90 research outputs found

    Analyisis of levels of physical activity, time in sedentary beahviour and their associated factors in adolescents with Down syndrome: the Up&Down study

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    Tesis Doctoral de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura: 5 de febrero de 2016Los objetivos de la presente tesis doctoral han sido (i) analizar los patrones temporales del tiempo dedicado a comportamientos sedentarios y actividad física a lo largo de la semana; (ii) identificar y analizar potenciales factores asociados con el tiempo dedicado a comportamientos sedentarios e (iii) identificar y analizar potenciales factores asociados con el tiempo de actividad física en adolescentes con síndrome de Down. En este estudio participaron un total de 110 (69 hombres) adolescentes con síndrome de Down con edades comprendidas entre 11 y 21 años reclutados dentro del estudio UP&DOWN. El tiempo dedicado a comportamientos sedentarios y a los niveles de actividad física se midieron por medio de acelerometría. Los correlatos de sedentarismo y actividad física se midieron a través de dos cuestionario contestados por los padres. Los resultados de esta tesis doctoral sugieren que: (i) los adolescentes con síndrome de Down dedican el mismo tiempo a realizar actividad física como a comportamientos sedentarios a lo largo de los diferentes periodos de la semana, los hombres realizan más actividad física que las mujeres durante el fin de semana y que la actividad física disminuye mientras el tiempo sedentario aumenta en función de la edad; (ii) los correlatos asociados con el tiempo total sedentario fueron la edad de la madre, el tiempo dedicado a ver la televisión (TV) por la madre, los beneficios percibidos por los padres de la actividad física, el orden de nacimiento y el tener tiendas cercanas al vecindario. Asimismo, los correlatos asociados al tiempo total dedicado por los adolescentes a ver la TV fueron el tiempo dedicado por el padre a ver la TV, el tiempo dedicado a ver la TV con los padres, la frecuencia dedicada a ver la TV en familia durante los horarios de comida y el tiempo en casa durante el fin de semana; (iii) los correlatos asociados a la actividad física fueron la edad de los participantes, el estatus socioeconómico, el apoyo de los padres, la actividad física del padre y ver la TV con los hermanos y amigos.The aims of the present dissertation were to (i) analize temporal patterns of objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity in adolescents with Down syndrome; (ii) identify and analize factors associated with sedentary behaviour and (ii) identify and analize factors associated with physical activity in adolescents with Down syndrome. This study comprised a total of 110 (69 males), aged 11 to 21 years, recruited into the UP&DOWN study. Sedentary time and levels of physical activity time were assessed by accelerometry. Correlates of sedentary behaviour and physical activity were assessed by proxy-reported questionnaires. The main findings of the present dissertation suggest that: (i) adolescents with Down syndrome engaged in similar sedentary and physical activity time throughout the different week periods, males are more active than females during weekend days, and sedentary time increases while physical activity decreases with age; (ii) correlates associated with sedentary time were mother age, mother television (TV) viewing time, perceived benefits of physical activity, birth order and having nearby shops in the neighbourhood. Likewise, correlates associated with total TV viewing time were father TV viewing time, TV viewing time with parents, family dietary habits during watching TV and weekend days time indoor; (iii) correlates associated with physical activity were participant’s age, socioeconomic status, parental support and father physical activity and TV viewing with siblings and friends

    The role of fatness on physical fitness in adolescents with and without Down syndrome. The UP&DOWN Study

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    Background/Objectives: Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit higher levels of fatness and low levels of physical fitness compared with those without DS. In adolescents without DS, fatness is tightly associated with physical fitness, but this association is unclear in adolescents with DS. The aim of this study was to examine the association between several markers of fatness and physical fitness in a relative large sample of adolescents with and without DS. Subjects/ Methods: For this study, a total of 111 adolescents with DS (41 females) aged 11 to 20 years old participated in this cross-sectional study. We also included a sex-matched control group (ratio 1:2) of 222 adolescents without DS aged 12 to 18 years old, participating in the UP&DOWN Study. The ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for adolescents was used to assess fatness and physical fitness. Results: Our results show that fatness is not associated with low levels of physical fitness in adolescents with DS (i.e. 3 of the 16 analyses identified differences in physical fitness variables by groups of fatness). In contrast, fatness, as expected, is associated with levels of physical fitness in adolescents without DS (i.e. 13 of the 16 analyses identified differences in physical fitness variables by groups of fatness). Conclusions: The present finding contributes to new knowledge by suggesting that the role of fatness on physical fitness is different in adolescents with and without DS, and consequently, the poor levels of physical fitness in adolescents with DS may be due to its syndrome rather than the high prevalence of obesity from this population

