441 research outputs found

    Optimize class time tabling by using genetic algorithm technique in UTHM

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    Timetable scheduling in academic institutions is a major challenge for the institutions, especially with a large number of students and courses offered. This becomes more challenging when classrooms are limited and needs to consider the meeting time of students with the lecturers. These academic institutions such as schools, colleges and universities need timetables to make sure that the students have enough time for each subject in a week without clashing with other subjects or other classes. There are elements that need to be considered in order to make a timetable. These elements include students, teachers or lecturers, rooms, period and also the subjects involved. A new branch of university which is Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Pagoh will also have a problem to schedule timetables. Since the branch is new, therefore the problem of lacking in facilities, the number of classrooms and the number of students or classes will arise. In order to schedule timetables, reshuffling and arranging classrooms need to be done and may lead to the complexity of classrooms scheduling. In existing research, many problems involving scheduling have been solved by using genetic algorithm method. There are many other methods that were also being used such as linear programming, integer linear programming, tabu search, ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm and goal programming. This research is about optimization problem and it proposes a heuristic approach for timetabling optimization, in order to improve and enhance the efficiency of classroom planning. A new algorithm was produced to handle the timetabling problem in the university. This research used genetic algorithm (GA) that was applied to java programming languages with a goal of reducing conflict and optimizing the fitness. Therefore, the general problem was being solved and the best solutions were obtained with lower number of conflicts and maximum fitness value. The timetables for the FAST firstyear students from the Mathematics Department and Statistics Department were also being solved with less conflict and maximum fitness value. A further analysis was done and the results provided the best solutions as well. This research gives an idea about timetable scheduling and also about the optimization method of GA. This research can also become a reference for other timetable scheduling

    A study on compliance of seat belt usage among car users in district of Shah Alam, Selangor / Izah Othaman

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    Despite of its effectiveness in increasing seatbelt use, limited studies were conducted to study on a compliance of seat belt usage among car users. The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influenced car users to wear seat belt. In addition, the factors that associated to the seat belt usage also were studied. A study was conducted in district of Shah Alam. A total of 151 respondents were interviewed to complete this study. A self-administered questionnaire were given to them to give their perception toward seat belts Approximately, 67.5% of the respondents reported that they are “Always/often” wore seat belt meanwhile 32.5% of the respondents reported that they are “occasionally/rarely” wore seat belt. The most common reason if they are wearing seat because “it is a law”, “avoid serious injury” and “fear of getting summons” ,while if they are not using seat belt because of “ I am only driving in a short distance”, “I forgot to put it on” and “I am in a rush”. Statistical test such as Chi-Square of Association, Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis have been performed. Females (61.8%) are more likely to wear seat belt compare to male (38.2%) car users as have been proved by the Chi-square test. Logistic Regression and Discriminant were done to compare the less error rate as to choose the function model. Since Logistic Regression has a lower error rate which is (29.1%) compare to Discriminant Analysis (31.1%), therefore Logistic Regression was chosen. It also important to note that the car users that always/often using seat belt with a factor of attitude is 2.082 times more likely to wear seat belt compare to the car users that occasionally/rarely wearing seat belt. This study is essential in understanding the Malaysian tendency in belting up while being occupied in a vehicle. The factor highlighted in this study should be emphasized on road safety education in order to increase seat belt wearing rate in this country and ultimately to preventing deaths due to road crashe

    Preparers' perceptions towards quarterly financial reporting in Malaysia

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    This study examines the perceptions of preparers of financial reports towards the issues surrounding corporate quarterly financial reporting in Malaysia. Questionnaires were mailed to chief financial officers of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) listed companies, from whom 106 usable responses were gathered. The findings provide evidence that some preparers are not keen of the idea of quarterly reporting, despite the enforcement of the requirement. However, a majority of preparers are content with the current allowable reporting lag of two months, satisfied with the current content of the quarterly reports, and agree that management should at least discuss the quarterly results with the auditors. With respect to other matters, preparers expressed the view that the quarterly reports are reliable. However,there is also evidence that the first three quarterly reports are perceived to be less reliable than the fourth quarterly reports. The findings serve as an avenue for more research on quarterly financial reporting in Malaysia and other jurisdictions

    Essays on the Impacts of Environment on Uncertainty Attitudes and Consumption Choices

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    This thesis comprises three essays on the impact of the environment (i.e. objects or conditions which surround people) on uncertainty attitudes. The first chapter reports an online experiment by mimicking screen colours frequently used in asset trading software platforms and evaluates the impact of the graphical interface on decisions in risk and uncertainty. The findings in this chapter provide empirical evidence that people’s judgment in uncertainty depends on factors well beyond the traditional formulation of uncertainty through a set of state-contingent payoffs, and that the impact of these factors demonstrates disassociation between decisions in risk and in ambiguity. The next essay shows that people’s attitudes are sensitive to the inflow of information within their nation (environment). The announcement (a hike of interest rates) although positive and well anticipated, resulted in different reactions to the news. The media coverage prior to and after a monetary policy announcement creates different informed environment which affect people’s aversion to ambiguity and risk. The effect is detectable by controlling for individuals’ exposure to monetary policy news, and by disentangling precise news (after the announcement) and imprecise information (media discussions on change in monetary policy). These effects on individuals’ attitudes are driven by the channels for receiving economic information. The third chapter explores the expectation effects further by investigating the relationship between people’s uncertainty attitudes and their allocation of marginal income to consumption. This essay shows that people increase their marginal allocation to expenses when the associated risk and ambiguity aversion is high. The main results show that the ambiguity aversion explains the increased marginal allocation to household and discretionary expenses and contradicts other theories

    A survey of libraries in Gombe state

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    The paper discuss the importance of libraries to the development of Gombe State. It examines ministries, parastatals, organizations, schools companies, etc in Gombe State to determine which ones have libraries. The paper went further to assess the status of libraries present in these various organizations with a view of determining the adequacy or otherwise of their resources and services. The study reveals that very few establishments and schools have libraries. Suggestions were made that state government should provide funds for organizations to establish libraries and upgrade the existing ones. Librarians were also advised to assist in drawing the attention of the government to the development of the library sectors

    The Role of Librarians as Information Literacy Instructors: A Case of Kaduna State University, Kaduna

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    Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize needed information to possess the ability to locate, evaluate, and use these information ethically. The study assesses information literacy of academic staff in a public university using the role of librarians as its nexus. Training - feedback mechanism was used. Questionnaire was used for data collection which was administered on 104 academic staff who participated in the information literacy programme of Kaduna State University, Kaduna. The data was analyzed descriptively. The study revealed the training session covered what is expected, the trainees stated that the length of the session was right, however, the training was mired by poor Internet services. The study recommends among others, the sufficient Internet bandwidth, alternative power supply by the university management, and support for academic staff participation in information literacy training programmes by the respective heads of departments. Keyword: Information literacy, academic staff, public university, electronic resources DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/91-05 Publication date:July 30th 202


