1,623 research outputs found

    Dimension on Discrete Spaces

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    In this paper we develop some combinatorial models for continuous spaces. In this spirit we study the approximations of continuous spaces by graphs, molecular spaces and coordinate matrices. We define the dimension on a discrete space by means of axioms, and the axioms are based on an obvious geometrical background. This work presents some discrete models of n-dimensional Euclidean spaces, n-dimensional spheres, a torus and a projective plane. It explains how to construct new discrete spaces and describes in this connection several three-dimensional closed surfaces with some topological singularities It also analyzes the topology of (3+1)-spacetime. We are also discussing the question by R. Sorkin [19] about how to derive the system of simplicial complexes from a system of open covering of a topological space S.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, Latex. Figures are not included, available from the author upon request. Preprint SU-GP-93/1-1. To appear in "International Journal of Theoretical Physics

    Implementation of ICO European best practices by SMEs

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    The article deals with a new financial tool of attracting capital, known as Initial Coin Offering (ICO). In conditions of reduced banking lending and difficult access to finance for SMEs, ICO is viewed to be one of the possible ways to access capital. It considers the main advantages and disadvantages of ICO performance, including its typical features, challenges and regulatory approaches to tax regulation, cybersecurity. The authors of the article determine stages of the ICO mechanism, identifying potential risks and ways to mitigate them, focusing primarily on the need to control and regulate ICO projects. The authors identify the main types of ICO funding, including hybrid and pure funding. The research contains an analysis of ICO trends and their duration for the period of 2013-2017. The capital raised through ICO performance over the period of 2013-2017 is analysed, and determination of the exponential trend line showing the level of its approximation is determined. The study covers the territorial distribution of ICO, in which the top positions regarding the amount of capital raised by ICO are attributed to the USA and EU member states. The existence of ICO regulation in European countries, such as Switzerland and UK, was defined positive in terms of further development of the relevant regulation in the financial market. The article considers the best ICO practices in EU member states. To mitigate risks relating to ICO performance and to increase the level of investment, it would be reasonable to create regulatory rules in every country where cases of ICO performance are reported, based on the practice of the mentioned European countries. The authors give recommendations regarding ICO regulation in Ukraine, taking into consideration the relevant European experience

    Антимікробні властивості рослин Artemisia dracunculus L. (Asteraceae) у зв’язку з інтродукцією в Житомирському Поліссі

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    The antimicrobial activity of an ethanol extract obtained from above ground parts of Artemisia dracunculus L. (Asteraceae) is established for Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria, as well as a fungus (Candida albicans) The highest antimicrobial activity of extract was observed with S. aureus and С. albicans. An extract of A. dracunculus increased in 8 times value of minimal inhibitive concentration and minimal bactericidal/fungicidal concentration for S. aureus of ethyl alcohol (40%), in 2 times – bacteriostatic and bactericidal for E. coli, in 2 times – bacteriostatic effect for P. aeruginosa, in 8 times – fungicidal effect for C. albicans. The result shows a need of further pharmacological studies of A. dracunculus as a source for new antimicrobial drugs.Установлено антимікробну активність етанольного екстракту, отриманого з надземної частини рослин Аrtemisia dracunculus L.(Asteraceae), щодо грампозитивних (Staphylococcus aureus) і грамнегативних (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) бактерій та гриба Candida albicans. Найвищу антимікробну активність виявлено щодо штамів S. aureus та С. albicans. Екстракт А. dracunculus у 8 разів підвищував величину мінімальної інгібувальної концентрації та мінімальної бактерицидної/фунгіцидної концентрації щодо S. aureus, удвічі – бактеріостатичну та бактерицидну активність щодо E. coli, удвічі – бактеріостатичну активність щодо P. aeruginosa, у 8 разів – фунгістатичну та фунгіцидну дію щодо C. albicans. Отримані результати свідчать про необхідність проведення подальших фармакологічних досліджень рослин А. dracunculus з метою створення на його основі антимікробних препаратів

    Effect of Added Nitrogen on Properties of SiCN Films Prepared by PECVD Using Hexamethyldisilazane

