16,844 research outputs found

    Neighbour coverage: a dynamic probabilistic route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Blind flooding is extensively use in ad hoc routing protocols for on-demand route discovery, where a mobile node blindly rebroadcasts received route request (RREQ) packets until a route to a particular destination is established. This can potentially lead to high channel contention, causing redundant retransmissions and thus excessive packet collisions in the network. Such a phenomenon induces what is known as broadcast storm problem, which has been shown to greatly increase the network communication overhead and end-to-end delay. In this paper, we show that the deleterious impact of such a problem can be reduced if measures are taken during the dissemination of RREQ packets. We propose a generic probabilistic method for route discovery, that is simple to implement and can significantly reduce the overhead associated with the dissemination of RREQs. Our analysis reveals that equipping AODV with probabilistic route discovery can result in significant reduction of routing control overhead while achieving good throughput

    An Efficient Automatic Mass Classification Method In Digitized Mammograms Using Artificial Neural Network

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    In this paper we present an efficient computer aided mass classification method in digitized mammograms using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which performs benign-malignant classification on region of interest (ROI) that contains mass. One of the major mammographic characteristics for mass classification is texture. ANN exploits this important factor to classify the mass into benign or malignant. The statistical textural features used in characterizing the masses are mean, standard deviation, entropy, skewness, kurtosis and uniformity. The main aim of the method is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the classification process in an objective manner to reduce the numbers of false-positive of malignancies. Three layers artificial neural network (ANN) with seven features was proposed for classifying the marked regions into benign and malignant and 90.91% sensitivity and 83.87% specificity is achieved that is very much promising compare to the radiologist's sensitivity 75%.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Non-Arrhenius conduction due to the interface-trap-induced disorder in X-doped amorphous InXZnO thin-film transistors

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    Thin film transistors, with channels composed of In-X-Zn oxides, IXZO, with X dopants: Ga, Sb, Be, Mg, Ag, Ca, Al, Ni, and Cu, were fabricated and their I-V characteristics were taken at selected temperatures in the 77K<T<300K range. The low field mobility, mu, and the interface defect density, Nst were extracted from the characteristics for each of the studied IXZOs. At higher T the mobility follows the Arrhenius law with an upward distortion, increasing as T was lowered, gradually transforming into the exp [-(T0/T)1/4] variation. We showed that mu(T, Nst) follows mu0exp[-Eaeff(T,Nst)/kT], with T-dependent effective activation energy Eaeff(T, Nst) accounts for the data, revealing a linear correlation between Eaeff and Nst at higher T. Temperature variation of Eaeff(T, Nst) was evaluated using a model assuming a random distribution of conduction mobility edge Ec values in the oxides, stemming from spatial fluctuations induced by disorder in the interface traps distribution. For a Gaussian distribution of Ec, the activation energy Eaeff(T, Nst) varies linearly with 1/T, which accounts satisfactorily for the data obtained on all the studied IXZOs. The model also shows that Eaeff(T, Nst) is a linear function of Nst at a fixed T, which explains the exponential decrease of mu with NST

    Design and implementation of fast and highly precise water magnetizer

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    In the last decades, researchers have widely discussed the effects of magnetized water on many biological and industrial aspects; many studies have also examined the effects of magnetization on water physical and chemical properties and shown a slight increase in the water pH level for the drinking water after magnetizations. This article presents a new practical model to magnetize the tap drinking water with permanent, and adjustable magnets to ensure fast and precise results. A new smart system is designed and implemented to calculate the required magnetic flux density, and the exposuretime based on the difference in the measured pH level of the water atthe inletand outlet pipes.Three permanent magnets, with magnetic flux densities of 500, 1000, and 1500 Gauss (G), are installed at different pipe routes, with added to a variable magnet on the main water outlet. The results show a promising prototype that is not only processing the water efficiently but also supply much data about the water properties, which can be led to more findingsin this field

    Impact of dopant species on the interfacial trap density and mobility in amorphous In-X-Zn-O solution-processed thin-film transistors

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    Alloying of In/Zn oxides with various X atoms stabilizes the IXZO structures but generates electron traps in the compounds, degrading the electron mobility. To assess whether the latter is linked to the oxygen affinity or the ionic radius, of the X element, several IXZO samples are synthesized by the sol-gel process, with a large number (14) of X elements. The IXZOs are characterized by XPS, SIMS, DRX, and UV-spectroscopy and used for fabricating thin film transistors. Channel mobility and the interface defect density NST, extracted from the TFT electrical characteristics and low frequency noise, followed an increasing trend and the values of mobility and NST are linked by an exponential relation. The highest mobility (8.5 cm2/Vs) is obtained in In-Ga-Zn-O, and slightly lower value for Sb and Sn-doped IXZOs, with NST is about 2E12 cm2/eV, close to that of the In-Zn-O reference TFT. This is explained by a higher electronegativity of Ga, Sb, and Sn than Zn and In, their ionic radius values being close to that of In and Zn. Consequently, Ga, Sb, and Sn induce weaker perturbations of In-O and Zn-O sequences in the sol-gel process, than the X elements having lower electronegativity and different ionic radius. The TFTs with X = Ca, Al, Ni and Cu exhibited the lowest mobility and NST > 1E13 cm2/eV, most likely because of metallic or oxide clusters formation

    Complete Sequences of Organelle Genomes from the Medicinal Plant Rhazya Stricta (Apocynaceae) and Contrasting Patterns of Mitochondrial Genome Evolution Across Asterids

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    Rhazya stricta is native to arid regions in South Asia and the Middle East and is used extensively in folk medicine to treat a wide range of diseases. In addition to generating genomic resources for this medicinally important plant, analyses of the complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes and a nuclear transcriptome from Rhazya provide insights into inter-compartmental transfers between genomes and the patterns of evolution among eight asterid mitochondrial genomes. Results: The 154,841 bp plastid genome is highly conserved with gene content and order identical to the ancestral organization of angiosperms. The 548,608 bp mitochondrial genome exhibits a number of phenomena including the presence of recombinogenic repeats that generate a multipartite organization, transferred DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes, and bidirectional DNA transfers between the mitochondrion and the nucleus. The mitochondrial genes sdh3 and rps14 have been transferred to the nucleus and have acquired targeting presequences. In the case of rps14, two copies are present in the nucleus; only one has a mitochondrial targeting presequence and may be functional. Phylogenetic analyses of both nuclear and mitochondrial copies of rps14 across angiosperms suggests Rhazya has experienced a single transfer of this gene to the nucleus, followed by a duplication event. Furthermore, the phylogenetic distribution of gene losses and the high level of sequence divergence in targeting presequences suggest multiple, independent transfers of both sdh3 and rps14 across asterids. Comparative analyses of mitochondrial genomes of eight sequenced asterids indicates a complicated evolutionary history in this large angiosperm clade with considerable diversity in genome organization and size, repeat, gene and intron content, and amount of foreign DNA from the plastid and nuclear genomes. Conclusions: Organelle genomes of Rhazya stricta provide valuable information for improving the understanding of mitochondrial genome evolution among angiosperms. The genomic data have enabled a rigorous examination of the gene transfer events. Rhazya is unique among the eight sequenced asterids in the types of events that have shaped the evolution of its mitochondrial genome. Furthermore, the organelle genomes of R. stricta provide valuable genomic resources for utilizing this important medicinal plant in biotechnology applications.King Abdulaziz UniversityIntegrative Biolog

    Near-peer teaching and exam results: the acceptability, impact, and assessment outcomes of a novel biological sciences revision programme taught by senior medical students

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    YesNear-peer teaching is becoming increasingly popular as a learning methodology. We report the development of a novel near-peer biological sciences revision course and its acceptability and impact on student confidence and exam performance. A cross-sectional analysis of tutee-completed evaluation forms before and after each session was performed, providing demographic details, quality scores, and self-rating of confidence in the topic taught on a 0 to 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS). The confidence data was examined using analysis of means. Exam performance was examined by analysis of variance and canonical correlation analysis. Thirty-eight sessions were delivered to an average of 69.9 (±27.1) years 1 and 2 medical students per session generating 2656 adequately completed forms. There was a mean VAS gain of 19.1 (5.3 to 27.3) in self-reported confidence. Looking at relationship between attendance and exam scores, only two topics showed significant association between number of sessions attended and exam performance, fewer than hypothesised. The present study demonstrates that near-peer teaching for biological sciences is feasible and is associated with improved self-reported confidence in the sessions taught. The outcome data, showing significant effect for only a small number of items, demonstrates the difficulty of outcome related research

    Direct to consumer advertising via the Internet, a study of hip resurfacing

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    With increased use of the internet for health information and direct to consumer advertising from medical companies, there is a concern about the quality of the information available for patients. The aim of this study was to examine the quality of health information on the internet for hip resurfacing. An assessment tool was designed to measure quality of information. Websites were measured on credibility of source; usability; currentness of the information; content relevance; content accuracy/completeness and disclosure/bias. Each website assessed was given a total score, based on number of scores achieved from the above categories websites were further analysed on author, geographical origin and possession of an independent credibility check. There was positive correlation between the overall score for the website and the score of each website in each assessment category. Websites by implant companies, doctors and hospitals scored poorly. Websites with an independent credibility check such as Health on the Net (HoN) scored twice the total scores of websites without. Like other internet health websites, the quality of information on hip resurfacing websites is variable. This study highlights methods by which to assess the quality of health information on the internet and advocates that patients should look for a statement of an "independent credibility check" when searching for information on hip resurfacing

    Informality and Economic Growth in Nigeria: 1980-2014

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    The paper examines the impact of informal sector activities on economic growth in Nigeria between 1980-2014. The contributions of informal sector activities to the growth of Nigerian economy cannot be over emphasized. It is the source of livelihood to the majority of poor, unskilled, socially marginalized and female population and is the vital means of survival for the people in the country lacking proper safety nets and unemployment insurance especially those lacking skills from formal sector jobs. The relationship between informality and economic growth is not clear because the sector is not regulated by the law also there is no concrete evidence that this sector enhances growth because the sector’s contributions to growth is not measured. The use of endogenous growth model becomes relevant in this study. The theory emphasizes the role of production on the long-run via a higher rate of technological innovation. The variables that were tested are official economy nominal GDP, informal economy nominal GDP, currency in circulation, demand deposit, ratio of currency in circulation to demand deposit, narrow money, informal economy as percentage of official economy. ADF test was conducted to establish that the data series of all variables are stationary t levels. Having established the stationarity test we also, conducted causality test of the response of official economy nominal GDP to informal economy nominal GDP. In conclusion, the impact of informal sector economy on economic growth in Nigeria is quiet commendable. Even though, the relationship between informality and economic growth is not straight. The paper recommended thus, the need for the government to integrate the activities of the informal economy into formal sector and size of the sector is measured and regulated because their roles are commendable. As it will improve tax collection and enhance fiscal policy
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