68 research outputs found

    Identificação da raça alfa do Colletotrichum lindemuthianum e reação de cultivares de feijoreiro ( Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    The objective of this work was to identify the races of bean anthracnose, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magn.) Scrib. which occurred in two different regions of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil during the 1964-65 season. A second objective was to discover the sources of resistance to this disease. Nineteen single spore cultures were prepared for inoculation on 161 bean cultivars from IPEAS = Instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Sul, and IPEAME = Instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária Meridional. These cultivars were grown in the greenhouse. The experimentation was carried out in the greenhouse without temperature control. The North American cultivars used as differential varieties for race identification were: Dark Red Kidney, Michelite and Perry Marrow. The alpha race of this fungus was identified. Only 16.1% of the cultivars tested were resistant to the disease.O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de identificar as raças de antracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum ( Sacc. & Magn.) Scrib.) do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) que ocorreram no ano de 1964/65 em duas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul e conhecer as fontes de resistência às mesmas. Foram realizadas 19 culturas monospóricas em laboratório e testados em casa de vegetação, sem controle de temperatura, 161 cultivares da coleção de feijoeiro do instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Sul (IPEAS) e Instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária Meridional (IPEAME), usando-se como diferenciais os cultivares americanos Dark Red Kidney, Michelite e Perry Marrow. Foi identificada a raça "alfa" e apenas 16,1% dos cultivares foram resistentes

    Incidencia de la rendición de cuentas en los estados financieros de una institución pública del departamento de Lambayeque.

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    La Investigación denominada Incidencia de la rendición de cuentas en los Estados Financieros de una institución pública del departamento de Lambayeque, considerando como objetivo establecer la eficacia de los factores que influyen para una rendición de cuentas oportuna de la Empresa para el logro y la eficiencia de los recuperos. Por lo que se empleó la metodología de la investigación cuantitativa, con diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, alcance correlacional y se estableció el cuestionario con 15 colaboradores, en base a la escala de Likert. Estos instrumentos elaborados para cada variable, los mismos que han sido validados por los tres expertos, y se logró la confiabilidad de 0.75 y 0.83 para cada variable con el coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados más trascendentes fueron que la rendición de cuentas, con un 53.33% consideran que es alto, y el 46.66% medio, concluyéndose con el 100% de confianza con los Estados Financieros


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    O mundo atual necessita de uma adequação cada vez mais intensa e constante do ordenamento jurídico, a fim de se aperfeiçoar a tutela dos vários interesses protegidos pela norma legal, solucionando-se com presteza os conflitos submetidos à apreciação do Poder Judiciário. A questão inerente ao ativismo se torna ainda mais evidente quando isso envolve questões políticas ou direito sociais, o que leva esse fenômeno a ser um gerador de grandes debates em todo o mundo. Neste âmbito, enquanto alguns acreditam que o ativismo judiciário é necessário para preencher lacunas deixadas pelo legislativo e proteger direitos e valores fundamentais, outros argumentam que isso pode violar a separação dos poderes e a imparcialidade do sistema judicial. Nesse viés, fundamenta-se esse trabalho numa análise crítica construtiva da sistemática do poder criativo dos juízes, sem extrapolar os preceitos fundamentais, com uma análise de decisões por parte do Supremo Tribunal Federal, mais especificamente um estudo a respeito do chamado Inquérito da Fake News

    Identificação de raças fisiológicas da ferrugem (Uromyces phaseoli typica Arth.) do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em duas regiões fisiografias do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil

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    In 1965 and 1966 a survey was made of physiologi cal races of rust (Uromyces phaseoli var. typica Arth.) of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from samples collec ted on the Encosta do Sudeste in the counties of Pelotas and São Lourenço and on the Serra do Su deste in the counties of Piratini and Ganguçu of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Fifteen races were identified by use of the reaction of six differential varieties adopted by Harter and Zaumeyer (1941) following the scale of reading of reaction of the varieties adopted by Harter and Dongo and Crispin (1962). The races of greatest frequency were B1 and B2 du ring 1965 and 1966. Races B2, B3, B5 and B10 increased in 1966; whereas races B1, B4, B6, B7, B8 and B11 decreased. Race B15 remained constant. Races B12 and B14 were isolated only in 1965 and B12 only in 1966.Em 1965 e 1966 foi realizado o levantamento das raças fisiológicas da ferrugem (Uromyces phaseoli var. typica Arth.) do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) de amostras colhidas na Encosta do Sudeste, nos Municípios de Pelotas e São Lourenço e na Serra do Sudeste, Município de Piratini e Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram identificadas 15 raças com base na reação de 6 variedades diferenciais adotadas por Harter e Zaumeyer (1941), obedecendo a escala de leitura de reação das variedades ao patógeno elaborada por Dongo e Crispin (1962). As raças de maior frequência foram B e B2, durante 1965 e 1966. As raças B2, B3, B5, e B10 aumentaram sua frequência em 1966, enquanto as raças B1, B4, B6, B7, B8, B9, B11, diminuíram. A raça B15, permaneceu constante. As raças B12, e B14, foram isoladas apenas no ano de 1965 e a B12 no ano de 1966

    Psihometrijska svojstva upitnika Oral Health Impact Profile od 14 stavki prevedenoga na makedonski jezik

