10,179 research outputs found

    Model Atmospheres for Irradiated Stars in pre-Cataclysmic Variables

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    Model atmospheres have been computed for M dwarfs that are strongly irradiated by nearby hot companions. A variety of primary and secondary spectral types are explored in addition to models specific to four known systems: GD 245, NN Ser, AA Dor, and UU Sge. This work demonstrates that a dramatic temperature inversion is possible on at least one hemisphere of an irradiated M dwarf and the emergent spectrum will be significantly different from an isolated M dwarf or a black body flux distribution. For the first time, synthetic spectra suitable for direct comparison to high-resolution observations of irradiated M dwarfs in non-mass transferring post-common envelope binaries are presented. The effects of departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium on the Balmer line profiles are also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 12 pages, 10 figure

    Patient or family perceived deterioration in functional status and outcome after Intensive Care admission: a retrospective cohort analysis of routinely collected data

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    Objective: To explore the association of patient or family reported functional deterioration (defined by a single question) in the preceding year, with mortality outcome for those admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Design: Retrospective observational analysis of a routinely collected data source. Participants: Patients that were admitted to the ICU at Northwick Park and St Marks Hospitals, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust between 1/10/2017 to 15/6/2019 were included. Patients were excluded if they had a prior ICU admission during the existing hospital episode or if information on functional deterioration could not be retrieved from either the patient or their advocate. Primary Outcomes: Mortality at the point of hospital discharge and 1 year following admission to the ICU. Results: Of the 1006 patients who were admitted to the ICU during the study period, information on functional deterioration was available for 621 patients who were included in the analysis. From these, 251 (40.4%) patients had patient or family reported functional deterioration in the preceding year, whilst 370 (59.6%) patients had a perceived stable functional baseline. Comparing the two groups, mortality was significantly higher in those who had functionally deteriorated compared to those with stable baseline function, at the point of hospital discharge (45.4% versus 25.9%; P<0.0001) and at 1 year (59.4% versus 33.0%; P<0.0001). Conclusion: Patient or family reported functional deterioration was significantly associated with higher mortality at the point of hospital discharge and at 1 year. The concept of functional deterioration in the lead up to ICU admission warrants further exploration

    Peer assessment of teamwork in group projects: Evaluation of a rubric

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    Effective teamwork is integral to the functioning of many professions. Employers desire work-ready graduates who have developed the so-called 'soft skills' involved in teamwork. One way for students to practise and gain feedback on their team skills is through team-based assessment tasks. The TeamUP Rubric was developed to teach and assess five domains of teamwork skills through peer feedback. Initial evaluation of the five domains and use of the TeamUP with health and arts students has provided initial support for its utility as a measure of teamwork. In the current study the scale structure of each of the five domains was evaluated using Mokken scale analysis (MSA). MSA is a non-parametric item response theory approach that evaluates the internal structure of an evaluation tool. One-hundred and seventy-seven primary education students were recruited for the study. All participants were undertaking a teamwork assignment in a unit of study in their education degree at an Australian regional university. They completed the TeamUP Rubric assessment for themselves and for each of the students in their team. Each TeamUP domain met the requirements for a Mokken scale. The current study supports the validity of the scores derived from the TeamUP Rubric and further supports its use as a tool for teaching and assessing teamwork

    Time Required for a Sphere to Fall Through a Funnel

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    We experimentally test a recently proposed theory of the behavior of a single frictional, inelastic, spherical particle falling under gravity through a symmetric funnel. We find that, while many qualitative results of the theory are supported by the data, the quantitative behavior of a real sphere falling through a real funnel differs from the predictions. The behavior above a 45◩ funnel angle, the duration, and the dependence of the duration on the initial horizontal position all show significant deviations from the predicted results. In particular, for drop positions near the gap, the duration of the fall is often significantly less than predicted for 50◩ and 60◩ funnel angles; and at a 60◩ funnel angle, where the data best matches the model, the R 2 goodness of fit is only 0.27. The fit can be significantly improved for 60◩ funnel angle by relaxing the most stringent approximation of the theory, which asserts that the transition from slipping to rolling is governed by a single constant parameter, ÎČ, independent of impact speed and angle. We conclude that, although the theory captures most of the key features of the dynamics of a ball falling through a funnel, it does not do so with quantitative accuracy, indicating that for commonly encountered balls and drop heights, a more realistic model of particle collisions is required

    An Investigation of the Concentration Dependence and Response to Analyte Mixtures of Carbon Black/Insulating Organic Polymer Composite Vapor Detectors

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    The responses relative to an air background of carbon black/polymer composite vapor detectors have been determined as a function of the concentration of a homologous series of alcohols (n-C_nH_(2n+1)OH, 1 ≀ n ≀ 8), a homologous series of alkanes (n-C_nH_(2n+2), 5 ≀ n ≀ 10 and n = 12, 14), and a set of diverse solvent vapors. In all cases, the steady-state relative differential resistance responses, ΔR/R_b, of the carbon black/polymer composite vapor detectors were well-described by a linear relationship with respect to the analyte partial pressure, at least over the tested concentration range (P/P° = 0.005−0.03, where P° is the vapor pressure of the analyte). When two vapors in air were simultaneously presented to the detectors, the ΔR/R_b response, relative to an air background, was the sum of the ΔR/R_b values obtained when each analyte was exposed separately to the carbon black/polymer composite detectors under study. Similarly, when an analyte was exposed to the detectors on top of a background level of another analyte, the ΔR/R_b values of the array of detectors were very close to those obtained when the test analyte was exposed to the detectors only in the presence of background air. The initial training requirements from the array response output data of such detectors are minimized because the ΔR/R_b response pattern produced by the analyte of concern can be associated uniquely with that odor, under the conditions explored in this work

    Induced CNS expression of CXCL1 augments neurologic disease in a murine model of multiple sclerosis via enhanced neutrophil recruitment.

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    Increasing evidence points to an important role for neutrophils in participating in the pathogenesis of the human demyelinating disease MS and the animal model EAE. Therefore, a better understanding of the signals controlling migration of neutrophils as well as evaluating the role of these cells in demyelination is important to define cellular components that contribute to disease in MS patients. In this study, we examined the functional role of the chemokine CXCL1 in contributing to neuroinflammation and demyelination in EAE. Using transgenic mice in which expression of CXCL1 is under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter active within glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cells, we have shown that sustained CXCL1 expression within the CNS increased the severity of clinical and histologic disease that was independent of an increase in the frequency of encephalitogenic Th1 and Th17 cells. Rather, disease was associated with enhanced recruitment of CD11b+ Ly6G+ neutrophils into the spinal cord. Targeting neutrophils resulted in a reduction in demyelination arguing for a role for these cells in myelin damage. Collectively, these findings emphasize that CXCL1-mediated attraction of neutrophils into the CNS augments demyelination suggesting that this signaling pathway may offer new targets for therapeutic intervention

    Characterization of health care utilization in patients receiving implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies: An analysis of the managed ventricular pacing trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are effective in terminating lethal arrhythmias, but little is known about the degree of health care utilization (HCU) after ICD therapies. OBJECTIVE: Using data from the managed ventricular pacing trial, we sought to identify the incidence and types of HCU in ICD patients after receiving ICD therapy (shocks or antitachycardia pacing [ATP]). METHODS: We analyzed HCU events (ventricular tachyarrhythmia [VTA]-related, heart failure-related, ICD implant procedure-related, ICD system-related, or other) and their association with ICD therapies (shocked ventricular tachycardia episode, ATP-terminated ventricular tachycardia episode, and inappropriately shocked episode). RESULTS: A total of 1879 HCUs occurred in 695 of 1030 subjects (80% primary prevention) and were classified as follows: 133 (7%) VTA-related, 373 (20%) heart failure-related, 97 (5%) implant procedure-related, 115 (6%) system-related, and 1160 (62%) other. Of 2113 treated VTA episodes, 1680 (80%) received ATP only and 433 (20%) received shocks. Stratifying VTA-related HCUs on the basis of the type of ICD therapy delivered, there were 25 HCUs per 100 shocked VTA episodes compared with 1 HCU per 100 ATP-terminated episodes. Inappropriate ICD shocks occurred in 8.7% of the subjects and were associated with 115 HCUs. The majority of HCUs (52%) began in the emergency department, and 66% of all HCUs resulted in hospitalization. CONCLUSION: For VTA-related HCUs, shocks are associated with a 25-fold increase in HCUs compared to VTAs treated by ATP only. Application of evidence-based strategies and automated device-based algorithms to reduce ICD shocks (higher rate cutoffs, use of ATP, and arrhythmia detection) may help reduce HCUs

    Trends in odor intensity for human and electronic noses: Relative roles of odorant vapor pressure vs. molecularly specific odorant binding

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    Response data were collected for a carbon black-polymer composite electronic nose array during exposure to homologous series of alkanes and alcohols. The mean response intensity of the electronic nose detectors and the response intensity of the most strongly driven set of electronic nose detectors were essentially constant for members of a chemically homologous odorant series when the concentration of each odorant in the gas phase was maintained at a constant fraction of the odorant’s vapor pressure. A similar trend is observed in human odor detection threshold values for these same homologous series of odorants. Because the thermodynamic activity of an odorant at equilibrium in a sorbent phase is equal to the partial pressure of the odorant in the gas phase divided by the vapor pressure of the odorant and because the activity coefficients are similar within these homologous series of odorants for sorption of the vapors into specific polymer films, the data imply that the trends in detector response can be understood based on the thermodynamic tendency to establish a relatively constant concentration of sorbed odorant into each of the polymeric films of the electronic nose at a constant fraction of the odorant’s vapor pressure. Similarly, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that the odor detection thresholds observed in human psychophysical experiments for the odorants studied herein are driven predominantly by the similarity in odorant concentrations sorbed into the olfactory epithelium at a constant fraction of the odorant’s vapor pressure

    Microborings in mid Cretaceous fish teeth

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    Fish teeth and other remains from the British Cretaceous contain abundant evidence for post-mortem colonization by endolithic organisms. The borings are here recognised as occurring in three morphotypes, including a flask-shaped form not previously recorded. There is strong evidence to suggest that each of these boring types shows a strong preference for a particular substrate histology. The damage and destruction of vertebrate remains by microborings is here considered to exert a major taphonomic control on microvertebrate assemblages. The relationships between the intensity of colonization of vertebrate material by endolithic organisms and palaeoenvironment have implications for using these bone microborings as palaeoenvironmental indicators
