76 research outputs found

    Implementation Principles of the Religious Component in the Russian Educational System: Approaches and Solutions

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    An active discussion of the questions of the advisability of forming new principles of national unity and creating an orderly harmonious world in the minds of people, strengthening the educational functions of the state, its concern for public morality do not primarily concern education, humanization of its content, and revision of the educational process. The formation and implementation of a state policy adequate to this problem must comply with the requirements of our time, create, on the one hand, conditions for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, including the observance of the fundamental principles of religious freedom, and on the other, develop legislative norms that regulate these rights. A legal democratic state provides for the formation of public policy in accordance with the needs of society and taking into account public thought. The secular nature of public education is not an obstacle to the introduction of disciplines in the provision of religious knowledge in the educational process of schools, religious knowledge can and should be considered as an element of secular culture. Knowledge of religion should be carried out by secular teachers, be neutral in content and not be accompanied by religious rites. The problems of the formation of moral and spiritual values, the worldview of a person, the introduction of religious disciplines in secondary schools are vividly discussed in scientific, educational, government circles, as well as among representatives of the clergy. The religious component in secular education will give importance to folk culture and traditional religion, which will form concepts such as tolerance and respect for other faiths and cultures, which is important in the context of globalization of the world

    Student Youth Legal Consciousness: Formation Problems and Prospects

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    The Article Relevance. In order to build the state of law and civic society, it is necessary to increase legal education of all citizens of the state in the field of human rights and freedoms, forms and methods of their protection. It is especially important to involve young people in this process actively, instill in them the desire to know more about their rights and show more interest in the legal field. The aim of the study is a systematic analysis of the legal consciousness of young people and the forms of organization of legal education of young people. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows determining the level of development of the legal consciousness of students. Research results: the article analyzes the forms of organization of young people’s legal education; recommendations on the use of forms of organization of young people’s legal education are developed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the legal activity of students was studied. The low awareness of students about the laws on the rights of youth and the youth environment was revealed. It is shown that the core in the formation of a young person’s social activity is ideological nature. It is revealed that students allocate informing, training, consulting and propagandizing forms of legal education of young people. It is shown that in higher educational institutions, legal education of young people is organized through training, informing and propagandizing forms through seminars, lectures, round tables, discussion clubs, mass media, printed publications, the Internet, social advertising. It is determined that for the organization of youth legal education one should take into account the wishes of the students: to develop programs of volunteerism, including the legal education of young people as activity; to develop a network of free youth agencies, in which young people can get all kinds of advice; regularly hold free legal aid. Insufficient legal literacy of students and unwillingness of the majority of students to participate in the solution of any social problems are revealed. It is shown that students demonstrate political passivity due to frustration and distraction of moral guidelines. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in legal psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    The Interrelationship between Coping Strategies and Socio-Psychological Competency of University Students’ Personality

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    In contemporary society characterized by socio-economic and political instability, the problem of studying the factors and mechanisms that contribute to the constructive resolution of life difficulties and counteracting their negative consequences is very important. This paper contains the results of an empirical study of the characteristics and relationships of students’ coping behavior with different levels of their socio-psychological competency. The research methods comprised the following: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). The characteristics of indicators of socio-psychological competency were determined with the use of the technique for assessing socio-communicative competency, as well as a questionnaire that reveals the possibility of using socio-psychological skills by a person in difficult life situations. To study coping behavior, the following were used: “The ways of coping questionnaire” and “The youth coping scale”. The validity and reliability of the research results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of tested tools, representativeness of the research sample, as well as mathematical processing of data with the help of software package for statistical analysis. The conclusions have been drawn that the basis of constructive mechanisms to overcome difficult life situations is a high level of formation of professional skills and abilities, introversion, motivation to achieve success, high intellectual development, moral standards, a high level of development of communication skills. It is these mechanisms that make it possible to resolve problem situations and tasks at work in a productive way. Their absence or a low level of development contributes to the dominance of situational methods of overcoming difficult life situations that impede professional formation and personal development

    External Causes in the Structure of Premature Mortality in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The purpose of this survey was to study the rate, trends and patterns of mortality from external causes in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [RS(Y)]. A retrospective analysis of statistical data on mortality rate (MR) of the population in Yakutia in the period between 1990 and 2017 was carried out. The results obtained suggest that the population mortality pattern in Yakutia consists of a high proportion of losses from external causes in young age groups. Suicides dominate the structure of external causes of death in Yakutia (20.7% in 2017), followed by homicides (13.6%), cold temperature exposures (11.4%) and road traffic accidents (8.7%). The annual loss of the working-age population in RS(Y) makes up over 40% in the total number of deaths. In the structure of the causes of mortality of the working-age population during the entire study period, accidents, poisonings and injuries ranked first, followed by circulatory system diseases and neoplasms. Thus, the main trends that have a negative impact on the creation of the workforce system in RS(Y) are as follows: the high MR of the working-age population of both sexes; the overmortality of working-age men; the prevalence of preventable causes of death of an exogenous nature (accidents, poisonings, injuries); and an increased share of retirement-age people, resulting in an increased demographic load on the able-bodied population

    Electrospark doping of steel with tungsten

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    The paper is devoted to the numerical modeling of thermal processes and the analysis of the structure and properties of the surface layer of carbon steel subjected to electrospark doping with tungsten. The problem of finding the temperature field in the system film (tungsten) / substrate (iron) is reduced to the solution of the heat conductivity equation. A one-dimensional case of heating and cooling of a plate with the thickness d has been considered. Calculations of temperature fields formed in the system film / substrate synthesized using methods of electrospark doping have been carried out as a part of one-dimensional approximation. Calculations have been performed to select the mode of the subsequent treatment of the system film / substrate with a high-intensity pulsed electron beam. Authors revealed the conditions of irradiation allowing implementing processes of steel doping with tungsten. A thermodynamic analysis of phase transformations taking place during doping of iron with tungsten in equilibrium conditions has been performed. The studies have been carried out on the surface layer of the substrate modified using the method of electrospark doping. The results showed the formation in the surface layer of a structure with a highly developed relief and increased strength properties