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    Objective: Due to the consideration that oral/dental health is an important part of general health, well-being, and an individual’s quality of life, the need for appropriate instruments assessing oral health-related quality of life is emphasized. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Oral health-related quality of life questionnaire consisting of 14 questions among the Macedonian language-speaking adults (OHIP-MAC 14). Material and methods: A total of 270 adults participated in the study. The reliability of the questionnaire was examined by testing the internal consistency and reproducibility (test-retest). The responsiveness of the instrument was tested by computing the pre-intervention and post-intervention OHIP-14 scores using the paired t-test followed by the determination of the effect-size. The two aspects of the construct validity were evaluated: concurrent validity and discriminative validity. Results: A concurrent validity analysis confirmed that the instrument performed well. Discriminative validity also confirmed good psychometric properties (P<0.01). The ICC statistics and the Cronbach alpha coefficients indicated the appropriate reliability of the instrument for the included groups of participants. The responsiveness of the questionnaire was also acceptable (P<0.01) demonstrating the large effect-size of 1.43. Conclusion: The OHIP 14 MAC showed acceptable psychometric properties and can be recommended as a valuable instrument in assessments of the Oral health-related quality of life in the Republic of North Macedonia.Svrha istraživanja: S obzirom na to da je oralno/dentalno zdravlje važan dio općega zdravlja te dobrobiti i kvalitete života pojedinca, ističe se potreba za odgovarajućim instrumentima za procjenu kvalitete života povezane s oralnim zdravljem. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti psihometrijska svojstva upitnika o kvaliteti života povezanog s oralnim zdravljem koji se sastoji od 14 pitanja među odraslim osobama koje govore makedonskim jezikom (OHIP-MAC 14). Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 270 odraslih osoba. Pouzdanost upitnika analizirana je ispitivanjem unutarnje konzistentnosti i ponovljivosti (test-retest). Responzivnost instrumenta testirana je izračunavanjem rezultata OHIPa-14 prije intervencije i poslije nje korištenjem uparenoga t-testa nakon čega je slijedilo određivanje veličine učinka. Procijenjena su dva aspekta valjanosti konstrukta – konkurentna valjanost i diskriminirajuća valjanost.Rezultati: Konkurentna analiza valjanosti potvrdila je da je instrument dobro funkcionirao. Diskriminacijska valjanost također je potvrdila dobra psihome-trijska svojstva (P < 0,01). ICC statistika i Cronbachovi alfa koeficijenti upućivali su na odgovarajuću pouzdanost instrumenta za uključene skupine sudionika. Pokazujući veliku veličinu učinka od 1,43, responzivnost upitnika također je bila prihvatljiva (P < 0,01). Zaključak: OHIP 14 MAC pokazao je pri-hvatljiva psihometrijska svojstva i može se preporučiti kao vrijedan instrument u procjeni kvalitete života povezane s oralnim zdravljem u Republici Sjevernoj Makedoniji

    Electron spin resonance on hybrid nanocomposites based on natural rubber

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    Electron spin resonance (ESR) was used as a new method to analyze the synergy between two nanofillers dif-ferent by nature, form and rigidity dispersed in natural rubber matrix. Natural rubber (NR) nanocomposites loaded with fixed amount of carbon nanotubes (2 parts per hundred of rubber parts ; phr) and various amounts of expanded organically modified montmorillonite (EOMt, 4–20 phr) were investigated. The dependence of the double integral of the resonance spectra on the amount of EOMt present in the natural rubber was established. Its decrease with an in-creaseof the amount of EOMt confirmed the synergy between these two nanofillers. Also DMA temperature sweep measurements were performed and the cluster-cluster aggregation (CCA) model was used to assess the apparent filler networking energy. The obtained results suggest that the presence of the EOMt above a critical amount strengthens the hybrid-filler networking

    Evaluation of the in vitro bee venom release and skin absorption from bioadhesive gel formulation

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    Topical and transdermal drug delivery are one of the most suitable alternative, non-invasive routes for administration of drugs in clinical practice mainly due to the increased patient compliance and reduced systemic drug side effects. Many drug products applied to the skin surface may penetrate to some extent into the skin layers, where their effects are expected, as for example, topical formulations for the treatment of different local skin disorders. Also, significant concentrations of drug could be absorbed by the body regions close to the site of delivery, where regional effects are expected, for e.g., in the muscles, local blood vessels and articulations. Arthritis is a systemic, autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of joints. Inflammatory cytokines cause activation of the macrophages which leads to swelling of joints, damage to cartilage, bone erosion , functional impairment and stiffness. Bee venom (BV) contains a variety of peptides, including melittin, apamin, adolapin, the mast-cell degranulating peptide, enzymes (phospholipase [PL] A2), biologically active amines (histamine and epinephrine) and nonpeptide components with anti�inflammatory, anti-arthritis, anticoagulant, antimicrobial, anticancer and anti-nociceptive properties. Melittin, a major peptide component of BV shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti�arthritis properties and inhibitory activity on nuclear factor kappaB which is involved in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and may be essential for the treatment of arthritis using BV. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of crude BV as an active ingredient, as well as to evaluate the in vitro release and skin absorption of BV from a designed topical gel formulation