71 research outputs found

    Subverzija roda i viktorijana u noveli "Morpho Eugenia " A. S. Byatta

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    The article explores the concept of Victoriana and its relationship to the Victorian as presented in A. S. Byatt’s novella “Morpho Eugenia” from Angels and Insects (1992). The analysis is done on two levels: firstly, on the level of form, or different narrative strategies that Byatt is using in order to make her text “Victorian.” Secondly, the article detects, explores and describes those aspects of Victoriana in “Morpho Eugenia” which relate to the gender roles and relationships of its three central characters: William Adamson, Eugenia Alabaster and Matty Crompton. The argument is based on the supposition that Byatt uses Adamson’s character in order to both alienate the reader from and attract her/him to the text by reversing the gender roles and subverting our expectations of “Victorian” fiction. By choosing the “New Woman” Matty over the “Old Woman” Eugenia, Adamson’s character confirms and promotes the progressive worldviews thus addressing not only the Victorian time but our own time (and expectations) as well.Rad istražuje koncept viktorijane i njegov odnos prema „viktorijanskim” elementima prikazanim u noveli A. S. Byatt „Morpho Eugenia” iz zbirke Angels and Insects (1992). Rad analizira različite narativne strategije koje Byatt koristi kako bi svoj tekst učinila „viktorijanskim” te otkriva, istražuje i opisuje one aspekte viktorijane u „Morpho Eugeniji” koji se odnose na rodne uloge i veze njezinih središnjih likova: Williama Adamsona, Eugenije Alabaster i Matty Crompton. Teza se temelji na pretpostavci da je Byatt upotrijebila lik Adamsona kako bi čitatelj/ic/e naizmjence otuđila od teksta i privukla tekstu zamjenjujući rodne uloge i iznevjerujući naša očekivanja od „viktorijanske” novele. Birajući Matty, „ženu novog kova/doba” umjesto Eugenije, „žene starog kova/doba”, lik Adamsona potvrđuje i promiče progresivne svjetonazore, ostavljajući iza sebe stari svijet i njegovu logiku zajedno s čitateljskim predrasudama o viktorijanskom razdoblju


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    Svrha ovog rada je ukazati na trenutno stanje grada Sinja te mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja grada. Grad ima povoljan položaj, ugodnu klimu i obilje vode, što daje mogućnosti za veliki i bolji razvoj. Brojna zbivanja, poglavito Domovinski rat, usporila su razvoj i napredak grada, a veliki problem stvara i nedostatak radnih mjesta, posebno za mlade školovane ljude. Svoj razvoj treba što više temeljiti na razvoju turizma i nastojati poboljšati kvalitetu življenja, kako bi stanovništvo ostalo u gradu.The purpose of this paper is to show the current status of Sinj and the possibility of further development of the city. The city has a convenient location , comfortable climate and abundance of water , which gives the possibility for a large and increasing development. Numerous events , especially War , slowed the development and progress of the city and the big problem is a lack of jobs, especially for young educated people. Its development should be more based on the development of tourism and strive to improve the quality of life , so that the population remained in the city


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    Reputacija je neopipljiva imovina, odnosno imovina nemjerljive vrijednosti, koja predstavlja značajan dio vrijednosti poduzeća. Ona označava kako su poduzeća, javne institucije ili slične organizacije percipirane od strane dionika na koje se organizacija oslanja za ostvarivanje uspjeha. Javne institucije/poduzeća, odnosno javni sektor, posebno je izložen procjeni raznih dionika, obzirom na svoje specifičnosti. Prisutnost javnih subjekata na društvenim mrežama je od iznimne važnosti za njegov ugled, s obzirom na to da su društvene mreže dvosmjeran komunikacijski kanal koji pruža brzu interakciju sudionika, osjećaj pripadnosti i povezanosti s korisnicima te bi ih javni subjekti trebali vješto koristiti kao instrument kojim će izgraditi, održavati i sačuvati reputaciju kod korisnika. Ispitivanje je provedeno putem dva različita anketna upitnika, jedan za odabrane subjekte javnog sektora, a drugi za građane. U ovom diplomskom radu potvrđen je pozitivan utjecaj društvenih mreža na reputaciju javnog sektora u gradu Sinju.Reputation is an intangible asset, an asset of immaterial value, which represents a significant part of the value of an enterprise. It indicates that companies, public institutions or similar organizations are perceived by the participants that the organization relies to achieve success. Public institutions/enterprises, the public sector, are particularly exposed to various participants, given their specificity. The presence of public entities on social networks is of utmost importance for its reputation, given that social networks are a two-way communication channel that provides quick interaction of participants, feelings of belonging and connectivity with users, and public entities should be used skillfully as an instrument to build , maintain and preserve the reputation of users. The survey was conducted through two different questionnaire surveys, one for selected public sector entities and the other for citizens. This master's thesis has confirmed the positive influence of social networks on the reputation of the public sector in the city of Sinj


