337 research outputs found

    Making sense of the bizarre behaviour of horizons in the McVittie spacetime

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    The bizarre behaviour of the apparent (black hole and cosmological) horizons of the McVittie spacetime is discussed using, as an analogy, the Schwarzschild-de Sitter-Kottler spacetime (which is a special case of McVittie anyway). For a dust-dominated "background" universe, a black hole cannot exist at early times because its (apparent) horizon would be larger than the cosmological(apparent) horizon. A phantom-dominated "background" universe causes this situation, and the horizon behaviour, to be time-reversed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    «Oberexia»: The desire to be fat(ter) in adults with excess weight

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    Introduction: Despite of being scarce, evidence is growing on the existence of a group of overweight and obese individuals who do not consider their weight a risk factor for disease and who associate their weight and body with health, vigor, beauty and well-being. Consequently, they manifest a desire to maintain or even increase their weight. We propose an attempt of nomenclature, Oberexia, for this new social reality, and we describe its main characteristics and present empirical observational findings supporting the existence of this condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence and characteristics of Oberexia in a national sample of Spanish 16 to 60-years-old adults. Methodology: Perceptions of body weight/size/shape and composition, and body satisfaction were assessed in overweight and obese adults through silhouettes, questions and discrepancies. Results: One in ten of the participants self-perceived their body as normal in weight or size. A total of 6.5% wanted to have overweight or obese bodies. A case-to-case analysis revealed that 4.2% of the participants wanted to maintain their appearance, and 1.8% wanted a body with greater weight. All these findings are related to fat mass instead of muscle mass. Conclusions: Our results support the existence of a subgroup of overweight and obese individuals who differ from the traditional subgroup of individuals with excess weight who are dissatisfied with their body. We encourage to explore the outcomes on health and the possible clinical implications of this condition.Introducción: Aunque escasa, existe evidencia creciente sobre la existencia de un grupo de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad que no consideran su exceso de peso un factor de riesgo para la enfermedad y asocian su peso y su cuerpo con salud, vigor, belleza y bienestar. Como consecuencia, manifiestan el deseo mantener o incluso incrementar su peso. Realizamos una propuesta de nomenclatura para esta realidad social, Oberexia, describimos sus principales características y presentamos resultados empíricos observacionales que apoyan la existencia de esta condición. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue explorar la prevalencia y características de la Oberexia en una muestra nacional de adultos españoles de 16 a 60 años. Metodología: Las percepciones de peso/tamaño/forma y composición corporal de personas con sobrepeso y obesidad y su satisfacción corporal fueron evaluadas utilizando siluetas, preguntas y discrepancias. Resultados: Uno de cada diez participantes percibió su cuerpo como normal en términos de peso y tamaño. Un 6.5% de los participantes con exceso de peso quería tener cuerpos con sobrepeso u obesidad. Un análisis caso-a-caso reveló que el 4.2% de los participantes deseaba mantener su apariencia, y el 1.8% deseaba aumentar de peso. Un 3% de los participantes podrían ser casos de Oberexia. Estos hallazgos se refieren a masa grasa y no a masa muscular. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados apoyan la existencia de un subgrupo de personas con exceso de peso que difieren del tradicional subgrupo de individuos obesos que se encuentran insatisfechos con su cuerpo. Es momento de explorar las consecuencias para la salud de la Oberexia y las posibles implicaciones clínicas de esta condición.Introdução: Apesar de escassas, crescem as evidências sobre a existência de um grupo de pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade que não consideram o excesso de peso um fator de risco para a doença e associam seu peso e corpo com saúde, vigor, beleza e bem-estar. Consequentemente, eles manifestam o desejo de manter ou mesmo aumentar seu peso. Fizemos uma proposta de nomenclatura para essa realidade social, Oberexia, descrevemos suas principais características e apresentamos resultados empíricos observacionais que sustentam a existência dessa condição. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a prevalência e as características de Oberexia em uma amostra nacional de adultos espanhóis de 16 a 60 anos. Metodologia: As percepções de peso/tamanho/forma e composição corporal de pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade e sua satisfação corporal foram avaliadas por meio de silhuetas, perguntas e discrepâncias. Resultados: Um em cada dez participantes percebeu seu corpo como normal em termos de peso ou tamanho. Um 6.5% dos participantes com excesso de peso desejava ter corpos com sobrepeso ou obesidade. Uma análise caso-a-caso revelou que 4.2% dos participantes queriam manter a aparência e 1.8% desejavam ganhar peso. Un 3% dos participantes poderia ser casos de Oberexia. Todos esses achados referem-se à massa gorda e não à massa muscular. Conclusões: Nossos resultados confirmam a existência de um subgrupo de indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade que diferem do subgrupo tradicional de indivíduos com excesso de peso insatisfeitos com seu corpo. É momento de explorar as consequências para a saúde de a Oberexia e as possíveis implicações clínicas dessa condição

