22 research outputs found

    Dipole Antenna Printed on Paper Substrate for WLAN Applications

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    International audienceThe design of a dipole antenna printed on a paper substrate is presented in this paper. The antenna which integrates a compact balun is devoted for dual-band 2.4/5 GHz WLAN applications. The antenna is based on a double-side printed multilayer paper substrate and is fed with a coaxial cable for the testing. The simulated results of the whole structure are also presented in detail and compared with the measured performances

    Le regroupement familial des bénéficiaires de la protection internationale en Belgique : quand les politiques sécuritaires prennent le pas sur les droits de l'homme

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    A l'heure ou des nombreux conflits font rage à travers le monde, de nombreuses personnes se voient reconnaitre le statut de réfugié, ou bénéficient de la protection subsidiaire, en Belgique et en Europe. La plupart d'entre eux auront pour première préoccupation de réunir autour d'eux leur famille, bien souvent dispersée par le chaos de la migration forcée. L'unité familiale a été consacrée maintes fois en droit international, ainsi que son corollaire direct; le droit au regroupement familial. Nous analysons dans ce mémoire les diverses garanties procédurales reconnues par le droit international, et par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme dans les procédures de regroupement familial des bénéficiaires de protection internationale. Nous détaillons également leur pendant en droit belge et européen. Nous voyons ainsi que tant dans la mise en place des conditions légales au regroupement familial, que dans l'appréciation de la notion de famille, dans la prise en compte de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant ou encore dans l'administration de la preuve du lien familial, les réfugiés et bénéficiaires de la protection subsidiaire doivent faire l'objet d'une attention particulière, et que les instances administratives doivent procéder avec "souplesse, célérité et effectivité". Nous mettons ensuite en lumière les diverses insuffisances actuelles de l'administration belge au regard de ces garanties. Nous démontrons qu'afin d'assurer l'effectivité des droits de l'homme, et en particulier le droit à la vie privée et familiale, certaines actions sont requises de la part du législateur et de l'administration belge; nous proposons au sein de ce mémoire des pistes de solution légales, ainsi que certaines injonctions pour une mise en conformité du Royaume face au droit international. Nous concluons enfin en insistant sur l'importance de dissocier le droit et la politique. Le regroupement familial en effet, véritable droit subjectif lorsque certaines conditions sont remplies, ne peut devenir un instrument général de gestion de la migration. Les politiques sécuritaires doivent en effet s'incliner devant les droits de l'homme, et ne pas restreindre ces droits de manière disproportionnée.Master [120] en droit, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    Accessing Legal Information in Catalonia. Open Acces to Legislation and Case Law

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    The article outlines free online legal resources to conduct research on Catalan and Spanish legislation and case-law. Most of these resources are primary sources made public by government bodies. The list shows how the Spanish and Catalan governments, in their attempt to promote equal access to legislation and case-law, cover the different jurisdictions. The text also mentions some resources to conduct historical legal research about legislation and case law, and some free legal private websites


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    Table ronde "Surexploitation des ressources"

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    National audienc

    RĂ©sistances aux innovations inutiles

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    Spiritualité et management : entre imposture et promesse : une lecture théologique

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    Paradoxically, the increasing interest for spirituality in organizations seems to be explained by the emphasis of performance, in connection with the employees’ wellbeing. Organizations may commodify, codify and regulate not only emotions but also spirituality. Having scrutinized the definitions given by the scientific literature in a non-exhaustive way, and the consensus emerging around this phenomenon, the point of view adopted in this contribution intends to question the ethical coherence of the spiritual referents, and to measure both misappropriations and promises. This point leads us to the following question: what safeguards could be implemented to ensure that leaders do not acquire absolute power and influence within organizations, especially through the shadow zones of spirituality, considering themselves as heroes rather than servant. From this perspective, and since the unity of the human person cannot be adequately understood without taking into account the role of the narrative configuration, we will explore how the texts – religious texts as well as expressions of culture - enable the manager /leader to reconfigure himself, by the way of an imaginary elaboration, of the possibility of being and meaning. Hence, change is no longer a question of manipulative management, but means that the connected narratives are working in order to foster a community at work. Emerging from this critical analysis is our proposal for educating at responsible and creative ethical-spiritual management, as a precondition for innovation. It could operate through discernment and beyond managerial rationality, in a mutual and fertile relation, enhancing the sense of the work, the individual and the community. A reflection on the issues of personal development and the search for meaning in a good life, with and for others, should not lose sight of the problem of social justice and equity. In this respect, some angles of theological reflection will be put forward, notably through the reading of the category of the “signs of the times”, in order to appreciate in a critical way, the phenomenon under study. How can theology, thanks to its own resources, draw from the pluralization of the spiritual phenomenon, both generally and in the managerial field. Conversely, we question how the symbolic space of management welcomes to be irrigated by the concept of vulnerability. Part of the current of "weak theology", vulnerable management is a condition of responsible decision-making, and modalities allowing it to be transformed into deliberation and capacity for action.(THEO - Théologie) -- UCL, 201

    Bibliographie d'Eugène Savitzkaya

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