13 research outputs found

    The effect of acute cold and permanent light to left ventricular of the rat heart

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    Akutní chladová expozice zvyšuje riziko náhlých srdečních příhod, podobně expozice stálému světlu negativně působí na kardiovaskulární systém. Nicméně individální působení těchto faktorů a vliv jejich kombinace na kardiomyocyty není dosud znám. Práce se zabývá vlivem 3 denní chladové expozice a stálého světla na expresi β-adrenergních receptorů a spřažených G- proteinů ve spojitosti s apoptotickými signály v levé komoře srdce potkana kmene Wistar. V rámci této práce byly stanoveny apoptotické proteiny BAX, BCL2, kaspáza 8 a významné komponenety β-adrenergní signalizace - β-adrenergní receptory β1, β2, G-proteiny, Gαs, Gi1/2 a Gi3. Relativní exprese proteinů byla analyzována pomocí metody Western blot. Výsledky potvrzují detrimentální vliv chladové i světelné expozice. Avšak synergický účinek těchto dvou stresorů ukazuje překvapivé výsledky.Acute cold exposure increases the risk of sudden cardiac events, similarly exposure to constant light negatively affects the cardiovascular system. However, the individual effects of these factors and the effect of their combination on cardiomyocytes are not yet known. The thesis deals with the influence of a 3 day cold exposure and constant light on the expression of β-adrenergic receptors and associated G-proteins in association with apoptotic signals in the left ventricle of the Wistar rat heart. In this work apoptotic proteins BAX, BCL2, caspase 8 and important components of β-adrenergic signalization - β1, β2, G-proteins, Gas, Gi1/2 and Gi3 were determined. The relative expression of the proteins was analyzed by Western blotting. The results confirm the detrimental effect of cold and light exposure. However, the synergistic effect of these two stressors shows surprising results.Katedra fyziologieDepartment of PhysiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Human Infections by Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: A Mini-Review and the First Report of a Burn Wound Infection after Accidental Myiasis in Central Europe

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    Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica are bacteria that cause rare infections, typically associated with the infestation of an open wound with fly larvae. Here, we present a unique case report of the first W. chitiniclastica isolation from a burn wound with accidental myiasis in a 63-year-old homeless man and a literature review focused on human infections caused by these bacteria. So far, 23 cases of infection with W. chitiniclastica have been reported; in 52% of these, larvae were found in the wound area. Most of these cases suffered from chronic non-healing wound infections but none of these were burn injuries. The overall fatality rate associated directly with W. chitiniclastica in these cases was 17%. Infections with parasitic larvae occur in moderate climates (especially in people living in poor conditions); therefore, an infection with rare bacteria associated with accidental myiasis, such as W. chitiniclastica, can be expected to become more common there. Thus, in view of the absence of recommendations regarding the treatment of patients with accidental myiasis and, therefore, the risk of infection with W. chitiniclastica or other rare pathogens, we provide a list of recommendations for the treatment of such patients. The importance of meticulous microbial surveillance using molecular biological methods to facilitate the detection of rare pathogens is emphasized

    A Case of an Epignathus with Intracranial Extension Appearing as a Persistently Open Mouth at 16 Weeks and Subsequently Diagnosed at 20 Weeks of Gestation

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    ABSTRACT: We report a rare case of oral mass (epignathus) with intracranial extension originally suspected antenatally at 16 weeks' gestation because of a persistent open mouth. Postmortem MRI and pathologic examination of the fetus confirmed an oral teratoma with bilateral ventricular dilatation, corpus callosum agenesis, and a neuroepithelial intracranial cyst. The relevant literature regarding this anomaly is reviewed

    Antibacterial Effects of Desinfectants

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    Katedra biologie a environmentálních studiíPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    The effect of acute cold and permanent light to left ventricular of the rat heart