    Utilización del grano de soya crudo en la alimentación de cerdas primerizas, durante dos periodos consecutivos de gestación - lactancia

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    Con 21 cerdas primerizas cruzadas se evaluaron los efectos del suministro del grano de soya crudo en reemplazo de la soya integral cocida y de la torta de soya durante dos períodos consecutivos. No hubo diferencia al parto (P and lt; 0.05) en las variables cambio de peso de la cerda, peso de lechones al nacimiento y a los 7 días, porcentaje de mortalidad a los 7, excepto para el número de lechones nacidos vivos. En lactancia, hubo diferencias (PCrossbred gilts were used to evaluate the effect in gestation-lactation due to feeding with raw soybean grain replacing cooked whole grain soybean and soybean meal during two consecutive periods. There were ne differences at farrowing (

    Utilización del grano de soya crudo en la alimentación de cerdas primerizas, durante dos periodos consecutivos de gestación - lactancia

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    Con 21 cerdas primerizas cruzadas se evaluaron los efectos del suministro del grano de soya crudo en reemplazo de la soya integral cocida y de la torta de soya durante dos períodos consecutivos. No hubo diferencia al parto (P and lt; 0.05) en las variables cambio de peso de la cerda, peso de lechones al nacimiento y a los 7 días, porcentaje de mortalidad a los 7, excepto para el número de lechones nacidos vivos. En lactancia, hubo diferencias (PCrossbred gilts were used to evaluate the effect in gestation-lactation due to feeding with raw soybean grain replacing cooked whole grain soybean and soybean meal during two consecutive periods. There were ne differences at farrowing (

    Motives for exercising among young adults with a moderately positive body image

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    Background: People engage in exercise and sports due to several reasons, depending on factors such as age, sex and health or fitness status. These motives include enhancing health and fitness status, improving appearance and body image or enjoying in leisure time. Aims & Methods: Grounded in Self-Determination Theory (SDT), this study explored motives for exercising in healthy men and women 18 to 40 years old who were regular exercisers and held a moderately positive body image. They voluntarily completed an online survey on their exercise practice, body image and motives for exercising. Results: Contrary to previous SDT-based empirical findings, appearance improvement emerged as an important motive for exercising, and it was more frequently mentioned than health&fun-related motives by the whole sample and by subsamples of men and women and younger young and older young adults. Conclusions: Given that appearance management-related motives may have both positive and undesired outcomes on exercise behaviour and personal well-being, they should be carefully reviewed with women and men in their young adulthood who are exercise intenders, beginners or regular exercisers