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    Silicon carbonitride thin films were obtained by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using native precursor hexamethyldisilazane with a nitrogen addition. Films were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nanoindentation. It is established that all the films were X-ray amorphous. An increase in nitrogen flow rate leads to increasing the number of Si-N bonds, which, in turn, promotes the rise of nanohardness and elastic modulus up to 20 GPa and 160 GPa, respectively. The optimum deposition parameters were established. The films can be recommended as hard coatings for strengthening cutting tools. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3532

    Sociology of Self-Employment: On Determination of a Subject

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    Structural changes in demand and supply sectors within the Ukrainian labor market in late 1990s caused a phenomenon of reconsideration of an usual career of wage or salaried worker as the only one possible and acceptable. In search of work with satisfactory reward almost 10% of Ukrainians turned to self-employ ment — a new working activity with neither state nor research experience of dealing with. These people are neither considered as unemployed nor as entrepreneurs by themselves. The author is engaged in a problem of self-employment as a new labor market perspective, trying to fill the methodological gap within the Ukrainian social and economic sciences by means of conceptualization of self-employment and entrepreneurship. The author has presented a clarification of the pointed central concepts, their theoretical and empirical meanings based on a profound categorical analysis. The most appropriate, from the sociological point of view, definition of selfemployment suggested by author after generalization of Ukrainian, Russian, and foreign scientific resources would be important for consideration in further statistical and sociological survey of self-employment and its socio-economic interpretations

    Estimation of Reserves for Improving the Results of Patients with Multipresistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Application of Surgical Methods Based on Analysis of the Efficiency of Conservative Treatment of a Specified Cohort

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    In order to improve the results of treatment of patients with multi-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis with the use of surgical methods, the effectiveness estimation of conservative treatment of 176 patients with this form of tuberculosis according to cohort analysis data in two districts of Kyiv were done.In the list were included following parameters: type of the tuberculosis, its clinical-radiological form and the prevalence of the process, the results of conservative treatment in patients who completely finished the course of anti-TB chemotherapy and the results of conservative treatment of 81 patients who had indications for surgical treatment but had not been operated. Processing of the materials of the study was carried out with the use of licensed software products included in the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 package. The predicted results of treatment were calculated on the condition of surgical intervention.Out of the total sample of patients, 31.3 % of the patients completed treatment. Mortality was 16.5 %, transferred to palliative care 11.9 %. More than one in three patients (35.2 %) stopped treatment at different times from the start.According to the clinic of thoracic surgery SU "National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky NAMS of Ukraine ", the overall effectiveness of treatment for patients with limited multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with the use of surgical intervention is about 95 % in the absence of mortality. We have modelled the potential results of treatment of the selected cohort in case of the surgical stage is fully and timely applied in a complex of therapeutic treatment. If all 81 patients with indications for surgical treatment used that way, then, with the above efficiency, a complete cure could be predicted in 77 patients (44.5 % of the total number of observations), which in turn would allow predicting the achievement completion of treatment at 64.2 % with complete cure for 60.6 % of patients.Thus, it is established that the positive result of surgical treatment in the general complex of treatment measures in patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis is able to improve the results of treatment of this contingent more than twice, reduce the mortality almost by three times, reduce the need for repeated courses of treatment from 7.4 % to 1.7 %, as well as to reduce the epidemiological reservoir of infection due to a significant decrease in the number of patients with failure to treat tuberculosis, interrupted and palliative treatment


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    The most contradictions arise today over the pension system reforming. Each year the states spent significant resources to finance social and economic needs of the population. The positive effect of the nominal growth of the social and economic guarantees in Ukraine leveled nowadays in terms of financial, economic and political instability. Also the processes of depopulation have a very negative impact on the financial viability of the PAYG pension system. Given this, the research aim was to study and discuss tendencies in financial provision of the pension systems in the European countries and Ukraine under globalization. As a result in the process of research the main features of functioning and providing of the pension insurance systems in European countries and Ukraine were examined; the impact of the depopulation processes on the financial provision of the pension systems was determined; problems, related to introduction of the funded system of pension insurance were analyzed; the role of the minimum pension institute in provision of the effective pension system functioning was disclosed and recommendations in relation to optimization of pension insurance and providing сo-operation under globalization were developed. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15544/ssaf.2012.1