5,951 research outputs found

    Strong irradiation of protostellar cores in Corona Australis

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    The importance of the physical environment in the evolution of newly formed low-mass stars remains an open question. In particular, radiation from nearby more massive stars may affect both the physical and chemical structure of these kinds of young stars. Aims: To constrain the physical characteristics of a group of embedded low-mass protostars in Corona Australis in the vicinity of the young luminous Herbig Be star R CrA. Methods: Millimetre wavelength maps of molecular line and continuum emission towards the low-mass star forming region IRS7 near R CrA from the SMA and APEX are presented. The maps show the distribution of 18 lines from 7 species (H2CO, CH3OH, HC3N, c-C3H2, HCN, CN and SiO) on scales from 3" to 60" (400-8000 AU). Using a set of H2CO lines, we estimate the temperatures and column densities in the region using LTE and non-LTE methods. The results are compared with 1-D radiative transfer modelling of the protostellar cores. These models constrain which properties of the central source, envelope, and environment can give rise to the observed line and continuum emission. Results: Most of the H2CO emission from the regions emerges from two elongated narrow ridges dominating the emission picked up in both interferometric and single-dish measurements. The temperatures inferred from the H2CO lines are no less than ~30 K and more likely 50-60 K, and the line emission peaks are offset by ~2500 AU from the location of the embedded protostars. The temperatures can not be explained by the heating from the young stellar objects themselves. Irradiation by the nearby Herbig Be star R CrA could, however, explain the high temperatures. The elevated temperatures can in turn impact the physical and chemical characteristics of protostars and lead to enhanced abundances of typical tracers of photon dominated regions seen in single-dish line surveys of embedded protostars in the region.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 21 pages, 28 figures; Added footnote in Section 2.

    C18O (3-2) observations of the Cometary Globule CG 12: a cold core and a C18O hot spot

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    The feasibility of observing the C18O (3-2) spectral line in cold clouds with the APEX telescope has been tested. As the line at 329.330 GHz lies in the wing of a strong atmospheric H2O absorption it can be observed only at high altitude observatories. Using the three lowest rotational levels instead of only two helps to narrow down the physical properties of dark clouds and globules. The centres of two C18O maxima in the high latitude low mass star forming region CG 12 were mapped in C18O (3-2) and the data were analyzed together with spectral line data from the SEST. The T_MB(3-2)/T_MB(2-1) ratio in the northern C18O maximum, CG 12 N, is 0.8, and in the southern maximum, CG 12 S, ~2. CG 12 N is modelled as a 120'' diameter (0.4pc) cold core with a mass of 27 Msun. A small size maximum with a narrow, 0.8 kms-1, C18O (3-2) spectral line with a peak temperature of T_MB ~11 K was detected in CG 12 S. This maximum is modelled as a 60'' to 80'' diameter (~0.2pc) hot (80 K < Tex < 200 K) ~1.6 Msun clump. The source lies on the axis of a highly collimated bipolar molecular outflow near its driving source. This is the first detection of such a compact, warm object in a low mass star forming region.Comment: APEX A&A special issue, accepte

    Arcsecond resolution images of the chemical structure of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422

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    It remains a key challenge to establish the molecular content of different components of low-mass protostars, like their envelopes and disks, and how this depends on the evolutionary stage and/or environment of the young stars. Observations at submillimeter wavelengths provide a direct possibility to study the chemical composition of low-mass protostars through transitions probing temperatures up to a few hundred K in the gas surrounding these sources. This paper presents a large molecular line survey of the deeply embedded protostellar binary IRAS 16293-2422 from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) - including images of individual lines down to approximately 1.5-3" (190-380 AU) resolution. More than 500 individual transitions are identified related to 54 molecular species (including isotopologues) probing temperatures up to about 550 K. Strong chemical differences are found between the two components in the protostellar system with a separation between, in particular, the sulfur- and nitrogen-bearing species and oxygen-bearing complex organics. The action of protostellar outflow on the ambient envelope material is seen in images of CO and SiO and appear to influence a number of other species, including (deuterated) water, HDO. The effects of cold gas-phase chemistry is directly imaged through maps of CO, N2D+ and DCO+, showing enhancements of first DCO+ and subsequently N2D+ in the outer envelope where CO freezes-out on dust grains.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 30 pages, 22 figure

    The deuterium fractionation of water on solar-system scales in deeply-embedded low-mass protostars

