2,202 research outputs found

    Nitric oxide mediates interleukin-1 induced inhibition of glycosaminoglycan synthesis in rat articular cartilage

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    Interleek-1β (IL-1) is a key mediator of cartilage matrix degradation in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that the IL-1-induced suppression of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis in rat articular cartilage occurred simultaneously with the accumulation of nitrite (a metabolite of nitric oxide (NO) in aqueous milieu) in the culture medium. NO-synthase inhibitors, L-NMMA and L-NIO, inhibited both these IL-1 effects. Dexamethasone suppressed GAG synthesis additively to IL-1, but did not alter nitrite accumulation. Three NO-donors (GEA 3175, SNAP and SIN-1) also had an inhibitory effect on cartilage GAG synthesis. Therefore, it is concluded that IL-1 induced suppression of GAG synthesis in rat articular cartilage is mediated by the production of NO

    Mapping EK Draconis with PEPSI - Possible evidence for starspot penumbrae

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    We present the first temperature surface map of EK Dra from very-high-resolution spectra obtained with the Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (PEPSI) at the Large Binocular Telescope. Changes in spectral line profiles are inverted to a stellar surface temperature map using our iiMap code. The long-term photometric record is employed to compare our map with previously published maps. Four cool spots were reconstructed, but no polar spot was seen. The temperature difference to the photosphere of the spots is between 990 and 280K. Two spots are reconstructed with a typical solar morphology with an umbra and a penumbra. For the one isolated and relatively round spot (A), we determine an umbral temperature of 990K and a penumbral temperature of 180K below photospheric temperature. The umbra to photosphere intensity ratio of EK Dra is approximately only half of that of a comparison sunspot. A test inversion from degraded line profiles showed that the higher spectral resolution of PEPSI reconstructs the surface with a temperature difference that is on average 10% higher than before and with smaller surface areas by 10-20%. PEPSI is therefore better suited to detecting and characterising temperature inhomogeneities. With ten more years of photometry, we also refine the spot cycle period of EK Dra to 8.9±\pm0.2 years with a continuing long-term fading trend. The temperature morphology of spot A so far appears to show the best evidence for the existence of a solar-like penumbra for a starspot. We emphasise that it is more the non-capture of the true umbral contrast rather than the detection of the weak penumbra that is the limiting factor. The relatively small line broadening of EK Dra, together with the only moderately high spectral resolutions previously available, appear to be the main contributors to the lower-than-expected spot contrasts when comparing to the Sun.Comment: Accepted for A&

    Renal Tumor Invasion Depth and Diameter are the Two Most Accurate Anatomical Features Regarding the Choice of Radical Versus Partial Nephrectomy

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    Background and Aims: To evaluate simple tumor characteristics (renal tumor diameter and parenchymal invasion depth) compared with more complex classifications, that is, Renal Tumor Invasion Index (RTII) and Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for an Anatomical classification, in predicting the type of nephrectomy (radical vs partial) performed. Material and Methods: A total of 915 patients who had undergone either partial nephrectomy (n=388, 42%) or radical nephrectomy (n=527, 58%) were identified from the Helsinki University Hospital kidney tumor database between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2014. Tumor maximum diameter and depth of invasion into the parenchyma were estimated from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging images and compared with Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for an Anatomical and Renal Tumor Invasion Index. Logistic regression and receiver operating curves were used to compare the parameters at predicting the type of nephrectomy. Results and conclusion: All the anatomical variables of receiver operating curve/area under the curve analyses were significant predictors for the type of nephrectomy. Parenchymal invasion (area under the curve 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.89-0.93), RTII (area under the curve 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.89-0.93), and diameter (area under the curve 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.89-0.93) performed significantly better than Preoperative Aspects and Dimensions Used for an Anatomical classification (area under the curve 0.88; 95% confidence interval, 0.85-0.89). In multivariable analysis, invasion depth was the best predictor of nephrectomy type (percentage correct, 85.6%). Addition of one anatomic parameter into the model of non-anatomical cofactors improved the accuracy of the model significantly, but the addition of more parameters did not. Parenchymal invasion depth and tumor diameter are the most accurate anatomical features for predicting the nephrectomy type. All potential anatomical classification systems should be tested against these two simple characteristics.Peer reviewe

    A fully pipelined memoryless 17.8 Gbps AES-128 encryptor

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    A fully pipelined implementation of the Advanced Encryption Stan-dard encryption algorithm with 128-bit input and key length (AES-128) was implemented on Xilinx ’ Virtex-E and Virtex-II devices. The design is called SIG-AES-E and it implements the S-boxes combinatorially and thus requires no internal memory. It is con-cluded, that SIG-AES-E is faster than other published FPGA-based implementations of the AES-128 encryption algorithm. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Osteoporosis : the emperor has no clothes

