37 research outputs found

    Russian national interests formation

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    This masterā€™s thesis aims to unpack the discourses on Russian national interest (RNI) formation. Referring to the timeframe from 2012 to 2017, this thesis tries to answer questions regarding the construction of Russian national interests and seeks to understand how the annexation of Crimea changed discourses on national interest formation. As a territory represents one of the most important constitutive parts of each state, when a government decides to change the borders, it goes through the process of legitimisation for the particular move. This legitimisation is usually done through the reference to national interests therefore additional focus of the research is on the discursive coherence behind RNI. Rejecting the realist assumptions on national interests, and by combining a constructivist approach in foreign policy analysis and poststructuralist methods of discourse analysis, this thesis seeks to offer a comprehensive understanding of the RNI during Putinā€™s third term. The main analysis refers to the official speeches and interviews of the Russian President, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. This thesis finds that several changes have occurred. Firstly, Russia has changed discourses on national sovereignty. Secondly, Russian world doctrine in its expansionist form has played an important role in national interests redefinition. Thirdly, discursive portrayal of Russia as a great power after the annexation of Crimea went into status maintainer direction. Finally, the annexation of Crimea has accelerated Russian devotion to Eastern dimension of foreign policy. Russia has moved into uncertain direction both internationally and domestically with no clear idea of its nation which leaves the concept of national interests as vague and uncertain.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4701018*es

    VII stručno-naučni skup sa međunarodnim učeŔćem ā€žAktuelnosti u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji osoba sa smetnjama u razvojuā€œ

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    VII stručno-naučni skup sa međunarodnim učeŔćem ā€žAktuelnosti u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji osoba sa smetnjama u razvojuā€œ

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    Characteristics of the serbian version of the aims2 for people with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Reumatoidni artritis (RA) je bolest koja u velikoj meri određuje funkcionisanje osobe zbog čega je važno ustanoviti kvalitet života ovih individua. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prevod Upitnika za procenu uticaja artritisa 2 (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2) na srpski jezik, i procena njegovih mernih svojstava kod osoba sa RA u Srbiji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno onlajn krajem 2021. godine, a uzorak su činile 106 ispitanica sa RA koje su anonimno popunile online formu upitnika koji je postavljen na druÅ”tvene mreže. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su visoku pouzdanost celokupne skale, dok je objektivnost instrumenta postignuta standardizacijom načina na koji se instrument zadaje, ocenjuje i tumači. Istraživanje je pokazalo i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika među ispitanicima iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine ni na jednom od subtestova upitnika, a to je ispitivano zbog eventualnih jezičkih i kulturnih razlika koje postoje. Preporuka za buduća istraživanja je ispitivanje upitnika u test-retest situaciji, uvođenje kom- plementarnog upitnika, kao i da u nekom narednom koriŔćenju ovog instrumen- ta na srpskom jeziku u njegovom prevodu učestvuju reumatolozi, kao i osobe koje boluju od RA.__Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and heterogeneous disease that largely determines a personā€™s physical and social functioning, which is why it is very important to establish the quality of life of these individuals. The aim of this research is the translation of the Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 (AIMS 2) into Serbian, and the assessment of its measurement properties in people with RA in Serbia. The research was conducted online at the end of 2021, and the sample consisted of 106 respondents with RA who anonymously filled out an online form of the questionnaire that was posted on social networks. The results of the research showed high reliability of the entire scale, while the objectivity of the instrument was achieved by standardizing the way the instrument is assigned, evaluated and interpreted. The research also showed that there is no statistically significant difference between respondents from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on any of the subtests of the questionnaire, and this was investigated due to possible linguistic and cultural differences that exist. The recommendation for future research is to examine the questionnaire in a test-retest situation, to introduce a complementary questionnaire, as well as to involve rheumatologists and people suffering from RA in translation of the questionnaire into Serbian language in any future use of it

    Aktivni i pasivni model u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve

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    Koncept kognitivne rezerve relevantan je pojam u svakoj situaciji u kojoj mozak pretrpi neku povredu, a kao ideja počinje da se javlja usled ponovljenog zapažanja da ne postoji direktna veza između moždane patologije, odnosno oÅ”tećenja mozga i kliničke manifestacije tog oÅ”tećenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se pregledom dostupne literature analizira koncept kognitivne rezerve i prikaže distinkcija između pasivnih i aktivnih modela u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve. Istraživanja pokazuju da kognitivnu rezervu možemo razumeti kao faktor koji modifikuje odnos između patologije mozga i njene kliničke manifestacije, pri čemu viÅ”i stepen kognitivne rezerve deluje kao protektivni faktor u razvoju različitih neuroloÅ”kih simptoma. Pasivni model rezerve usko je vezan sa pojmom kapaciteta rezerve mozga i pretpostavlja da će se klinički deficit pojaviti onda kada se kapacitet rezerve iscrpi preko određenog kritičnog praga. U osnovi aktivnog modela stoje kognitivna rezerva i kompenzatorni mehanizmi mozga. Koncept kognitivne rezerve primenljiv je na skoro svaku situaciju u kojoj je funkcionisanje mozga na neki način poremećeno, te se u literaturi navode stanja poput Alchajmerove demencije, Parkinsonove bolesti, multiple skleroze, traumatske povrede mozga, psihijatrijskih poremećaja, itd. Merenje koginitivne rezerve zavisi od uvažavanja aktivnog ili pasivnog modela pri operacionalizaciji rezerve. Opravdanost izučavanja koncepta kognitivne rezerve može se ogledati u mogućnosti istraživanja varijabilnosti u individualnim performansama, kao i u razumevanju funkcionisanja mozga pod različitim vrstama patologije

    Characteristics of the serbian version of the aims2 for people with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Reumatoidni artritis (RA) je bolest koja u velikoj meri određuje funkcionisanje osobe zbog čega je važno ustanoviti kvalitet života ovih individua. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prevod Upitnika za procenu uticaja artritisa 2 (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2) na srpski jezik, i procena njegovih mernih svojstava kod osoba sa RA u Srbiji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno onlajn krajem 2021. godine, a uzorak su činile 106 ispitanica sa RA koje su anonimno popunile online formu upitnika koji je postavljen na druÅ”tvene mreže. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su visoku pouzdanost celokupne skale, dok je objektivnost instrumenta postignuta standardizacijom načina na koji se instrument zadaje, ocenjuje i tumači. Istraživanje je pokazalo i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika među ispitanicima iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine ni na jednom od subtestova upitnika, a to je ispitivano zbog eventualnih jezičkih i kulturnih razlika koje postoje. Preporuka za buduća istraživanja je ispitivanje upitnika u test-retest situaciji, uvođenje kom- plementarnog upitnika, kao i da u nekom narednom koriŔćenju ovog instrumen- ta na srpskom jeziku u njegovom prevodu učestvuju reumatolozi, kao i osobe koje boluju od RA.__Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and heterogeneous disease that largely determines a personā€™s physical and social functioning, which is why it is very important to establish the quality of life of these individuals. The aim of this research is the translation of the Arthritis impact measurement scales 2 (AIMS 2) into Serbian, and the assessment of its measurement properties in people with RA in Serbia. The research was conducted online at the end of 2021, and the sample consisted of 106 respondents with RA who anonymously filled out an online form of the questionnaire that was posted on social networks. The results of the research showed high reliability of the entire scale, while the objectivity of the instrument was achieved by standardizing the way the instrument is assigned, evaluated and interpreted. The research also showed that there is no statistically significant difference between respondents from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on any of the subtests of the questionnaire, and this was investigated due to possible linguistic and cultural differences that exist. The recommendation for future research is to examine the questionnaire in a test-retest situation, to introduce a complementary questionnaire, as well as to involve rheumatologists and people suffering from RA in translation of the questionnaire into Serbian language in any future use of it