    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and academic performance in youth: the UP&DOWN study

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    Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 1371 youth aged 12.04 ± 2.50 years (685 girls) in Spain during 2011-2012. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using the KIDMED index (Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents), which includes 16 questions on specific dietary patterns. Levels of adherence were classified into three groups: poor adherence (0-3), average adherence (4-7), and good adherence (8-12). Academic performance was assessed through school records using four indicators: math, language, an average of math and language, and grade point average score. Results: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was related to academic performance (β ranging from 0.107 to 0.148; all P < 0.001) after adjusting for confounders. The group of good adherence to the Mediterranean diet had significantly higher scores in all of the academic indicators compared with the poor group (ranging from +0.429 to 0.464; all P ≤ 0.001); as well as the group of average adherence to the Mediterranean diet had significantly higher scores in all of the academic indicators compared with the poor group (ranging from +0.292 to 0.344; all P ≤ 0.06). There were no differences between the groups of good and average adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Conclusions: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet may have a beneficial influence on academic performance in youth. Importantly, the benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on academic performance may be stronger as youth adhered to the optimal Mediterranean diet levels

    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and academic performance in youth: the UP&DOWN study

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    Purpose: To examine the association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and academic performance in children and adolescents. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 1371 youth aged 12.04 ± 2.50 years (685 girls) in Spain during 2011-2012. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using the KIDMED index (Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents), which includes 16 questions on specific dietary patterns. Levels of adherence were classified into three groups: poor adherence (0-3), average adherence (4-7), and good adherence (8-12). Academic performance was assessed through school records using four indicators: math, language, an average of math and language, and grade point average score. Results: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was related to academic performance (β ranging from 0.107 to 0.148; all P < 0.001) after adjusting for confounders. The group of good adherence to the Mediterranean diet had significantly higher scores in all of the academic indicators compared with the poor group (ranging from +0.429 to 0.464; all P ≤ 0.001); as well as the group of average adherence to the Mediterranean diet had significantly higher scores in all of the academic indicators compared with the poor group (ranging from +0.292 to 0.344; all P ≤ 0.06). There were no differences between the groups of good and average adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Conclusions: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet may have a beneficial influence on academic performance in youth. Importantly, the benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on academic performance may be stronger as youth adhered to the optimal Mediterranean diet levels

    Diseño y validación de una escala para medir en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física (FITPET)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to design and validate a scale that would allow the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests related to health. Method: The sample was composed of 374 secondary school teachers (266 men and 108 women), from educational centers belonging to the eight Andalusian provinces, aged between 24 and 67 years (41.92 ± 9.24). Results: Firstly, a 26-item instrument was designed, which obtained item-total correlation values of ≥ .35, except for 5 items. Then, the internal structure of the scale was evaluated and proved to be relevant. The statistical analysis of the items and the subsequent exploratory factor analysis resulted in five factors (orientation of the result, use of participatory styles, the educational approach, methodological rigor, and positive reinforcement), with positive and significant correlations, confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, factor invariance tests, as well as reliability and convergent and discriminant validity and reliability. The results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the scale were moderate and allowed us to offer a valid and reliable 15-item an ad hoc instrument, with adequate values of validity and reliability, proving its usefulness the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests in their classesObjetivo: el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo di-señar y validar una escala para evaluar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física relacionadas con la salud. Método: participaron un total de 374 docentes de secundaria (266 hombres y 108 mujeres) de centros educativos per-tenecientes a las ocho provincias andaluzas, con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 67 años (41.92 ± 9.24 años). Resultados: en primer lugar, se diseñó un instrumento de 26 ítems, que obtuvo valores de correlación ítem-total ≥ .35, exceptuando 5 ítems. Posteriormente, se evaluó la estructura interna de la escala, resultando esta pertinente. El análisis estadístico de los ítems y el pos-terior análisis factorial exploratorio dio como resultado cinco factores (orientación del resultado, uso de estilos participativos, el enfoque educativo, rigor metodoló-gico y refuerzo positivo), con correlaciones positivas y significativas, constatadas mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, pruebas de invarianza factorial, así como de fiabilidad y validez convergente y discriminante. Los resultados del análisis de propiedades psicométricas de la escala fueron adecuados y permitieron ofrecer un ins-trumento ad hoc de 15 ítems, con moderados valores de validez y fiabilidad, acreditando su utilidad para valorar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física en sus clases.Actividad Física y Deport

    Prospective Associations of Physical Activity and Health-Related Physical Fitness in Adolescents with Down Syndrome: The UP&DOWN Longitudinal Study

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    (1) Background: Numerous studies have focused on examining the association between PA levels and health-related physical fitness components in children or adolescents without disabilities. However, research on the association between PA and health-related physical fitness in adolescents with DS (Down syndrome) is limited, and most of the previous studies have been developed with a cross-sectional perspective. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the prospective association of accelerometer-based PA at baseline with health-related physical fitness at a 2-year follow-up in a relatively large sample of adolescents with DS from the UP&DOWN study. (2) Methods: A total of 92 adolescents with DS (58 males) between 11 and 20 years old with full data were eligible from an initial sample of 110 participants. Fitness was assessed by the ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for youth, and physical activity was assessed by Actigraph accelerometers. (3) Results: The high tertile of total PA was related to decreased motor (Beta [95% CI] = -1.46 [-2.88; -0.05]) and cardiorespiratory fitness (Beta [95% CI] = -2.22 [-4.42; 0.02]) in adolescents with DS. (4) Conclusions: In adolescents with DS, (i) PA level was not prospectively associated with muscular fitness and (ii) high levels of total PA at the baseline were inversely associated with motor and cardiorespiratory fitness at the 2-year follow-up. For comparative purposes, these relationships were also examined in a subsample of adolescents without DS

    Flow y rendimiento en corredores de maratón

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    El flow es un estado subjetivo intensamente positivo y placentero que, por sus dimensiones y características (e.g., equilibrio entre las de- mandas percibidas de la tarea y las habilidades personales para la acción requerida, objetivos claros, máxima concentración, elevado control percibido sobre la ejecución, etc.), se asocia a un rendimiento superior en comparación con las actuaciones normales. La literatura señala que se puede experimentar en diferentes contextos y actividades, incluido el deporte. El objetivo de este estudio fue doble: Por un lado, quisimos comprobar si maratonianos de dis- tinto nivel de rendimiento experimentan flow y las características de este fenómeno en este colectivo de deportistas, así como conocer si las experiencias de flow eran diferentes en tres situaciones deportivas: Entrenamientos y carreras en general, la mejor carrera recordada y la última carrera; por otro lado, quisimos explorar la posible relación entre las experiencias de flow y las marcas esperadas y conseguidas por los corredores en las carreras mejor y última. Colaboraron voluntariamente en este estudio 170 maratonianos que corrieron el Maratón de Sevilla 2010, los cuales completaron la Escala Breve de Flow (Godoy-Izquierdo, Vélez, Rodríguez y Ramírez, 2009) antes y después de participar en dicha carrera. Los participantes refirieron experimentar estados de flow en las tres situaciones deportivas exploradas, aunque se encontraron diferencias interindividuales respecto a la frecuencia y profundidad de este estado, así como en la experimentación de las distintas dimensiones del fenómeno. Los participantes informaron experimentar episodios de flow más profundos, intensos y frecuentes en la mejor competición recordada y en el último maratón en comparación con los entrenamientos y las carreras en general. Además, los corredores con más experiencias de flow esperaron y obtuvieron mejores marcas. Como conclusión, el flow es un estado expe- rimentado con frecuencia, particularmente en las mejores carreras, por atletas de una especialidad tan exigente como el maratón. Saber qué condiciones personales y contextuales llevan al flow ayudaría a diseñar intervenciones psicológicas destinadas al incremento de las habilidades que permiten a los atletas alcanzar estados intensos de flow, lo que a su vez podría mejorar su ejecución y resultados.Flow is an intensely positive and pleasant subjective state that has been linked to superior performance compared to ordinal performance, due to its dimensions and features (e.g., a balance between perceived task challenges and one's own skills for the required action, clear goals, full concentration, elevated perceived control on performance, etc.). Research has shown that it occurs in different contexts and activities, including sports. In a two-fold aim, we sought to explore whether marathon runners with different levels of expertise experienced flow states, and the characteristics of this phenomenon in this athletic population; as well as to find out whether flow experiences were different in three sport conditions: practice sessions and competitions in general, the best race remembered by the athlete, and their last race. We further explored the possible relationship between flow states and the expected and achieved times in the last and the best races. A total of 170 males who were marathon runners participating in the Seville Marathon 2010 voluntarily collaborated in this study. Participants completed the Brief Flow Scale (EBF, Godoy-Izquierdo, Vélez, Rodríguez y Ramírez, 2009) before and after the marathon race. Participants reported experiencing flow states in the three athletic activities explored, but interindividual differences were found regarding the frequency and depth of such experiences. There were also differences between the runners regarding the dimensions of the phenomenon. Participants reported experiencing deeper, more intense and frequent episodes of flow in their best and last marathons in comparison to practice sessions and races in general. In addition, runners reporting deeper or more frequent flow episodes also expected and achieved better times. Concluding, flow is frequently experienced by marathon runners, particularly in their best performances, even when marathon running is a highly demanding sport modality. Establishing personal and contextual conditions leading to flow states will help us in designing psychological interventions aimed at increasing athletes' skills to achieve intense states of flow, which in turn might improve their performance and success.O flow é um estado subjetivo intensamente positivo e agradável, que, devido às suas dimensões e características (por exemplo, equilíbrio entre as demandas percebidas de as tarefas e as competências pessoais necessárias para a ação, objetivos claros, máxima concentração, elevada percepção de controle sobre a execução, etc.), tem sido associado com um desempenho superior em comparação com o desempenho normal. A literatura mostra que pode ser experimentado em diferentes contextos e atividades, incluindo esportes. O objetivo deste estudo foi duplo: Por um lado, queríamos ver se maratonistas com diferentes níveis de desempenho experimentam diferentes níveis de flow e as características desse fenômeno neste grupo de atletas, bem como saber se as experiências de flow foram diferentes em três situações desportivas: Os treinos e competições em geral, a melhor corrida lembrada pelo atleta, e sua última corrida; por outro lado, quisemos explorar a possível relação entre as experiências de flow e as marcas esperadas e obtidas por corredores em as corridas melhor e última. Voluntariamente colaboraram neste estudo 170 maratonistas que correram a Maratona de Sevilha 2010, quem responderam a Escala Breve de Flow (Godoy-Izquierdo, Vélez, Rodríguez e Ramírez, 2009) antes e depois de participar na corrida. Os participantes relataram experimentar estados de flow nas três situações atléticas exploradas, embora diferenças interindividuais foram encontradas em relação à frequência e profundidade de tais experiências, e também em várias dimensões do fenômeno. Os participantes relataram ter episódios de flow mais profundo, intenso e freqüente na melhor competição lembrada e na última maratona em comparação com o treinamento e corridas em geral. Além disso, os corredores com experiências de flow mais profundas ou mais frequentes esperaram e tem melhores marcas. Em conclusão, o flow é freqüentemente experimentado por atletas de uma especialidade tão exigente como maratona, principalmente em suas melhores corridas. Estabelecer as condições pessoais e contextuais que pode levar ao flow nos permite projetar intervenções psicológicas para aumentar as habilidades que ajudam os atletas a alcançar estados intensos de flow, que por sua vez poderiam melhorar o seu desempenho e resultados

    ¿Son el bajo nivel de condición física y la obesidad dos características del adolescente con síndrome de Down?

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    Introduction: “Obesity” is considered a feature of youth with DS but whether “low physical fitness” is also a feature is unknown. Objective: The aim of this case-control study was to compare the levels of fatness and fitness in adolescents with and without DS. Methods: Participants included 17 (5 girls) adolescents with DS aged 12-18 years and a control group of 94 (45 girls) adolescents without DS aged 12-16 years. The ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for children and adolescents was selected to assess fatness and fitness in both groups. Results: There were no differences in levels of fatness between groups (all P > 0.27). Adolescents with DS had lower levels of fitness in all the tests than adolescents without DS (all P < 0.001). Conclusion: Adolescents with DS have similar levels of fatness and lower levels of fitness than their peers without DSIntroducción: La obesidad es considerada una característica de los jóvenes con SD, sin embargo se desconoce si la “baja condición física” también lo es. Objetivo: Comparar los niveles de obesidad y condición física en adolescentes con y sin SD. Métodos: Participaron 17 adolescentes (5 niñas) con SD de 12 a 18 años y un grupo control de 94 (45 niñas) adolescentes sin SD de 12-16 años de edad. La batería de condición física ALPHA relacionada con la salud para niños y adolescentes fue seleccionada para evaluar la obesidad y la condición física en ambos grupos. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias en los niveles de obesidad entre grupos (P > 0,27). Los adolescentes con SD tuvieron niveles más bajos de condición física en todos los test en comparación con los adolescentes sin SD (P < 0,001). Conclusión: Los adolescentes con SD tienen niveles similares de obesidad y menores de condición física que sus compañeros sin SD.The UP&DOWN study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP 2010-21662-C04). JRR was supported by a contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2010-05957