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    Svrha ovog rada je ukazati na trenutno stanje grada Sinja te mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja grada. Grad ima povoljan položaj, ugodnu klimu i obilje vode, što daje mogućnosti za veliki i bolji razvoj. Brojna zbivanja, poglavito Domovinski rat, usporila su razvoj i napredak grada, a veliki problem stvara i nedostatak radnih mjesta, posebno za mlade školovane ljude. Svoj razvoj treba što više temeljiti na razvoju turizma i nastojati poboljšati kvalitetu življenja, kako bi stanovništvo ostalo u gradu.The purpose of this paper is to show the current status of Sinj and the possibility of further development of the city. The city has a convenient location , comfortable climate and abundance of water , which gives the possibility for a large and increasing development. Numerous events , especially War , slowed the development and progress of the city and the big problem is a lack of jobs, especially for young educated people. Its development should be more based on the development of tourism and strive to improve the quality of life , so that the population remained in the city

    Regulation of substrate recognition by the anaphase promoting complex / cyclosome

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    Der Zellzyklus stellt einen praezise kontrollierten Ablauf von Ereignissen dar, welche in der Erzeugung von zwei identischen Tochterzellen gipfeln. Um eine ordnungsgemaeße Abfolge der notwendigen Ereignisse zu ermoeglichen produziert die Zelle regulatorische Protein, welche an bestimmten Kontrollpunkten das Fortschreiten des Zellzyklus verhinden. Sind alle Voraussetzungen fuer das Fortsetzen des Zellzyklus erfuellt, werden Polyubiquitinketten an die inhibitorischen Zellzyklusproteine geheftet, wodurch diese fuer die proteasomabhaengige Degradation freigeben werden. Der Anaphase-einleitende Komplex (APC/C) ist ein 1,5 MDa grosser Proteinkomplex bestehend aus ueber 12 unterscheidlichen Proteinuntereinheiten. Am Ende der Metaphase katalysiert der APC/C die Anheftung von Ubiquitinmolekuelketten an die zwei Zellzyklusregulatoren Secruin und CyclinB. Deren Degradation fuehrt zum Uebergang in die Anaphase, in der die zwei Schwesterchromatide auf die zukuenftigen Tochterzellen aufgeteilt werden. Um eine einwandfreie Aufteilung zu ermoeglichen, muss zuerst eine bidirektionale Anheftung beider Schwesterchromatide an den Spindelapparat sichergestellt sein, bevor der APC/C akitviert werden kann. Solange diese bidirektionale Orientierung nicht gewaehrleistet ist, wird der APC/C durch den Spindelassemblierungs-Kontrollpunkt (SAC) in seiner Funktion gehemmt. Manche Zellzyklusregulatoren enthalten bestimmte Sequenzmotife, sogenannte Degradationsmotife, welche diese Proteine als Substrate fuer die APC/C-abhaengige Ployubiquitinierungsreaktion kennzeichnen. Die gelaeufigsten Degradationsmotife sind die D-Box und die KEN-Box. Die Rekrutierung dieser Substrate an den APC/C sowie dessen katalytische Aktivierung wird durch sogenannte Koaktivatorproteine, Cdc20 oder Cdh1, sichergestellt. Diese Koaktivatoren besitzen eine WD40 Domaene, welche auch als Protein-Protein-Interaktionsdomaene bekannt ist. Ausserdem sind die C-Box im N-terminus sowie das C-terminale IR-Ende eine wichtige Voraussetzung fuer eine funktionelle Interaktion der Koaktivatoren mit dem APC/C. Mittels Koexpressionsstudien in Hefe- und Insektenzellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass APC/C-Modellsubstrate spezifisch an die WD40 Domaene von Cdh1 binden. Durch zahlreiche in vitro Experimente konnte weiterhin gezeitg werden, dass die C-Box eine wichtige Voraussetzung fuer eine effiziente Rekrutierung dieser Cdh1-Substrat-Komplexe an den APC/C darstellt. Cdh1 C-Box Mutanten haben ausserdem negative Auswirkung auf in vitro Ubiquitinierungsreaktionen im Vergleich zu wildtyp Cdh1. Ergebnisse aus elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnhamen unterschiedlicher APC/C-Komplexe und anschließender 3D Modellierung weisen darauf hin, dass sich die Bindestelle des mitotisches Kontrollkomplexes (MCC) am APC/C teilweise mit der der Koaktivatoren ueberschneidet. MCC-gebundener APC/C ist stark inhibiert in seiner Faehigkeit, Substrate in vitro zu binden. Diese Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass der mitotische Kontrollomplex die Substratbindestelle am APC/C physikalisch blockiert.The cell cycle is a highly ordered and coordinated sequence of events which results in two daughter cells emerging from one mother cell. To properly carry out the cell cycle program the cell produces regulatory proteins that inhibit the progression to the next stage if they are not destroyed. The degradation of mitotic regulators depends on the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The Anaphase Promoting Complex/ Cyclosome (APC/C) is a 1.5 MDa ubiquitin ligase complex composed of at least a dozen subunits. The APC/C ubiquitylates its specific substrates with the help of the activator proteins, Cdc20 and Cdh1, and thereby targets substrates for proteasomal destruction. Strict regulation of APC/C activity is essential for faithful chromosome segregation and timely mitotic exit. The most prominent mechanism of APC/C control at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition is the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). The SAC inhibits APC/C until every single chromatid pair has been attached to the mitotic spindle and bi-oriented. The aim of this project was to understand how substrates are recruited to APC/C and if substrate recruitment is controlled by the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). All APC/C substrates contain one or more degradation motifs, the most common are the D-box and the KEN box, which specifically target them to the APC/C and its activator proteins. Substrate recruitment to the APC/C, as well as activation of the APC/C in the ubiquitylation reaction, depends on activators, Cdc20 and Cdh1. APC/C activators contain several conserved motifs, the most prominent one is the WD40 propeller domain, present in a variety of proteins and implicated in protein-protein interactions. By co-expression experiments in yeast and insect cells I could show that a WD40 domain of Cdh1 is sufficient to bind an APC/C substrate in a D box and KEN box dependent manner. Anchoring of activators to the APC/C is mediated by their carboxy-terminal IR tail. Efficient binding of activators to APC/C also depends on another conserved activator sequence, called the C-box. Through a set of in vitro protein binding experiments I could show that the C-box is, in addition, also necessary to recruit substrates efficiently to APC/C-activator complexes. I could further show that restoring APC/C binding to wild type levels did not restore the activator function of C-box mutant Cdh1 in an in vitro ubiquitylation reaction. To understand how the SAC inhibits the APC/C we used single-particle electron microscopy to obtain three dimensional models of human APC/C in various functional states: bound to a Mitotic Checkpoint Complex (MCC), to Cdc20, or to neither (apo-APC/C). These experiments revealed that the MCC binding site on APC/C partially overlaps with Cdc20 binding site, which suggested that the MCC might physically prevent substrate binding to the APC/C. To test this prediction I performed in vitro substrate binding assays which showed that substrate binding to APC/CMCC is strongly reduced


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    Reputacija je neopipljiva imovina, odnosno imovina nemjerljive vrijednosti, koja predstavlja značajan dio vrijednosti poduzeća. Ona označava kako su poduzeća, javne institucije ili slične organizacije percipirane od strane dionika na koje se organizacija oslanja za ostvarivanje uspjeha. Javne institucije/poduzeća, odnosno javni sektor, posebno je izložen procjeni raznih dionika, obzirom na svoje specifičnosti. Prisutnost javnih subjekata na društvenim mrežama je od iznimne važnosti za njegov ugled, s obzirom na to da su društvene mreže dvosmjeran komunikacijski kanal koji pruža brzu interakciju sudionika, osjećaj pripadnosti i povezanosti s korisnicima te bi ih javni subjekti trebali vješto koristiti kao instrument kojim će izgraditi, održavati i sačuvati reputaciju kod korisnika. Ispitivanje je provedeno putem dva različita anketna upitnika, jedan za odabrane subjekte javnog sektora, a drugi za građane. U ovom diplomskom radu potvrđen je pozitivan utjecaj društvenih mreža na reputaciju javnog sektora u gradu Sinju.Reputation is an intangible asset, an asset of immaterial value, which represents a significant part of the value of an enterprise. It indicates that companies, public institutions or similar organizations are perceived by the participants that the organization relies to achieve success. Public institutions/enterprises, the public sector, are particularly exposed to various participants, given their specificity. The presence of public entities on social networks is of utmost importance for its reputation, given that social networks are a two-way communication channel that provides quick interaction of participants, feelings of belonging and connectivity with users, and public entities should be used skillfully as an instrument to build , maintain and preserve the reputation of users. The survey was conducted through two different questionnaire surveys, one for selected public sector entities and the other for citizens. This master's thesis has confirmed the positive influence of social networks on the reputation of the public sector in the city of Sinj


