3 research outputs found

    A full transit of v 2 Lupi d and the search for an exomoon in its Hill sphere with CHEOPS

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    The planetary system around the naked-eye star v2 Lupi (HD 136352; TOI-2011) is composed of three exoplanets with masses of 4.7, 11.2, and 8.6 Earth masses (M⊕). The TESS and CHEOPS missions revealed that all three planets are transiting and have radii straddling the radius gap separating volatile-rich and volatile-poor super-earths. Only a partial transit of planet d had been covered so we re-observed an inferior conjunction of the long-period 8.6 M⊕ exoplanet v2 Lup d with the CHEOPS space telescope. We confirmed its transiting nature by covering its whole 9.1 h transit for the first time. We refined the planet transit ephemeris to P = 107.13610.0022+0.0019 days and Tc = 2459009.77590.0096+0.0101 BJDTDB, improving by ~40 times on the previously reported transit timing uncertainty. This refined ephemeris will enable further follow-up of this outstanding long-period transiting planet to search for atmospheric signatures or explore the planet s Hill sphere in search for an exomoon. In fact, the CHEOPS observations also cover the transit of a large fraction of the planet s Hill sphere, which is as large as the Earth s, opening the tantalising possibility of catching transiting exomoons. We conducted a search for exomoon signals in this single-epoch light curve but found no conclusive photometric signature of additional transiting bodies larger than Mars. Yet, only a sustained follow-up of v2 Lup d transits will warrant a comprehensive search for a moon around this outstanding exoplanet

    Recent Developments from ASACUSA on Antihydrogen Detection

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    The ASACUSA Collaboration at CERNs Antiproton Decelerator aims to measure the ground state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen with high precision to test the fundamental symmetry of CPT (combination of charge conjugation, parity transformation, and time reversal). For this purpose an antihydrogen detector has been developed. Its task is to count the arriving antihydrogen atoms and therefore distinguish backgroundevents (mainly cosmics) from antiproton annihilations originating from antihydrogen atoms which are produced only in small amounts. A central BGO crystal disk with position sensitive read-out detects the annihilation and a surrounding two-layered hodoscope is used for tracking charged secondaries. The hodoscope has been recently upgraded to allow precise vertex reconstruction. A machine learning analysis based on measured antiproton annihilations and cosmic rays has been developed to identify antihydrogen events

    Measurement of the principal quantum number distribution in a beam of antihydrogen atoms

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    The ASACUSA (Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons) collaboration plans to measure the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen in a beam at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator with initial relative precision of 10-6 or better, to test the fundamental CPT (combination of charge conjugation, parity transformation and time reversal) symmetry between matter and antimatter. This challenging goal requires a polarised antihydrogen beam with a sufficient number of antihydrogen atoms in the ground state. The first measurement of the quantum state distribution of antihydrogen atoms in a low magnetic field environment of a few mT is described. Furthermore, the data-driven machine learning analysis to identify antihydrogen events is discussed