1,049 research outputs found

    Collective treatment of the giant resonances in spherical nuclei

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    In a collective treatment the energies of the giant resonances are given by the boundary conditions at the nuclear surface, which is subject to vibration in spherical nuclei. The general form of the coupling between these two collective motions is given by angular-momentum and parity conservation. The coupling constants are completely determined within the hydrodynamical model. In the present treatment the influence of the surface vibrations on the total photon-absorption cross section is calculated. It turns out that in most of the spherical nuclei this interaction leads to a pronounced structure in the cross section. The agreement with the experiments in medium-heavy nuclei is striking; many of the experimental characteristics are reproduced by the present calculations. In some nuclei, however, there seem to be indications of single-particle excitations which are not yet contained in this work

    Energy use efficiency of organic and agroforestry farming systems

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    Im Versuchsbetrieb Scheyern (Süddeutschland) wurde in Feldexperimenten die Energienutzungseffizienz (EUE) ökologischer Anbausysteme analysiert. Die EUE wurde für verschiedene Systemebenen - die Fruchtarten, die Fruchtfolge sowie Agroforstsysteme (AFS) bestimmt. Die Agroforstsysteme bestehen aus Baumreihen mit schnellwachsenden Gehölzen zur energetischen Nutzung sowie einer Fruchtfolge zur Nahrungserzeugung. Die EUE entspricht dem Verhältnis von Energieoutput zum Energieinput. Der Energieinput umfasst den Einsatz fossiler Energie, der Energieoutput den Brennwert der Ernteprodukte. Die EUE von Weizen wird stark von der Vorfrucht beeinflusst; sie beträgt nach Kartoffeln 10,1, nach Luzerne-Kleegras 19,5, im AFS 9,7 (nach Kartoffeln) und 18,8 (nach Luzerne-Kleegras).Die Energienutzungseffizienz der Fruchtfolge beträgt 10,3, die des Agroforstsystems 12,8

    Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    The joint workshop of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Karlsruhe, and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory (Institute for Anthropomatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), is organized annually since 2005 with the aim to report on the latest research and development findings of the doctoral students of both institutions. This book provides a collection of 16 technical reports on the research results presented on the 2009 workshop


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    The classroom practicum for student teachers is evaluated controversely both by educational researches and by student teachers. We suggested that student teachers' differing evaluations are due to interpersonal differences: according to their own experiences as pupils and to their uncertainty vs. certainty orientation student teachers developed implicit theories of teaching, which determine their actual practicum experiences. Interviews with 18 student teachers selected on the basis oftheir orientation style were analyzed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show a clear interaction of central components of their implicit theories of teaching and their orientation style. Consequences for the organization of teacher practica are outlined.La práctica en el aula es evaluada de un modo controvertido tanto por parte de los investigadores en educación como de los futuros profesores. Nuestra hipótesis es que las diferentes evaluaciones del profesor en formación son debidas a diferencias interpersonales: según sus propias experiencias como alumno; su orientación hacia la certidumbre o la incertidumbre, los futuros profesores desarrollan teorías implícitas de enseñanza que determinan el tipo de experiencia que sacarán de la propia práctica. Con este fin se analizaron -usando una combinación de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos- 18 entrevistas con estudiantes de Pedagogía seleccionados sobre la base de su estilo de orientación. Los resultados muestran una clara interacción entre los componentes centrales de sus teorías implícitas acerca de la enseñanza y sus estilos de orientación. Se deducen, como conclusión, algunas consecuencias para la organización de la práctica

    Independent Information of Nonspecific Biomarkers in Exhaled Breath Condensate

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    Background: Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has been used for diagnosing and monitoring respiratory disorders. For clinical purposes the assessment of easy-to-obtain nonspecific markers seems particularly interesting. Objectives: As these measures are related to each other, our objective was to extract the independent information in global EBC markers across a range of respiratory disorders. Methods: EBC was collected from patients with asthma (n = 18), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 17), and cystic fibrosis (n = 46), as well as from lung transplant (LTX) recipients (n = 14) and healthy controls (n = 26). Samples were assessed for electrical conductivity, ammonia, pH, and nitrite/nitrate. pH was measured after both deaeration with argon and CO(2) standardization. Additionally, the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FE(NO)) was assessed. Factor analysis was applied to identify major factors concerning these measures. Results: Three independent factors were detected; the first comprised conductivity, ammonia, and pH, especially when standardized using CO(2), the second nitrite/nitrate, and the third FE(NO). Conductivity and ammonia were highly correlated (r = 0.968; p < 0.001). FE(NO) provided independent information mainly in asthma. The nonspecific EBC markers showed considerable overlap between patient groups and healthy subjects. However, conductivity, ammonia, pH standardized for CO(2) and nitrite/nitrate were increased in LTX recipients compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05 each). Conclusions: A panel of nonspecific easy-to-obtain exhaled breath markers could be reduced to 3 independent factors. The information content of conductivity, ammonia, and pH after CO(2) equilibration appeared to be similar, while FE(NO) was independent. The increased levels of these biomarkers in LTX might indicate a potential for their use in these patients. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Elastic robust intramedullary nailing for forearm fracture in children

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    Background: Forearm fractures are the most common fractures in children (23% of all fractures). Basically there are two treatment options available for diaphyseal forearm fractures in children: closed reduction with cast immobilisation (conservative therapy) and the elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN). Treatment decision is influenced by the doctor's estimation of fracture instability. Stable fractures can be treated conservatively whereas instable forearm shaft fractures can be treated according the following three treatment strategies: 1. conservative therapy in an outpatient setting 2. conservative therapy in the operating room in attendance to change to ESIN in case that no stabilisation can be achieved with cast immobilisation 3. immediate treatment with ESIN in the operating room. Objectives: Aim of this Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report is to assess and report the published evidence concerning effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ESIN as a treatment option for diaphyseal forearm fractures in children and to identify future research need. Important parameters for the assessment of effectiveness are objective parameters (axis deviation, losses of motion, and numbers of reductions in case of redislocations) and subjective parameters (pain or impairment in quality of life). Furthermore, a health economic evaluation shall be done which refers to the costs of the different therapy strategies. Methods: An extensive, systematic literature search in medical, economic, and HTA literature databases was performed. Relevant data were extracted and synthesised. Results: Three cohort studies and seven case series have been identified. Controlled clinical studies, systematic reviews and/or HTA reports that gave evidence to answer the own study question have not been found. The identified studies partly differed in respect of defined indication for ESIN, study population and treatment strategies. For that reason comparability of results was limited. In the majority of cases the publications reported a successful consolidation of fractures treated with ESIN. The cohort studies reported no differences in mobility after treatment with ESIN compared to patients who were treated conservatively. No publications that argue health economic aspects of the ESIN in children could be identified in the literature search. A cost data assessment conducted by the authors of this report showed that ESIN is associated with higher costs compared to the other treatment strategies (without considering long term costs due to reduction in case of redisplacement).ConclusionsLittle evidence for a dominance of ESIN in treating forearm shaft fractures of children compared to conservative therapy could be found. Accomplishment of ESIN without complications causes more costs than conservative therapy both in outpatient and in inpatient setting. However, if fracture stabilisation cannot be achieved by conservative therapy, further interventions will be necessary. They will result in a burden for the patients and higher costs

    3-point measurement in solid state devices: (Novel) artifacts and how to avoid them

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    There are two common methods to measure the impedance response of only one electrode of a solid-state electrochemical cell, microelectrodes or a three-terminal configuration. In aqueous electrochemistry, three-terminal configurations are widely used, however, implementing this method in solid-state electrochemistry is highly non-trivial. This work summarizes, which method is most suitable for different applications. We show potential error sources and evaluate each of them quantitatively with special emphasis on their impact in thin film electrode measurements. Evaluation is done by means of finite elements analysis (FEA), electric circuit simulations and conducted measurements. Three potential error sources were identified as particularly crucial factors: (i) Asymmetric sample cells (ii) short circuit currents across the reference electrode (RE), (iii) Especially for highly resistive electrode, coupling capacitances between the three electrodes. These error sources can result in different measurement errors such as additional high frequency semicircles, additional low frequency semicircles, inductive loops and even more critical, erroneous electrode properties without indicating of additional features in the impedance spectrum. We propose a novel sample geometry, the “wing geometry”, which was designed to minimize the measurement errors significantly, but still remains affordable and suitable for different applications

    Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    On the annual Joint Workshop of the Fraunhofer IOSB and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Vision and Fusion Laboratory, the students of both institutions present their latest research findings on image processing, visual inspection, pattern recognition, tracking, SLAM, information fusion, non-myopic planning, world modeling, security in surveillance, interoperability, and human-computer interaction. This book is a collection of 16 reviewed technical reports of the 2010 Joint Workshop

    Outcome differences between PARAMEDIC2 and the German Resuscitation Registry: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial compared with registry data.

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    BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE There has been much discussion of the results of the PARAMEDIC2 trial, as resuscitation outcome rates are considerably lower in this trial than in country-level registries on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Here, we developed a statistical framework to investigate this gap and to examine possible sources for observed discrepancies in outcome rates. DESIGN Summary data from the PARAMEDIC2 trial were used as available in the publication of this study. We developed a modelling framework based on logistic regression to compare data from this randomized controlled trial and registry data from the German Resuscitation Registry (GRR), where we considered 26 019 patients treated with epinephrine for OHCA in the GRR. To account and adjust for differences in patient characteristics and baseline variables predictive for outcomes after OHCA between the GRR cohort and the PARAMEDIC2 study sample, we included all available variables determined at the arrival of EMS personnel in the modelling framework: age, sex, initial cardiac rhythm, cause of cardiac arrest, witness of cardiac arrest, CPR performed by a bystander, and the interval between emergency call and arrival of the ambulance at the scene (baseline model). In order to find possible explanations for the discrepancies in outcome between PARAMEDIC2 and GRR, in a second (baseline plus treatment) model, we additionally included all available variables related to the interventions of the EMS personnel (type of airway management, type of vascular access, and time to administration of epinephrine). MAIN RESULTS A patient cohort with baseline variables as in the PARAMEDIC2 trial would have survived to hospital discharge in 7.7% and survived with favourable neurological outcome in 5.0% in an EMS and health care system as in Germany, compared with 3.2 and 2.2%, respectively, in the Epinephrine group of the trial. Adding treatment-related variables to our logistic regression model, the rate of survival to discharge would decrease from 7.7 (for baseline variables only) to 5.6% and the rate of survival with favourable neurological outcome from 5.0 to 3.4%. CONCLUSION Our framework helps in the medical interpretation of the PARAMEDIC2 trial and the transferability of the trial's results for other EMS systems. Significantly higher rates of survival and favourable neurological outcome than reported in this trial could be possible in other EMS and health care systems