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    U radu se prikazuju načela djelovanja Ujedinjenih naroda i nastanak Poveljom nepredviđenih mehanizama – mirovnih operacija. Posebno se razmatraju njihove posebnosti i etapni razvoj. Područje jugoistočne Europe različito se zemljopisno, povijesno i geostrateški omeđuje, ali je u ovome članku zaokruženo na područje bivše Jugoslavije. U radu se analiziraju mehanizmi i problemi pokretanja mirovnih operacija i kriteriji prema kojima se ocjenjuje njihova uspješnost. Također se ističu problemi zakašnjele percepcije sukoba u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Ovdje se također pokušava doći do odgovora na pitanje je li tradicionalno očuvanje mira bilo dio odabira pogrješne strategije uključivanja UN-a.The paper shows principle of the United Nations activities and establishment of mechanisms unforeseen by the Charter – peacekeeping operations. Their particularities and stage development are especially analyzed. Area of South-East Europe is geographically, historically and geostrategically bordered in different ways, but in this paper it is limited to area of former Yugoslavia. The paper analyzes mechanisms and problems of initiating peacekeeping operations and criteria in accordance to which their successfulness is rated. Problems of late perception of conflicts in former Yugoslavia are also pointed out. It has been also tried to find the answer if the traditional peacekeeping was a part of choosing the wrong strategy of UN involvement


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    Zadatak rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske parametre meda od vriska (Satureja montana L.) proizvedenog u jadranskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. Uzorci meda prikupljeni su kroz nekoliko proizvodnih sezona, a uzorcima su određeni sljedeći fizikalno-kemijski parametri: udio vode, električna provodnost, pH vrijednost, slobodna kiselost, udio ugljikohidrata, aktivnost dijastaze i udio HMF-a. Rezultati električne provodnosti (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), slobodne kiselosti (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) i aktivnosti dijastaze (16.3 - 45.8) kretali su se u velikom rasponu. Fruktoza/glukoza i glukoza/voda odnosi upućuju na umjerenu brzinu kristalizacije meda od vriska.The aim of this work was to determine physicochemical parameters of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) honey produced in the Adriatic part of Croatia. Honey samples were collected from several production seasons and following physicochemical parameters were determined: water content, electrical conductivity, pH value, free acidity, sugar content, diastase activity and HMF content. The results of electrical conductivity (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), free acidity (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) and diastase activity (16.3 - 45.8) varied in a wide range. Fructose/glucose and glucose/water ratios indicate moderate crystallisation rate of the honey


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    Odnosi s javnošću su od jednoga od svojih utemeljitelja Edwarda Bernaysa naslijedili metode i tehnike koje su bile primjerene epohi nastanka, ali nisu bile prihvatljive s aspekta etike. U radu se analizira pristup spomenutoga utemeljitelja i procjenjuje njegov utjecaj na suvremene odnose s javnošću. U fokusu analize je Bernaysovo spominjanje etike, prakticiranje manipulacije i propagande, teorije zagovaranja i anticipiranje važnosti društvene odgovornosti. U radu se uspoređuju hijerarhija vrijednosti i naglašavanje načela kod Bernaysa i u suvremenome konceptu odnosa s javnošću


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    Odnosi s javnošću su od jednoga od svojih utemeljitelja Edwarda Bernaysa naslijedili metode i tehnike koje su bile primjerene epohi nastanka, ali nisu bile prihvatljive s aspekta etike. U radu se analizira pristup spomenutoga utemeljitelja i procjenjuje njegov utjecaj na suvremene odnose s javnošću. U fokusu analize je Bernaysovo spominjanje etike, prakticiranje manipulacije i propagande, teorije zagovaranja i anticipiranje važnosti društvene odgovornosti. U radu se uspoređuju hijerarhija vrijednosti i naglašavanje načela kod Bernaysa i u suvremenome konceptu odnosa s javnošću.From one of its founders, Edward Bernays, public relations inherited methods and techniques that were appropriate for the era of its creation, but were not acceptable from the point of view of ethics. The paper analyzes the approach of the mentioned founder and evaluates his influence on contemporary public relations. The focus of the analysis is Bernays’ mention of ethics, the practice of manipulation and propaganda, the theory of advocacy and the anticipation of the importance of social responsibility. The paper compares the hierarchy of values and emphasis on principles in Bernays and in the modern concept of public relations