322 research outputs found

    Applying Grounded Theory to Weight Management among Women: Making a Commitment to Healthy Eating

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    In this study we developed a theory grounded in data from women who continued healthy eating behaviors after a weight management program. Participant recruitment was guided by theoretical sampling strategies for focus groups and individual interviews. Inclusion criteria were: African American or Caucasian women aged 30+ who lost \u3e 5% of their body weight in a weight management program \u3e year ago. Participants \u3e 5% below their baseline weight were maintainers (n = 9); those above were non-maintainers (n = 14). We asked open-ended questions regarding healthy eating behaviors. The systematic design is described in detail, including categories from open coding, connection during axial coding, and integration into a theory, labeled Commitment to Healthy Eating, during selective coding. Procedures for establishing credibility are also included

    Sisters in the Sacred Grove: Catholic Women Religious as Faculty Members at Public Universities

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    This study addresses the lack of scholarly attention focused on educational contributions of Catholic women religious educators. Using a qualitative multiple case study, this research describes the academic experiences of Catholic sisters, or women religious, serving as faculty at public universities in the South. The study highlights issues related to gender, religious identity, environment, relationships, and experiences and perceptions of others as they pertain to the academic experiences of Catholic women religious. Implications of the study point to an underutilization of the outsider perspective which could potentially benefit the academy, as well as the need for diversity training in the academy. The study expands the knowledge base for subsequent research in the areas of Catholic women religious faculty members in higher education and religious identity of faculty members in higher education

    Advanced teaching module for the course "Theory of Probability and Statistics" based on a recurrent test system with an incremental level of complexity and dynamical case studies

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    [EN] This paper presents an innovative approach to teaching the discipline ‘Theory of probability and statistics ‘, which based on recurrent test system with an incremental level of complexity and on a dynamic block of case studies generated by information received online (by using Thomson-Reuters informational terminals). The model of the so-called "recurrent testing" allows to increase significantly the student's knowledge level. The idea is to build such a system of successive tests, which takes into account at each subsequent step the results of the previous one, thereby each time modifying the task to the level of the tested and gradually increasing its level of knowledge, and, consequently, the quality of learning as a whole. It is important that, regardless of the starting point the recurrent testing system converges quickly to the trainee's knowledge level. The method is also described by the case study 'Modeling of the stages of development of the company based on real data'. The adequacy of conclusions obtained with this approach have been shown, that is an additional advantage of the proposed model of learning.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Mochalina, E.; Ivankova, G.; Tatarnikov, O. (2018). Advanced teaching module for the course "Theory of Probability and Statistics" based on a recurrent test system with an incremental level of complexity and dynamical case studies. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 597-604. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8041OCS59760

    Gender health inequalities and economic productivity in OECD countries

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    The presented study deals with the relations between the economic life of developed countries and the health of women and men. The primary objective of the presented study was to assess the relations between gender health inequalities and economic productivity in a sample of OECD countries, with a focus on the classification of their health care systems. Analyses included selected causes of mortality as health variables, each in a specification of men and women, and economic productivity represented by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person employed (in USD at current prices). The health care systems were represented by multiple insurance model (MI), national health system (NHS) and single payer model (SPM). The analysed data were collected from OECD databases for the period from 2011 to 2016. The analytical processing was carried out by applying descriptive analysis, regression analysis examining the effects of gender inequalities in health on economic productivity, and relationship analysis. Based on the findings, it can be stated that the vast majority of gender inequalities in health is significant. Also, it has been confirmed that gender inequalities in health have an effect on economic productivity. In general (with a few exceptions), it can be concluded that if gender inequalities in health are reduced, economic productivity is expected to increase. From the point of view of the analysed relations, the NHS health care system can be considered the most positive

    Mõistemetafoor ja selle liigitamine. Eesti autorite metafoori käsitlusi

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    Labor values of modern youth

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    В статье осуществлен анализ профессиональной ориентации представителей современной молодежи, обучающихся по разным направлениям. Выявлены основные ценности молодых людей, знания студентов о будущей профессии и желание работать по выбранной специальности. Исследование осуществлено с помощью социологического опроса среди молодежи.The article analyzes the professional orientation of representatives the modern youth, studying in different directions. The basic values of young people, students' knowledge about the future profession and desire to work in the chosen specialty. Research carried out by means of a sociological survey among young people

    Интелектуальная собственность в Украине

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    Иванкова В. А. Интелектуальная собственность в Украине / В. А. Иванкова // Римське право як підґрунтя сучасного права Європи : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 27 травня 2016 р.) / за заг. ред. Є. О. Харитонова ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2016. - С. 182-184

    Актуальні стратегії розвитку суспільно-релігійних організацій: соціологічний аналіз

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    The article attempts to outline specific features of the development strategy of modern social and religious organizations on the example of Caritas Ukraine as a «complex organization».  By applying organizational (A. Etziony) and network (M. Newman) analysis, using data leitmotiv expert interviews the article describes practices of establishment of partnership networks of social and religious organizations. Benefits and risks of such kind organizations are evaluated. In this context, the network should be viewed as a structure that is formed between individuals or organizations, and displays various connections between them.Three types of partnership networks are detected, namely, networks of target interaction, networks of horizontal internal interaction and networks of horizontal external interaction. It is emphasized that the development of partnership networks of social and religious organizations is an actual strategy and a prerequisite for their development. В статті робиться спроба окреслення особливостей стратегії розвитку сучасних суспільно-релігійних організацій на прикладі Карітасу України як «складної організації». Через застосування організаційного (А. Етціоні) та мережевого (М. Ньюмен) аналізів, з використанням лейтмотивних експертних інтерв’ю, пропонується опис практик формування партнерських мереж суспільно-релігійними організаціями та оцінюються переваги і ризики таких організацій. У визначеному контексті мережу пропонується розглядати як структуру, яка формується між окремими особами або організаціями, і відображає різні зв'язки між ними. Виявлено три типи партнерських мереж, а саме, мережі цільової взаємодії, мережі внутрішньої горизонтальної взаємодії та мережі зовнішньої горизонтальної взаємодії. Підкреслюється, що розбудова партнерських мереж суспільно-релігійних організацій є  дієвою стратегією та обов’язковою умовою їх розвитку.