589 research outputs found

    Effects of a perceptual-motor program in response reaction to older people

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    Diversos trabajos han mostrado que se puede reducir el tiempo de reacción en los mayores con la práctica de actividad física (Hunter et al., 2001) e incluso igualar al de los jóvenes (Light et al., 1996). 52 hombres y mujeres de la ciudad de Melilla distribuidos en dos grupos de estudio: un grupo control (n=26 ; M= 68,56 años) que participa en actividades físicas genéricas y un grupo experimental (n=26 ; M=67,32 años) que ha participado en las mismas actividades más un programa de entrenamiento específico para la mejora del equilibrio, ajuste postural y tiempo de reacción. Los resultados no muestran diferencias significativas en el postest ni en la prueba de transferencia, pero los sujetos del grupo experimental alcanzan mejores desempeños en las dos variables de estudio (Tiempo de reacción simple - TRs y tiempo de inicio del movimiento - TIm) (GE TRs M= .55 ; TIm M=. 53 ; GC TRs M=.60 ; TIm M=. 64). Por subgrupos de estudio, las mujeres del subgrupo 60-70 años participantes en el programa obtuvieron resultados significativamente mejores que el resto de subgrupos consideradosAccording to several studies, physical activity can reduce the reaction time of elderly people (Hunter et al., 2001) and even make it equal to that of young people (Light et al., 1996). This project included 52 men and women from the City of Melilla distributed in two groups of study: a Control Group (n=26; M=68, 56 years old) taking part in generic physical activities, and an Experimental Group (n=26; M=67, 32 years) undertaking these same activities and also a specific training programme designed to improve balance, postural adjustment and reaction time. The results do not show significant differences either in the post-test or in the transfer test. However, the subjects from the experimental group achieved better performances on the two study variables (simple reaction time or sRT and initial movement time iMT) (EG sRT M=.55; iMT M=.53; CG sRT M=.60; iMT M=.64). In the per-subgroup analysis, the women of the 60-70-years-old subgroup who participated in the programme obtained significant better results than the subjects of the other subgroups

    Estimation of slip rates and seismic hazard parameters using conventional techniques of structural geology in a slow-moving fault: Alhama de Murcia – Alcantarilla segment of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (Murcia, SE Spain)

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    The convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates in the Western Mediterranean is being accommodated by the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, located in Southeastern Iberia. This is a low strain region whose faults show low slip rates and long recurrence periods of their maximum earthquakes, so they do not provide clear evidence of their seismogenic activity. The Alhama de Murcia - Alcantarilla segment, defined as the NE end of the Alhama de Murcia Fault, is one of the structures of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone and there are few in-depth studies about its seismic potential. In order to assess the seismogenic potential and slip-rate of this segment we have carried out a structural analysis. We have built a 3D geological model of the area where the fault is currently bounding the Neogene Fortuna basin. The structural model is based on seismic reflection profiles which have been later input in MOVE, structural modelling and analysis software. The analysis of the model has revealed several structural features related to positive inversion tectonics in Fortuna basin, specifically a typical "harpoon" structure whose deformation is estimated to have begun since Upper Miocene (Messinian). Geometric models and area balance methods (e.g. depth-to-detachment method) applied to the previously mentioned structure have allowed to estimate the heave of the fault, representing the amount of shortening observed in the fault section during its recent activity. The horizontal shortening rate estimated is between 0.09 and 0.26 mm/yr during the last 5.3 - 2.6 Ma. Projecting the obtained shortening onto the fault plane and considering the present regional tectonic shortening it has been possible to obtain a net slip rate between 0.13 and 0.37 mm/yr. Such parameters suggest that the Alhama de Murcia - Alcantarilla segment has less activity than other segments of the fault. The result obtained is consistent with the fact that the Carrascoy Fault, oriented parallel and located to the south of the Alhama de Murcia - Alcantarilla segment, seems to absorb part of the regional tectonic shortening. That is why the relief uplifted by the Alhama de Murcia - Alcantarilla segment during the Quaternary is significantly less prominent than the mountains fronts generated by the Carrascoy Fault. Even so, Alhama de Murcia - Alcantarilla segment should be considered as an active structure with implications for seismic hazard. The maximum size of earthquake is calculated to be Mw 6.3 - 6.6 according to magnitude-area and magnitude-length scaling relationships, with a mean recurrence interval lower than 10.000 years for the slip rate obtained. In the same way, Mw 5.0 earthquakes, such as those recorded in the historical seismic catalog, are estimated to have a recurrence interval lower than 50 years. These earthquakes could be very destructive in densely populated areas, as is the case of SE Spain, so they should be considered in seismic-hazard analysis

    Regulación epigenética del IFN-y en tuberculosis

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    M. tuberculosis (Mtb) es el principal asesino microbiológico en el mundo. Las modificaciones epigenéticas son claves en la plasticidad del sistema inmune y como mediadores entre el ambiente y los fenotipos celulares. El IFN-v, media la respuesta protectiva frente a Mtb, pero se desconocen los mecanismos epigenéticos que regularían su activación y mediarían la susceptibilidad a la tuberculosis.Área: Ciencias Biológicas, Ambiente y Salud

    A panel data toolbox for MATLAB

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    __Panel Data Toolbox__ is a new package for __MATLAB__ that includes functions to estimate the main econometric methods of balanced and unbalanced panel data analysis. The package includes code for the standard fixed, between and random effects estimation methods, as well as for the existing instrumental panels and a wide array of spatial panels. A full set of relevant tests is also included. This paper describes the methodology and implementation of the functions and illustrates their use with well-known examples. We perform numerical checks against other popular commercial and free software to show the validity of the result

    A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB

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    The Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox is a new package for MATLAB that includes functions to calculate the main data envelopment analysis models. The package includes code for the standard radial input, output and additive measures, allowing for constant and variable returns to scale, as well as recent developments related to the directional distance function, and including both desirable and undesirable outputs when measuring efficiency and productivity; i.e., Malmquist and Malmquist-Luenberger indices. Bootstrapping to perform statistical analysis is also included. This paper describes the methodology and implementation of the functions, and reports numerical results using a reliable productivity database on US agriculture to illustrate their use

    Desarrollo del SmartCampus de Montegancedo (UPM) basado en el modelo de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales

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    This paper presents part of the results of the SmartCampusUPM project, whose main objective is to speed up the domotic and traditional management of the Montegancedo Campus, where the ETSI Informáticos of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) is placed. Based on the models defined for the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), it allows users to navigate freely, obtain information about buildings or urban furniture and its visualization through any web browser maps generated in the SDI. Also, this paper exposes the development of the SDI of the Campus, of a web viewer as a thin client which helps visualize the generated maps in a simple way, as an alternative to the usual heavy users Google Earth and gvSIG and of a Web service with multimedia options.En este artículo se expone parte de los resultados del proyecto SmartCampus UPM, cuyo objetivo fundamental es agilizar la gestión domótica y tradicional del Campus de Montegancedo, sede de la ETSI Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Basado en los modelos definidos para las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE), permite que los usuarios puedan navegar libremente, obtener información sobre los edificios o el mobiliario urbano y la visualización mediante cualquier navegador web de mapas generados en la IDE. En este artículo se expone el desarrollo de la IDE del Campus, de un visor web como cliente ligero para visualizar de forma sencilla los mapas generados como alternativa a los clientes pesados habituales Google Earth y gvSIG, y un servicio web con opciones multimedia

    Bloques de hormigón, análisis de la normativa UNE, ISO, en comparación con otras normas internacionales

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    This paper attempts to describe the recently approved UNE standards through a systematic analysis of the main specifications therein contained and the values considered for each of them, as well as the drafts for ISO and EN concrete block standards. Furthermore, the study tries to place the set of ISO standards in the international environment through a comparative analysis against a representative sample of the standards prevailing in various geographical regions of the globe to determine the analogies and differences among them. PALABRAS CLAVE: albañilería, análisis de sistemas, bloque de hormigón, muros de fábrica, normativa KEY WORDS: masonry, system analysis, concrete blocks, masonry walls, standardsEn este trabajo se pretende describir la reciente aprobada normativa UNE, analizando sistemáticamente las principales prescripciones contempladas y los valores considerados para cada una de ellas, así como los proyectos de Norma ISO, y EN sobre bloques de hormigón. Asimismo se intenta situar la normativa UNE en al ámbito internacional, haciendo un análisis comparativo con una representación de Normas de distintas regiones geográficas del mundo, determinando sus analogías y diferencias