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    Acute cold exposure increases the risk of sudden cardiac events, similarly exposure to constant light negatively affects the cardiovascular system. However, the individual effects of these factors and the effect of their combination on cardiomyocytes are not yet known. The thesis deals with the influence of a 3 day cold exposure and constant light on the expression of β-adrenergic receptors and associated G-proteins in association with apoptotic signals in the left ventricle of the Wistar rat heart. In this work apoptotic proteins BAX, BCL2, caspase 8 and important components of β-adrenergic signalization - β1, β2, G-proteins, Gas, Gi1/2 and Gi3 were determined. The relative expression of the proteins was analyzed by Western blotting. The results confirm the detrimental effect of cold and light exposure. However, the synergistic effect of these two stressors shows surprising results

    The effect of acute cold and permanent light to left ventricular of the rat heart

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    Acute cold exposure increases the risk of sudden cardiac events, similarly exposure to constant light negatively affects the cardiovascular system. However, the individual effects of these factors and the effect of their combination on cardiomyocytes are not yet known. The thesis deals with the influence of a 3 day cold exposure and constant light on the expression of β-adrenergic receptors and associated G-proteins in association with apoptotic signals in the left ventricle of the Wistar rat heart. In this work apoptotic proteins BAX, BCL2, caspase 8 and important components of β-adrenergic signalization - β1, β2, G-proteins, Gas, Gi1/2 and Gi3 were determined. The relative expression of the proteins was analyzed by Western blotting. The results confirm the detrimental effect of cold and light exposure. However, the synergistic effect of these two stressors shows surprising results

    The Employment Rate Based on the Present Valid Legal Amendment and Role of the Employment Bureau

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    This thesis is based on the current status of unemployment in the Czech Republic, on the current applicable legislation, and it takes into account the latest regulations of the Labor Code and the Employment Act. It also focuses on the work of the employment bureaus, particularly their retraining activities. It also analyzes the issue of so-called illegal employment. The practical part of the thesis covers the situation on the labor market in the Kutná Hora region. We studied the rate of unemployment and its flow in the individual micro-regions. We analyzed the structure of job seekers in terms of education and age. We also focused on the problems of the youth, school graduates, foreigners and handicapped people on the labor market in the area. During the period in question we evaluated the active employment policy of the Kutná Hora employment bureau. Here we performed an analysis of retraining of the job seekers, their placement and success on the labor market. The thesis provides a picture of the employment policy in the Czech Republic, which can be used to acquire comprehensive knowledge of this area

    Principle of Material Need Benefits

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    Bakalářská práce Princip dávek hmotné nouze se zabývá problematikou osob v hmotné nouzi a představením základních pojmů hmotné nouze. Dále zde nalezneme změny, které velmi ovlivnily výplatu dávek typizovanými poukázkami na nákup základních potřeb člověka.Cílem práce je tedy popsat princip dávek pomoci v hmotné nouzi a zhodnocení legislativní změny související s výplatou dávek pomoci v hmotné nouzi formou typizovaných poukázek.The bachelor thesis Principle of Material Need Benefits deals with the issue of people in material need, introducing the basic concepts of material need. In addition, there are changes that have greatly affected the payment of benefits by standardized vouchers for the purchase of basic human needs.The aim of the thesis is to describe the principle of assistance benefits in material need and to evaluate the legislative change related to the payment of benefits for assistance in material need in the form of standardized vouchers.2

    Kameradschaftsbund in years 1933-1936

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    Práce reflektuje vývoj organizace Kameradschaftsbund (KB) v letech 1933-1936. Práce je uvedena analýzou ideového jádra KB, které představuje učení Othmara Spanna.V práci je sledován vztah mezi příslušníky Kameradschaftsbundu a radikální proněmecky orientovanou skupinou v rámci Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront.Katedra historických vědObhájenoThe thesis reflects the progress of Kameradschaftsbund (KB) from 1933 to 1936. The thesis starts by analysing the ideological core of KB, represented by phylosophy of Othmar Spann. The thesis monitors relation between members of Kameradschaftsbund and radical Sudeten Germans within Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront