52 research outputs found

    The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity of Trip12 Is Essential for Mouse Embryogenesis

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    Protein ubiquitination is a post-translational protein modification that regulates many biological conditions [1], [2], [3], [4]. Trip12 is a HECT-type E3 ubiquitin ligase that ubiquitinates ARF and APP-BP1 [5], [6]. However, the significance of Trip12 in vivo is largely unknown. Here we show that the ubiquitin ligase activity of Trip12 is indispensable for mouse embryogenesis. A homozygous mutation in Trip12 (Trip12mt/mt) that disrupts the ubiquitin ligase activity resulted in embryonic lethality in the middle stage of development. Trip12mt/mt embryos exhibited growth arrest and increased expression of the negative cell cycle regulator p16 [7], [8], [9], [10]. In contrast, Trip12mt/mt ES cells were viable. They had decreased proliferation, but maintained both the undifferentiated state and the ability to differentiate. Trip12mt/mt ES cells had increased levels of the BAF57 protein (a component of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex) and altered gene expression patterns. These data suggest that Trip12 is involved in global gene expression and plays an important role in mouse development

    Identification of the sex-determining factor in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha reveals unique evolution of sex chromosomes in a haploid system

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    半数体生物の性染色体上の性決定遺伝子を解明 --コケがもつ現生生物最古の起源の性染色体--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-08.Sex determination is a central process for sexual reproduction and is often regulated by a sex determinant encoded on a sex chromosome. Rules that govern the evolution of sex chromosomes via specialization and degeneration following the evolution of a sex determinant have been well studied in diploid organisms. However, distinct predictions apply to sex chromosomes in organisms where sex is determined in the haploid phase of the life cycle: both sex chromosomes, female U and male V, are expected to maintain their gene functions, even though both are non-recombining. This is in contrast to the X-Y (or Z-W) asymmetry and Y (W) chromosome degeneration in XY (ZW) systems of diploids. Here, we provide evidence that sex chromosomes diverged early during the evolution of haploid liverworts and identify the sex determinant on the Marchantia polymorpha U chromosome. This gene, Feminizer, encodes a member of the plant-specific BASIC PENTACYSTEINE transcription factor family. It triggers female differentiation via regulation of the autosomal sex-determining locus of FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE MYB and SUPPRESSOR OF FEMINIZATION. Phylogenetic analyses of Feminizer and other sex chromosome genes indicate dimorphic sex chromosomes had already been established 430 mya in the ancestral liverwort. Feminizer also plays a role in reproductive induction that is shared with its gametolog on the V chromosome, suggesting an ancestral function, distinct from sex determination, was retained by the gametologs. This implies ancestral functions can be preserved after the acquisition of a sex determination mechanism during the evolution of a dominant haploid sex chromosome system

    Consideration of the Psychosocial Process of Overcoming Crises by Yogo Teachers

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    This study aimed to elucidate the psychological process of overcoming crises by yogo teachers. On eight yogo teachers of A city who have experienced crises in the past, we conducted semi-structured interviews. As a result of analyzing the content of the interviews, using the modified grounded theory approach; seven categories and eighteen perspectives were extracted. Yogo teachers would fall in crises by feeling [wobble of existence as a yogo teacher], and although they would try to make a [positive backdown] tentatively, they would retain the [uncompromising desires to accomplish their duties]. Then, by getting energy from people around them such as their children or colleagues, they would search for“ cooperators” to [find a clue to solve the problem], and would find “solutions through trial and error” and carry out “strategies of assessment and deliberation”. Eventually, yogo teachers got a“regained confidence”will proceed to [before again]. Those yogo teachers who have gone through crises were [aware of their owng rowths].本研究は、養護教諭が危機を乗り越える心理社会的プロセスを明らかにすることを目的とした。A市内に勤務する、過去に危機を経験した養護教諭8名を対象として、半構造化面接を行った。修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて面接内容を分析した結果、7のカテゴリーと18の概念が抽出された。養護教諭は、【養護教諭としての存在の揺らぎ】を感じ、危機に陥る。そのような状況から、一時的には【前向きな撤退】を図るものの、養護教諭としての職務を遂行しようとする【養護教諭としての譲れない思い】を持ち続けている。そして、子どもや同僚など周囲の人からの【エネルギー補給】しながら、問題の【解決への一手】を図るため、〈協力者の探索〉をし、〈試行錯誤の解決策〉見つけ出し、〈見極めて練る戦略〉を実行していく。やがて、〈取り戻した自信〉を得た養護教諭は、【もう一度、前へ】進んでいく。危機を乗り越えた養護教諭は、自らの【成長の自覚】をしていた


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    本研究の目的は働き盛り世代の住民が地域において青少年の育成活動に参加する意義を明らかにし、 これからの地域づくりについて考察することである。地区の青少年育成部の活動に今年度参加した9名(全員)を対象に構造化インタビューを行った。また、 フイールドワークとして青少年育成部の活動に参加した保健師養成課程の学生10名が、その特長についてラベルに書き出した。KJ法を用いて分析した結果、活動は対象となる子どもだけでなく、地域住民や活動する働き盛り世代にも良い影響を与えていた。このような活動は今後の生き生きとした地域づくりのきっかけになると考えられる


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    昭和55年において,三重県地域住民に対する各保健所の健康教室,集団検診などの参加者1,201世帯を対象とし,参加者に持参させたみそ汁の食塩濃度を測定した。その結果について検討をおこなった。(1)三重県下地域住民のみそ汁の食塩濃度の平均値は1.08%であったが,各保健所ともにその値に著しいバラツキがみられた。(2)上記みそ汁の適正濃度(0.8%)以上のからずき世帯率を保健所別にみた場合は,桑名では67.8%,四日市では62.5%,鈴鹿では79.5%,津では74.6%,松阪では72.8%,上野では81.2%であった。このからすぎ世帯率において,高血圧者在宅世帯と非高血圧者在宅世帯との間には相関関係はみられなかった。(3)ついで,保健所別脳血管疾患死亡率とからずき世帯率との間には相関関係は認められなかった。In 1980 having 1,201 families participated in the health school and mass examination was held by the Regional Health Centers in Mie Prefecture. And, salt concentrations of miso soup brought by those participants were measured. The results were analyzed as follows: (1) The mean concentration of salt in miso soup referring to the regional inhabitants in Mie Prefecture was 1.08%, however, the values were markedly fluctuated by Health Centers. (2) Those families in favor of the saltier taste than the adequate concentration (0.8%) of the miso soup were noted at 67.8% in Kuwana, 62.5% in Yokkaichi, 79.5% in Suzuka, 74.6% in Tsu, 72.8% in Matsuzaka and 81.2% in Ueno. Among those families of salty taste lovers, no correlation was observed between hypertension and nonhypertension. (3) When classified by Health Centers, no correlation was observed between the mortality from cerebrovascular diseases and the percentage of salty taste loving families