85 research outputs found

    Tanggapan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt.) terhadap Pemberian Kapur dan Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam

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    One type of popular corn now is sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.). The high demand for sweet corn is not balanced by productivity generated. One of the limiting factors in the development of sweet corn on dry land is the low level of soil fertility. The application of lime and chicken manure are the key to improving the fertility of dry land. This research aimed to analyze the effect of the interaction and the single factor of the application of lime and chicken manure to the growth and yield of sweet corn on dry land. Conducted in Hamparaya Village of Batumandi District, Balangan Regency of South Kalimantan Province for three months, starting in August until November 2015. The design of environment that used in this study is a group randomized design (GRD), while the design of treatment is Split Plot Design. There are twelve treatment combinations were repeated three times so that there are 36 experimental plots, on each plot consisted of six plants sample so that the total number of samples was 216 plants. The results showed that the treatment interaction was not significant effect to the growth and yield of sweet corn in Bonanza F1 varieties, but a single treatment of the application of lime in dose 1,5 t ha-1 and chicken manure in dose 5 t ha-1 is the best treatment and able to enhance the growth and yield of sweet corn on dry land

    The Implementation of Hand-Puppets as a Storytelling Media to the Students' Language Skills and Characters (an R&D on the Second Grader of Sdn 6 Karangasem Batang Central Java Indonesia)

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    Teaching bahasa to elementary school students has important role in building attitudes, habits, and basic abilities to develop their language skills. Story telling is a part of it. The story teller must have good performance of voice, intonation, and mimic, so that the listeners can understand and enjoy the performance. The story tellers must be supported by appropriate media; they are hand puppets. The objective of this study is to know the implementation of hand-puppets as a story telling media to support students' language skills and character building of the second graders of SDN 6 Karangasem Batang. It is an R and D research. The data were collected by observing, interviewing teacher, giving tests, and taking documentations. Based on the data, hand-puppets can be used to increase students' language skills in retelling story. Those data were shown by students' active participation during the learning process and their interest, enthusiasm, and brave in retelling story in front of their classmates. There were 10 students who joined in retelling story activity actively in “Pembelajaran I”. The numbers of students were increased in “Pembelajaran II”; there were 17 students. The media can also be used as an alternative teaching media to build students' positive characters that made them easily understand and catch the moral value of each story. The researchers suggest to the teachers to create some more interesting media that make the students more fun and interested in joining the learning process


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    The purposes of this research are to prove the influence of ability on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors; to prove the influence of the auditors independency on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors; to prove the moderating influence of the profession ethic on the correlation of ability on the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province and to prove the moderating influence of the profession ethic on the correlation of auditors independency on the audit quality Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors.The data used in this research is the primary data which was gained by spreading the questionnaires to 101 respondents of Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Auditors. This research used multiple linear regression and moderated regression analysis.The research result are the ability have influences toward the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; auditors independency have influences toward the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; the profession ethics have moderating effect on correlation between ability and the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province; and the profession ethics have not moderating effect on the correlation between independency with the audit quality on Inspectorate Auditors in Bengkulu Province

    Politik Australia Dalam Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Fctc) Pada Pemerintahan Julia Gillard (2010-2013)

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    This research will focus on the Australian Policy in the implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the era of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The FCTC which provides a framework for international cooperation to address the global health crisis caused by tobacco,The period time used in this research is within 2010 until 2013 that is period Julia Gillard served as Prime Minister of Australian. This study used a qualitative research method that the source data is taken from books, journals, newspapers, the internet, and previous research. Perspectives and levels of analysis used in this study is that the individual as the main actor. By using a perspective behavioralism, the theory of decision making in foreign policy analysis by James N. Rosenau, will describe the direction of the object of analysis. The result of this research is the implementation of the Australian tobacco control policy relevant treaty obligations undertaken by Parties to the WHO FCTC, with finds out the things which causes Australian tobacco control policy under the of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard to be aggressive in world, like Julia Gillard success makes the Tobacco Plain Packaging lawsis the first policy in the history of the world. Although major tobacco companies refuse the Tobacco Plain Packaging policy, Julia Gillard is committed to implement measures of the Australian tobacco control policy to be progressive have been made by the states and territories of Australia.Keywords : Australian Tobacco control Policy, FCTC, Behavioralis

