97 research outputs found

    Computer terminology in the Arabic language

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    Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je kompjuterska terminologija u arapskom jeziku. Terminologija je analizirana iz više uglova, a sam rad je podeljen na četiri tematske celine. Prva celina obuhvata uvodna opšta teorijska razmatranja u vezi sa terminologijom, pregled najvažnijih terminoloških škola i njihovih učenja, pregled institucija koje se bave terminologijom u arapskom svetu i van njega, zatim prikaz dosadašnjih terminoloških aktivnosti u arapskom svetu i postupaka tvorbe termina kojima se arapske jezičke institucije služe. Pored toga, ukratko je predstavljena istorija kompjutera, kao i problemi koji su proistekli iz usklađivanja ove tehnologije sa arapskim jezikom i pismom. U drugoj celini se analizira korpus kompjuterskih termina u arapskom jeziku. Opisani su načini njihove tvorbe, a zatim su termini detaljno razmotreni sa formalnog, semantičkog, pragmatičkog i sociolingvističkog aspekta. Sistematizacija prikupljene građe vršena je po različitim kriterijumima adekvatnosti termina – terminološka sinonimija tj. dubletnost, polisemija i stilska neutralnost, jezička ekonomičnost, internacionalna prepoznatljivost, uklopljivost u sistem arapskog jezika, derivacioni potencijal i motivisanost. Kod proučavanja kompjuterskih anglicizama, posebna pažnja posvećena je njihovoj grafološkoj, fonološkoj, fonotaktičkoj i morfološkoj adaptaciji, kao i određivanju statusa ovog terminološkog sloja u standardnom arapskom jeziku. Treći deo disertacije bavi se terminima u tekstu i diskursu. Terminološki inventar se analizira u različitim formalnim i neformalnim situacijama. Pored opisa upotrebe kalkova i adaptiranih anglicizama, ovde se skreće pažnja i na prebacivanje koda. Pored toga, analiziraju se i određene regionalne razlike u upotrebi termina. Četvrti deo rada bavi se čuvanjem terminoloških podataka i njihovim širenjem pomoću terminoloških banaka, rečnikâ i sličnih publikacija. Analizira se prisutnost i dostupnost kompjuterske leksike u ovim izvorima. Pored toga, sačinjen je i rečnik od oko hiljadu frekventnih kompjuterskih termina, čija je upotreba potvrđena u praksi, i izvršeno poređenje ovog rečnika sa inventarom zvaničnih rečnika i banaka termina. Kroz analizu korpusa kompjuterske terminologije iz različitih perspektiva, pokazano je da se arapska kompjuterska terminologija sastoji od velikog broja kalkova i manjeg broja anglicizama. Isto tako, ukazano je i na to da veliki broj termina ima dubletne oblike, što je najveći nedostatak ovog termino-sistema. Glavna razlika između formalne i neformalne komunikacije je ta što se u ovoj drugoj koristi veliki broj engleskih termina, kao posledica prebacivanja koda. Terminologija koja se koristi u praksi se razlikuje od one koju propisuju rečnici ili banke termina, predstavnici izrazitog jezičkog purizma.The subject of this doctoral dissertation is computer terminology in the Arabic language. The terminology is analyzed using several perspectives, which are divided into four thematic sections. The first section includes an introduction on general theory of terminology, an overview of the most important terminology schools and their views, a portrait of institutions dealing with terminology in the Arab world and beyond, a description of the latest terminological activities in the Arab world and the processes of term formation used by Arabic language institutions. Additionally, a brief history of computers is presented, as well as problems related to the adjustment of this technology to the Arabic language and its script. In the second section, a corpus of computer terms in Arabic is examined. A description of their coinage is given, and they are thoroughly discussed from formal, semantic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic standpoints. The systematization of collected material is conducted on the basis of different term adequacy criteria – synonymous terms or doublets, polysemy and stylistic neutrality, economy principle in a language, international terms, term adaptation into the system of Arabic, derivation potential and transparency. When studying computer Anglicisms, special attention was paid to their graphological, phonological, phonotactical and morphological adaptation, as well as determining the status of this vocabulary in Standard Arabic. The third section of the dissertation deals with the terms in text and discourse. An inventory of terms is analyzed in various formal and informal situations. Apart from describing the use of calques and adapted Anglicisms, attention is paid to code-switching. Additionally, an analysis of some regional differences in term usage is presented. The fourth section deals with terminology data storage and its dissemination through terminology data banks, dictionaries and similar publications. The presence and availability of computer-related vocabulary in these sources is analyzed. Moreover, a dictionary of about a thousand frequently used computer terms is made. The comparison is made between this dictionary and the inventory of official dictionaries and term banks. Through the corpus-based analysis of computer terms from different perspectives, it is shown that Arabic computer terminology consists of a large number of calques and some Anglicisms. Also, it is pointed out that a large number of terms has doublets, which is the main disadvantage of this terminology. The main difference between formal and informal communication is that the latter includes a large number of English terms, as a result of code-switching. The terms used in practice are different from those prescribed by dictionaries and terminology banks, which represent an extreme linguistic purism

    Aortic calcification: A postmortem CT validation study in a middle-aged population

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    Background: Computed tomography (CT)-detected aortic calcification is strongly associated with aortic stiffness and is an accurate predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality and cognitive decline. Some previous pathologic studies have shown calcium accumulation in the medial layer of the vessel wall, while others have suggested localisation in the atherosclerotic intimal layer. Objectives: The aim of this study was to histologically validate CT findings of aortic calcification for detectability and location in the aortic wall. Methods: We acquired postmortem CT images and collected 170 aortic tissue samples from five different locations in the thoracic and abdominal aorta of 40 individuals who underwent autopsy. Microscopic slides were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and elastic van Gieson stain. Calcified lesions were characterised and calcifications were manually annotated in the intima and media. The presence and morphology of calcifications were scored on CT images. Results: The mean age of the autopsied individuals was 63 years, and 28 % died of cardiovascular disease. Calcifications were present in 74/170 (44 %) samples. Calcification was more common in the abdominal aorta than in the thoracic aorta. In all samples with calcifications, 99 % were located in the intimal layer. Only 16/170 samples had a small amount of medial arterial calcification. The histological results showed an 85 % concordance for the presence or absence of CT calcifications. There was complete inter-method agreement for annularity of calcifications in 68 % of the samples (linear weighted kappa 0.68 (95 %CI 0.60–0.77). Conclusions: Aortic calcifications visible on CT are located in the intimal layer of the abdominal aorta wall, at least in aortas that are not aneurysmatic or dissected. The presence and annularity of these calcifications can be reliably determined by CT

    Low-Dimensional Magnetism in Multivariate Copper/Zinc MOF-74 Materials Formed via Different Mechanochemical Methods

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    MOF-74 is an archetypal magnetic metal−organic framework (MOF) family, with metal nodes bridged by 2, 5-dioxido-1, 4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H4dobdc) and arranged into one of the simplest representations of the 1D Ising magnetic model. Recently, a novel mechano-synthetic approach opened a pathway toward a series of bimetallic multivariate (1:1) M1M2-MOF-74 materials, with the uniform distribution of metal cations in the oxometallic chains, offering a unique opportunity to investigate low-dimensional magnetism in these heterometallic MOFs. We explore here how different mechanochemical procedures affect the interaction between the metal nodes of the model system of three multivariate copper(II)/zinc(II)-MOF-74 materials, two of which were obtained through a template-controlled procedure, and the third one was obtained by recently developed mechanical MOF-alloying combined with subsequent accelerated aging. While the three Cu/Zn-MOF-74 products have almost identical powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) diffractograms and Fourier transform infrared spectra, they differ significantly in their magnetic properties, as revealed through detailed magnetization and X-band and multifrequency high-field electron spin resonance measurements. The magnetic results of the three multivariate Cu/Zn-MOF-74s were compared to the properties of the monometallic Cu-MOF-74, which shows antiferromagnetic intrachain and weaker ferromagnetic interchain interactions. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy/scanning electron microscopy and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy helped rationalize the observed differences in magnetization, and in situ synchrotron PXRD monitoring of template-controlled MOF formation revealed different reaction pathways when using the zinc or copper intermediates, involving even the fleeting occurrence of a rare MOF-74 polymorph

    Prognostic value of heart valve calcifications for cardiovascular events in a lung cancer screening population

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    To assess the prognostic value of aortic valve and mitral valve/annulus calcifications for cardiovascular events in heavily smoking men without a history of cardiovascular disease. Heavily smoking men without a cardiovascular disease history who underwent non-contrast-enhanced low-radiation-dose chest CT for lung cancer screening were included. Non-imaging predictors (age, smoking status and pack-years) were collected and imaging-predictors (calcium volume of the coronary arteries, aorta, aortic valve and mitral valve/annulus) were obtained. The outcome was the occurrence of cardiovascular events. Multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression was used to calculate hazard-ratios (HRs) with 95 % confidence interval (CI). Subsequently, concordance-statistics were calculated. In total 3111 individuals were included, of whom 186 (6.0 %) developed a cardiovascular event during a follow-up of 2.9 (Q1–Q3, 2.7–3.3) years. If aortic (n = 657) or mitral (n = 85) annulus/valve calcifications were present, cardiovascular event incidence increased to 9.0 % (n = 59) or 12.9 % (n = 11), respectively. HRs of aortic and mitral valve/annulus calcium volume for cardiovascular events were 1.46 (95 % CI, 1.09–1.84) and 2.74 (95 % CI, 0.92–4.56) per 500 mm3. The c-statistic of a basic model including age, pack-years, current smoking status, coronary and aorta calcium volume was 0.68 (95 % CI, 0.63–0.72), which did not change after adding heart valve calcium volume. Aortic valve calcifications are predictors of future cardiovascular events. However, there was no added prognostic value beyond age, number of pack-years, current smoking status, coronary and aorta calcium volume for short term cardiovascular events

    Amplification and sequencing of entire tick mitochondrial genomes for a phylogenomic analysis

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    The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has proven to be important for the taxonomy, systematics, and population genetics of ticks. However, current methods to generate mitogenomes can be costprohibitive at scale. To address this issue, we developed a cost-effective approach to amplify and sequence the whole mitogenome of individual tick specimens. Using two different primer sites, this approach generated two full-length mitogenome amplicons that were sequenced using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ Mk1B sequencer. We used this approach to generate 85 individual tick mitogenomes from samples comprised of the three tick families, 11 genera, and 57 species. Twentysix of these species did not have a complete mitogenome available on GenBank prior to this work. We benchmarked the accuracy of this approach using a subset of samples that had been previously sequenced by low-coverage Illumina genome skimming. We found our assemblies were comparable or exceeded the Illumina method, achieving a median sequence concordance of 99.98%. We further analyzed our mitogenome dataset in a mitophylogenomic analysis in the context of all three tick families. We were able to sequence 72 samples in one run and achieved a cost/sample of ~ $10 USD. This cost-effective strategy is applicable for sample identification, taxonomy, systematics, and population genetics for not only ticks but likely other metazoans; thus, making mitogenome sequencing equitable for the wider scientific community.NIH Grants and the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellow.http://www.nature.com/scientificreportsam2023Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Reproductive phenology, interclutch intervals, and among-year clutch frequency of two freshwater turtles inhabiting an urban spring system

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    We combined three separate sequential annual data sets (2008–2010) to document general phenology of nesting seasons, reproductive frequency, and interclutch intervals (ICIs) of female Pseudemys texana (Texas River Cooter) and Trachemys scripta (Red-eared Sliders) occupying a spring system in Hays, County, Texas. Detection of gravid females was done through frequent monitoring of nesting areas over three entire nesting seasons. Of the 108 Pseudemys texana that nested in the first year, 54 (50%) also nested in two subsequent years. Of the 65 Trachemys scripta that nested in the first year, only 13 (20%) nested in all three years. Percent of females that nested only in the first year was 10% and 19% for P. texana and T. scripta, respectively. Individuals that nested only once in a season, did so over all days in a season. Multiple clutching within a season was observed for both species. Within year ICIs of females was approximately 30 days for both species and only about 30% of both species nested.

    Comparison of hoop-net trapping and visual surveys to monitor abundance of the Rio Grande cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)

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    Abundance estimates play an important part in the regulatory and conservation decision-making process. It is important to correct monitoring data for imperfect detection when using these data to track spatial and temporal variation in abundance, especially in the case of rare and elusive species. This paper presents the first attempt to estimate abundance of the Rio Grande cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) while explicitly considering the detection process. Specifically, in 2016 we monitored this rare species at two sites along the Black River, New Mexico via traditional baited hoop-net traps and less invasive visual surveys to evaluate the efficacy of these two sampling designs. We fitted the Huggins closed-capture estimator to estimate capture probabilities using the trap data and distance sampling models to estimate detection probabilities using the visual survey data. We found that only the visual survey with the highest number of observed turtles resulted in similar abundance estimates to those estimated using the trap data. However, the estimates of abundance from the remaining visual survey data were highly variable and often underestimated abundance relative to the estimates from the trap data. We suspect this pattern is related to changes in the basking behavior of the species and, thus, the availability of turtles to be detected even though all visual surveys were conducted when environmental conditions were similar. Regardless, we found that riverine habitat conditions limited our ability to properly conduct visual surveys at one site. Collectively, this suggests visual surveys may not be an effective sample design for this species in this river system. When analyzing the trap data, we found capture probabilities to be highly variable across sites and between age classes and that recapture probabilities were much lower than initial capture probabilities, highlighting the importance of accounting for detectability when monitoring this species. Although baited hoop-net traps seem to be an effective sampling design, it is important to note that this method required a relatively high trap effort to reliably estimate abundance. This information will be useful when developing a larger-scale, long-term monitoring program for this species of concern