353 research outputs found

    XYZ-polarisation analysis of diffuse magnetic neutron scattering from single crystals

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    Studies of diffuse magnetic scattering largely benefit from the use of a multi-detector covering wide scattering angles. Therefore, the different contributions to the diffuse scattering that originate from magnetic, nuclear coherent, and nuclear spin-incoherent scattering can be separated by the so-called XYZ-polarization analysis. In the past this method has been successfully applied to the analysis of diffuse scattering by polycrystalline samples of magnetic disordered materials. Single crystal studies that exploit the vector properties of spin correlations are of particular interest for furthering our understanding of frustration effects in magnetism. Based on the symmetry properties of polarised scattering a suitable extension of the conventional XYZ method has been derived, which allows for the complete separation and the analysis of features of diffuse magnetic scattering from single crystals.Comment: 6 pages 2 figures, revised as published, one Eq. removed, minor corrections, typos correcte

    Magnetisation distribution in the tetragonal phase of BaFe2As2

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    We have determined the spatial distribution of the magnetisation induced by a field of 9 T in the tetragonal phase of BaFe2As2 using polarised neutron diffraction. Magnetic structure factors derived from the polarisation dependence of the intensities of Bragg reflections were used to make a maximum entropy reconstruction of the distribution projected on the 110 plane. The reconstruction shows clearly that the magnetisation is confined to the region around the iron atoms and that there is no significant magnetisation associated with either the As or Ba atoms. The distribution of magnetisation around the Fe atom is significantly non-spherical with a shape which is extended in the directions in the projection. These results show that the electrons which give rise to the paramagnetic susceptibility are confined to the Fe atoms their distribution suggests that they occupy 3d t_2g type orbitals with about 60% in those of xy symmetry

    Magnetization distribution and orbital moment in the non-Superconducting Chalcogenide Compound K0.8Fe1.6Se2

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    We have used polarized and unpolarized neutron diffraction to determine the spatial distribution of the magnetization density induced by a magnetic field of 9 T in the tetragonal phase of K0.8Fe1.6Se2. The maximum entropy reconstruction shows clearly that most of the magnetization is confined to the region around the iron atoms whereas there is no significant magnetization associated with either Se or K atoms. The distribution of magnetization around the Fe atom is slightly nonspherical with a shape which is extended along the [0 0 1] direction in the projection. Multipolar refinement results show that the electrons which give rise to the paramagnetic susceptibility are confined to the Fe atoms and their distribution suggests that they occupy 3d t2g-type orbitals with around 66% in those of xz/yz symmetry. Detail modeling of the magnetic form factor indicates the presence of an orbital moment to the total paramagnetic moment of Fe2+Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Approaching the Ground State of Frustrated A-site Spinels: A Combined Magnetization and Polarized Neutron Scattering Study

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    We re-investigate the magnetically frustrated, {\it diamond-lattice-antiferromagnet} spinels FeAl2_2O4_4 and MnAl2_2O4_4 using magnetization measurements and diffuse scattering of polarized neutrons. In FeAl2_2O4_4, macroscopic measurements evidence a "cusp" in zero field-cooled susceptibility around 13~K. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility and {\it memory effect} experiments provide results that do not conform with a canonical spin-glass scenario in this material. Through polarized neutron scattering studies, absence of long-range magnetic order down to 4~K is confirmed in FeAl2_2O4_4. By modeling the powder averaged differential magnetic neutron scattering cross-section, we estimate that the spin-spin correlations in this compound extend up to the third nearest-neighbour shell. The estimated value of the Land\'{e} gg factor points towards orbital contributions from Fe2+^{2+}. This is also supported by a Curie-Weiss analysis of the magnetic susceptibility. MnAl2_2O4_4, on the contrary, undergoes a magnetic phase transition into a long-range ordered state below \approx 40~K, which is confirmed by macroscopic measurements and polarized neutron diffraction. However, the polarized neutron studies reveal the existence of prominent spin-fluctuations co-existing with long-range antiferromagnetic order. The magnetic diffuse intensity suggests a similar short range order as in FeAl2_2O4_4. Results of the present work supports the importance of spin-spin correlations in understanding magnetic response of frustrated magnets like AA-site spinels which have predominant short-range spin correlations reminiscent of the "spin liquid" state.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, double-column, accepted in Phys. Rev. B, 201

    Magnetic Excitations in the Ground State of Yb2Ti2O7\mathrm{Yb_2Ti_2O_7}

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    We report an extensive study on the zero field ground state of a powder sample of the pyrochlore Yb2Ti2O7\mathrm{Yb_2Ti_2O_7}. A sharp heat capacity anomaly that labels a low temperature phase transition in this material is observed at 280 mK. Neutron diffraction shows that a \emph{quasi-collinear} ferromagnetic order develops below TcT_\mathrm{c} with a magnetic moment of 0.87(2)μB0.87(2)\mu_\mathrm{B}. High resolution inelastic neutron scattering measurements show, below the phase transition temperature, sharp gapped low-lying magnetic excitations coexisting with a remnant quasielastic contribution likely associated with persistent spin fluctuations. Moreover, a broad inelastic continuum of excitations at 0.6\sim0.6 meV is observed from the lowest measured temperature up to at least 2.5 K. At 10 K, the continuum has vanished and a broad quasielastic conventional paramagnetic scattering takes place at the observed energy range. Finally, we show that the exchange parameters obtained within the framework of linear spin-wave theory do not accurately describe the observed zero field inelastic neutron scattering data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Phys. Rev. B. (accepted

    Magnetic and structural transitions in La0.4_{0.4}Na0.6_{0.6}Fe2_2As2_2 single crystals

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    La0.4_{0.4}Na0.6_{0.6}Fe2_2As2_2 single crystals have been grown out of an NaAs flux in an alumina crucible and characterized by measuring magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, specific heat, as well as single crystal x-ray and neutron diffraction. La0.4_{0.4}Na0.6_{0.6}Fe2_2As2_2 single crystals show a structural phase transition from a high temperature tetragonal phase to a low-temperature orthorhombic phase at Ts_s\,=\,125\,K. This structural transition is accompanied by an anomaly in the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity, anisotropic magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat. Concomitant with the structural phase transition, the Fe moments order along the \emph{a} direction with an ordered moment of 0.7(1)\,μB\mu_{\textup{B}} at \emph{T}\,=\,5 K. The low temperature stripe antiferromagnetic structure is the same as that in other \emph{A}Fe2_{2}As2_{2} (\emph{A}\,=\,Ca, Sr, Ba) compounds. La0.5x_{0.5-x}Na0.5+x_{0.5+x}Fe2_2As2_2 provides a new material platform for the study of iron-based superconductors where the electron-hole asymmetry could be studied by simply varying La/Na ratio.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Structural and magnetic properties of [\lbrackErTb]\rbrackmultilayers

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    Abstract.: We have investigated the structural and magnetic properties of [\lbrack Er|Tb ]\rbrack multilayers by different scattering methods. Diffuse X-ray scattering under grazing incidence reveals the interface structure in [\lbrack Er|Tb ]\rbrack bilayers and trilayers, indicating vertically correlated roughness between the Er and Tb interfaces. The magnetic properties of [\lbrack ErnEr|TbnTb ]\rbrack superlattices have been studied as a function of the superlattice composition (indices denote the number of atomic layers). Coupled ferromagnetic structures exist in all investigated samples. The phase transition temperature varies with the Tb layer thickness. Modulated magnetic order is short range for all samples beside the [\lbrack Er20|Tb5 ]\rbrack superlattice, the sample with the smallest Tb layer thickness. We observe dipolar antiferromagnetic coupling between single ferromagnetic Tb layers in all samples, with the onset of this ordering depending on the Tb layer thickness. Due to competing interactions, exchange coupling is limited to the interface near region. Therefore long range modulated magnetic order is observed in the [\lbrack Er20|Tb5 ]\rbrack superlattice only, where the interface regions overlap. The distinct differences to the magnetic structure of an Er0.8Tb0.2 alloy film are explained by a highly anisotropic arrangement of neighbouring atoms due to the correlated roughnes


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    Terbatasnya lahan untuk pembangunan yang diperlukan mengakibatkan tidak dapat dihindarinya pembangunan di atas tanah lempung seperti tanah yang ada di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk mencampurkan bahan tambahan sebagai campuran ke dalam tanah lempung tersebut untuk meningkatkan kualitas daya dukung tanah pada tanah lempung. Karena banyaknya permintaan karung plastik, limbah karung plastik menjadi semakin banyak, maka peneliti mencoba untuk memanfaatkan serat karung plastik tersebut sebagai bahan campuran pada tanah lempung benda uji. Dengan mencampurkan potongan serat karung plastik ke dalam tanah lempung, diharapkan tanah lempung campuran serat karung plastik tersebut dapat meningkatkan kepadatan tanah dan dapat memperkuat kuat geser tanah. Studi ini meliputi, studi literatur dan penelitian di Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah ITN Malang pada tanggal 7 April – 19 Juli 2019. Tanah benda uji dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Ds. Argotirto, Kec. Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kab. Malang dan bahan campuran potongan serat karung plastik sepanjang ≥ 1cm - ≤ 3cm dengan variasi kadar campuran; 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5%, 3% dari berat total tanah saat kadar air optimum. Penelitian ini meliputi pengujian sifat fisik dan sifat teknis. Pengujian sifat fisik meliputi; Kadar Air Tanah Asli (w), Berat Jenis (Gs), Analisa Saringan, Analisa Hidrometer, Uji Plastisitas (LL, PL, SL), Tingkat Pengembangan, dan Tingkat Keaktifan (Activity). Pengujian sifat teknis meliputi; Compaction Standard dan Modified, Triaxial UU, dan Unconfined Compression, masing-masing pengujian terdiri dari 3 sampel. Dengan dibantu uji hipotesis data untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh atau tidak adanya pengaruh dalam pengujian tanah lempung campuran serat karung plastik tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, tanah benda uji penelitian tersebut termasuk dalam tanah MH (Lanau anorganik atau pasir halus diatomac, atau lanau diatomac, lanau yang elastis). Nilai hasil pengujian campuran serat karung plastik cenderung meningkat dibandingkan tanah tanpa campuran. Nilai tertinggi untuk bahan timbunan mendapatkan prosentase kadar campuran serat karung plastik sebanyak 3% pada pengujian Modified Compaction sebesar; 1,528g/cm3, dengan nilai kadar air (w) sebesar; 26,89%. Pada pengujian Triaxial UU, mendapatkan nilai Kohesi (c) sebesar; 0,350kg/cm², dengan nilai Sudut Geser (φ) sebesar; 6,277 pada kadar campuran 3%. Dan pada pengujian Unconfined Compression, mendapatkan nilai Tegangan Normal (qu) sebesar; 0,681kgf/cm2 pada kadar campuran 1%

    Soft X-ray resonant scattering study of single-crystal LaSr2_2Mn2_2O7_7

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    Soft X-ray resonant scattering studies at the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}- and the La MIV, VM_{\texttt{IV, V}}- edges of single-crystal LaSr2_2Mn2_2O7_7 are reported. At low temperatures, below TN160T_\texttt{N} \approx 160 K, energy scans with a fixed momentum transfer at the \emph{A}-type antiferromagnetic (0 0 1) reflection around the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}-edges with incident linear σ\sigma and π\pi polarizations show strong resonant enhancements. The splitting of the energy spectra around the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}-edges may indicate the presence of a mixed valence state, e.g., Mn3+^{3+}/Mn4+^{4+}. The relative intensities of the resonance and the clear shoulder-feature as well as the strong incident σ\sigma and π\pi polarization dependences strongly indicate its complex electronic origin. Unexpected enhancement of the charge Bragg (0 0 2) reflection at the La MIV, VM_{\texttt{IV, V}}-edges with σ\sigma polarization has been observed up to 300 K, with an anomaly appearing around the orbital-ordering transition temperature, TOO220T_{\texttt{OO}} \approx 220 K, suggesting a strong coupling (competition) between them.Comment: Accepted by European Physical Journal

    Topological magnons driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the centrosymmetric ferromagnet Mn5_5Ge3_3

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    The phase of the quantum-mechanical wave function can encode a topological structure with wide-ranging physical consequences, such as anomalous transport effects and the existence of edge states robust against perturbations. While this has been exhaustively demonstrated for electrons, properties associated with the elementary quasiparticles in magnetic materials are still underexplored. Here, we show theoretically and via inelastic neutron scattering experiments that the bulk ferromagnet Mn5_5Ge3_3 hosts gapped topological Dirac magnons. Although inversion symmetry prohibits a net Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the unit cell, it is locally allowed and is responsible for the gap opening in the magnon spectrum. This gap is predicted and experimentally verified to close by rotating the magnetization away from the cc-axis with an applied magnetic field. Hence, Mn5_5Ge3_3 realizes a gapped Dirac magnon material in three dimensions. Its tunability by chemical doping or by thin film nanostructuring defines an exciting new platform to explore and design topological magnons. More generally, our experimental route to verify and control the topological character of the magnons is applicable to bulk centrosymmetric hexagonal materials, which calls for systematic investigation.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Nature Communication