54 research outputs found

    AeroRing: Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet Ring with High Availability and QoS Management

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    The avionics standard AFDX has been introduced to provide high speed communication for new generation aircraft. However, this switched network is deployed in a full redundant way, which leads to significant quantities of wires. To overcome this limitation, a new avionic communication network, called AeroRing, is proposed in this paper to decrease the wiring weight, while guaranteeing the required performance and safety levels. AeroRing is based on a Gigabit Ethernet technologyand implements a daisy-chain wiring scheme on a Full Duplex ring topology. First, the main features of such a proposal, and particularly the QoS and robustness management, are detailed. Then, numerical results of some Performance Indicators (PI) are illustrated to highlight its ability to guarantee the avionics requirements

    Ethical Considerations for Movement Mapping to Identify Disease Transmission Hotspots.

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    Traditional public health methods for detecting infectious disease transmission, such as contact tracing and molecular epidemiology, are time-consuming and costly. Information and communication technologies, such as global positioning systems, smartphones, and mobile phones, offer opportunities for novel approaches to identifying transmission hotspots. However, mapping the movements of potentially infected persons comes with ethical challenges. During an interdisciplinary meeting of researchers, ethicists, data security specialists, information and communication technology experts, epidemiologists, microbiologists, and others, we arrived at suggestions to mitigate the ethical concerns of movement mapping. These suggestions include a template Data Protection Impact Assessment that follows European Union General Data Protection Regulations

    The influence of a virtual companion on amusement when watching funny films

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    We investigated the role of a virtual companion and trait cheerfulness on the elicitation of amusement. Ninety participants watched funny films in four conditions: either alone, with a virtual companion laughing or verbally expressing amusement at fixed time points (pre-scripted), or additionally joining the participant’s laughter (responsive companion). Amusement was assessed facially and vocally by coding Duchenne Displays and laughter vocalizations. Participants’ cheerful mood pre and post the film watching and positive experience were assessed. Results showed that high trait cheerful individuals generally experienced and expressed more amusement than low trait cheerful individuals. The presence of a virtual companion (compared to being alone) led to more laughter for individuals low in trait cheerfulness. Unexpectedly, the responsive companion did not elicit more amusement than the pre-scripted companion. The general disliking of virtual companions and gelotophobia related negatively to amusement. Amusement expressing virtual companions may be used in interventions aiming at eliciting positive responses, especially for individuals with higher thresholds for amusement.European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 27078

    Modeling the biomass production of grasslands of Wallonia according to their functional type

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    Permanent grasslands are complex ecosystems which respond with a great variability - in terms of specific richness - to soil type and management strategies. Modelling is a valuable tool to explore these relationships. Our work consisted in adapting the Moorepark St Gilles grass growth model (MoSt GG) designed to model Lolium perenne plant functional type (PFT) pastures (PFT A) to a different PFT (Dactylis glomerata, PFT B) through literature-based parametrization. The model was evaluated under Walloon (Belgium) conditions using growth trials from 2014 to 2018 in two sites with contrasting pedo-climatic conditions. Three to five cuts were performed over the course of the growing seasons depending on the rainfall yielding a total of 20 and 25 biomass measurements (kg of DM per ha), for PFT A and B respectively. No site effects were observed in the performance of the model. The relative root mean square error (RRMSE), normalized deviation (ND) and model efficiency (EF) across all cuts, sites and PFTs were 33%, 3% and 68% respectively. PFT B was better simulated than A for the criteria RRMSE (33% vs 33%), ND (4% vs. 9%), and EF (75% vs. 54%). Although this first evaluation was satisfactory, a complementary parametrization for additional pedoclimatic conditions and PFTs is called for to use the model under the diversity of Walloon condition
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