    Aktivni i pasivni model u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve

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    Koncept kognitivne rezerve relevantan je pojam u svakoj situaciji u kojoj mozak pretrpi neku povredu, a kao ideja počinje da se javlja usled ponovljenog zapažanja da ne postoji direktna veza između moždane patologije, odnosno oÅ”tećenja mozga i kliničke manifestacije tog oÅ”tećenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se pregledom dostupne literature analizira koncept kognitivne rezerve i prikaže distinkcija između pasivnih i aktivnih modela u tumačenju kognitivne rezerve. Istraživanja pokazuju da kognitivnu rezervu možemo razumeti kao faktor koji modifikuje odnos između patologije mozga i njene kliničke manifestacije, pri čemu viÅ”i stepen kognitivne rezerve deluje kao protektivni faktor u razvoju različitih neuroloÅ”kih simptoma. Pasivni model rezerve usko je vezan sa pojmom kapaciteta rezerve mozga i pretpostavlja da će se klinički deficit pojaviti onda kada se kapacitet rezerve iscrpi preko određenog kritičnog praga. U osnovi aktivnog modela stoje kognitivna rezerva i kompenzatorni mehanizmi mozga. Koncept kognitivne rezerve primenljiv je na skoro svaku situaciju u kojoj je funkcionisanje mozga na neki način poremećeno, te se u literaturi navode stanja poput Alchajmerove demencije, Parkinsonove bolesti, multiple skleroze, traumatske povrede mozga, psihijatrijskih poremećaja, itd. Merenje koginitivne rezerve zavisi od uvažavanja aktivnog ili pasivnog modela pri operacionalizaciji rezerve. Opravdanost izučavanja koncepta kognitivne rezerve može se ogledati u mogućnosti istraživanja varijabilnosti u individualnim performansama, kao i u razumevanju funkcionisanja mozga pod različitim vrstama patologije


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    There is a large number of treatment types offered to parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but they are particularly vulnerable to the promoters of pseudoscience, which can lead to the use of ineffective types of treatment. This study represents an attempt to document the types of treatments used by parents of children with ASD in the Republic of Serbia. Secondary aim was to determine if certain parent or child characteristics influenced the types of treatments used. Modified version of survey constructed and conducted by Green, et al. (2006) was used. Nearly all (n=85) of the 86 treatments listed in our survey were being currently used or used in the past by at least one parent and the most commonly used treatment is speech and language therapy. The treatments were grouped into ten categories and the most commonly used is other treatments (80.6%), followed by standard therapies (79.2%) and vitamin supplements (65.3%).  It is also of great importance to educate the parents of children with ASD about evidence-based treatments and on how to distinguish them from treatments that do not have empirica

    BPM izložbeni salon [42. Salon arhitekture]

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    Prodajni BPM lokal se nalazi u objektu u ul. Kralja Milana br.13 u Beogradu. Izložbeni salon satova i nakita BPM je rekonstruisan u postojećem gabaritu, na nivou prizemlja i galerije. Projektom adaptacije je postavljen savremeni koncept izložbenog salona prodavnice satova za potrebe investitora. Osnovni koncept funkcionalne organizacije prostora predstavlja praćenje kretanja korisnika od ulaza, izložbenih elemenata u vitrinama, izložbenog stola za sastanke i komunikaciju sa klijentima, prodajnog pulta pa do servisnih i pratećih prostora na galeriji objekta. Svi projektantski radovi su realizovani u svrhu unapredjenja estetike i standarda prostora ā€“ zamenjene su sve podne obloge, sva unutraÅ”nja stolarija, zavrÅ”ne obrade zidova, kao i postojeća tehnička infrastrukturna. ZavrÅ”nom obradom plafona je restaurirana orginalna dekoraciji. Svi novoprojektovani elementi nameÅ”taja su koncipirani u minimalističkom maniru kako bi se postigao efekat jednostavnosti i estetske usaglaÅ”enosti. Formiran je konzolni zid na metalnoj podkonstrukciji od istegnutog lima, obrade natur aluminijum, dok je zid sa druge strane izložbenog stola je formiran u molerskoj tehnici beton. Novoprojektovani izgled je formiran u nameri da sa minimalnom opremom I eksponatima omogući maksimalnu transparentnost I vizuelnu dostupnost sadržaja lokala. Kolorna gama podržava estetiku I sam brend BPM kompanije. Dizajn osvetljenja prati koncept enterijera ā€“ sveden i u funkciji eksponata, sa svetiljkama na plafonu, svetiljkom na visilici iznad izložbenog stola, led trakama koje naglaÅ”avaju zidne ravni i vitrine. Intervencijom je postignuta potreba investitora za adekvatnom prezentacijom eksponata, kako u fasadnoj ravni tako i po celom ambijentu, potencirajući osnovne postulate industrije satova- preciznost, prefinjenost u kombinaciji materijala i vrhunski dizajn.The BPM sales office is located in the building at ul. Kralja Milan No. 13 in Belgrade. The BPM watch and jewelry showroom has been reconstructed in the existing dimensions, on the ground floor and gallery level. The adaptation project established a modern concept of a watch store showroom for the needs of investors. The basic concept of the functional organization of the space is the monitoring of the movement of users from the entrance, exhibition elements in showcases, the exhibition table for meetings and communication with clients, the sales counter, and the service and support areas in the building's gallery. All design work was carried out in order to improve the aesthetics and standards of the space - all floor coverings, all interior joinery, wall finishes, as well as the existing technical infrastructure were replaced. The original decoration was restored by finishing the ceiling. All newly designed furniture elements are conceived in a minimalist manner in order to achieve the effect of simplicity and aesthetic harmony. A cantilever wall was formed on a metal substructure made of stretched sheet metal, treated with natural aluminum, while the wall on the other side of the exhibition table was formed using the concrete painting technique. The newly designed appearance was formed with the intention of providing maximum transparency and visual accessibility of the premises' contents with minimal equipment and exhibits. The color range supports the aesthetics of the BPM company brand itself. The lighting design follows the concept of the interior - reduced to the function of exhibits, with lamps on the ceiling, a lamp on the pendant above the exhibition table, led strips that emphasize the wall surfaces and showcases. The intervention achieved the investor's need for an adequate presentation of the exhibits, both in the facade plane and throughout the environment, emphasizing the basic postulates of the watch industry - precision, refinement in the combination of materials and top design.Photography: Relja Ivani

    The perception of quality from the inside : interviews with the directors of the public and university libraries

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    Rad prikazuje rezultate individualnih razgovora obavljenih u 2008. i 2010. godini s dvadesetak ravnatelja narodnih i visokoÅ”kolskih knjižnica u Republici Hrvatskoj na temu organizacijske kulture u njihovim knjižnicama. Ravnatelji, između ostalog, govore o kvaliteti njihovih knjižnica, položaju knjižnica u zavičajnoj zajednici (narodne) odnosno matičnoj organizaciji (visokoÅ”kolske), suparnicima koje knjižnice imaju, iŔčekivanjima korisnika i načinima zadovoljavanja njihovih potreba, potrebi mjerenja uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja itd. Rezultati prikazani u ovom radu dio su rezultata prikupljenih znanstvenim projektom Vrednovanje knjižničnih i informacijskih usluga : narodne i akademske knjižnice.This paper presents the results of individual interviews on organizational culture in libraries with twenty Croatian library directors and Chief Librarians conducted in the period between 2008 and 2010. Library directors talk, among other things, about library quality, position of libraries in local community (public libraries) or within the institutions of higher education (academic libraries), their competition, user expectations and ways to fulf ll them, the need to measure the performance of their libraries, etc. The results presented in this paper are only part of results collected through the scientific project entitled Evaluation of library and information services : public and academic libraries