14 research outputs found


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    Background: Perseverance in applying the therapy is an important determinant of its success, but evaluation of perseverance is extremely complex, and therefore, alternative method of processing the results by the Culig′s questionnaire of perseverance is presented. Subjects and method: Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on a sample of 225 examinees have been calculated and the factor structure of indicators that make up the scale is presented. Results: Psychometric properties calculated in an alternative way are significantly better than the original, especially when it comes to reliability and representativeness of the questionnaire. Conclusion: This method of data analysis raises the possibility of multivariate data processing on the Culig′s questionnaire, which is important for further research


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    Motar (Crithmum maritimum L.) je višegodišnja halofitna biljka koja u Hrvatskoj raste duž cijele Jadranske obale. Biljka je poznata od davnina, te se listovi konzumiraju kao hrana i začin, dok se u narodnoj medicini koristi kao lijek. Zbog brojnih biološki aktivnih tvari zastupljenih u cijeloj biljci provedena su razna istraživanja u svrhu stjecanja novih znanja i boljeg iskorištenja same biljke. Tako je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati kemijski sastav i antioksidacijsku aktivnost motra te usporediti razlike između ekstrakta cvijeta i ekstrakta lista. Uzorci su prikupljeni na tri različite lokacije: otoku Pagu, otoku Korčuli, te u Cavtatu. Biljnim ekstraktima određen je udio ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, dok je koncentracija klorogenske kiseline određena korištenjem visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije (engl. High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC). Za određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti korištene su tri metode: određivanje antioksidacijske snage redukcije željeza (engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power, FRAP), metoda redukcije 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikala (engl. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) i ispitivanje kapaciteta apsorpcije kisikovih radikala (engl. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC). Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako ekstrakti lista i cvijeta motra imaju visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida te klorogenske kiseline. Osim visokog udjela fenolnih komponenta ekstrakti su pokazali i jako dobru antioksidacijsku aktivnost određenu svim metodama. U radu je uočen i utjecaj lokacije branja motra, pa tako uzorci s lokacije Korčula imaju najviši udio fenolnih komponenta i najbolju antioksidacijsku aktivnost, dok su najlošiji rezultati zabilježeni za uzorke s lokacije Pag. Osim toga, ekstrakti cvijeta motra pokazali su bolje rezultate od ekstrakta lista, što ukazuje na izuzetan potencijal ove biljke koji je još uvijek nedovoljno istražen i neiskorišten.Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is a perennial halophytic plant that grows along the entire Adriatic coast in Croatia. The plant has been known since ancient times and the leaves are consumed as food and spice, while in folk medicine it is used as a medicine. Due to the numerous biologically active substances present throughout the plant, various researches have been carried out in order to gain new knowledge and make better use of the plant itself. The aim of this work was therefore to investigate the chemical composition and antioxidant activity in order to compare the differences between the flower and leaf extracts. Samples were collected from three different locations: on the island of Pag, on the island of Korčula and in Cavtat. The plant extracts were used to determine the content of total phenols and flavonoids, while the concetration of chlorogenic acid was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three methods are used to determine antioxidant activity: ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), the method of reduction of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the extracts of sea fennel leaves and flowers have a high content of total phenols, flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. Besides the high content of phenolic components, the extracts also showed very good antioxidant activity, which was determined by all methods. In the study, the influence of the location of harvesting of the sea fennel was also observed, so that the samples from Korčula showed the highest content of phenolic components and the best antioxidant activity, while the samples from Pag showed the lowest results. In addition, the extracts from the flowers of sea fennel showed better results than the leaf extracts, indicating the extraordinary potential of this plant, which has not yet been sufficiently researched and exploited


