1,417 research outputs found

    Microtetrameres sp. (Nematoda: Tetrameridae) Host and Geographic Records Extended

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    Host and geographic records of Microtetrameres sp. are extended. One hundred thirty-eight birds were examined including 10 genera, 10 species and 5 families. Two species were infected with Tetrameres sp., one with over 40 females

    Social Marketing Strategies for Stigmatized Target Populations: A Case Example for Problem Gamblers and Family Members of Problem Gamblers

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    Advertising theory and accompanying research literature are in their infancy when it comes to advertising services to stigmatized populations. We know very little about what messages will impact potential clients of services and what messages could even be harmful to potential clients and to society’s shaping of social issues. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the views of problem gamblers and family members of problem gamblers in developing 10 foot by 20 foot billboards to promote a local problem gambling service. Participants identified issues such as photographs of money being a trigger to gamble, guilt and shame being emotions that would turn them off of the advertisement, and a fear of the advertisement leading to a scam or hoax. More research and theory development on stigmatized populations is necessary to better promote services to stigmatized populations and to avoid contributing negatively to social issues

    The Talin Head Domain Reinforces Integrin-Mediated Adhesion by Promoting Adhesion Complex Stability and Clustering

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    Talin serves an essential function during integrin-mediated adhesion in linking integrins to actin via the intracellular adhesion complex. In addition, the N-terminal head domain of talin regulates the affinity of integrins for their ECM-ligands, a process known as inside-out activation. We previously showed that in Drosophila, mutating the integrin binding site in the talin head domain resulted in weakened adhesion to the ECM. Intriguingly, subsequent studies showed that canonical inside-out activation of integrin might not take place in flies. Consistent with this, a mutation in talin that specifically blocks its ability to activate mammalian integrins does not significantly impinge on talin function during fly development. Here, we describe results suggesting that the talin head domain reinforces and stabilizes the integrin adhesion complex by promoting integrin clustering distinct from its ability to support inside-out activation. Specifically, we show that an allele of talin containing a mutation that disrupts intramolecular interactions within the talin head attenuates the assembly and reinforcement of the integrin adhesion complex. Importantly, we provide evidence that this mutation blocks integrin clustering in vivo. We propose that the talin head domain is essential for regulating integrin avidity in Drosophila and that this is crucial for integrin-mediated adhesion during animal development

    Effect of drive row ground covers on hop (Rosales: Cannabaceae) yard arthropod pests in Vermont, USA

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    Alternatives to pesticides are necessary for the management of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) arthropod pests. The three major arthropod pests in northeastern US hop production include two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, hop aphid Phorodon humuli (Schrank), and potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae Harris. This 3-yr study (2012-2014) in Vermont investigated the effect of flowering ground covers on arthropod pest abundance. Hop cultivars \u27Nugget\u27 and \u27Cascade\u27 were evaluated under a strip-split plot experimental design. Ground cover treatments included 1) Control: mowed red clover (Trifolium pratense) and resident weeds, 2) Clover: red clover, and 3) Diverse: common yarrow (Achillea millefolium), beebalm (Monarda fistulosa), red clover, and annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Natural enemies were grouped by associated pest and indicated by our mixed model to be strong predictors of the number of hop aphid and potato leafhopper on hop plants. In year two, ground cover treatment had a significant effect on two-spotted spider mite abundance where fewer two-spotted spider mite were observed on hop plants in Diverse plots. The established, un-mowed Clover treatment was preferred by potato leafhopper over Diverse ground cover and hop plants. This revealed the potential for clover ground cover to serve as a trap crop for potato leafhopper management in northeastern hop yards. Our findings are evidence that ground covers implemented for conservation biological control may serve more specific pest management functions instead of or in addition to boosting top-down pest pressure

    Extracellular heat shock proteins in cell signaling

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    AbstractExtracellular stress proteins including heat shock proteins (Hsp) and glucose regulated proteins (Grp) are emerging as important mediators of intercellular signaling and transport. Release of such proteins from cells is triggered by physical trauma and behavioral stress as well as exposure to immunological β€œdanger signals”. Stress protein release occurs both through physiological secretion mechanisms and during cell death by necrosis. After release into the extracellular fluid, Hsp or Grp may then bind to the surfaces of adjacent cells and initiate signal transduction cascades as well as the transport of cargo molecules such as antigenic peptides. In addition Hsp60 and hsp70 are able to enter the bloodstream and may possess the ability to act at distant sites in the body. Many of the effects of extracellular stress proteins are mediated through cell surface receptors. Such receptors include Toll Like Receptors 2 and 4, CD40, CD91, CCR5 and members of the scavenger receptor family such as LOX-1 and SREC-1. The possession of a wide range of receptors for the Hsp and Grp family permits binding to a diverse range of cells and the performance of complex multicellular functions particularly in immune cells and neurones

    A causal inference and Bayesian optimisation framework for modelling multi-trait relationshipsβ€”Proof-of-concept using Brassica napus seed yield under controlled conditions

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    The improvement of crop yield is a major breeding target and there is a long history of research that has focussed on unravelling the mechanisms and processes that contribute to yield. Quantitative prediction of the interplay between morphological traits, and the effects of these trait-trait relationships on seed production remains, however, a challenge. Consequently, the extent to which crop varieties optimise their morphology for a given environment is largely unknown. This work presents a new combination of existing methodologies by framing crop breeding as an optimisation problem and evaluates the extent to which existing varieties exhibit optimal morphologies under the test conditions. In this proof-of-concept study using spring and winter oilseed rape plants grown under greenhouse conditions, we employ causal inference to model the hierarchically structured effects of 27 morphological yield traits on each other. We perform Bayesian optimisation of seed yield, to identify and quantify the morphologies of ideotype plants, which are expected to be higher yielding than the varieties in the studied panels. Under the tested growth conditions, we find that existing spring varieties occupy the optimal regions of trait-space, but that potentially high yielding strategies are unexplored in extant winter varieties. The same approach can be used to evaluate trait (morphology) space for any environment

    Molecular Basis for Integrin Adhesion Receptor Binding to p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4)

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    Integrin adhesion receptors provide links between extracellular ligands and cytoplasmic signaling. Multiple kinases have been found to directly engage with integrin Ξ² tails, but the molecular basis for these interactions remain unknown. Here, we assess the interaction between the kinase domain of p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) and the cytoplasmic tail of integrin Ξ²5. We determine three crystal structures of PAK4-Ξ²5 integrin complexes and identify the PAK-binding site. This is a region in the membrane-proximal half of the Ξ²5 tail and confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. The Ξ²5 tail engages the kinase substrate-binding groove and positions the non-phosphorylatable integrin residue Glu767 at the phosphoacceptor site. Consistent with this, integrin Ξ²5 is poorly phosphorylated by PAK4, and in keeping with its ability to occlude the substrate-binding site, weakly inhibits kinase activity. These findings demonstrate the molecular basis for Ξ²5 integrin-PAK4 interactions but suggest modifications in understanding the potential cellular role of this interaction

    Using linked administrative data to aid the handling of non-response and restore sample representativeness in cohort studies: the 1958 national child development study and hospital episode statistics data

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in whether linked administrative data have the potential to aid analyses subject to missing data in cohort studies. METHODS: Using linked 1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS; British cohort born in 1958, n = 18,558) and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data, we applied a LASSO variable selection approach to identify HES variables which are predictive of non-response at the age 55 sweep of NCDS. We then included these variables as auxiliary variables in multiple imputation (MI) analyses to explore the extent to which they helped restore sample representativeness of the respondents together with the imputed non-respondents in terms of early life variables (father's social class at birth, cognitive ability at age 7) and relative to external population benchmarks (educational qualifications and marital status at age 55). RESULTS: We identified 10 HES variables that were predictive of non-response at age 55 in NCDS. For example, cohort members who had been treated for adult mental illness had more than 70% greater odds of bring non-respondents (odds ratio 1.73; 95% confidence interval 1.17, 2.51). Inclusion of these HES variables in MI analyses only helped to restore sample representativeness to a limited extent. Furthermore, there was essentially no additional gain in sample representativeness relative to analyses using only previously identified survey predictors of non-response (i.e. NCDS rather than HES variables). CONCLUSIONS: Inclusion of HES variables only aided missing data handling in NCDS to a limited extent. However, these findings may not generalise to other analyses, cohorts or linked administrative datasets. This work provides a demonstration of the use of linked administrative data for the handling of missing cohort data which we hope will act as template for others
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