9 research outputs found

    Potential of city break clubbing tourism in Wrocław

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    Over the last decade Polish cities have become popular destinations of the foreign clubbing tourism. Interest of foreign tourists, however, is not reflected in the interest of scientists, because clubbing tourism-related issues have not been extensively studied in the literature regarding Polish cities. In this paper the authors have tried to fill this gap by analysing the potential of city break clubbing tourism in Wrocław, the city which has been selected the European Capital of Culture 2016. As part of the analysis, the following elements affecting the development of this type of tourism were examined: transport accessibility, clubbing infrastructure (discos, nightclubs and pubs), and other factors (accommodation facilities and selected tourist attractions). The transport accessibility data include only regular direct flights carried by low-cost carriers (LCC) in 2014 (number of connections, frequency of flights and ticket prices), as this type of transportation is crucial for city break tourism

    Toxicity of the bacteriophage λ cII gene product to Escherichia coli arises from inhibition of host cell DNA replication

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    AbstractThe bacteriophage λ cII gene codes for a transcriptional activator protein which is a crucial regulator at the stage of the “lysis-versus-lysogeny” decision during phage development. The CII protein is highly toxic to the host, Escherichia coli, when overproduced. However, the molecular mechanism of this toxicity is not known. Here we demonstrate that DNA synthesis, but not total RNA synthesis, is strongly inhibited in cII-overexpressing E. coli cells. The toxicity was also observed when the transcriptional stimulator activity of CII was abolished either by a point mutation in the cII gene or by a point mutation, rpoA341, in the gene coding for the RNA polymerase α subunit. Moreover, inhibition of cell growth, caused by both wild-type and mutant CII proteins in either rpoA+ or rpoA341 hosts, could be relieved by overexpression of the E. coli dnaB and dnaC genes. In vitro replication of an oriC-based plasmid DNA was somewhat impaired by the presence of the CII, and several CII-resistant E. coli strains contain mutations near dnaC. We conclude that the DNA replication machinery may be a target for the toxic activity of CII


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    Turystyka astronomiczna jest nowym trendem w turystyce zrównoważonej. Głównym składnikiem jej oferty jest nocne niebo wolne od zanieczyszczenia świetlnego. Ochrona obszarów ciemnego nieba jest istotna ponieważ astroturystyka wydłuża sezon turystyczny. Obserwacje mogą być prowadzone przez okrągły rok o każdej porze dnia. Taka forma turystyki jest jedną z szans dla rozwoju województwa lubelskiego, zwłaszcza dla gospodarstw agroturystycznych.Astronomical tourism is a new trend in sustainable tourism. The main component of the offer is a night sky without light pollution. Protecting dark-sky areas is important because astrotourism extends tourist season. Observations can be run year round at any hour of the day. This form of tourism is one of the opportunities for the development of Lublin Voivodeship, especially for agritourism farms

    Suburban processes in the suburban area of ​​Lublin

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    This paper presents a suburban area of Lublin in terms of the processes occurring in residential suburbanisation. Spatial range includes five selected rural communities of the Lublin district (Głusk, Jastków, Konopnica, Germans, and Wolka Lublin) and the interval contains mainly years 1989-2009.Suburbanisation is presented as "the process of moving the city and the spatial forms of urban life forms outside the central city, the land in its vicinity, and the process of merging the functional areas under the suburbanization of the city center" (Lisowski 2007). The population in the surveyed communities in 2009 amounted to 60 373 persons in comparison with most of the Lublin Voivodeship, it was during the period strong growth, is directly associated with this phenomenon in this work (BDR). Particularly intensively present in that area processes occurring in residential buildings, but not lacking in these differences between the municipalities belonging to the suburban area of Lublin.Niniejsza praca prezentuje strefę podmiejską Lublina pod względem zachodzących w niej procesów suburbanizacji rezydencjonalnej. Zakres przestrzenny obejmuje 5 wybranych gmin wiejskich powiatu lubelskiego (Głusk, Jastków, Konopnica, Niemce oraz Wólka Lubelska) a przedział czasowy zawiera głównie lata 1989-2009. Suburbanizacja przedstawiana jest jako „proces przenoszenia form przestrzennych miasta oraz form życia miejskiego poza miasto centralne, na tereny w jego sąsiedztwie, oraz proces zespalania funkcjonalnego obszarów podlegających suburbanizacji z miastem centralnym” (Lisowski 2007). Liczba ludności w badanych gminach wyniosła w 2009 r. 60 373 osoby i w porównaniu z większością obszaru województwa lubelskiego uległa ona w trakcie badanego okresu dużemu wzrostowi, Jest to bezpośrednio związane z omawianym w tej pracy zjawiskiem (BDR).Szczególnie intensywnie prezentują się na tym obszarze procesy zachodzące w budownictwie jednorodzinnym, jednak nie brakuje w nich różnic między poszczególnymi gminami wchodzącymi w skład strefy podmiejskiej Lublina

    Assessing the level of popularity of European stag tourism destinations

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    The primary objective of this article is to determine the degree of popularity of stag tourism destinations in Europe. Research was based on the search engine method, involving an analysis of the highest positioned offers of travel agencies in the most commonly used search engines in Europe (Google, Bing, Yahoo). The analysis divided the studied cities into four categories in terms of popularity. Conducting the said analysis is strongly justified, because academic publications have so far not provided studies which have determined the degree of popularity of stag destinations on a continental scale

    Urban party zones and their changes in former communist countries on the example of Polish cities

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    Eight former communist countries joined the European Union in 2004, and since then they have become popular party tourism destinations. In connection with social and economic transformations following the fall of communism, public spaces with the densest concentration of clubs were formed in the centres of big cities. Such a space can be called a “party zone”. This paper presents such zones delimited in Polish cities and attempts to investigate changes in those zones in 2004–17 (and thus, after accession to the EU). An additional objective was to identify the most popular clubs based on information from social media and from interviews with DJs. The results lead to two main conclusions: (a) three main types of party zones can be identified in the analysed cities taking into account their form and relationship to urban space; (b) in 2004–17 the preferences of club-goers changed in favour of open air clubs

    Assessing the level of popularity of European stag tourism destinations

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    The primary objective of this article is to determine the degree of popularity of stag tourism destinations in Europe. Research was based on the search engine method, involving an analysis of the highest positioned offers of travel agencies in the most commonly used search engines in Europe (Google, Bing, Yahoo). The analysis divided the studied cities into four categories in terms of popularity. Conducting the said analysis is strongly justified, because academic publications have so far not provided studies which have determined the degree of popularity of stag destinations on a continental scale

    Research methods in creation of astrotourism product dark sky park „Roztocze”

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    Aktualnie coraz więcej turystów nastawia się na aktywne poznawanie przestrzeni. Rosnącą popularnością cieszą się nowe formy turystyki, m.in. astroturystyka. Z myślą o utworzeniu „Parku Ciemnego Nieba Roztocze” wybrany został Roztoczański Park Narodowy, po spełnieniu kryteriów takich jak: walory ciemnego nieba (duża liczba bezchmurnych dni w roku), fauna nocna, duże natężenie ruchu turystycznego, pojemna baza noclegowa, dobra dostępność komunikacyjna. Zwykle w procesie kształtowania produktu przeprowadzane są badania popytu, wyniki których wskazują na jego konkurencyjność na rynku. Rzadziej natomiast przygotowanie produktu poprzedzają kompleksowe badania naukowe. W celu przygotowania koncepcji nowego produktu autorzy przeanalizowali cechy środowiska przyrodniczego z zastosowaniem kilku metod: instrumentalnej i krajobrazowej, oceny stanu zagospodarowania turystycznego, pomiarów natężenia ruchu turystycznego, ankiety kwestionariuszowej. W przekonaniu autorów utworzenie produktu „Park Ciemnego Nieba Roztocze” poszerzy ofertę turystyki przyrodniczej o nieznaną na tym obszarze astroturystykę.Currently, more and more tourists are set to explore space actively. The popularity of new tourism forms is growing, such as astrotourism. With a view to create a “Roztocze Dark-Sky Park” was selected the Roztoczański National Park, after meeting criteria such as: values of the dark sky (a large number of cloudless days a year), fauna leading of nocturnal life, large volume of tourist traffic, roomy accommodation, good accessibility. In the process of product shape the tests results in competitiveness on the market. The preparation of product is preceded by a comprehensive research which is rare. In order to prepare new product concept the authors analyzed the characteristics of the natural environment using several methods: instrumental and landscape, assess the state of tourism development, tourist traffic measurements, and the survey questionnaire. The authors believe that the creation of the product “Roztocze Dark-Sky Park” will expand the offer of unknown nature tourism in the area of astrotourism