405 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art of lumbar puncture and its place in the journey of patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    Altres ajuts: NIH grants (ADNI U19 AG024904); UPenn (ADRC P30 AG010124); MJFox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF-005441); National Medical Research Council of Singapore; AMED grants (JP20dm0207073, JP20dm0107143); MHLW grants (19192257, 20316440); National Natural Science Foundation of China (81530036); the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project (31627803); Beijing Scholars Program; Beijing Brain Initiative from Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission (Z201100005520016, Z201100005520017); Project for Outstanding Doctor with Combined Ability of Western and Chinese Medicine; Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning (PXM2019_026283_000003); National Key Research and Development Project grant (2017YFC1311100); Keep Memory Alive (KMA); National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant (P20GM109025); National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke grant (U01NS093334); National Institute on Aging grant (R01AG053798); European Commission (Marie Curie International Training Network, Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease); Health Holland; Dutch Research Council (ZonMw); the Selfridges Group Foundation; Alzheimer Netherlands; Alzheimer Association.Recent advances in developing disease-modifying therapies (DMT) for Alzheimer's disease (AD), and the recognition that AD pathophysiology emerges decades before clinical symptoms, necessitate a paradigm shift of health-care systems toward biomarker-guided early detection, diagnosis, and therapeutic decision-making. Appropriate incorporation of cerebrospinal fluid biomarker analysis in clinical practice is an essential step toward system readiness for accommodating the demand of AD diagnosis and proper use of DMTs-once they become available. However, the use of lumbar puncture (LP) in individuals with suspected neurodegenerative diseases such as AD is inconsistent, and the perception of its utility and safety differs considerably among medical specialties as well as among regions and countries. This review describes the state-of-the-art evidence concerning the safety profile of LP in older adults, discusses the risk factors for LP-associated adverse events, and provides recommendations and an outlook for optimized use and global implementation of LP in individuals with suspected AD

    The use of lumbar puncture and safety recommendations in Alzheimer's disease : a plain language summary

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    What is this summary about? This is a plain language summary of an article published in Alzheimer's & Dementia. It looks at a type of test called a lumbar puncture (also known as spinal tap) used in people suspected of having Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. This summary focuses on how to do a lumbar puncture safely. Why is this important? Alzheimer's disease is a progressive condition, which means it gets worse over time. This leads to difficulties with thinking and memory. People with Alzheimer's disease show a build up of proteins called amyloid-β and tau in the brain. This is followed by a gradual loss of brain cells and brain function. The changes in the brain are thought to occur years before symptoms appear. Lumbar puncture is a medical procedure during which samples of cerebrospinal fluid are collected. In Alzheimer's disease, it is used to examine cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers that can help diagnose disease. Lumbar puncture is traditionally considered as a painful and invasive procedure with frequent side effects. However, multiple studies indicate that a lumbar puncture can be performed safely. Side effects are typically mild and do not require specialist intervention. What are the key takeaways? Despite the low risk of serious complications associated with a lumbar puncture, physicians and their patients may be reluctant to recommend or undergo this procedure. Patient education, specialist training, as well as new methods concerning patient safety are important factors to support the widespread use of lumbar puncture in Alzheimer's disease. </sec

    Correlation effects during liquid infiltration into hydrophobic nanoporous mediums

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    Correlation effects arising during liquid infiltration into hydrophobic porous medium are considered. On the basis of these effects a mechanism of energy absorption at filling porous medium by nonwetting liquid is suggested. In accordance with this mechanism, the absorption of mechanical energy is a result expenditure of energy for the formation of menisci in the pores on the shell of the infinite cluster and expenditure of energy for the formation of liquid-porous medium interface in the pores belonging to the infinite cluster of filled pores. It was found that in dependences on the porosity and, consequently, in dependences on the number of filled pores neighbors, the thermal effect of filling can be either positive or negative and the cycle of infiltration-defiltration can be closed with full outflow of liquid. It can occur under certain relation between percolation properties of porous medium and the energy characteristics of the liquid-porous medium interface and the liquid-gas interface. It is shown that a consecutive account of these correlation effects and percolation properties of the pores space during infiltration allow to describe all experimental data under discussion

    Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in the British population: a case–control study

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    We obtained lifetime occupational and residential histories by telephone interview with 622 mesothelioma patients (512 men, 110 women) and 1420 population controls. Odds ratios (ORs) were converted to lifetime risk (LR) estimates for Britons born in the 1940s. Male ORs (95% confidence interval (CI)) relative to low-risk occupations for >10 years of exposure before the age of 30 years were 50.0 (25.8–96.8) for carpenters (LR 1 in 17), 17.1 (10.3–28.3) for plumbers, electricians and painters, 7.0 (3.2–15.2) for other construction workers, 15.3 (9.0–26.2) for other recognised high-risk occupations and 5.2 (3.1–8.5) in other industries where asbestos may be encountered. The LR was similar in apparently unexposed men and women (∼1 in 1000), and this was approximately doubled in exposed workers' relatives (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.3–3.2). No other environmental hazards were identified. In all, 14% of male and 62% of female cases were not attributable to occupational or domestic asbestos exposure. Approximately half of the male cases were construction workers, and only four had worked for more than 5 years in asbestos product manufacture

    Passive Immunization Reduces Behavioral and Neuropathological Deficits in an Alpha-Synuclein Transgenic Model of Lewy Body Disease

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    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's Disease (PD) are common causes of motor and cognitive deficits and are associated with the abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein (α-syn). This study investigated whether passive immunization with a novel monoclonal α-syn antibody (9E4) against the C-terminus (CT) of α-syn was able to cross into the CNS and ameliorate the deficits associated with α-syn accumulation. In this study we demonstrate that 9E4 was effective at reducing behavioral deficits in the water maze, moreover, immunization with 9E4 reduced the accumulation of calpain-cleaved α-syn in axons and synapses and the associated neurodegenerative deficits. In vivo studies demonstrated that 9E4 traffics into the CNS, binds to cells that display α-syn accumulation and promotes α-syn clearance via the lysosomal pathway. These results suggest that passive immunization with monoclonal antibodies against the CT of α-syn may be of therapeutic relevance in patients with PD and DLB

    The links between health-related behaviors and life satisfaction in elderly individuals who prefer institutional living

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    BACKGROUND: Life satisfaction among residents of institutions is becoming an important issue in a rapidly aging population. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the links between life satisfaction and health-related behaviors amongst functionally independent elderly people who prefer institutional living in İstanbul, Turkey. METHODS: The socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, leisure-time activities and fall histories of 133 residents of an institution in Istanbul were assessed by a structured questionnaire during face-to-face interviews. A validated life-satisfaction index questionnaire (LSI-A) was completed. RESULTS: The mean age of the study group was 73.9 ± 8.0 (range 60–90 years). Within the group, 22.6% had never married and 14.3% had university degrees. The majority (71.4%) were in the low income bracket. The overall mean LSI-A score was 20.3 ± 5.9. Participants who declared moderate/high income levels had a significantly higher mean LSI-A score than those in the low-income bracket (p = 0.009). Multivariate analysis of the data suggested that leisure-time activities and participation in regular physical activities are significant predictors of LSI-A scores (R(2): 0.112; p = 0.005 and p = 0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: The findings imply that regular physical activity and leisure-time activities are significantly related to life satisfaction among residents in institutions. Participation in physical activity and leisure-time activity programs may help to improve the life satisfaction of elderly people living in institutions

    Aβ40 Oligomers Identified as a Potential Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia worldwide, yet the development of therapeutics has been hampered by the absence of suitable biomarkers to diagnose the disease in its early stages prior to the formation of amyloid plaques and the occurrence of irreversible neuronal damage. Since oligomeric Aβ species have been implicated in the pathophysiology of AD, we reasoned that they may correlate with the onset of disease. As such, we have developed a novel misfolded protein assay for the detection of soluble oligomers composed of Aβ x-40 and x-42 peptide (hereafter Aβ40 and Aβ42) from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Preliminary validation of this assay with 36 clinical samples demonstrated the presence of aggregated Aβ40 in the CSF of AD patients. Together with measurements of total Aβ42, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity greater than 95% and 90%, respectively, were achieved. Although larger sample populations will be needed to confirm this diagnostic sensitivity, our studies demonstrate a sensitive method of detecting circulating Aβ40 oligomers from AD CSF and suggest that these oligomers could be a powerful new biomarker for the early detection of AD

    Anti-Aβ Drug Screening Platform Using Human iPS Cell-Derived Neurons for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes progressive memory and cognitive decline during middle to late adult life. The AD brain is characterized by deposition of amyloid β peptide (Aβ), which is produced from amyloid precursor protein by β- and γ-secretase (presenilin complex)-mediated sequential cleavage. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells potentially provide an opportunity to generate a human cell-based model of AD that would be crucial for drug discovery as well as for investigating mechanisms of the disease. Methodology/Principal Findings:We differentiated human iPS (hiPS) cells into neuronal cells expressing the forebrain marker, Foxg1, and the neocortical markers, Cux1, Satb2, Ctip2, and Tbr1. The iPS cell-derived neuronal cells also expressed amyloid precursor protein, β-secretase, and γ-secretase components, and were capable of secreting Aβ into the conditioned media. Aβ production was inhibited by β-secretase inhibitor, γ-secretase inhibitor (GSI), and an NSAID; however, there were different susceptibilities to all three drugs between early and late differentiation stages. At the early differentiation stage, GSI treatment caused a fast increase at lower dose (Aβ surge) and drastic decline of Aβ production. Conclusions/Significance:These results indicate that the hiPS cell-derived neuronal cells express functional β- and γ-secretases involved in Aβ production; however, anti-Aβ drug screening using these hiPS cell-derived neuronal cells requires sufficient neuronal differentiation

    Pharmaceutical Metabolism in Fish: Using a 3-D Hepatic In Vitro Model to Assess Clearance

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    At high internal doses, pharmaceuticals have the potential for inducing biological/pharmacological effects in fish. One particular concern for the environment is their potential to bioaccumulate and reach pharmacological levels; the study of these implications for environmental risk assessment has therefore gained increasing attention. To avoid unnecessary testing on animals, in vitro methods for assessment of xenobiotic metabolism could aid in the ecotoxicological evaluation. Here we report the use of a 3-D in vitro liver organoid culture system (spheroids) derived from rainbow trout to measure the metabolism of seven pharmaceuticals using a substrate depletion assay. Of the pharmaceuticals tested, propranolol, diclofenac and phenylbutazone were metabolised by trout liver spheroids; atenolol, metoprolol, diazepam and carbamazepine were not. Substrate depletion kinetics data was used to estimate intrinsic hepatic clearance by this spheroid model, which was similar for diclofenac and approximately 5 fold higher for propranolol when compared to trout liver microsomal fraction (S9) data. These results suggest that liver spheroids could be used as a relevant and metabolically competent in vitro model with which to measure the biotransformation of pharmaceuticals in fish; and propranolol acts as a reproducible positive control
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