    Orbits and emission spectra from the 2014 Camelopardalids

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    We have analyzed the meteor activity associated with meteoroids of fresh dust trails of Comet 209P/LINEAR, which produced an outburst of the Camelopardalid meteor shower (IAU code #451, CAM) in May 2014. With this aim, we have employed an array of high-sensitivity CCD video devices and spectrographs deployed at 10 meteor observing stations in Spain in the framework of the Spanish Meteor Network (SPMN). Additional meteoroid flux data were obtained by means of two forward-scatter radio systems. The observed peak zenithal hourly rate (ZHR) was much lower than expected, of around 20 meteors h-1. Despite of the small meteor flux in the optical range, we have obtained precise atmospheric trajectory, radiant and orbital information for 11 meteor and fireball events associated with this stream. The ablation behaviour and low tensile strength calculated for these particles reveal that Camelopardalid meteoroids are very fragile, mostly pristine aggregates with strength similar to that of the Orionids and the Leonids. The mineral grains seem to be glued together by a volatile phase. We also present and discuss two unique emission spectra produced by two Camelopardalid bright meteors. These suggest a non-chondritic nature for these particles, which exhibit Fe depletion in their composition.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on Sept. 22, 201

    Relación entre conductas autolesivas con fines no suicidas y depresión en población adolescente escolarizada

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    Depression is a public health problem, with a prevalence of 15.8% in children and adolescents between 10 and 14 years old. This disorder is directly related to non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors. Research has shown that depressive symptoms and self-harm increase, stabilize and decrease jointly in individuals with both disorders. The current research aimed to establish the relationship between self-injurious behaviors with non-suicidal purposes and depression in adolescents in Pereira, Colombia. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out. Forty-four adolescents of sixth, seventh and eighth grades of Santa Rosa de Lima School were evaluated using the CDI and SHQ-E questionnaires as well as a socio demographic survey. The SPSS v.22 program and the Pearson Coefficient were used to analyze both descriptive and correlational data. The results show high, positive and significant correlations between childhood depression and self-injurious behaviors. As conclusion, there is a significant relationship between depressive symptoms and self-injurious behaviorsLa depresión es un problema de salud pública, con una prevalencia del 15,8% en niños y adolescentes entre 10 y 14 años; este trastorno está directamente relacionado con conductas autolesivas no suicidas. Diversas investigaciones han demostrado que los síntomas depresivos y las autolesiones aumentan, se estabilizan y disminuyen de manera conjunta en individuos que presentan ambos trastornos. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue establecer la relación existente entre las conductas autolesivas con fines no suicidas y la depresión en adolescentes escolarizados de la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se evaluaron 44 adolescentes de los grados sexto, séptimo y octavo de la Institución. Educativa Santa Rosa de Lima mediante los cuestionarios CDI, SHQ-E y una encuesta sociodemográfica. Los datos se analizaron con el programa SPSS v.22, y el Coeficiente de Pearson, tanto para el nivel descriptivo, como correlacional. Los resultados muestran correlaciones altas y positivas entre depresión infantil y conductas autolesivas. Se concluye que existe una relación significativa entre sintomatología depresiva y conductas autolesivas

