21 research outputs found

    Prediction of thermophysical and transport properties of ternary organic non-electrolyte systems including water by polynomials

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    The description and prediction of the thermophysical and transport properties of ternary organic non-electrolyte systems including water by the polynomial equations are reviewed. Empirical equations of Radojković et al. (also known as Redlich-Kister), Kohler, Jacob-Fitzner, Colinet, Tsao-Smith, Toop, Scatchard et al. and Rastogi et al. are compared with experimental data of available papers appeared in well know international journals (Fluid Phase Equilibria, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Journal of Solution Chemistry, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Thermochimica Acta, etc.). The applicability of empirical models to estimate excess molar volumes, VE, excess viscosities, ηE, excess free energies of activation of a viscous flow

    Signatures of de-domestication in autochthonous pig breeds and of domestication in wild boar populations from MC1R and NR6A1 allele distribution

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    Autochthonous pig breeds are usually reared in extensive or semi-extensive production systems that might facilitate contact with wild boars and, thus, reciprocal genetic exchanges. In this study, we analysed variants in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene (which cause different coat colour phenotypes) and in the nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) gene (associated with increased vertebral number) in 712 pigs of 12 local pig breeds raised in Italy (Apulo-Calabrese, Casertana, Cinta Senese, Mora Romagnola, Nero Siciliano and Sarda) and south-eastern European countries (Krskopolje from Slovenia, Black Slavonian and Turopolje from Croatia, Mangalitsa and Moravka from Serbia and East Balkan Swine from Bulgaria) and compared the data with the genetic variability at these loci investigated in 229 wild boars from populations spread in the same macro-geographic areas. None of the autochthonous pig breeds or wild boar populations were fixed for one allele at both loci. Domestic and wild-type alleles at these two genes were present in both domestic and wild populations. Findings of the distribution of MC1R alleles might be useful for tracing back the complex genetic history of autochthonous breeds. Altogether, these results indirectly demonstrate that bidirectional introgression of wild and domestic alleles is derived and affected by the human and naturally driven evolutionary forces that are shaping the Sus scrofa genome: autochthonous breeds are experiencing a sort of 'de-domestication' process, and wild resources are challenged by a 'domestication' drift. Both need to be further investigated and managed

    Genomic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and selection signatures in European local pig breeds assessed with a high density SNP chip

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    Genetic characterization of local breeds is essential to preserve their genomic variability, to advance conservation policies and to contribute to their promotion and sustainability. Genomic diversity of twenty European local pig breeds and a small sample of Spanish wild pigs was assessed using high density SNP chips. A total of 992 DNA samples were analyzed with the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler (GGP) 70 K HD porcine genotyping chip. Genotype data was employed to compute genetic diversity, population differentiation and structure, genetic distances, linkage disequilibrium and effective population size. Our results point out several breeds, such as Turopolje, Apulo Calabrese, Casertana, Mora Romagnola and Lithuanian indigenous wattle, having the lowest genetic diversity, supported by low heterozygosity and very small effective population size, demonstrating the need of enhanced conservation strategies. Principal components analysis showed the clustering of the individuals of the same breed, with few breeds being clearly isolated from the rest. Several breeds were partially overlapped, suggesting genetic closeness, which was particularly marked in the case of Iberian and Alentejana breeds. Spanish wild boar was also narrowly related to other western populations, in agreement with recurrent admixture between wild and domestic animals. We also searched across the genome for loci under diversifying selection based on F-S(T) outlier tests. Candidate genes that may underlie differences in adaptation to specific environments and productive systems and phenotypic traits were detected in potentially selected genomic regions

    Energy integration of nitric acid production using pinch methodology

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    Pinch methodology was applied to the heat exchangers network (HEN) synthesis of nitric acid production. The integration is analyzed in two ways, and the results are presented as two different solutions: (i) the first solution is based on the original heat transfer equipment arrangement, (ii) in order to eliminate the shortages of the first solution the second HEN was obtained using process simulation with optimized process parameters. Optimized HEN, with new arrangement of heat exchangers, gave good results in energy and process optimization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. P172063

    Analiza mogućnosti povećanja energetske efikasnosti rada postrojenja za fluidni katalitički kreking u sekundarnoj preradi nafte

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    Oil refinery spends significant amount of different forms of energy in order to produce oil derivates. This self consumption of energy, beside ecological effect, has significant influence on efficiency and economy of operation or performance. This work, in the case of fluid catalytic cracking plant, provides an analysis of the energy efficiency of the plant and possibility of improving, through the replacement of energy efficient devices as well as better control. Also, this work presents examples of increasing the energy efficiency of the plant in some European and worldwide refineries.Da bi proizvela naftne derivate rafinerija nafte troši značajne količine različitih oblika energije. Ova sopstvena energetska potrošnja u rafineriji nafte, pored ekološkog efekta, značajno utiče na efikasnost i ekonomičnost rada odnosno uspešnost poslovanja. U ovom radu, na primeru postrojenja fluidnog katalitičkog krekinga, data je analiza energetske efikasnosti postrojenja i mogućnosti njenog poboljšanja i to kroz zamenu energetski efikasnijim uređajima kao i boljom kontrolom. Takođe, u radu su dati primeri povećanja energetske efikasnosti ovog postrojenja u nekim evropskim i svetskim rafinerijama

    A new group contribution model for prediction liquid hydrocarbon viscosity based on free-volume theory

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    In this paper a group contribution model for predicting the viscosity values of n-alkanes and iso-alkanes in the liquid phase based on Free-Volume Theory was developed. A database with 2129 experimental data with a temperature range up to 573.15 K and a pressure range up to 4000 bar was used to develop the model. The total weighted average percentage error is 4.894%. The model was tested on the next 472 experimental data with a temperature range up to 564.15 K and a pressure range up to 2019 bar and a mean percentage error that was obtained is 5.155%

    Liquid-liquid equilibria of the ternary systems water + C1 – C3 alcohols + dimethyl adipate at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure: Experimental data and modeling

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of using a green organic solvent, dimethyl adipate (DMA), as a separation agent in the extraction of different alcohols from aqueous solutions. For that purpose, the liquid–liquid equilibria (LLE) of four ternary systems were analytically determined at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure using stirred and thermo-regulated cells: {water + methanol + dimethyl adipate (DMA)}, {water + ethanol + DMA}, {water + 1-propanol + DMA}, {water + 2-propanol + DMA}. Phase diagrams for these four ternary systems were obtained by determining a binodal curve and tie-lines data using a visual cloud-point method, but also gas chromatography. Distribution coefficients and separation factors were calculated for the immiscibility region. Hand and Othmer-Tobias correlations were used to examine the reliability of the tie-line data. In addition, the experimental ternary LLE data were correlated with the UNIversal QUAsiChemical (UNIQUAC) activity coefficient models. The obtained results showed that DMA is a suitable candidate for the extraction of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, and 2-propanol from water. With some alcohols, this potential is more noticeable than with others. The potential of DMA as a separation agent is increasing in the following sequence: methanol < ethanol < 2-propanol < 1-propanol, and that also could be noticed from the selectivity values that also increase in this sequence. The UNIQUAC model proved as successful in correlating the LLE data

    Thermodynamic and transport properties of biomass-derived furfural, furfuryl alcohol and their mixtures

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    The limited reserves and well-known disadvantages of using fossil energy sources have increased the need for appropriate renewable substitutes in the production of various chemicals and materials. Biomass has been shown to be worthy of attention since it can be converted to biofuels and value-added chemicals relatively easily. The design of biomass valorisation process requires knowledge on the thermodynamic behaviour of the biomass-derived compounds, such as furfural and furfuryl alcohol. The thermodynamic and transport properties of the binary system furfural + furfuryl alcohol were studied at various temperatures and pressures. Density, speed of sound and refractive index were measured in the temperature range T = (288.15–345.15) K and viscosity was measured at temperatures up to 373.15 K, all at atmospheric pressure. Further, the density of pure components was obtained in the temperature range (293.15–413.15) K for furfural and (293.15–373.15) K for furfuryl alcohol at pressures up to 60.0 MPa. The obtained density values were correlated using the modified Tammann–Tait equation with an average absolute deviation lower than 0.009% for furfural and furfuryl alcohol. The optimised parameters were used for the calculation of the isothermal compressibility, the isobaric thermal expansivity, the internal pressure and the isobaric and isochoric specific heat capacities. The reported data are a valuable source of information for the further application of the investigated compounds