    Design and validation of a scale to assess the responsible use of fitness testing in physical education teachers (FITPET)

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    Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo diseñar y validar una escala para evaluar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física relacionadas con la salud. Método: participaron un total de 374 docentes de secundaria (266 hombres y 108 mujeres) de centros educativos pertenecientes a las ocho provincias andaluzas, con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 67 años (41.92 ± 9.24 años). Resultados: en primer lugar, se diseñó un instrumento de 26 ítems, que obtuvo valores de correlación ítemtotal ≥ .35, exceptuando 5 ítems. Posteriormente, se evaluó la estructura interna de la escala, resultando esta pertinente. El análisis estadístico de los ítems y el posterior análisis factorial exploratorio dio como resultado cinco factores (orientación del resultado, uso de estilos participativos, el enfoque educativo, rigor metodoló- gico y refuerzo positivo), con correlaciones positivas y significativas, constatadas mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, pruebas de invarianza factorial, así como de fiabilidad y validez convergente y discriminante. Los resultados del análisis de propiedades psicométricas de la escala fueron adecuados y permitieron ofrecer un instrumento ad hoc de 15 ítems, con moderados valores de validez y fiabilidad, acreditando su utilidad para valorar en profesores de Educación Física el uso responsable de las pruebas de condición física en sus clases.Objective: The aim of this study was to design and validate a scale that would allow the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests related to health. Method: The sample was composed of 374 secondary school teachers (266 men and 108 women), from educational centers belonging to the eight Andalusian provinces, aged between 24 and 67 years (41.92 ± 9.24). Results: Firstly, a 26-item instrument was designed, which obtained item-total correlation values of ≥ .35, except for 5 items. Then, the internal structure of the scale was evaluated and proved to be relevant. The statistical analysis of the items and the subsequent exploratory factor analysis resulted in five factors (orientation of the result, use of participatory styles, the educational approach, methodological rigor, and positive reinforcement), with positive and significant correlations, confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, factor invariance tests, as well as reliability and convergent and discriminant validity and reliability. The results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the scale were moderate and allowed us to offer a valid and reliable 15-item an ad hoc instrument, with adequate values of validity and reliability, proving its usefulness the evaluation in Physical Education teachers the responsible use of physical fitness tests in their classes

    The role of physical activity in the association between disability and mortality among US older adults: a nationwide prospective cohort study

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    To examine whether physical activity can mitigate the mortality risk associated with disability in activities of daily living and instrumental activities in daily living among older adults. This analysis comprised 177,360 US participants (104,556 women), aged ≥ 60 years, with valid data from the 1997 through 2018 waves of the US National Health Interview Survey. Participants reported the frequency and duration of leisure-time PA, and their disabilities in activities of daily living and instrumental activities in daily living. Mortality data were obtained from the National Death Index. Over a mean (SD) follow-up of 8.02 (5.43) years, 66,694 deaths occurred from all-cause, 22,673 from cardiovascular disease, and 13,845 from cancer. Among people with disability in activities in daily living, those reaching physical activity recommendations had 25%, 24% and 33% lower risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer death, respectively, compared with those who do not meet physical activity recommendations. Values were 23%, 22% and 24% for those with disability in instrumental activities in daily living. Risk reductions associated with reaching the recommended physical activity ranged 16% to 29% for people without disability. Combining disability type and compliance with physical activity, individuals with disability in activities of daily living or instrumental activities in daily living who meet the recommended physical activity had moderately higher mortality than those without disability who did not achieve the recommended physical activity. Compliance with physical activity recommendations can partially mitigate excess mortality resulting from disability in activities in daily living or instrumental activities in daily living in older adultsUniversidad de Cádiz/CBUA. The research RIG was supported by a research grant from The Ministry of Universities within the framework of the State program Jose Castillejo Mobility (n.CAS21/00163