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    (Abridged) The water deuterium fractionation (HDO/H2_2O abundance ratio) has traditionally been used to infer the amount of water brought to Earth by comets. Measuring this ratio in deeply-embedded low-mass protostars makes it possible to probe the critical stage when water is transported from clouds to disks in which icy bodies are formed. We present sub-arcsecond resolution observations of HDO in combination with H218_2^{18}O from the PdBI toward the three low-mass protostars NGC 1333-IRAS 2A, IRAS 4A-NW, and IRAS 4B. The resulting HDO/H2_2O ratio is 7.4±2.1×1047.4\pm2.1\times10^{-4} for IRAS 2A, 19.1±5.4×10419.1\pm5.4\times10^{-4} for IRAS 4A-NW, and 5.9±1.7×1045.9\pm1.7\times10^{-4} for IRAS 4B. Derived ratios agree with radiative transfer models within a factor of 2-4 depending on the source. Our HDO/H2_2O ratios for the inner regions (where T>100T>100 K) of four young protostars are only a factor of 2 higher than those found for pristine, solar system comets. These small differences suggest that little processing of water occurs between the deeply embedded stage and the formation of planetesimals and comets.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Atomic jet from SMM1 (FIRS1) in Serpens uncovers non-coeval binary companion

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    We report on the detection of an atomic jet associated with the protostellar source SMM1 (FIRS1) in Serpens. The jet is revealed in [FeII] and [NeII] line maps observed with Spitzer/IRS, and further confirmed in HiRes IRAC and MIPS images. It is traced very close to SMM1 and peaks at ~5 arcsec" from the source at a position angle of $\sim 125 degrees. In contrast, molecular hydrogen emission becomes prominent at distances > 5" from the protostar and extends at a position angle of 160 degrees. The morphological differences suggest that the atomic emission arises from a companion source, lying in the foreground of the envelope surrounding the embedded protostar SMM1. In addition the molecular and atomic Spitzer maps disentangle the large scale CO (3-2) emission observed in the region into two distinct bipolar outflows, giving further support to a proto-binary source setup. Analysis at the peaks of the [FeII] jet show that emission arises from warm and dense gas (T ~1000 K, n(electron) 10^5 - 10^6 cm^-3). The mass flux of the jet derived independently for the [FeII] and [NeII] lines is 10^7 M(sun)/yr, pointing to a more evolved Class~I/II protostar as the driving source. All existing evidence converge to the conclusion that SMM1 is a non-coeval proto-binary source.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astronomy \& Astrophysic

    Single wall carbon nanotube double quantum dot

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    We report on two top-gate defined, coupled quantum dots in a semiconducting single wall carbon nanotube, constituting a tunable double quantum dot system. The single wall carbon nanotubes are contacted by titanium electrodes, and gated by three narrow top-gate electrodes as well as a back-gate. We show that a bias spectroscopy plot on just one of the two quantum dots can be used to extract the addition energy of both quantum dots. Furthermore, honeycomb charge stability diagrams are analyzed by an electrostatic capacitor model that includes cross capacitances, and we extract the coupling energy of the double quantum dot.Comment: Published in Applied Physics Letters 4 December 2006. http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/89/23211

    On the origin of H_2CO abundance enhancements in low-mass protostars

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    High angular resolution H_2CO 218 GHz line observations have been carried out toward the low-mass protostars IRAS 16293-2422 and L1448-C using the Owens Valley Millimeter Array at ~2" resolution. Simultaneous 1.37 mm continuum data reveal extended emission which is compared with that predicted by model envelopes constrained from single-dish data. For L1448-C the model density structure works well down to the 400 AU scale to which the interferometer is sensitive. For IRAS 16293-2422 , a known proto-binary object, the interferometer observations indicate that the binary has cleared much of the material in the inner part of the envelope, out to the binary separation of ~800 AU. For both sources there is excess unresolved compact emission centered on the sources, most likely due to accretion disks ≾200 AU in size with masses of ≳0.02 M_☉ (L1448-C) and ≳0.1 M_☉ (IRAS 16293-2422). The H_2CO data for both sources are dominated by emission from gas close to the positions of the continuum peaks. The morphology and velocity structure of the H_2CO array data have been used to investigate whether the abundance enhancements inferred from single-dish modelling are due to thermal evaporation of ices or due to liberation of the ice mantles by shocks in the inner envelope. For IRAS 16293-2422 the H_2CO interferometer observations indicate the presence of rotation roughly perpendicular to the large scale CO outflow. The H_2CO distribution differs from that of C^(18)O, with C^(18)O emission peaking near MM1 and H_2CO stronger near MM2. For L1448-C, the region of enhanced H_2CO emission extends over a much larger scale >1" than the radius of 50-100 K (0."6-0".15) where thermal evaporation can occur. The red-blue asymmetry of the emission is consistent with the outflow; however the velocities are significantly lower. The H_2CO 3_(22)-2_(21)/3_(03)-2_(02) flux ratio derived from the interferometer data is significantly higher than that found from single-dish observations for both objects, suggesting that the compact emission arises from warmer gas. Detailed radiative transfer modeling shows, however, that the ratio is affected by abundance gradients and optical depth in the 3_(03)-2_(02) line. It is concluded that a constant H_2CO abundance throughout the envelope cannot fit the interferometer data of the two H_2CO lines simultaneously on the longest and shortest baselines. A scenario in which the H_2CO abundance drops in the cold dense part of the envelope where CO is frozen out but is undepleted in the outermost region provides good fits to the single-dish and interferometer data on short baselines for both sources. Emission on the longer baselines is best reproduced if the H_2CO abundance is increased by about an order of magnitude from ~ 10^(-10) to ~ 10^(-9) in the inner parts of the envelope due to thermal evaporation when the temperature exceeds ~50 K. The presence of additional H_2CO abundance jumps in the innermost hot core region or in the disk cannot be firmly established, however, with the present sensitivity and resolution. Other scenarios, including weak outflow-envelope interactions and photon heating of the envelope, are discussed and predictions for future generation interferometers are presented, illustrating their potential in distinguishing these competing scenarios

    Classifying the embedded young stellar population in Perseus and Taurus & the LOMASS database

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    Context. The classification of young stellar objects (YSOs) is typically done using the infrared spectral slope or bolometric temperature, but either can result in contamination of samples. More accurate methods to determine the evolutionary stage of YSOs will improve the reliability of statistics for the embedded YSO population and provide more robust stage lifetimes. Aims. We aim to separate the truly embedded YSOs from more evolved sources. Methods. Maps of HCO+ J=4-3 and C18O J=3-2 were observed with HARP on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) for a sample of 56 candidate YSOs in Perseus and Taurus in order to characterize emission from high (column) density gas. These are supplemented with archival dust continuum maps observed with SCUBA on the JCMT and Herschel PACS to compare the morphology of the gas and dust in the protostellar envelopes. The spatial concentration of HCO+ J=4-3 and 850 micron dust emission are used to classify the embedded nature of YSOs. Results. Approximately 30% of Class 0+I sources in Perseus and Taurus are not Stage I, but are likely to be more evolved Stage II pre-main sequence (PMS) stars with disks. An additional 16% are confused sources with an uncertain evolutionary stage. Conclusions. Separating classifications by cloud reveals that a high percentage of the Class 0+I sources in the Perseus star forming region are truly embedded Stage I sources (71%), while the Taurus cloud hosts a majority of evolved PMS stars with disks (68%). The concentration factor method is useful to correct misidentified embedded YSOs, yielding higher accuracy for YSO population statistics and Stage timescales. Current estimates (0.54 Myr) may overpredict the Stage I lifetime on the order of 30%, resulting in timescales of 0.38 Myr for the embedded phase.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted to be published in A&

    Magnetic-Field Dependence of Tunnel Couplings in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

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    By means of sequential and cotunneling spectroscopy, we study the tunnel couplings between metallic leads and individual levels in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. The levels are ordered in shells consisting of two doublets with strong- and weak-tunnel couplings, leading to gate-dependent level renormalization. By comparison to a one- and two-shell model, this is shown to be a consequence of disorder-induced valley mixing in the nanotube. Moreover, a parallel magnetic field is shown to reduce this mixing and thus suppress the effects of tunnel renormalization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; revised version as publishe

    The organic chemistry in the innermost, infalling envelope of the Class 0 protostar L483

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    Context: The protostellar envelopes, outflow and large-scale chemistry of Class~0 and Class~I objects have been well-studied, but while previous works have hinted at or found a few Keplerian disks at the Class~0 stage, it remains to be seen if their presence in this early stage is the norm. Likewise, while complex organics have been detected toward some Class~0 objects, their distribution is unknown as they could reside in the hottest parts of the envelope, in the emerging disk itself or in other components of the protostellar system, such as shocked regions related to outflows. Aims: In this work, we aim to address two related issues regarding protostars: when rotationally supported disks form around deeply embedded protostars and where complex organic molecules reside in such objects. Methods: We observed the deeply embedded protostar, L483, using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band~7 data from Cycles~1 and 3 with a high angular resolution down to \sim~0.1^{\prime\prime} (20~au) scales. Results: We find that the kinematics of CS~J=7J=7--66 and H13^{13}CN~J=4J=4--33 are best fitted by the velocity profile from infall under conservation of angular momentum and not by a Keplerian profile. The spatial extents of the observed complex organics are consistent with an estimated ice sublimation radius of the envelope at \sim~50~au, suggesting that the complex organics exist in the hot corino of L483. Conclusions: We find that L483 does not harbor a Keplerian disk down to at least 1515~au in radius. Instead, the innermost regions of L483 are undergoing a rotating collapse. This result highlights that some Class~0 objects contain only very small disks, or none at all, with the complex organic chemistry taking place on scales inside the hot corino of the envelope, in a region larger than the emerging disk.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure