15 research outputs found

    Inter-Tumor Heterogeneity-Melanomas Respond Differently to GM-CSF-Mediated Activation.

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    Granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is used as an adjuvant in various clinical and preclinical studies with contradictory results. These were attributed to opposing effects of GM-CSF on the immune or myeloid systems of the treated patients or to lack of optimal dosing regimens. The results of the present study point to inter-tumor heterogeneity as a possible mechanism accounting for the contrasting responses to GM-CSF incorporating therapies. Employing xenograft models of human melanomas in nude mice developed in our lab, we detected differential functional responses of melanomas from different patients to GM-CSF both in vitro as well as in vivo. Whereas cells of one melanoma acquired pro metastatic features following exposure to GM-CSF, cells from another melanoma either did not respond or became less malignant. We propose that inter-melanoma heterogeneity as manifested by differential responses of melanoma cells (and perhaps also of other tumor) to GM-CSF may be developed into a predictive marker providing a tool to segregate melanoma patients who will benefit from GM-CSF therapy from those who will not

    Cancer drug resistance induced by EMT: novel therapeutic strategies

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    Over the last decade, important clinical benefits have been achieved in cancer patients by using drug-targeting strategies. Nevertheless, drug resistance is still a major problem in most cancer therapies. Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) and tumour microenvironment have been described as limiting factors for effective treatment in many cancer types. Moreover, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has also been associated with therapy resistance in many different preclinical models, although limited evidence has been obtained from clinical studies and clinical samples. In this review, we particularly deepen into the mechanisms of which intermediate epithelial/mesenchymal (E/M) states and its interconnection to microenvironment influence therapy resistance. We also describe how the use of bioinformatics and pharmacogenomics will help to figure out the biological impact of the EMT on drug resistance and to develop novel pharmacological approaches in the future

    CCR4 is a determinant of melanoma brain metastasis.

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    We previously identified the chemokine receptor CCR4 as part of the molecular signature of melanoma brain metastasis. The aim of this study was to determine the functional significance of CCR4 in melanoma brain metastasis. We show that CCR4 is more highly expressed by brain metastasizing melanoma cells than by local cutaneous cells from the same melanoma. Moreover, we found that the expression of CCR4 is significantly higher in paired clinical specimens of melanoma metastases than in samples of primary tumors from the same patients. Notably, the expression of the CCR4 ligands, Ccl22 and Ccl17 is upregulated at the earliest stages of brain metastasis, and precedes the infiltration of melanoma cells to the brain. In-vitro, CCL17 induced migration and transendothelial migration of melanoma cells. Functionally, human melanoma cells over-expressing CCR4 were more tumorigenic and produced a higher load of spontaneous brain micrometastasis than control cells. Blocking CCR4 with a small molecule CCR4 antagonist in-vivo, reduced the tumorigenicity and micrometastasis formation of melanoma cells. Taken together, these findings implicate CCR4 as a driver of melanoma brain metastasis

    Regeneration Enhances Metastasis: A Novel Role for Neurovascular Signaling in Promoting Melanoma Brain Metastasis

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    Neural repair after stroke involves initiation of a cellular proliferative program in the form of angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and molecular growth signals in the surrounding tissue elements. This cellular environment constitutes a niche in which regeneration of new blood vessels and new neurons leads to partial tissue repair after stroke. Cancer metastasis has similar proliferative cellular events in the brain and other organs. Do cancer and CNS tissue repair share similar cellular processes? In this study, we identify a novel role of the regenerative neurovascular niche induced by stroke in promoting brain melanoma metastasis through enhancing cellular interactions with surrounding niche components. Repair-mediated neurovascular signaling induces metastatic cells to express genes crucial to metastasis. Mimicking stroke-like conditions in vitro displays an enhancement of metastatic migration potential and allows for the determination of cell-specific signals produced by the regenerative neurovascular niche. Comparative analysis of both in vitro and in vivo expression profiles reveals a major contribution of endothelial cells in mediating melanoma metastasis. These results point to a previously undiscovered role of the regenerative neurovascular niche in shaping the tumor microenvironment and brain metastatic landscape

    The melanoma brain metastatic microenvironment: aldolase C partakes in shaping the malignant phenotype of melanoma cells - a case of inter-tumor heterogeneity.