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    Motar (Crithmum maritimum L.) je višegodišnja halofitna biljka koja u Hrvatskoj raste duž cijele Jadranske obale. Biljka je poznata od davnina, te se listovi konzumiraju kao hrana i začin, dok se u narodnoj medicini koristi kao lijek. Zbog brojnih biološki aktivnih tvari zastupljenih u cijeloj biljci provedena su razna istraživanja u svrhu stjecanja novih znanja i boljeg iskorištenja same biljke. Tako je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati kemijski sastav i antioksidacijsku aktivnost motra te usporediti razlike između ekstrakta cvijeta i ekstrakta lista. Uzorci su prikupljeni na tri različite lokacije: otoku Pagu, otoku Korčuli, te u Cavtatu. Biljnim ekstraktima određen je udio ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, dok je koncentracija klorogenske kiseline određena korištenjem visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije (engl. High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC). Za određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti korištene su tri metode: određivanje antioksidacijske snage redukcije željeza (engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power, FRAP), metoda redukcije 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikala (engl. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) i ispitivanje kapaciteta apsorpcije kisikovih radikala (engl. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC). Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako ekstrakti lista i cvijeta motra imaju visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida te klorogenske kiseline. Osim visokog udjela fenolnih komponenta ekstrakti su pokazali i jako dobru antioksidacijsku aktivnost određenu svim metodama. U radu je uočen i utjecaj lokacije branja motra, pa tako uzorci s lokacije Korčula imaju najviši udio fenolnih komponenta i najbolju antioksidacijsku aktivnost, dok su najlošiji rezultati zabilježeni za uzorke s lokacije Pag. Osim toga, ekstrakti cvijeta motra pokazali su bolje rezultate od ekstrakta lista, što ukazuje na izuzetan potencijal ove biljke koji je još uvijek nedovoljno istražen i neiskorišten.Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is a perennial halophytic plant that grows along the entire Adriatic coast in Croatia. The plant has been known since ancient times and the leaves are consumed as food and spice, while in folk medicine it is used as a medicine. Due to the numerous biologically active substances present throughout the plant, various researches have been carried out in order to gain new knowledge and make better use of the plant itself. The aim of this work was therefore to investigate the chemical composition and antioxidant activity in order to compare the differences between the flower and leaf extracts. Samples were collected from three different locations: on the island of Pag, on the island of Korčula and in Cavtat. The plant extracts were used to determine the content of total phenols and flavonoids, while the concetration of chlorogenic acid was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three methods are used to determine antioxidant activity: ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), the method of reduction of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the extracts of sea fennel leaves and flowers have a high content of total phenols, flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. Besides the high content of phenolic components, the extracts also showed very good antioxidant activity, which was determined by all methods. In the study, the influence of the location of harvesting of the sea fennel was also observed, so that the samples from Korčula showed the highest content of phenolic components and the best antioxidant activity, while the samples from Pag showed the lowest results. In addition, the extracts from the flowers of sea fennel showed better results than the leaf extracts, indicating the extraordinary potential of this plant, which has not yet been sufficiently researched and exploited


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    Motar (Crithmum maritimum L.) je višegodišnja halofitna biljka koja u Hrvatskoj raste duž cijele Jadranske obale. Biljka je poznata od davnina, te se listovi konzumiraju kao hrana i začin, dok se u narodnoj medicini koristi kao lijek. Zbog brojnih biološki aktivnih tvari zastupljenih u cijeloj biljci provedena su razna istraživanja u svrhu stjecanja novih znanja i boljeg iskorištenja same biljke. Tako je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati kemijski sastav i antioksidacijsku aktivnost motra te usporediti razlike između ekstrakta cvijeta i ekstrakta lista. Uzorci su prikupljeni na tri različite lokacije: otoku Pagu, otoku Korčuli, te u Cavtatu. Biljnim ekstraktima određen je udio ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, dok je koncentracija klorogenske kiseline određena korištenjem visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije (engl. High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC). Za određivanje antioksidacijske aktivnosti korištene su tri metode: određivanje antioksidacijske snage redukcije željeza (engl. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power, FRAP), metoda redukcije 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikala (engl. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) i ispitivanje kapaciteta apsorpcije kisikovih radikala (engl. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, ORAC). Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako ekstrakti lista i cvijeta motra imaju visok sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida te klorogenske kiseline. Osim visokog udjela fenolnih komponenta ekstrakti su pokazali i jako dobru antioksidacijsku aktivnost određenu svim metodama. U radu je uočen i utjecaj lokacije branja motra, pa tako uzorci s lokacije Korčula imaju najviši udio fenolnih komponenta i najbolju antioksidacijsku aktivnost, dok su najlošiji rezultati zabilježeni za uzorke s lokacije Pag. Osim toga, ekstrakti cvijeta motra pokazali su bolje rezultate od ekstrakta lista, što ukazuje na izuzetan potencijal ove biljke koji je još uvijek nedovoljno istražen i neiskorišten.Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is a perennial halophytic plant that grows along the entire Adriatic coast in Croatia. The plant has been known since ancient times and the leaves are consumed as food and spice, while in folk medicine it is used as a medicine. Due to the numerous biologically active substances present throughout the plant, various researches have been carried out in order to gain new knowledge and make better use of the plant itself. The aim of this work was therefore to investigate the chemical composition and antioxidant activity in order to compare the differences between the flower and leaf extracts. Samples were collected from three different locations: on the island of Pag, on the island of Korčula and in Cavtat. The plant extracts were used to determine the content of total phenols and flavonoids, while the concetration of chlorogenic acid was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three methods are used to determine antioxidant activity: ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), the method of reduction of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the extracts of sea fennel leaves and flowers have a high content of total phenols, flavonoids and chlorogenic acid. Besides the high content of phenolic components, the extracts also showed very good antioxidant activity, which was determined by all methods. In the study, the influence of the location of harvesting of the sea fennel was also observed, so that the samples from Korčula showed the highest content of phenolic components and the best antioxidant activity, while the samples from Pag showed the lowest results. In addition, the extracts from the flowers of sea fennel showed better results than the leaf extracts, indicating the extraordinary potential of this plant, which has not yet been sufficiently researched and exploited

    Production of fruit spirits and liqueurs : bachelor thesis

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    Voćne rakije su jedno od najraširenijih alkoholnih pića. Mogu se proizvesti od raznog voća, a tehnološki procesi koji ukljuĉuju postupak proizvodnje voćnih rakija su priprema sirovine, fermentacija i destilacija. Likeri su takoĊer jaka alkoholna pića koja se ovisno o tehnološkom postupku i vrsti sirovine dijele u više skupina, od kojih su jedna voćni likeri. Za proizvodnju likera je potreban voćni destilat u koji se potapa voće (maceracija) kako bi se liker aromatizirao. Cilj ovog rada bio je detaljno opisati sve jediniĉne procese tokom postupka proizvodnje voćnih likera, navesti potencijalne probleme koji se mogu javiti kao i moguća rješenja istih. Kako bi proizvod bio pogodan za tržište moraju se ispoštovati propisane zakonske norme, pa je rad popraćen i odreĊenim pravilnicima.Fruit spirits are one of the most widespread strong alcoholic drinks. They can be produced from various fruits, and the technological processes are preparation of raw materials, fermentation and distillation. Liqueurs are also strong alcoholic drinks that can be divided into several groups depending on the technological production process and the type of raw materials. One of them are fruit liqueurs that can be produced from different types of fruit. For the production of fruit liqueurs, fruits are macerated in fruit distillate in order to get the final liqueur aroma. The aim of this work was to describe in detail unit operations in the fruit liqueur production, to list potential problems that may arise and their possible solutions. In order to make product suitable for the market, the prescribed norms for that type of product must be respected, so the work is accompanied by certain laws and regulations


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    Background: Perseverance in applying the therapy is an important determinant of its success, but evaluation of perseverance is extremely complex, and therefore, alternative method of processing the results by the Culig′s questionnaire of perseverance is presented. Subjects and method: Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on a sample of 225 examinees have been calculated and the factor structure of indicators that make up the scale is presented. Results: Psychometric properties calculated in an alternative way are significantly better than the original, especially when it comes to reliability and representativeness of the questionnaire. Conclusion: This method of data analysis raises the possibility of multivariate data processing on the Culig′s questionnaire, which is important for further research


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    Background: There are only a few studies in patients with haemophilia (PWH) that examined both quality of life and depressive symptoms, with only few studies examining their association. Aim of this study was to examine the association between depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in PWH from Croatia and Slovenia. Subjects and methods: A total of 112 adult PWH on prophylactic (73%) or on-demand (27%) treatment were included in the study (median age 46 years, range 18-73 years). Depressive symptoms were assessed with BDI-II, HRQoL with SF-36v2, demographic and socioeconomic data were collected using a questionnaire, and clinical data were obtained from medical records. Results: All HRQoL scores were significantly negatively correlated with BDI-II in the -0.42 to -0.70 range (all p<0.05). Sociodemographic and clinical variables explained 28-51% of HRQoL variance scores. Depressive symptoms explained additional variance for six HRQoL domain scores, with incremental variance being larger for mental domain scores (ranging between 10- 27%), and for Mental Component Summary score (26%). Conclusions: This study’s findings support that having depressive symptoms is associated with HRQoL of PWH, more so in the mental health than in the physical health domains

    Understanding the concept of missed nursing care from a cross-cultural perspective

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    Aims: To investigate how nursing experts and experts from other health professions understand the concept of rationing/missed/unfinished nursing care and how this is compared at a cross-cultural level. Design: The mixed methods descriptive study. Methods: The semi-structured questionnaires were sent to the sample of 45 scholars and practitioners from 26 countries. Data were collected from November 2017–February 2018. Results: Assigning average cultural values to participants from each country revealed three cultural groups: high individualism-high masculinity, high individualism-low masculinity and low individualism-medium masculinity. Content analysis of the findings revealed three main themes, which were identified across cultural clusters: (a) projecting blame for the phenomenon: Blaming the nurse versus blaming the system; (b) intentionality versus unintentionality; and (c) focus on nurses in comparison to focus on patients. Conclusion: Consistent differences in the understanding of missed nursing care can be understood in line with the nation's standing on two main cultural values: individualism and masculinity. Impact: The findings call for scholars' caution in interpreting missed nursing care from different cultures, or in comparing levels and types of missed nursing tasks across nations. The findings further indicated that mimicking interventions to limit missed nursing care from one cultural context to the other might be ineffective. Interventions to mitigate the phenomenon should be implemented thoughtfully, considering the cultural aspects

    Advancing the science of unfinished nursing care: Exploring the benefits of cross‐disciplinary knowledge exchange, knowledge integration and transdisciplinarity

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    Aims The aims of this paper are to explore the role of cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange and integration in advancing the science of unfinished nursing care and to offer preliminary guidance for theory development activities for this growing international community of scholars. Background Unfinished nursing care, also known as missed care or rationed care is a highly prevalent problem with negative consequences for patients, nurses and healthcare organizations around the world. It presents as a 'wicked' sustainability problem resulting from structural obstacles to effective resource allocation that have been resistant to conventional solutions. Research activity related to this problem is on the rise internationally but is hindered by inconsistencies in conceptualizations of the problem and lack of robust theory development around the phenomenon. A unified conceptual framework is needed to focus scholarly activities and facilitate advancement of a robust science of unfinished nursing care. Design Discussion paper. Data Sources This discussion paper is based on our own experiences in international and interdisciplinary research partnerships related to unfinished nursing care. These experiences are placed in the context of both classic and current literature related to the evolution of scientific knowledge. Implications for Nursing The problem of unfinished nursing care crosses multiple scientific disciplines. It is imperative that the community of scholars interested in solving this wicked problem engage in meaningful cross-disciplinary knowledge integration and move towards transdisciplinarity. Conclusion Metatheorizing guided by structuration theory should be considered as a strategy to promote transdiciplinarity around the problem of unfinished nursing care