    Contingent Valuation MethodsDalam Penilaian Kualitas Udara Di Yogyakarta \u27

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    Abstrak Kegiatan transportasi merupakan salah satu penyumbang yang besar bagi pencemaran udara di daerah perkotaan. Tempat terakumulasinya polutan cenderung berada pada tempat-tempat yang direncanakan sebagai pusat kegiatan ekonomi. Akibatnya masyarakat tidak cukup mendapat perlindungan kenyamanan yang kemudian dirasakannya sebagai suatu ketidakadilan. Dengan prinsip polluters pay kiranya dapat dirasakan bahwa keadilan itu ada apabila pencemar baik perorangan ataupun pemerintah melakukan pembayaran penuh atas biaya kerusakan lingkungan yang disimpulkan oleh kegiatan mereka. Metode valuasi kontingensi dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui keinginan membayar (willingness to pay) dari masyarakat untuk pemulihan kualitas udara tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat mempunyai kemauan membayar untuk upaya memelihara lingkungan melalui dana yang ditarik dari setiap liter BBM yang dikonsumsi untuk melakukan perfalanan (transporiasi). Kata kunci: Valuasi kontingensi, pencemaran udar

    Korelasi antara Persepsi Siswa tentang Inovasi Guru dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 5 Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa

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    Berdasarkan analisis statistik deskriptif diperoleh gambaran persepsi siswa tentang inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran matematika berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 66%, dan gambaran motivasi belajar siswa berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 66%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik inferensial dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi person menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa tentang inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran matematika dengan nilai sig. sebesar 0,003. Kemudian dibandingkan dengan probabilitas 0,01, ternyata nilai Sig. ≤ 0,05 yaitu 0,003 ≤ 0,05, maka hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran matematika dengan motivasi belajar siswa. Berdasarkan angka kolerasinya yaitu 0,291, dalam hal ini korelasi antara persepsi siswa tentang inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran matematika dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII SMPN 5 Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa berkorelasi positif dengan korelasi yang rendah

    Pengaruh Penambahan Garam-garam Lithium terhadap Sifat Elektrolit Polimer Berbasis Kitosan.

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    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN GARAM-GARAM LITHIUM TERHADAP SIFAT ELEKTROLIT POLIMER BERBASIS KITOSAN. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan berbagai jenis garam lithium terhadap sifat elektrolit polimer berbasis kitosan yang akan diaplikasikan pada baterai lithium isi ulang. Adapun jenis garam lithium yang ditambahkan adalah Li-Asetat, Li-Perklorat, LiPF6 dan Li-Triflat dengan komposisi yang sama. Pembuatan lembaran elektrolit polimer padat dilakukan dengan metode casting dengan penguapan perlahan di dalam oven. Karakterisasi lembaran elektrolit padat dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), spektroskopi infra merah (FT-IR), spektrometer impedansi (LCR meter) dan pengukuran bilangan transfer ion. Hasil karakterisasi sinar X menunjukkan bahwa penambahan berbagai jenis garam lithium merusak kristalinitas kitosan. Pengukuran konduktifitas ionik memberikan hasil tertinggi pada penambahan garam Li-Perklorat, yang nilainya masih pada orde yang sama dengan penambahan garamLiPF6 dan Li-Triflat ~ 10-6 S/cm. Konduktivitas juga mengalami kenaikan dengan kenaikan suhu. Energi aktivasi terendah 0,016 eV dan bilangan transfer ion tertinggi ~ 0.5 diperoleh pada penambahan garam LiPF