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    Previous studies indicated that microglia cells upregulate the expression of aldolase C (ALDOC) in melanoma cells. The present study using brain-metastasizing variants from three human melanomas explores the functional role of ALDOC in the formation and maintenance of melanoma brain metastasis (MBM). ALDOC overexpression impacted differentially the malignant phenotype of these three variants. In the first variant, ALDOC overexpression promoted cell viability, adhesion to and transmigration through a layer of brain endothelial cells, and amplified brain micrometastasis formation. The cross-talk between this MBM variant and microglia cells promoted the proliferation and migration of the latter cells. In sharp contrast, ALDOC overexpression in the second brain-metastasizing melanoma variant reduced or did not affect the same malignancy features. In the third melanoma variant, ALDOC overexpression augmented certain characteristics of malignancy and reduced others. The analysis of biological functions and disease pathways in the ALDOC overexpressing variants clearly indicated that ALDOC induced the expression of tumor progression promoting genes in the first variant and antitumor progression properties in the second variant. Overall, these results accentuate the complex microenvironment interactions between microglia cells and MBM, and the functional impact of intertumor heterogeneity. Since intertumor heterogeneity imposes a challenge in the planning of cancer treatment, we propose to employ the functional response of tumors with an identical histology, to a particular drug or the molecular signature of this response, as a predictive indicator of response/nonresponse to this drug

    The Vicious Cycle of Melanoma-Microglia Crosstalk: Inter-Melanoma Variations in the Brain-Metastasis-Promoting IL-6/JAK/STAT3 Signaling Pathway.

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    Previous studies from our lab demonstrated that the crosstalk between brain-metastasizing melanoma cells and microglia, the macrophage-like cells of the central nervous system, fuels progression to metastasis. In the present study, an in-depth investigation of melanoma-microglia interactions elucidated a pro-metastatic molecular mechanism that drives a vicious melanoma-brain-metastasis cycle. We employed RNA-Sequencing, HTG miRNA whole transcriptome assay, and reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA) to analyze the impact of melanoma-microglia interactions on sustainability and progression of four different human brain-metastasizing melanoma cell lines. Microglia cells exposed to melanoma-derived IL-6 exhibited upregulated levels of STAT3 phosphorylation and SOCS3 expression, which, in turn, promoted melanoma cell viability and metastatic potential. IL-6/STAT3 pathway inhibitors diminished the pro-metastatic functions of microglia and reduced melanoma progression. SOCS3 overexpression in microglia cells evoked microglial support in melanoma brain metastasis by increasing melanoma cell migration and proliferation. Different melanomas exhibited heterogeneity in their microglia-activating capacity as well as in their response to microglia-derived signals. In spite of this reality and based on the results of the present study, we concluded that the activation of the IL-6/STAT3/SOCS3 pathway in microglia is a major mechanism by which reciprocal melanoma-microglia signaling engineers the interacting microglia to reinforce the progression of melanoma brain metastasis. This mechanism may operate differently in different melanomas

    Epigenetic Changes of EGFR Have an Important Role in BRAF Inhibitor–Resistant Cutaneous Melanomas

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    BRAF mutations are frequent in cutaneous melanomas, and BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) have shown remarkable clinical efficacy in BRAF mutant melanoma patients. However, acquired drug resistance can occur rapidly and tumor(s) often progresses thereafter. Various mechanisms of BRAFi resistance have recently been described; however, the mechanism of resistance remains controversial. In this study, we developed BRAFi-resistant melanoma cell lines and found that metastasis-related epithelial to mesenchymal transition properties of BRAFi-resistant cells were enhanced significantly. Upregulation of EGFR was observed in BRAFi-resistant cell lines and patient tumors because of demethylation of EGFR regulatory DNA elements. EGFR induced PI3K/AKT pathway activation in BRAFi-resistant cells through epigenetic regulation. Treatment of EGFR inhibitor was effective in BRAFi-resistant melanoma cell lines. The study demonstrates that EGFR epigenetic activation has important implications in BRAFi resistance in melanoma

    Cancer microenvironment and genomics: evolution in process.

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    Cancer heterogeneity is a result of genetic mutations within the cancer cells. Their proliferation is not only driven by autocrine functions but also under the influence of cancer microenvironment, which consists of normal stromal cells such as infiltrating immune cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes, vascular and lymphatic channels. The relationship between cancer cells and cancer microenvironment is a critical one and we are just on the verge to understand it on a molecular level. Cancer microenvironment may serve as a selective force to modulate cancer cells to allow them to evolve into more aggressive clones with ability to invade the lymphatic or vascular channels to spread to regional lymph nodes and distant sites. It is important to understand these steps of cancer evolution within the cancer microenvironment towards invasion so that therapeutic strategies can be developed to control or stop these processes