11 research outputs found

    Characterization of the commercially-available fluorescent chloroquine-BODIPY conjugate, LynxTag-CQGREEN, as a marker for chloroquine resistance and uptake in a 96-well plate assay

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    Chloroquine was a cheap, extremely effective drug against Plasmodium falciparum until resistance arose. One approach to reversing resistance is the inhibition of chloroquine efflux from its site of action, the parasite digestive vacuole. Chloroquine accumulation studies have traditionally relied on radiolabelled chloroquine, which poses several challenges. There is a need for development of a safe and biologically relevant substitute. We report here a commercially-available green fluorescent chloroquine-BODIPY conjugate, LynxTag-CQGREEN, as a proxy for chloroquine accumulation. This compound localized to the digestive vacuole of the parasite as observed under confocal microscopy, and inhibited growth of chloroquine-sensitive strain 3D7 more extensively than in the resistant strains 7G8 and K1. Microplate reader measurements indicated suppression of LynxTag-CQGREEN efflux after pretreatment of parasites with known reversal agents. Microsomes carrying either sensitive or resistant-type PfCRT were assayed for uptake; resistant-type PfCRT exhibited increased accumulation of LynxTag-CQGREEN, which was suppressed by pretreatment with known chemosensitizers. Eight laboratory strains and twelve clinical isolates were sequenced for PfCRT and Pgh1 haplotypes previously reported to contribute to drug resistance, and pfmdr1 copy number and chloroquine IC50s were determined. These data were compared with LynxTag-CQGREEN uptake/fluorescence by multiple linear regression to identify genetic correlates of uptake. Uptake of the compound correlated with the logIC50 of chloroquine and, more weakly, a mutation in Pgh1, F1226Y

    Reversal of Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum Using Combinations of Chemosensitizers

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    Research into chloroquine resistance reversal in Plasmodium falciparum has revealed a widespread range of functionally and structurally diverse chemosensitizers. However, nearly all of these chemosensitizers reverse resistance optimally only at concentrations that are toxic to humans. Verapamil, desipramine, and trifluoperazine were shown to potentiate chloroquine accumulation in a chloroquine-resistant (CQ(r)) strain of P. falciparum, while progesterone, ivermectin, and cyclosporin A were not shown to potentiate chloroquine accumulation. The simultaneous use of two or even three of these chemosensitizers at concentrations within their therapeutic ranges in humans displayed an additive effect in potentiating chloroquine accumulation in the CQ(r) strain. The levels of resistance reversal achieved with these multiple combinations were comparable to those achieved with high concentrations of the single agents used to enhance the activity of chloroquine. No chemosensitizer, whether used singly or in combination, potentiated any change in chloroquine accumulation or a shift in the 50% inhibitory concentration for the chloroquine-sensitive strain. The use of combinations of chemosensitizers at concentrations not toxic to humans could effectively reverse chloroquine resistance without the marked toxicity from the use of a single agent at high concentrations. This cocktail of chemosensitizers may serve as a viable treatment to restore the efficacy of chloroquine in patients with malaria

    In vitro evaluation of verapamil and other modulating agents in Brazilian chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates Avaliação in vitro do verapamil e de outros agentes moduladores em isolados de Plasmodium falciparum resistentes à cloroquina

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    Verapamil, was assayed to record its modulating effect upon Brazilian Plasmodium falciparum isolates resistant to chloroquine. Other cardiovascular drugs known to be modulating agents in resistant malaria and/or multidrug-resistant neoplasias, including nifedipine, nitrendipine, diltiazem and propranolol, were also evaluated. Concentrations similar to those for cardiovascular therapy were used in the in vitro microtechnique for antimalarial drug susceptibility. Intrinsic antiplasmodial activity was observed from the lowest concentrations without a significant modulating action. Other reported modulating agents, such as the antipsychotic drug trifluoperazine and the antidepressants desipramine and imipramine, demonstrated similar responses under the same experimental conditions. Results suggest a much higher susceptibility of Brazilian strains, as well as an indifferent behaviour in relation to modulating agents.<br>Verapamil foi ensaiado quanto ao efeito modulador em isolados brasileiros de Plasmodium falciparum resistentes à cloroquina. Outros agentes cardiovasculares, considerados como moduladores da resistência em malária e/ou em neoplasias multiresistentes a fármacos, como nifedipino, nitrendipino, diltiazem e propranolol foram ensaiados quanto ao mesmo efeito. Concentrações semelhantes às da terapia cardiovascular foram empregadas no ensaio de microtécnica de sensibilidade para fármacos antimaláricos. Atividade antiplasmódica intrínsica foi observada desde as menores concentrações, sem, entretanto, ocorrência de modulação significativa da resistência. Sob as mesmas condições experimentais, respostas semelhantes foram observadas para outros agentes moduladores conhecidos como o antipsicótico trifluoperazina e os antidepressivos desipramina e imipramina. Em conjunto, estes resultados sugerem alta sensibilidade e comportamento indiferente de cepas brasileiras ao efeito de agentes moduladores da resistência