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    Current prevention strategies for low-trauma fractures amongst older persons depend on the notions that fractures are mainly caused by osteoporosis (pathophysiology), that patients at high risk can be identified (screening) and that the risk is amenable to bone-targeted pharmacotherapy (treatment). However, all these three notions can be disputed. PathophysiologyMost fracture patients have fallen, but actually do not have osteoporosis. A high likelihood of falling, in turn, is attributable to an ageing-related decline in physical functioning and general frailty. ScreeningCurrently available fracture risk prediction strategies including bone densitometry and multifactorial prediction tools are unable to identify a large proportion of patients who will sustain a fracture, whereas many of those with a high fracture risk score will not sustain a fracture. TreatmentThe evidence for the viability of bone-targeted pharmacotherapy in preventing hip fracture and other clinical fragility fractures is mainly limited to women aged 65-80years with osteoporosis, whereas the proof of hip fracture-preventing efficacy in women over 80years of age and in men at all ages is meagre or absent. Further, the antihip fracture efficacy shown in clinical trials is absent in real-life studies. Many drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis have also been associated with increased risks of serious adverse events. There are also considerable uncertainties related to the efficacy of drug therapy in preventing clinical vertebral fractures, whereas the efficacy for preventing other fractures (relative risk reductions of 20-25%) remains moderate, particularly in terms of the low absolute risk reduction in fractures with this treatment.Peer reviewe

    A combined HST and XMM-Newton campaign for the magnetic O9.7 V star HD 54879: towards constraining the weak-wind problem of massive stars

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    Context: HD 54879 (O9.7 V) is one of a dozen O-stars for which an organized atmospheric magnetic field has been detected. To gain insights into the interplay between atmospheres, winds, and magnetic fields of massive stars, we acquired UV and X-ray data of HD 54879 using the Hubble Space Telescope and the XMM-Newton satellite. In addition, 35 optical amateur spectra were secured to study the variability of HD 54879. A multiwavelength (X-ray to optical) spectral analysis is performed using the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmosphere code and the xspec software. Results: The photospheric parameters are typical for an O9.7 V star. The microturbulent, macroturbulent, and projected rotational velocities are lower than previously suggested (<4 km/s). An initial mass of 16M\,M_\odot and an age of 5 Myr are inferred from evolutionary tracks. We derive a mean X-ray emitting temperature of logTX=6.7\log T_{\rm X} = 6.7\,[K] and an X-ray luminosity of logLX=32\log L_\text{X} = 32\,[erg/s]. Short- and long-scale variability is seen in the H-alpha line, but only a very long period of P5P \approx 5\,yr could be estimated. Assessing the circumstellar density of HD 54879 using UV spectra, we can roughly estimate the mass-loss rate HD 54879 would have in the absence of a magnetic field as logM˙B=09.0[M/yr]\log \dot{M}_{B=0}\approx -9.0\,[{M_\odot}/{\rm yr}]. The magnetic field traps the stellar wind up to the Alfv\'en radius > 12R12\,R_\odot, implying that its true mass-loss rate is logM˙<10.2[M/yr]\log \dot{M}< -10.2\,[{M_\odot}/{\rm yr}]. Hence, density enhancements around magnetic stars can be exploited to estimate mass-loss rates of non-magnetic stars of similar spectral types, essential for resolving the weak wind problem. Conclusions: Our study confirms that strongly magnetized stars lose little or no mass, and supplies important constraints on the weak-wind problem of massive main sequence stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on Aug. 9, 2017, 12 + 1 pages, 15 figures. Paper replaced due to typos and missing acknowledgment

    Doppler images and the underlying dynamo. The case of AF Leporis

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    The (Zeeman-)Doppler imaging studies of solar-type stars very often reveal large high-latitude spots. This also includes F stars that possess relatively shallow convection zones, indicating that the dynamo operating in these stars differs from the solar dynamo. We aim to determine whether mean-field dynamo models of late-F type dwarf stars can reproduce the surface features recovered in Doppler maps. In particular, we wish to test whether the models can reproduce the high-latitude spots observed on some F dwarfs. The photometric inversions and the surface temperature maps of AF Lep were obtained using the Occamian-approach inversion technique. Low signal-to-noise spectroscopic data were improved by applying the least-squares deconvolution method. The locations of strong magnetic flux in the stellar tachocline as well as the surface fields obtained from mean-field dynamo solutions were compared with the observed surface temperature maps. The photometric record of AF Lep reveals both long- and short-term variability. However, the current data set is too short for cycle-length estimates. From the photometry, we have determined the rotation period of the star to be 0.9660+-0.0023 days. The surface temperature maps show a dominant, but evolving, high-latitude (around +65 degrees) spot. Detailed study of the photometry reveals that sometimes the spot coverage varies only marginally over a long time, and at other times it varies rapidly. Of a suite of dynamo models, the model with a radiative interior rotating as fast as the convection zone at the equator delivered the highest compatibility with the obtained Doppler images.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic