413 research outputs found

    Understanding Conformational Regulation of the Integrin I-domain for Design of Chimeric Protein Switches

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    Within all complex biological processes intricate proteins are expressed to complete every niche and necessary task. Many express multiple allosterically regulated conformational states, with protein function regulated by effector molecules and other ligands. One such protein is the LFA-1 surface integrin protein and its inserted domain, the I-domain. We Isolated the I-domain for investigation of determining binding properties and understanding conformational regulations of affinity changes to its target ligand ICAM-1, for further use in chimeric protein switch design. A large change in binding affinity was found through the deletion of a sub-sequence of amino acids in I-domain known as the α7 helix. Our investigation shows that, when the α7 helix is deleted, I-domain converts into a permanent high affinity state in which binding affinity to ICAM-1 was increased, and this state can be reversed by co-expression with soluble α7 helix peptide. These results conclude that the α7 helix stabilizes the I domain in its low affinity conformation in a ligand-like manner, allowing relaxation to the high affinity conformation upon disruption of α7 helix interaction. While deletion of the α7 helix yields higher binding affinity in I-domain it cannot be applied in design of chimeric protein switches due to its permanent conformational state. Because of this, our switch design has a focus of allosterically regulating the I-domain and α7 helix through utilizing on/off switching of conformational states. I-domain is fused with EF3 and EF4 hands of calmodulin, which then regulates binding affinity to ICAM-1 through interaction with α7 helix, when the EF hands’ natural ligand peptides are present. Currently, mutant switches are being developed to alter EF hand binding specificity which, when bound to new target ligands, will cause an increase in I-domain-ICAM-1 binding affinity in switch molecules. The results of these allosteric regulations highlight the potential of chimeric protein switches for design of environmentally responsive targeting agents and suggest that, through directed evolution, regulated binding to a range of novel targets could be achieved for therapeutic intervention

    Vortex length, vortex energy and fractal dimension of superfluid turbulence at very low temperature

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    By assuming a self-similar structure for Kelvin waves along vortex loops with successive smaller scale features, we model the fractal dimension of a superfluid vortex tangle in the zero temperature limit. Our model assumes that at each step the total energy of the vortices is conserved, but the total length can change. We obtain a relation between the fractal dimension and the exponent describing how the vortex energy per unit length changes with the length scale. This relation does not depend on the specific model, and shows that if smaller length scales make a decreasing relative contribution to the energy per unit length of vortex lines, the fractal dimension will be higher than unity. Finally, for the sake of more concrete illustration, we relate the fractal dimension of the tangle to the scaling exponents of amplitude and wavelength of a cascade of Kelvin waves.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Optimizing nucleotide sequence ensembles for combinatorial protein libraries using a genetic algorithm

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    Protein libraries are essential to the field of protein engineering. Increasingly, probabilistic protein design is being used to synthesize combinatorial protein libraries, which allow the protein engineer to explore a vast space of amino acid sequences, while at the same time placing restrictions on the amino acid distributions. To this end, if site-specific amino acid probabilities are input as the target, then the codon nucleotide distributions that match this target distribution can be used to generate a partially randomized gene library. However, it turns out to be a highly nontrivial computational task to find the codon nucleotide distributions that exactly matches a given target distribution of amino acids. We first showed that for any given target distribution an exact solution may not exist at all. Formulated as a constrained optimization problem, we then developed a genetic algorithm-based approach to find codon nucleotide distributions that match as closely as possible to the target amino acid distribution. As compared with the previous gradient descent method on various objective functions, the new method consistently gave more optimized distributions as measured by the relative entropy between the calculated and the target distributions. To simulate the actual lab solutions, new objective functions were designed to allow for two separate sets of codons in seeking a better match to the target amino acid distribution

    A Weakly Supervised Approach for Semantic Image Indexing and Retrieval

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    A framework for a European network for a systematic environmental impact assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMO)

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    The assessment of the impacts of growing genetically modified (GM) crops remains a major political and scientific challenge in Europe. Concerns have been raised by the evidence of adverse and unexpected environmental effects and differing opinions on the outcomes of environmental risk assessments (ERA). The current regulatory system is hampered by insufficiently developed methods for GM crop safety testing and introduction studies. Improvement to the regulatory system needs to address the lack of well designed GM crop monitoring frameworks, professional and financial conflicts of interest within the ERA research and testing community, weaknesses in consideration of stakeholder interests and specific regional conditions, and the lack of comprehensive assessments that address the environmental and socio economic risk assessment interface. To address these challenges, we propose a European Network for systematic GMO impact assessment (ENSyGMO) with the aim directly to enhance ERA and post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) of GM crops, to harmonize and ultimately secure the long-term socio-political impact of the ERA process and the PMEM in the EU. These goals would be achieved with a multi-dimensional and multi-sector approach to GM crop impact assessment, targeting the variability and complexity of the EU agro-environment and the relationship with relevant socio-economic factors. Specifically, we propose to develop and apply methodologies for both indicator and field site selection for GM crop ERA and PMEM, embedded in an EU-wide typology of agro-environments. These methodologies should be applied in a pan-European field testing network using GM crops. The design of the field experiments and the sampling methodology at these field sites should follow specific hypotheses on GM crop effects and use state-of-the art sampling, statistics and modelling approaches. To address public concerns and create confidence in the ENSyGMO results, actors with relevant specialist knowledge from various sectors should be involved

    Construction and Analysis of High-Complexity Ribosome Display Random Peptide Libraries

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    Random peptide libraries displayed on the ribosome are becoming a new tool for the in vitro selection of biologically relevant macromolecules, including epitopes, antagonists, enzymes, and cell-surface receptors. Ribosome display is a cell-free system of coupling individual nascent proteins (phenotypes) to their corresponding mRNA (genotypes) by the formation of stable protein-ribosome-mRNA complexes and permitting the selection of a functional nascent protein by iterative cycles of panning and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification in vitro. The complexity of the random peptide library is critical for the success of a panning experiment; greater the diversity of sequences within the library, the more likely it is that the library comprises sequences that can bind a given target with specific affinity. Here, we have used the cell-free system Escherichia coli S30 lysate to construct high-complexity random peptide libraries (>1014 independent members) by introducing strategies that are different from the methods described by Mattheakis et al. and Lamla et al. The key step in our method is to produce nanomole (nmol) amounts of DNA elements that are necessary for in vitro transcription/translation by using PCR but not plasmid DNA. Library design strategies and protocols that facilitate rapid identification are also presented

    Directed evolution of a biterminal bacterial display scaffold enhances the display of diverse peptides

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    Bacterial cell-surface display systems coupled with quantitative screening methods offer the potential to expand protein engineering capabilities. To more fully exploit this potential, a unique bacterial surface display scaffold was engineered to display peptides more efficiently from the surface exposed C- and N-termini of a circularly permuted outer membrane protein. Using directed evolution, efficient membrane localization of a circularly permuted OmpX (CPX) display scaffold was rescued, thereby improving the presentation of diverse passenger peptides on the cell surface. Random and targeted mutagenesis directed towards linkers joining the native N- and C-termini of OmpX coupled with screening by FACS yielded an enhanced CPX (eCPX) variant which localized to the outer membrane as efficiently as the non-permuted parent. Interestingly, enhancing substitutions coincided with a C-terminal motif conserved in outer membrane proteins. Surface localization of various passenger peptides and mini-proteins was expedited using eCPX relative to that achieved with the parent scaffold. The new variant also permitted simultaneous display and labeling of distinct peptides on structurally adjacent C- and N-termini, thus enabling display level normalization during library screening and the display of bidentate or dimeric peptides. Consequently, the evolved scaffold, eCPX, expands the range of applications for bacterial display. Finally, this approach provides a route to improve the performance of cell-surface display vectors for protein engineering and design

    Engineering Bispecificity into a Single Albumin-Binding Domain

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    Bispecific antibodies as well as non-immunoglobulin based bispecific affinity proteins are considered to have a very high potential in future biotherapeutic applications. In this study, we report on a novel approach for generation of extremely small bispecific proteins comprised of only a single structural domain. Binding to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) was engineered into an albumin-binding domain while still retaining the original affinity for albumin, resulting in a bispecific protein composed of merely 46 amino acids. By diversification of the non albumin-binding side of the three-helix bundle domain, followed by display of the resulting library on phage particles, bispecific single-domain proteins were isolated using selections with TNF-α as target. Moreover, based on the obtained sequences from the phage selection, a second-generation library was designed in order to further increase the affinity of the bispecific candidates. Staphylococcal surface display was employed for the affinity maturation, enabling efficient isolation of improved binders as well as multiparameter-based sortings with both TNF-α and albumin as targets in the same selection cycle. Isolated variants were sequenced and the binding to albumin and TNF-α was analyzed. This analysis revealed an affinity for TNF-α below 5 nM for the strongest binders. From the multiparameter sorting that simultaneously targeted TNF-α and albumin, several bispecific candidates were isolated with high affinity to both antigens, suggesting that cell display in combination with fluorescence activated cell sorting is a suitable technology for engineering of bispecificity. To our knowledge, the new binders represent the smallest engineered bispecific proteins reported so far. Possibilities and challenges as well as potential future applications of this novel strategy are discussed

    Semi-automated Magnetic Bead-Based Antibody Selection from Phage Display Libraries

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    Phage display of combinatorial antibody libraries is a very efficient method for selecting recombinant antibodies against a wide range of molecules. It has been applied very successfully for the generation of therapeutic antibodies for more than a decade. To increase robustness and reproducibility of the selection procedure, we developed a semi-automated selection method for the generation of recombinant antibodies from phage display libraries. In this procedure, the selection targets are specifically immobilised to magnetic particles which can then by automatically handled by a magnetic particle processor. At present up to 96 samples can be handled simultaneously. Applying the processor allows standardisation of panning parameters such as washing conditions, incubation times, or to perform parallel selections on same targets under different buffer conditions. Additionally, the whole protocol has been streamlined to carry out bead loading, phage selection, phage amplification between selection rounds and magnetic particle ELISA for confirmation of binding activity in microtiter plate formats. Until now, this method has been successfully applied to select antibody fragments against different types of target, such as peptides, recombinant or homologous proteins, or chemical compounds