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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Promosi kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku, khususnya pengetahuan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh promosi kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre experimental design dengan rancangan one group pretes posttest design yang dilaksanakan pada 12 April 2013 di SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta yang berjumlah 230 orang. Sedangkan pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan secara simple random sampling pada siswa kelas IV dan V. Sampel terdiri dari 32 siswa kelas IV dan 38 siswa kelas V. Maka jumlah total sampel yaitu 70 siswa. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah promosi kesehatan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada tatanan sekolah yang alat pengukurannya berupa slide dan poster. Sedangkan untuk variabel terikat yaitu pengetahuan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan alat ukur menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Dianalisis menggunakan Uji Marginal Homogeneity melalui program SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) Pengetahuan meningkat setelah dilakukan promosi kesehatan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat sejumlah 62 siswa atau 88,57% dari seluruh siswa yang hadir, siswa yang pengetahuannya menurun sebanyak 2 siswa atau 2,8% dan yang tetap 6 siswa atau 8,57% (2) hasil Uji Marginal Homogeneity menunjukkan p = 0,000. Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh promosi kesehatan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada tatanan sekolah terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan PHBS siswa kelas IV dan V di SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta. Siswa yang berpengetahuan baik setelah intervensi lebih banyak dibandingkan sebelumnya. Kata kunci : promosi kesehatan PHBS, pengetahuan PHBS ABSTRACT Background: Health promotion can improve knowledge, attitudes and behavior, particullary knowledge of Clean and Healthy Behavior. This study aims to prove the effect of health promotion on knowledge of Clean and Healthy Behavior. Methods: This research is a pre-experimental design with the plan of one-group pretest posttest design was held on 12 April 2013 at SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta. The study population was all students of SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta totaling 230 people. While the sampling carried out by simple random sampling in grade students IV and V. The sample consisted of 32 grade students IV and 38 grade students V. Then the total number of samples is 70 students. The independent variable in this study is a health promotion of clean and healthy behavior in the order of school a measurement tool slides and posters. As for the dependent variable is the knowledge of clean and healthy behavior are measured using a questionnaire that have been tested for validity and reliability. Analyzed using marginal homogeneity test through SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. Results : This research shows a increased knowledge after health promotion Clean and Healthy Behavior a number of 62 students or 88.57% of all students in attendance, knowledge of students decreased a number of 2 students or 2.8% and a fixed 6 students or 8.57 % and the marginal homogeneity test results showed p = 0.000. Conclusion:. There is the influence of health promotion of clean and healthy behavior in the order of school to knowledge clean and healthy behavior students in class IV and V SD Negeri Ngemplak Surakarta. Students who are knowledgeable well after the intervention more than ever before. Key words : health promotion of PHBS, knowledge PHB

    Gez petrol station: Spreadsheet modelling for capital budgeting

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    Purpose – This case requires students to prepare a good financial model to find the net present value of the business and make a capital budgeting decision, using Excel spreadsheet.In order to prepare the capital budget, students need to prepare a cash flow statement by business segments.The financial model should be sufficiently flexible to allow various what if analysis to be performed.Students should be able to apply what if analysis tools in Excel such as Goal Seek and Data Tables.Design/methodology/ approach - The operational and financial data are obtained from the owner of Baron Service Station. Other data are obtained through interviews with the area manager of GEZ Berhad and websites of the relevant institutions.Findings – The case is suitable for Management Accounting, Financial Modelling, Integrated Case Study, Financial Management courses, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and Executive Development Programme on Entrepreneurship for business entrepreneurs and sole proprietors.Value of the paper – This case is expected to enhance students’ critical thinking and enablethem to integrate IT in decision making decisions.This is one of the avenues where lecturers can integrate IT in teaching and learning, in line with the requirements of the accounting profession and Ministry of Education of Malaysia. Besides being able to design a financial model, students at the same time should be able to assume the role of a user and use the model in making business decisions


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    Flour Albus/ keputihan adalah cairan yang keluar dari alat genetalia perempuan (vagina) yang berlebihan selain air kencing atau darah, bersifat normal atau tidak normal. Vagina merupakan bagian yang rentan dengan infeksi bakteri karena keadaannya yang lembab, oleh karena itu sangatlah penting untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan bagian tubuh intim tersebut. Masalah yang sering muncul adalah keputihan, keputihan ada yang normal dan tidak normal, produksinya dapat meningkat jika seorang wanita sedang mengalami peningkatan jumlah hormone di saat sekitar masa menstruasi atau kelelahan berlebihan, sedang menggunakan obat-obat tertentu atau KB. Kebersihan atau pH di vagina ikut memengaruhi munculnya gejala keputihan. Keputihan disebabkan oleh masih minimnya kesadaran untuk menjaga kesehatan terutama kesehatan organ genetalia.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, pendekatan fenomenologi. Jumlah informan 4 siswi SMA N 05 Kota Tegal. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari wwancara mendalam sesuai dengan pedoman wawancara.  Hasil wawancara direkam dan dibuat catatan lapangan.Hasil wawancara pada responden yaitu informasi tentang perasaan, persepsi, pemahaman dan pengetahuan  remaja putri tentang  flour albus. Informasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan bagi peneliti lain  dalam memberikan konseling  pada remaja tentang flour albus/ keputihan
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