

    Contrasting genetic diversity of tree species in Spain: from Tertiary relicts to domestication

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    La diversidad de los ecosistemas forestales depende de la riqueza en especies, pero también de la variabilidad genética a un nivel intraespecifico. En este trabajo analizamos los distintos patrones de diversidad genética de las especies arbóreas españolas, ilustrándolo con cuatro ejemplos. Combinando información molecular, paleobotánica e histórica, identificamos los principales factores que explican la variabilidad actual de varios taxones representativos: (1) el aislamiento en ecosistemas insulares de poblaciones arbóreas relictas de robles esclerófilos baleares y pino canario; (2) la existencia de refugios glaciares para Pinus sylvestris, Quercuspetraea y Q. pyrenaica; y (3) la domesticación y expansión de U/mus minor por los romanos en Europa Occidental. Estas situaciones representan un gradiente en los valores observados de diversidad genética: Pinus canariensis y los robles esclerófilos muestran altos niveles de diversidad genética en las Islas Canarias y las Baleares respectivamente; Pinus sylvestris, Quercus petraea y Q. pyrenaica también han mantenido elevados niveles de diversidad genética a pesar de haber sufrido un intensivo y prolongado manejo por parte del hombre. Finalmente, la diversidad genética de U/mus minor se ha visto grandemente afectada por el impacto humano, la enfermedad de la grafiosis y la interacción entre los dos factores. Comprender cómo se mantiene la diversidad genética y su distribución geográfica es básico para establecer sólidas medidas de conservación y estrategias de manejo forestal sostenibles