2,755 research outputs found

    Predictors of recall and reading time for seductive and nonseductive text segments

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    This correlational study explored how concreteness, relevance, importance, and interestingness related to the recall of seductive details and base text, while controlling for text coherence, and student background knowledge. Previous research has provided evidence for the significant relationship between these variables and the seductive details effect in particular and text recall in general. However, this is the first study to consider all these variables simultaneously. A group of 68 undergraduates read an expository text on lightning formation, performed an immediate test on free recall, and rated each text sentence for concreteness, relevance, importance, and interestingness. A simple regression analysis revealed that only interest significantly improved students\u27 recall of seductive sentences. However, none of the four ratings or the reading time predicted recall of base text sentences. Results regarding reading time demonstrated that seductive sentences were read faster than base text sentences. Strong positive correlation was revealed between relevance and importance. This result indicated that in the absence of explicit relevance instruction, relevance and importance could be used interchangeably. Significant positive correlation was revealed between concreteness and interest. However, this correlation was lower than expected. This result was interpreted in the light of Dual Coding Theory

    Observational concepts and experience

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    The thesis is intended to contribute to the growing understanding of the indispensable role played by phenomenal consciousness in human cognition, and specifically in making our concepts of the external world available. The focus falls on so called observational concepts, a type of rudimentary, perceptually-based objective concepts in our repertoire — picking out manifest properties such as colors and shapes. A theory of such concepts gets provided, and, consequently, the exact role that perceptual consciousness plays in making concepts of this sort available gets settled. In the first half of the thesis, observational concepts get construed as a special type of recognitional concepts. On an analogy with perceptual demonstratives, having such concepts would involve having non-trivial knowledge of their reference. The experiential basis of such concepts would, among other things, provide for such constitutive knowledge. The theoretical background relevant to the hypothesis gets provided in the first chapter. A defence of the hypothesis follows in the second. In the second half of the thesis, care is taken to distinguish among two ways in which the constitutive knowledge of the reference of an observational concept could be fleshed out. In the third chapter, perceptual experience is shown to provide the basis both for knowledge of observational properties by acquaintance, and for knowledge of the essence of such properties — provided that knowledge of essence gets construed in the right, modest way. It might be natural to take knowledge by acquaintance to be the sort relevant to observational concept possession, especially given that in the case of perceptual demonstratives this is the role likely played by experience. However, this initial impression proves to be mistaken. The constitutive knowledge of the referent of an observational concept turns out to consist in the capacity to determine a priori the essence of the respective property. To show this, an argument gets provided in the penultimate fourth chapter, based on the key role played by experiences of instances of observational properties in optimal viewing conditions in enabling the possession of the respective observational concept

    Cyber security standards and issues in V2X communications for Internet of Vehicles

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    Significant developments have taken place over the past few years in the area of vehicular communication systems in the ITS environment. It is vital that, in these environments, security is considered in design and implementation since compromised vulnerabilities in one vehicle can be propagated to other vehicles, especially given that V2X communication is through an ad-hoc type network. Recently, many standardisation organisations have been working on creating international standards related to vehicular communication security and the so-called Internet of Vehicles (IoV). This paper presents a discussion of current V2X communications cyber security issues and standardisation approaches being considered by standardisation bodies such as the ISO, the ITU, the IEEE, and the ETSI

    Capillary Bridges — A Tool for Three-Phase Contact Investigation

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    Subject of investigation are capillary bridges (CB) between two parallel solid plates normally oriented to the gravity field. Presented are results of study of CB with negligible gravity effects and CB undergoing observable gravitational deformations. Among the discussed problems some new aspects of the CB behavior are formulated. One of them is the so-called stretching thickness limit, i.e. the maximal thickness above which a CB of given volume and contact angles cannot exist. It is shown that the stretching thickness limit of a concave CB substantially differs from that of a convex one. Analysis of the forces acting on CB plates is presented. It clearly demonstrates that the gravity part of the forces, relative to the part of capillary forces, increases with stretching. Most of the observed effects are interpreted on the basis of the two CB radii of curvature analysis, thus avoiding the ponderous procedures of obtaining (integrating) the CB generatrix profile. The success of this approach lies in its combination with image analysis of CB profile. Discussed are the contact angle hysteresis effects at CB stretching and pressing

    Varijabilnost biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma karakačanske ovce

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    Karakachan sheep represents an endangered, indigenous sheep breed from Balkan Peninsula. There is relatively little information about the characteristics of this sheep breed in the veterinary scientific literature. The aim of this research was an examination of certain metabolic profile parameters of the Karakachan sheep blood serum, and variability of their concentrations in comparison to age and some other indigenous sheep breeds from Balkans. Examination was conducted on 14 clinically healthy sheep divided in two age groups. Blood samples were collected by puncture of v. jugularis and blood serum was separated after spontaneous coagulation. The concentrations of total protein, albumin, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, aspartate amino transferase (AST) and γ- glutamyl transferase (GGT) were determined. In relation to age of Karakachan sheep, statistically significant difference between the calculated mean values of examined parameters was not observed. A statistically significant difference was found between the mean concentrations of the studied parameters in Karakachan sheep and other breeds in total protein (Tsigai, Dubrovnik and Dalmatian sheep), albumin (Dalmatian), calcium and inorganic phosphorus (Tsigai, Dubrovnik) and AST's (Dalmatian, Karakachan sheep from Bulgaria).Karakačanska ovca je ugrožena autohtona rasa ovaca sa Balkanskog poluostrva, o čijim rasnim karakteristikama postoji relativno malo podataka. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se u uzorcima krvnog seruma ispitaju određeni biohemijski parametri karakačanske ovce i ustanove odstupanja njihovih vrednosti u odnosu na starost karakačanske ovce, kao i u odnosu na vrednosti istih parametara kod drugih autohtonih rasa ovaca Balkana. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 14 klinički zdravih ovaca podeljenih u dve starosne grupe. Uzorci krvi uzimani su punkcijom v. jugularis iz kojih je, nakon spontane koagulacije i centrifugovanja, izdvojen krvni serum. Određivane su koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcijuma, neorganskog fosfora, aspartat amino transferaze (AST) i γ-glutamil transferaze (GGT). U odnosu na starost karakačanske ovce, nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika između izračunatih srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih parametara. Statistički značajna razlika je ustanovljena između srednjih vrednosti koncentracija ispitivanih parametara karakačanske ovce i drugih rasa za: ukupne proteine (cigaja, dubrovačka i dalmatinska ovca), albumin (dalmatinska), kalcijum i neorganski P (cigaja i dubrovačka) i aktivnosti AST-a (dalmatinska, karakačanska ovca iz Bugarske)

    Determination of reducing carbohydrates in natural honey samples by optical micrometry method

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    The present article deals with the determination of the total amount of glucose and fructose in natural honey samples by the optical micrometry (OM) method. (Poly)vinyl alcohol spherical granules impregnated with a 0.05 mol/l borax solution were chosen as a sensitive element. It was shown that the formation of chelate esters of boron with polymer and carbohydrates is a pH-dependent process, and that the pH range 8.5–10.0 is the most appropriate for quantifying the total amount of reducing carbohydrates because glucose and fructose are undiscriminated. The impregnated polymer is not sensitive to the sucrose presence in the solution due to the absence of cis-diol fragments in it. Subsequently, the OM method was tested in the analysis of natural honey samples. The relative standart deviation in the case of OM method is less than 6%, and the results are similar to those obtained by the iodometric titration method. This makes the OM method suitable for laboratory-scale applications

    Identification and tunable optical coherent control of transition-metal spins in silicon carbide

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    Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors are attractive systems for quantum technologies since they can combine long-coherent electronic spin and bright optical properties. Several suitable centers have been identified, most famously the nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond. However, integration in communication technology is hindered by the fact that their optical transitions lie outside telecom wavelength bands. Several transition-metal impurities in silicon carbide do emit at and near telecom wavelengths, but knowledge about their spin and optical properties is incomplete. We present all-optical identification and coherent control of molybdenum-impurity spins in silicon carbide with transitions at near-infrared wavelengths. Our results identify spin S=1/2S=1/2 for both the electronic ground and excited state, with highly anisotropic spin properties that we apply for implementing optical control of ground-state spin coherence. Our results show optical lifetimes of \sim60 ns and inhomogeneous spin dephasing times of \sim0.3 μ\mus, establishing relevance for quantum spin-photon interfacing.Comment: Updated version with minor correction, full Supplementary Information include

    The “NMDNI” Project

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    The article is devoted to the study of the social reception of the Soviet past in the contemporary Russian media practice. The authors proceeded from the hypothesis that the specifics of the reproduction and perception of media images representing the Soviet period of history can be revealed through the social phenomenon of nostalgia. The authors distinguish two types of nostalgia: reflexive and restorative. The research interest is focused on the reflexive type of nostalgia as a process of formation of mythologized and idealized images of the past. In addition, the study uses the concept of post-memory proposed by M. Hirsch. Leonid Parfyonov’s Internet project “NMDNI” was used as an example of such a mediator, which also represents a reflexive type of nostalgia. The purpose of the study was the viewers’ reaction to the content of the project. Thus, the aim of the article is to study the impact of the media strategies of constructing the image of the USSR on the YouTube audience. Active viewers’ reaction in the YouTube-project “NMDNI” allows us to consider Leonid Parfyonov as a significant subject of the construction of the post-memory of the Soviet Union. As a result of the analysis of the most popular comments, it was concluded that there is a public demand for reflective nostalgia as a way of perceiving the Soviet past

    Non-invasive analysis of intestinal development in preterm and term infants using RNA-Sequencing

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    The state and development of the intestinal epithelium is vital for infant health, and increased understanding in this area has been limited by an inability to directly assess epithelial cell biology in the healthy newborn intestine. To that end, we have developed a novel, noninvasive, molecular approach that utilizes next generation RNA sequencing on stool samples containing intact epithelial cells for the purpose of quantifying intestinal gene expression. We then applied this technique to compare host gene expression in healthy term and extremely preterm infants. Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate repeatable detection of human mRNA expression, and network analysis shows immune cell function and inflammation pathways to be up-regulated in preterm infants. This study provides incontrovertible evidence that whole-genome sequencing of stool-derived RNA can be used to examine the neonatal host epithelial transcriptome in infants, which opens up opportunities for sequential monitoring of gut gene expression in response to dietary or therapeutic interventions