494 research outputs found

    Principal maize viruses in Mediterranean countries

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    Maize plants with virus-like symptoms were sampled in fields in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy in 1994. Disease incidence (%) and disease severity (1-6) were assessed. Leaf samples were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electroblot immunoassay (EBIA). Antisera against maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) (PAV- and RPV-like) were used in these tests. A higher disease incidence occurred in Italy and Greece than in Yugoslavia. MDMV was proved by both ELISA and EBIA in all maize genotypes in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy. None of the samples reacted with SCMV antibodies. A total of 13.7 and 11% of individual Greek samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively, while, 17.5 and 5% of Yugoslav samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively. Phragmites sp, a perennial maize weed, was also positive for PAV- and RPV- by ELISA

    Hydrogeothermal potentials of Rogozna mountain and possibility of their valorization

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    The subjects of this study are hydrogeothermal potentials of Rogozna mountain (Serbia) and possibility of their use. Thermo-mineral springs at the mountain's foothill are the leftovers from an intensive volcanic activity during the Tertiary. The most famous and the most valuable ones are the springs in Novopazarska Spa, Banjska and in the village of Vuca, with a number of springs yet to be examined. The hydrogeothermal potential of these springs is significant, with the total thermal power of 4.6 MWt and the thermal energy of 145.4 TJ/year, but these could be greatly enlarged through the additional investigation in the interior of Rogozna. It is believed that the primary reservoir lies at the approximate depth of 2 km and that the water temperature is about 120 degrees C. In the area of Rogozna mountain there are a lot of thermomineral springs (TM) with outlet temperature between 30 and 54 degrees C. The main goal of this study is to determine the thermo-mineral capacity and energy potential in the area of three spas. This study allows the hypothesis that thermo-mineral springs in the area of Rogozna mountain have large potential. The researched area of Rogozna mountain is insufficiently investigated geo-space, which is rich in thermo-mineral springs. Thermal sources in Rogozna mountain produce heat power of 4.6MWt or 1.4% of heat power given by all the sources in Serbia. The waters of these springs are solely used for balneological and recreational purposes. Yet they could successfully be used in warming and cooling the space, for greenhouses in fruit, vegetable and flower production. In the end, all geospatial data with the help of GIS advanced techniques were digitized and visualized

    Randomly oriented twin domains in electrodeposited silver dendrites

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    Silver dendrites were prepared by electrochemical deposition. The structures of the Ag dendrites, the type of twins and their distribution were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Z-contrast high angle annular dark field transmission electron microscopy (HAADF), and crystallographically sensitive orientation imaging microscopy (OIM). The results revealed that the silver dendrites were characterized by the presence of randomly distributed 180 degrees rotational twin domains. The broad surface of dendrites was of the {111} type. The directions of growth of the main dendrite stem and all branches were of the lt 112> type

    Modeling of street network assingment in different weather conditons

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    Poznato je da nepovoljne vremenske prilike utiču na promene u efikasnosti funkcionisanja urbanih transportnih sistema. Kao rezultat uticaja najčešće dolazi do povećanja vremena putovanja i nivoa zagušenja ulične mreže. Usled visokog nivoa urbanizacije i porasta saobraćaja postalo je posebno značajno pažnju posvetiti svim potencijalno negativnim uticajima na performanse saobraćajnog sistema. To je u velikoj meri doprinelo intenzivnijem istraživanju uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika na saobraćajni sistem. Fokus doktorske disertacije je stavljen na kvantifikaciju uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika na elemente ponude transportnog sistema, i implementaciju dobijenih rezultata u proceduru modeliranja opterećenja ulične mreže. Ovo je posebno značajno jer većina postojećih modela i metoda koji se koriste u procedurama planiranja saobraćaja ne uključuju faktor uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika, odnosno optimizirani su za idealne vremenske prilike. Specifičnost analiziranog uticaja, u smislu prostorne i vremenske dinamičnosti je uslovila potrebu da kroz disertaciju budu razvijeni posebni metodološki pristupi kvantifikacije uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika na kapacitet ulične mreže i brzinu kretanja vozila. Razvijenim metodologijama istraživanja je povećan nivo osetljivosti i preciznosti identifikovanih promena kao posledica uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika. Kao rezultat istraživanja generisani su koeficijenti osetljivosti elemenata transportne ponude na analizirani uticaj. Kategorije nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika u okviru kojih su analizirane promene u elementima ponude transportnog sistema definisane su u odnosu na klimatske katarakteritike područja istraživanja. Implementacija uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika u modeliranje opterećenja ulične mreže je, pored istraživanja osetljivosti elemenata ponude transportnog sistema, podrazumevala i modifikaciju funkcije vremena putovanja u odnosu na analizirani uticaj. Funkcija vremena putovanja predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih ulaznih parametara procedure modeliranja. Iako je kroz disertaciju metodologija modifikacije funkcije vremena putovanja razvijena na konkretnom tipu funkcije, karakteriše je opšta primenljivost. Testiranje i verifikacija metodologije implementacije uticaja nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika u proceduru modeliranja opterećenja ulične mreže su realizovani na primeru Transportnog modela Beograda...It is generally know that adverse weather conditions cause changes in functional efficiency of the urban transportation system, which results in larger travel times and higher congestion levels in street networks. Considering urbanization and traffic increase, it became particularly important to pay attention to any potentially negative impacts on the transportation system performance. It has largely contributed to a more intensive research of adverse weather impact on the urban transportation system. The focus of this dissertation is quantification of adverse weather impact on the transport supply elements, and implementation of obtained results in the procedure of the street network assignment modeling. This is particularly important because most of the existing models and methods used in transportation planning does not include the factor of adverse weather impact, i.e. models and methods are optimized for ideal weather conditions. The specificity of the analyzed impact, in terms of spatial and temporal dynamics, has caused the need to develop particular methodological approaches for quantifying the adverse weather impact on the street network capacity and vehicle speed. Level of sensitivity and precision of identified changes caused by adverse weather impact by developed methodologies, was improved. As a research result the sensitivity coefficients of transport supply elements on the analyzed impact, are generated. Categories of adverse weather conditions within which were analyzed changes in the transport supply elements are defined according to climate characteristics of research area. Implementation of adverse weather impact in the street network assignment modeling is beside the research of transport supply sensitivity, also implied the modification of travel time function according to the analyzed impact. The travel time function represents one of the most important input parameters in street network assignment modeling. Although, the methodology of travel time function modification was based on a specific function type, it is characterized by a general applicability. Implementation methodology of adverse weather impact in the street assignment modeling were tested and verified in the case of the Transport model of Belgrade..

    Terminology development in power engineering based on natural language processing methods Развитие терминологии в энергетике на основе методов обработки естественного языка

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    У овом раду анализира се развој терминологије из области електроенергетике применом метода обраде природних језика. Рад је подељен на осам поглавља и обрађује општу теорију терминологије као научног домена, међународне и домаће институције које учествују у њеном креирању, развој специјализоване терминологије на српском језику, примену корпусне лингвистике у терминолошким истраживањима, као и корпусне алате и језичке ресурсе који се примењују приликом обраде текстова корпуса. Паралелни корпуси представљају двојезичне односно вишејезичне корпусе текстова који су веома значајни у лингвистичким истраживањима. Развој паралелног корпуса текстова из домена електроенергетике (ElEner) започет је упоредо са израдом ове докторске дисертације. У поступку њене израде, анализирано је 76 докумената насталим у периоду од 2005. до 2016. године, који и чине овај корпус. Реч је текстовима законодавне, техничке и научне природе на српском и енглеском језику. У дисертацији је темељно анализиран процес одабира и прикупљања материјала за корпус, обрада текстова применом одговарајућих језичких ресурса и алата за српски и енглески језик, паралелизација текстова, екстракција терминологије на српском и енглеском језику, поравнавање и упаривање комада и термина, као и евалуација резултата добијених термина и терминолошких парова. Након завршеног процеса евалуације, сви исправно евалуирани парови су укључени у терминолошку базу података Termi, која подржава развој терминолошких речника у различитим областима (математика, рачунарство, рударство, библиотекарство, рачунарска лингвистика, електроенергетика, итд.), као и обраду и презентацију термина на српском, енглеском, немачком и француском језику, и извоз у различите излазне формате. Ова база је тако допуњена новим лексичким јединицама из домена електроенергетике на српском и енглеском језику, као и њиховим синонимима. Добијена листа преводних парова послужила је за генерисање двојезичног речника из домена електроенергетике. Произведени паралелни корпус ElEner смештен је у дигиталну библиотеку Библиша која омогућава вишејезичко претраживање великих колекција поравнатих текстова. Претраживање ове дигиталне библиотеке обавља се помоћу лексичких ресурса који омогућавају морфолошко и семантичко проширење постављених упита. Добијени терминолошки парови представљају основу за развој новог модерног речника из области електроенергетике, чиме се уједно отвара могућност и за унапређење и проширивање терминолошке базе Електропедија. Поступак обраде текстова предложен овом дисертацијом показао се применљивим и корисним и у другим доменима. У истраживањима која ће уследити, циљ је да се побољша предложена техника укључивањем аутоматске валидације добијених двојезичних термина кандидата у постојећу процедуру, на основу најсавременијих техника машинског учења.This paper analyzes terminology development in power engineering domain using natural language processing methods. The paper is divided into eight chapters and deals with the theory of terminology as an academic field in general, with international and domestic institutions involved in terminology development, development of specialized terminology within power engineering domain in Serbian language, the application of corpus linguistics in terminological research, as well as corpus processing tools and language resources. Parallel corpora are bilingual or multilingual corpora of texts that are very important in linguistic research. The development of a parallel corpus composed of texts in power engineering domain (ElEner) started with the preparation of this doctoral dissertation. The corpus is composed of technical, scientific and legislative texts both in Serbian and English published from 2006 until 2015. The dissertation thoroughly analyzes the process of text selection and collection, text processing techniques using appropriate language resources and tools for Serbian and English, parallelization of texts, extraction of terminology in Serbian and English, alignment and matching of chunks and terms, and evaluation of obtained results. After the evaluation process is completed, all correctly evaluated pairs are included in the Termi terminology database, which supports the development of terminological dictionaries in various fields (mathematics, computing, mining, librarianship, computational linguistics, power engineering, etc.), as well as processing and presentation of terms in Serbian, English, German and French and their export to various output formats. This database is thus upgraded with new lexical units and synonyms from the power engineering domain in Serbian and English. The obtained list of translation pairs was used for power engineering bilingual dictionary development. The new aligned ElEner corpus is stored in digital library Bibliša, which enables multilingual search of large collections of aligned texts. The search of this digital library is performed using lexical resources that enable morphological and semantic expansion of the queries. The obtained terminological pairs represent the basis for the development of a new modern dictionary in the field of power engineering, and provide an opportunity for the improvement and expansion of the terminology base of Electropedia. The text processing procedure proposed by this dissertation has proven to be applicable and useful for application in other domains as well. In the future research, the goal is to improve the proposed technique by including automatic validation of the obtained bilingual terms of the candidates in this routine, based on the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques

    Application of multiparametric cardiac measurement system in ejection fraction calculation

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    Ejection fraction (EF) is the most used parameter for characterisation of Heart Failure (HF) condition. EF is commonly calculated using echocardiography, which is an expensive non–invasive method and not used in primary healthcare. Systolic time intervals (STI) represent a non-invasive and inexpensive method for determination of EF[1, 2]. Heart failure (HF) is the single most expensive diagnosis in medicine. 2–3% of adult population in developed countries have HF diagnosis. It is not detectable by ECG test and it is commonly detected in a late stage, when the process is irreversible [2-5]. In this paper, a multiparametric cardiac measurement system for determination of STI is presented. Measurement system consists of sensors for simultaneous acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG), phonocardiographic (PCG), photopletysmographic (PPG) and cardiovascular (CV) pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals are measured by long period grating (LPG) fiber-optic sensors[6]. Two non-invasive methods for measuring systolic time intervals (STI) were applied on a set of 6 healthy volunteers, based on ECG, PCG and CV pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals were measured on carotide arthery with PPG and LPG sensors. In the first method, EF was calculated from the obtained STI signals, using CV carotide pulsations measured with the PPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.68, with maximal standard deviation of 0.05. In the second method, EF was obtained using CV carotide pulsations measured with LPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.66, with maximal standard deviation 0.06. Calculated values of EF with both methods were in the 0.55 to 0.75 range which corresponds to normal EF range in healthy individuals

    Effect of the orientation of the initially formed grains on the final morphology of electrodeposited lead

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    The processes of Pb electrodeposition under diffusion control were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the formed crystals. The orientation of grains of hexagonal shape formed in the initial stage of electrodeposition strongly affected the final morphology of the Pb crystals. The formation of Pb crystals of the different shape from the same initial shape was discussed in terms of the effect of orientation of initially formed grains on the type of diffusion control. A spherical diffusion layer was formed around the tip of the hexagonal-shaped grain oriented with its tip towards the bulk solution that led to the formation of elongated crystals in the growth process. On the other hand, a cylindrical type of diffusion was responsible for the growth of hexagonal-shaped grains oriented with the lateral side towards the bulk solution. Pb crystals with well-defined sides parallel to the surface area of the macroelectrode were formed under this type of diffusion

    Relationships Between Bone Treatment Conditions and Co2+ Sorption Capacities

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    Co-60 is an important radionuclide in spent nuclear fuel and liquid radioactive wastes. For the purification of water containing Co2+, ions sorption on hydroxyapatite (Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) can be applied. The process is particularly cost-effective if biological apatite from animal bones is utilized. In this study, dependence between bovine bone treatment conditions and Co2+, sorption was investigated as a function of initial metal concentration. Eight sorbents were previously prepared using fractional factorial design, by simultaneous variations of five process variables between two levels: factor A-the type of the chemical reagent (H2O2 or NaOH), factor B-reagent concentration (0.1 mol/L or 2 mol/L), factor C-reaction temperature (20(o)C or 60(o)C), factor D-contact time (1h or 3h) and factor E-sample annealing (without or at 400(o)C). At this point, the effects of treatment factors on Co2+, sorption efficiency were evaluated using statistical analysis. Amounts of Co2+ sorbed, amounts of released Ca2+ ions and final pH values were considered as system responses. The results showed that the impact of various treatment factors was different for different starting concentrations of Co2+. Consequently, no statistically important relations could be established between treatment conditions and Co2+, sorption from 10(-4) and 5*10(-4) mol/L solutions, whereas thermal treatment at 400(o)C was the only statistically significant factor influencing sorption from the most concentrated solution (5*10(-3) mol/L). Depending on initial Co2+, concentration, various factors had statistically significant effect on equilibrium pH values, whereas no relation was found between bone treatment conditions and the amounts of Ca2+, released during the sorption.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr