35 research outputs found

    Simulação de processo de manufatura de caixas plásticas sob a ótica do fluxo de valor

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    Muitas empresas aplicam métodos da produção enxuta visando a redução de perdas no processo produtivo, fator considerado essencial para que elas possam se manter competitivas no mercado, reduzir custos internos e agregar valor aos seus produtos. No entanto, para que seja possível diminuir as perdas, faz-se necessário identificar e analisar o fluxo do processo de manufatura utilizado. Esta monografia teve como objetivo analisar as perdas no processo de manufatura de caixas plásticas, e utilizou, para isso, o método de pesquisa dedutivo; a abordagem quali-quantitativa; metodologias de pesquisa descritiva e exploratória; procedimentos de investigação classificados como estudo de caso, pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Sua metodologia teve como base o mapeamento de fluxo de valor com o apoio da simulação, através da qual se apresentou o cenário atual do processo de manufatura, identificaram-se as perdas e, a partir disso, desenhou-se um mapa do estado futuro com o propósito de avaliar as possíveis melhorias no processo produtivo. Com a análise do estado atual, evidenciou-se que o produto percorre uma distância de 192,8 metros, o que corresponde a um lead time de 365.243,74 segundos desde o estoque de componentes até o armazenamento do produto acabado para posterior envio ao centro logístico, apresentando diversas perdas no processo produtivo, como: estoque, superprodução, espera, movimentação, transporte, produção de produtos defeituosos e processamento. Com a aplicação dos princípios e técnicas da produção enxuta, no estado futuro a distância percorrida pelo produto seria reduzida para 33 metros, resultando em uma redução de 28,12% no lead time, aumentando o tempo de valor agregado em 2,78% e, além disso, ocasionando a redução de dois colaboradores no processo produtivo. Com o desenvolvimento do estudo, concluiu-se que as perdas encontradas no processo produtivo impactam diretamente no tempo de lead time do produto. Essas perdas, por sua vez, estão diretamente interligadas a atividades que o recurso exerce dentro do modelo de produção utilizado pela empresa, uma vez que, no ambiente produtivo, o material está sujeito a situações dificilmente dimensionadas e que não agregam valor ao produto, como: viagem vazia, viagem carregada, ociosidade, coleta do material, bloqueio do recurso, espera pelo operador e pelo transporte. Além disso, essas perdas são potencializadas quando há a necessidade de formação de estoques intermediários. Uma alternativa proposta pelo presente estudo para reduzir essas perdas e diminuir o lead time foi a implantação do modelo produtivo baseado no fluxo contínuo.Several companies adopt lean production methods aiming to reduce losses in the production process, which is considered essential for them to remain competitive in the market, reduce internal costs and add value to their products. However, in order to reduce losses, it is necessary to identify and analyze the flow of the manufacturing process used. This undergraduate thesis aimed to analyze the losses in the manufacturing process of plastic containers, and to this end it used a deductive research method; quali-quantitative approach; descriptive and exploratory research methodologies; and investigation procedures classified as case study, bibliographic research, and document research. Its methodology considered the value stream mapping reinforced by a simulation, through which the current scenario of the manufacturing process was presented, losses were identified, and based on that a map of the future state was prepared, with the objective of assessing possible improvements in the production process. Based on the analysis of the current state, it was observed that the product travels a distance of 192.8 meters, corresponding to a lead time of 365,243.74 seconds from the storage of the components to the storage of the finished product for subsequent transportation to the logistics center, and that there are various losses in the production process, such as: inventory, overproduction, waiting, motion, transportation, production of defective products and processing. With the implementation of lean production principles and techniques, in the future state the distance traveled by the product would be reduced to 33 meters, thus resulting in a reduction of 28.12% in lead time, an increase in value-added time by 2.78%, and a reduction of two employees in the production process. From this study, it was concluded that the losses identified in the production process directly impact the product lead time. These losses, in turn, are directly related to activities that the resource performs in the production model used by the company, since the material is subject to situations which are difficult to dimension and do not add value to the product in the production environment, such as: empty travel, loaded travel, idleness, material pick-up, resource block, wait for an operator and for transport. In addition, these losses are maximized when intermediate stocks are necessary. An alternative proposed by this study to reduce both losses and lead time was the adoption of a production model based on continuous flow

    Tests of Usability Guidelines About Response to User Actions. Importance, Compliance, and Application of the Guidelines

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    Usability is a quality that a web page can have due to its simple use. Many recommendations aim to improve the web user experience, but there is no standardization of them. This study is part of a saga, which aims to order existing recommendations and guidelines by analyzing the behavior of 20 Information Technology (IT) developers. This publication analyzes the set of guidelines that determine "user responses" when they interact with a website. It is intended to group these guidelines and obtain data on the application of each of them. The test is carried out with 20 web developers without training or experience in web usability. The objective is to know if there are "user response" guidelines that a developer with no training or usability experience applies innate. Since web developers are also users, it is believed that there may be innate behavior that is not necessarily learned. The purposes of the work are: 1) Enumerate the most forgotten recommendations by web developers. This can help to think about the importance of offering specific training in this field. 2) Know the most important recommendations and guidelines, according to the web developers themselves. The investigation is carried out as follows: First, IT engineers were asked to develop a website; Second, user tests were performed and the most neglected and most applied guidelines were evaluated. The level of compliance was also analyzed, as developers lack experience in web usability and could be applying a guideline, but not correctly; Third, web developers are interviewed to find out what guidelines they consider necessary. The results are intended to help us understand if a web developer without training or experience in web usability can innately apply guidelines on "user responses". The objective of the study is to determine that there are guidelines that are applied intuitively and others that are not, and to know the reason for each situation. The results determine that the guidelines considered essential and those that are most applied innately have something in common. The results reveal that the essential guidelines and those that are most commonly implemented inherently share certain commonalities

    Narrativas Apocalípticas Bizantinas e Heráclio, “O Novo Alexandre”

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História, 2016.Alexandre, o Grande é uma das figuras mais proeminentes da Antiguidade a ponto de se tornar personagem em diversas tradições apocalípticas muito posteriores. Três textos produzidos no início da Idade Média serviram-se de Alexandre para seu conteúdo escatológico: a Lenda Siríaca de Alexandre, do Pseudo-Calístenes, as Homilias de Jacó de Serugh e o Apocalipse do Pseudo-Metódio. Nessas três narrativas, Alexandre enfrenta os povos de Gog e Magog, que simbolizam o Mal em várias outras tradições escatológicas, e constrói uma muralha a fim de separá-los do mundo civilizado. Comparar essas três fontes, pontuando concordâncias e dissonâncias entre elas e fazer um aporte de compreensão da sociedade bizantina do séc.VII, sobretudo no reinado de Heráclio, é o objetivo desta monografia.Alexander, the Great is one of the most prominent figures of Antiquity about to become character in several apocalyptic traditions over time. Three texts produced in the Early Middle Ages resort to Alexander for their eschatological content: the Syriac Alexander Legend, by Pseudo-Callisthenes, the Homilies of Jacob of Serugh and the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius. In these three narratives, Alexander faces the peoples of Gog and Magog, who symbolize Evil in several other eschatological traditions, and builds a wall in order to enclose them of civilized world. Compare these three texts, punctuating concordances and dissonances between them and thus making a contribuition of undestanding of Byzantine society of the Seventh Century, especially in the reing of Heraclius, is the aim of this monograph


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    A new type of coronavirus appeared in the city of Wuhan in China in 2019. SARS-COV-2 is a single-stranded positive sense RNA virus, surrounded by four proteins, called Spike (S), Envelope (E), Membrane (M) and Nucleocapsid (N). The new coronavirus has been a challenge for healthcare professionals due to the lack of effective treatment against the disease. The aim of the present study was to seek information about the main therapeutic options currently employed in Covid-19 treatment. Thus, it was possible to identify that several of these drugs for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 show promising results, but they still lack more information and studies, therefore, there is no safe and effective treatment. Um novo tipo de coronavírus surgiu na cidade de Wuhan na China em 2019. SARS-COV-2 é um vírus de RNA de fita simples senso positivo, envolto por quatro proteínas, denominadas Spike (S), Envelope (E), Membrana (M) e Nucleocapsídeo (N). O novo coronavírus vem sendo um desafio para os profissionais da saúde devido à falta de tratamento eficaz contra a doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi buscar informações a respeito das principais opções terapêuticas atualmente empregadas no tratamento Covid-19. Assim, foi possível identificar que vários destes medicamentos para o tratamento da SARS-CoV-2 apresentam resultados promissores, porém ainda carecem de mais informações e estudos, não havendo, portanto, um tratamento seguro e eficaz.&nbsp


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    OBJETIVOS DO DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL: Ações Adotadas pela Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina para Atingir as Metas da Agenda 2030.

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    Os objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS) buscam transformar o mundo por meio de 17 diretrizes correlacionadas com a sociedade e o meio ambiente. Fome, extrema pobreza, equidade, acesso à educação e saúde são algumas das metas que compõem a Agenda 2030, a qual é denominada pelo plano de ação para as pessoas e o planeta. As melhorias propostas por esses objetivos permeiam a qualidade de vida da sociedade em geral, de forma que essa compreenda e respeite as necessidades eminentes do meio ambiente. Nesse sentido a Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina busca fomentar esse projeto, conscientizando acadêmicos e desenvolvendo ações que coincidam com tais objetivos. Essa pesquisa de campo com caráter quantitativo abordará ações realizadas dentro da instituição e na comunidade. A base de dados da instituição supracitada relata todas as ações executadas e por meio desse estudo a mesma obterá conhecimento das áreas atuantes e não atuantes, aprimorando seu desempenho no pleno desenvolvimento social

    Towards a Standard-based Domain-specific Platform to Solve Machine Learning-based Problems

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    Machine learning is one of the most important subfields of computer science and can be used to solve a variety of interesting artificial intelligence problems. There are different languages, framework and tools to define the data needed to solve machine learning-based problems. However, there is a great number of very diverse alternatives which makes it difficult the intercommunication, portability and re-usability of the definitions, designs or algorithms that any developer may create. In this paper, we take the first step towards a language and a development environment independent of the underlying technologies, allowing developers to design solutions to solve machine learning-based problems in a simple and fast way, automatically generating code for other technologies. That can be considered a transparent bridge among current technologies. We rely on Model-Driven Engineering approach, focusing on the creation of models to abstract the definition of artifacts from the underlying technologies

    The Observational and Theoretical Tidal Radii of Globular Clusters in M87

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    Globular clusters have linear sizes (tidal radii) which theory tells us are determined by their masses and by the gravitational potential of their host galaxy. To explore the relationship between observed and expected radii, we utilize the globular cluster population of the Virgo giant M87. Unusually deep, high signal-to-noise images of M87 are used to measure the effective and limiting radii of approximately 2000 globular clusters. To compare with these observations, we simulate a globular cluster population that has the same characteristics as the observed M87 cluster population. Placing these simulated clusters in the well-studied tidal field of M87, the orbit of each cluster is solved and the theoretical tidal radius of each cluster is determined. We compare the predicted relationship between cluster size and projected galactocentric distance to observations. We find that for an isotropic distribution of cluster velocities, theoretical tidal radii are approximately equal to observed limiting radii for Rgc < 10 kpc. However, the isotropic simulation predicts a steep increase in cluster size at larger radii, which is not observed in large galaxies beyond the Milky Way. To minimize the discrepancy between theory and observations, we explore the effects of orbital anisotropy on cluster sizes, and suggest a possible orbital anisotropy profile for M87 which yields a better match between theory and observations. Finally, we suggest future studies which will establish a stronger link between theoretical tidal radii and observed radii.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap