29 research outputs found

    Wong Family: Sandra Won (Middle)

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    Growing up in a close-knit Chinese family, Sandra Won had a happy upbringing with parents who didn’t impose adult roles on her. They made sure that she had time to be a child, to play and to experience a wide variety of activities. Her entrance into adulthood was gradual and, in her mind, was marked by a variety of ordinary events in her life…https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/ss-cha/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Information technology for intellectual analysis of item descriptions in e-commerce

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    E-commerce is experiencing a robust surge, propelled by the worldwide digital transformation and the mutual advantages accrued by both consumers and merchants. The integration of information technologies has markedly augmented the efficacy of digital enterprise, ushering in novel prospects and shaping innovative business paradigms. Nonetheless, adopting information technology is concomitant with risks, notably concerning safeguarding personal data. This substantiates the significance of research within the domain of artificial intelligence for e-commerce, with particular emphasis on the realm of recommender systems. This paper is dedicated to the discourse surrounding the construction of information technology tailored for processing textual descriptions pertaining to commodities within the e-commerce landscape. Through a qualitative analysis, we elucidate factors that mitigate the risks inherent in unauthorized data access. The cardinal insight discerned is that the apt utilization of product matching technologies empowers the formulation of recommendations devoid of entailing customers' personal data or vendors' proprietary information. A meticulously devised structural model of this information technology is proffered, delineating the principal functional components essential for processing textual data found within electronic trading platforms. Central to our exposition is the exploration of the product comparison predicated on textual depictions. The resolution of this challenge stands to enhance the efficiency of product searches and facilitate product juxtaposition and categorization. The prospective implementation of the propounded information technology, either in its entirety or through its constituent elements, augurs well for sellers, enabling them to improve a pricing strategy and heightened responsiveness to market sales trends. Concurrently, it streamlines the procurement journey for buyers by expediting the identification of requisite goods within the intricate milieu of e-commerce platforms

    Цифрова трансформація міжнародної торгівлі в контексті глобальної конкуренції: технологічні інновації та інвестиційні пріоритети

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    In today's world, globalization and digital technologies are significantly transforming the landscape of international trade. Digital transformation has become a critical aspect that determines the competitiveness of countries and businesses in the international arena. The study aims to identify the impact of the digitalization of international trade on the economic development of countries and their competitiveness based on technological innovations that determine the future of global competition at the country and company levels, affect trade processes, and identify and justify investment priorities to support digital transformation in Ukraine. The study analyzes the impact of the digitalization of international trade on the economic development of countries, which is caused by the digital divide between developed and least developed countries (LDCs). Developed countries are characterized by Internet coverage and access of more than 90%, as opposed to LDCs, where the corresponding figure is less than 20%. Given the current conditions of access to the Internet, the countries of the latter group are not able to be fully involved in e-commerce and cross-border trade in digital products. An additional barrier to developing digital commerce in certain regions of the world is the need for more legislation on various e-commerce trade issues. The impact of the war in Ukraine on the e-commerce market is determined: the e-commerce market declined 12 times in 2022 compared to the pre-war period and began to recover gradually in 2023. The market is expected to recover almost fully in Ukraine by the end of 2023 or early 2024. The main challenge for Ukraine will be to expand the scope of the existing free trade agreements to cover services, e-commerce, and investment. Ukraine should become a significant player in several global markets for services and digital products, given the availability of an updated regulatory framework on these issues. E-commerce is expected to grow rapidly after the end of the war in Ukraine.У сучасному світі глобалізація та цифрові технології суттєво перетворюють ландшафт міжнародної торгівлі. Цифрова трансформація стала ключовим аспектом, що визначає конкурентоспроможність країн і підприємств на міжнародній арені. Метою дослідження є виявлення впливу цифровізації міжнародної торгівлі на економічний розвиток країн та їхню конкурентоспроможність, що базуються на технологічних інноваціях, які визначають майбутнє глобальної конкуренції на рівні країн і компаній та впливають на процеси торгівлі й визначення та обґрунтування інвестиційних пріоритетів для підтримки цифрової трансформації в Україні. У дослідженні проаналізовано вплив цифровізації міжнародної торгівлі на економічний розвиток країн, що зумовлений цифровим розривом між високорозвинутими та найменш розвинутими країнами (НРК). Для розвинутих країн характерне покриття й доступ до Інтернету більше ніж на 90% на противагу НРК, де відповідний показник менший за 20%. У відповідних умовах, що склалися з доступом до мережі «Інтернет», країни НРК не мають можливості бути повноцінно залученими до електронної комерції та транскордонної торгівлі цифровими продуктами. Додатковим бар’єром для розвитку цифрової торгівлі в окремих регіонах світу є відсутність законодавства з різних торговельних питань електронної комерції. Визначено вплив війни в Україні на ринок електронної комерції. Зазначено, що ринок електронної комерції скоротився у 12 разів у 2022 році порівняно з довоєнним періодом та почав поступово відновлюватися у 2023 році. Очікується, що ринок досягне майже повного відновлення в Україні до кінця 2023 року чи початку 2024 року. Головним завданням для України буде розширення сфери охоплення чинних угод про вільну торгівлю на сфери послуг, електронної комерції та інвестицій. Україна має стати вагомим гравцем на деяких світових ринках послуг і торгівлі цифровими продуктами, ураховуючи наявність оновленої нормативно-правової бази з цих питань. Передбачається, що електронна комерція буде швидко зростати після завершення війни в Україні


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    In today's world, globalization and digital technologies are significantly transforming the landscape of international trade. Digital transformation has become a critical aspect that determines the competitiveness of countries and businesses in the international arena. The study aims to identify the impact of the digitalization of international trade on the economic development of countries and their competitiveness based on technological innovations that determine the future of global competition at the country and company levels, affect trade processes, and identify and justify investment priorities to support digital transformation in Ukraine. The study analyzes the impact of the digitalization of international trade on the economic development of countries, which is caused by the digital divide between developed and least developed countries (LDCs). Developed countries are characterized by Internet coverage and access of more than 90%, as opposed to LDCs, where the corresponding figure is less than 20%. Given the current conditions of access to the Internet, the countries of the latter group are not able to be fully involved in e-commerce and cross-border trade in digital products. An additional barrier to developing digital commerce in certain regions of the world is the need for more legislation on various e-commerce trade issues. The impact of the war in Ukraine on the e-commerce market is determined: the e-commerce market declined 12 times in 2022 compared to the pre-war period and began to recover gradually in 2023. The market is expected to recover almost fully in Ukraine by the end of 2023 or early 2024. The main challenge for Ukraine will be to expand the scope of the existing free trade agreements to cover services, e-commerce, and investment. Ukraine should become a significant player in several global markets for services and digital products, given the availability of an updated regulatory framework on these issues. E-commerce is expected to grow rapidly after the end of the war in Ukraine

    Budgetary fund management in resource-constrained environments: Financing strategies

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    In the process of European integration, it is necessary to implement economic reforms to ensure effective management of state finances. Changes in budgetary relations and the allocation of budget monetary resources are observed in connection with the process of decentralisation and transformation processes in the budgetary system. The aim of this article is to establish the significance of financing budget managers, even under resource constraints. The study focuses on the process of financing budget managers. The research methods employed include analysis, systemic-structural, comparative-legal, and dialectical methods. The results indicate that the current state and societal development necessitate the establishment of a strong and effective state economy. The financing of budget managers under resource constraints is a pertinent issue. Recent events in the country highlight that local budgets encounter various problems and inconsistencies, mainly due to limited financial resources, unclear expenditure powers between different levels of the budgetary system, inefficient spending models, and low investment capacity. Planning and executing local budgets' expenditure is a crucial aspect of budget policy that determines the effectiveness of local self-government bodies in fulfilling their functions and powers. Financial constraints of the state are especially significant in relation to the competence level of participants in the budget process, the ability to allocate budget funds rationally and in line with the priorities of budget policy, and the need to achieve maximum effect with minimal costs for socio-economic development. Proper use of local budgets requires evaluating financial procedures, monitoring the fulfilment of budgetary powers, assessing expected results, and accurately defining needs, among other factors. To address financial constraints, it is necessary to review and adjust budget expenditures and regulate the powers of local authorities regarding expenditure. Increasing spending by local budgets to complete their own responsibilities will enhance the investment aspect of local self-government budgets

    Financial Analysis as An Effective Tool for Business Management: Identifying Trends and Optimizing Decisions

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    The issue of actualizing the phenomenon of financial analytics as an effective tool for managing and controlling business processes is becoming of paramount importance amid the active development of the transformation of the Ukrainian economic space. This situation is exacerbated by the digitalization of financial and economic processes, as well as the trend of global integration of the economic space. The study aims to analyze current trends in the development of the financial and analytical sphere as an effective management tool. The research was carried out using the following general scientific methods: multidisciplinary analysis, synthesis, specification, abstraction, induction and deduction, and formalization. The authors assessed the risks involved in the implementation of financial analysis, as well as the vectors of predictive development of its algorithm in the future. It has been found that the digital transformation of financial analysis processes is currently seen as an inevitable optimization stage in the development of the business environment. The authors have identified several dangers related to the use of artificial intelligence in financial analysis within the general trend of digitalizing accounting and economic procedures. The article substantiates that modern digitalization tools create an opportunity to simplify the processes of collecting and accumulating financial information. It has been proven that the implementation of effective financial analysis allows making effective management decisions in business processes. The results of the study may have practical value for optimizing economic activities

    Features of neuroendocrine-immune complex by various types of gall-bladder motility at men with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis

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    Background. In our last study has formed three homogeneous cholekinetics groups, namely: normokinesia a s well as hypertonic-hyperkinetic and hyperkinetic-hypertonic dyskinesia. The purpose of this study to identify the parameters of neuroendocrine-immune complex under which three types of the gall - bladder motility differ significantly from each other. Material and methods. The object of observation were the same ones 22 men aged 24-70 years old, who came to the spa Truskavets’ for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis combined with pyelonephritis in remission. On the tone and motility of gall-bladder judged by its fasting and postprandial volume. In the daily urine determined content of electrolytes: phosphates, calcium, potassium and sodium. Estimation state of central and autonomous nervous systems carried out by electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate variability (HRV). Immune status evaluated on a set of I and II levels recommended by the WHO. Results. The method of discriminatory analysis revealed 23 parameters (12 immune, 7 EEG and 2 HRV as well as Parathyrine activity and Popovych’s Adaptation Index), in the totality of which three types of cholekinetics are clearly delineated. Conclusion. The results confirm the pattern of the previously detected prior reactions of various systems of the organism to the balneofactors of the spa Truskavets’

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants

    Wong Family: Sandra Won (Middle)

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    Growing up in a close-knit Chinese family, Sandra Won had a happy upbringing with parents who didn’t impose adult roles on her. They made sure that she had time to be a child, to play and to experience a wide variety of activities. Her entrance into adulthood was gradual and, in her mind, was marked by a variety of ordinary events in her life…https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/ss-cha/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Musical and Aesthetic Education Older Preschool Children in the Process of Celebrations and Entertainment

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    У дослідженні теоретично обгрунтовано, та експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови музично- естетичного виховання дітей старшого дошкільного віку. З цією метою застосовано теоретичні, емпіричні, а також методи математичної стастистики.The research theoretically substantiate and experimentally verifies the pedagogical conditions of musical and aesthetic education of older preschool children. For this purpose theoretical empirical and methods are use mathematical statistics