    Imagen corporal y satisfacción corporal en adultos : diferencias por sexo y edad

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    Existe en la actualidad un gran interés por la apariencia del cuerpo tanto por razones estéticas como de salud, no sólo en mujeres y jóvenes, sino también en hombres y adultos de mayor edad. La importancia de este fenómeno radica, entre otras razones, en que se asocia a conductas saludables o de riesgo, incluyendo la práctica de ejercicio físico. Objetivos y método: Conocer la Imagen Corporal (IC) a través de tres percepciones corporales: Imagen corporal actual (ICA), ideal (ICI) y social (ICS), así como la Satisfacción Corporal (SC) de una muestra de adultos de 18 a 40 años, y explorar posibles diferencias por sexo y edad. Los participantes respondieron voluntariamente una encuesta online sobre sus percepciones corporales, su SC y otras cuestiones. La ICA, ICI e ICS se evaluaron mediante preguntas y siluetas correspondientes a diferentes valores de IMC y composición muscular. La SC se evaluó mediante preguntas y a través de la discrepancia ICA-ICI. Resultados: La ICA y la ICS, así como la SC, fueron moderadamente positivas. La ICI fue significativamente más tonificada y delgada que la ICA. Los hombres mostraron una ICA, ICI, ICS y SC significativamente más positiva que las mujeres. Los adultos mayores demostraron una ICA significativamente mejor pero también una ICI más exigente que los adultos más jóvenes. Se encontró un efecto de interacción edad*sexo en la discrepancia ICA-ICI. Conclusiones: Dado que percepciones negativas de la apariencia corporal y una baja SC se relacionan con comportamientos poco saludables y mayor riesgo de diferentes problemas de salud, nuestros resultados son interesantes para el desarrollo de intervenciones para mejorar la IC y la SC basadas en conductas saludables, incluyendo ejercicio físico, teniendo en cuenta la edad y el sexo.Nowadays, there is great interest in body appearance due to both aesthetic and health reasons, this occurring not only among women and the youth, but also among men and older adults. The relevance of this phenomenon lies, among other reasons, on its association with healthy or risk behaviors, including exercise practice. Objectives and method: To explore Body Image (IC) through three body perceptions: Current (ICA), Ideal (ICI) and Social (ICS) body image, as well as Body Satisfaction (SC) in a sample of 18 to 40 years old adults, and to establish possible differences by sex and age. Participants voluntarily completed an online survey on their bodily perceptions, SC and other issues. ICA, ICI and ICS were assessed by questions and silhouettes corresponding to different values of BMI and muscle composition. SC was assessed by questions and through the ICA-ICI discrepancy. Results: The ICA and ICS, as well as the SC, were moderately positive. The ICI was significantly more toned and thinner than the ICA. Men demonstrated perceptions of ICA, ICI, ICS and SC significantly more positive than women. Older young adults showed a significantly better ICA but also a more demanding ICI than younger young adults. An interaction effect age*sex was found for the ICA-ICI discrepancy. Conclusions: Given that negative perceptions of body appearance and poor SC are related to unhealthy behaviors and increased risk of several health problems, our findings are interesting for the design of interventions aimed at improving IC and SC based on healthy behaviors, including exercise, taking into account age and sex

    Serotypes and Clonal Composition of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates Causing IPD in Children and Adults in Catalonia before 2013 to 2015 and after 2017 to 2019 Systematic Introduction of PCV13

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    The goal of this study was to investigate the distribution of serotypes and clonal composition of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates causing invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in Catalonia, before and after systematic introduction of PCV13. Pneumococcal strains isolated from normally sterile sites obtained from patients of all ages with IPD received between 2013 and 2019 from 25 health centers of Catalonia were included. Two study periods were defined: presystematic vaccination period (2013 and 2015) and systematic vaccination period (SVP) (2017 to 2019). A total of 2,303 isolates were analyzed. In the SVP, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of IPD cases in children 5 to 17 years old (relative risk [RR] 0.61; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38 to 0.99), while there was a significant increase in the incidence of IPD cases in 18- to 64-year-old adults (RR 1.33; 95% CI 1.16 to 1.52) and adults over 65 years old (RR 1.23; 95% CI 1.09 to 1.38). Serotype 8 was the major emerging serotype in all age groups except in 5- to 17-year-old children. In children younger than 5 years old, the main serotypes in SVP were 24F, 15A, and 3, while in adults older than 65 years they were serotypes 3, 8, and 12F. A significant decrease in the proportions of clonal complexes CC156, CC191, and ST306 and an increase in those of CC180, CC53, and CC404 were observed. A steady decrease in the incidence of IPD caused by PCV13 serotypes indicates the importance and impact of systematic vaccination. The increase of non-PCV13 serotypes highlights the need to expand serotype coverage in future vaccines and rethink vaccination programs for older adults. IMPORTANCE We found that with the incorporation of the PCV13 vaccine, the numbers of IPD cases caused by serotypes included in this vaccine decreased in all of the age groups. Still, there was an unforeseen increase of the serotypes not included in this vaccine causing IPD, especially in the >65-year-old group. Moreover, a significant increase of serotype 3 included in the vaccine has been observed; this event has been reported by other researchers. These facts call for the incorporation of more serotypes in future vaccines and a more thorough surveillance of the dynamics of this microorganism