154 research outputs found

    Влияние семантики локализованности на текстовую внешнетемпоральную транспозицию

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    Языковая временная семантика в лингвистических исследованиях последних лет рассматривается как широкая сфера языковых/речевых отношений различных категорий (грамматических, функционально- семантических, текстовых), т.е. как область пересечения, иногда концентрации аспектуального, собственно темпорального, таксисного и другого аналогичного содержания, где центральное место принадлежит глагольной единице, потенциальные функциональные возможности которой и определяют указанные грамматические отношения

    The Dynamics of CO 2 ‐Driven Granular Flows in Gullies on Mars

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    Martian gullies are landforms consisting of an erosional alcove, a channel, and a depositional apron. A significant proportion of Martian gullies at the mid‐latitudes is active today. The seasonal sublimation of CO2 ice has been suggested as a driver behind present‐day gully activity. However, due to a lack of in situ observations, the actual processes causing the observed changes remain unresolved. Here, we present results from flume experiments in environmental chambers in which we created CO2‐driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. Our experiments show that under Martian atmospheric pressure, large amounts of granular material can be fluidized by the sublimation of small quantities of CO2 ice in the granular mixture (only 0.5% of the volume fraction of the flow) under slope angles as low as 10°. Dimensionless scaling of the CO2‐driven granular flows shows that they are dynamically similar to terrestrial two‐phase granular flows, that is, debris flows and pyroclastic flows. The similarity in flow dynamics explains the similarity in deposit morphology with levees and lobes, supporting the hypothesis that CO2‐driven granular flows on Mars are not merely modifying older landforms, but they are actively forming them. This has far‐reaching implications for the processes thought to have formed these gullies over time. For other planetary bodies in our solar system, our experimental results suggest that the existence of gully like landforms is not necessarily evidence for flowing liquids but that they could also be formed or modified by sublimation‐driven flow processes

    On-line estimation of O2 production, CO2 uptake, and growth kinetics of microalgal cultures in a gas-tight photobioreactor

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    Growth of the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella sp. in batch cultures was investigated in a novel gas-tight photobioreactor, in which CO2, H2, and N2 were titrated into the gas phase to control medium pH, dissolved oxygen partial pressure, and headspace pressure, respectively. The exit gas from the reactor was circulated through a loop of tubing and re-introduced into the culture. CO2 uptake was estimated from the addition of CO2 as acidic titrant and O2 evolution was estimated from titration by H2, which was used to reduce O2 over a Pd catalyst. The photosynthetic quotient, PQ, was estimated as the ratio between O2 evolution and CO2 up-take rates. NH4+, NO2−, or NO3− was the final cell density limiting nutrient. Cultures of both algae were, in general, characterised by a nitrogen sufficient growth phase followed by a nitrogen depleted phase in which starch was the major product. The estimated PQ values were dependent on the level of oxidation of the nitrogen source. The PQ was 1 with NH4+ as the nitrogen source and 1.3 when NO3− was the nitrogen source. In cultures grown on all nitrogen sources, the PQ value approached 1 when the nitrogen source was depleted and starch synthesis became dominant, to further increase towards 1.3 over a period of 3–4 days. This latter increase in PQ, which was indicative of production of reduced compounds like lipids, correlated with a simultaneous increase in the degree of reduction of the biomass. When using the titrations of CO2 and H2 into the reactor headspace to estimate the up-take of CO2, the production of O2, and the PQ, the rate of biomass production could be followed, the stoichiometrical composition of the produced algal biomass could be estimated, and different growth phases could be identified

    Experimental Wind Characterization with the SuperCam Microphone under a Simulated martian Atmosphere

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    Located on top of the mast of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, the SuperCam instrument suite includes a microphone to record audible sounds from 100 Hz to 10 kHz on the surface of Mars. It will support SuperCam’s Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy investigation by recording laser-induced shock-waves but it will also record aeroacoustic noise generated by wind flowing past the microphone. This experimental study was conducted in the Aarhus planetary wind-tunnel under low CO2 pressure with wind generated at several velocities. It focused on understanding the wind-induced acoustic signal measured by microphones instrumented in a real scale model of the rover mast as a function of the wind speed and wind orientation. Acoustic spectra recorded under a wind flow show that the low-frequency range of the microphone signal is mainly influenced by the wind velocity. In contrast, the higher frequency range is seen to depend on the wind direction relative to the microphone. On the one hand, for the wind conditions tested inside the tunnel, it is shown that the Root Mean Square of the pressure, computed over the 100 Hz to 500 Hz frequency range, is proportional to the dynamic pressure. Therefore, the SuperCam microphone will be able to estimate the wind speed, considering an in situ cross-calibration with the Mars Environmental Dynamic Analyzer. On the other hand, for a given wind speed, it is observed that the root mean square of the pressure, computed over the 500 Hz to 2000 Hz frequency range, is at its minimum when the microphone is facing the wind whereas it is at its maximum when the microphone is pointing downwind. Hence, a full 360° rotation of the mast in azimuth in parallel with sound recording can be used to retrieve the wind direction. We demonstrate that the SuperCam Microphone has a priori the potential to determine both the speed and the direction of the wind on Mars, thus contributing to atmospheric science investigations